My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4134: Origin of demon, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After Li Changye received Chen Yang's finger, not only was he not injured, but he burst out with even more powerful power, and struck Chen Yang with a backhand palm. His palm power can easily smash a Death Star into pieces! Such a powerful lethal force hit Chen Yang, but Chen Yang was not injured, but became even more powerful.

Chen Yang's eyes flashed, and then he pointed out again!

The secret of a sword coming from the east!

This finger is the finger of calamity for the common people!

This is Chen Yang's new killer move after he has achieved great power. It contains all the divine power and laws of the universe in this finger.

Cang Sheng Jie's finger quickly pointed out, forming a sharp chaotic golden light, shooting towards Li Changye's eyebrows. Li Changye was startled, and his whole body quickly turned into a vortex of demon particles, absorbing the people's calamity fingers into it.

Chen Yang's finger has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth, but after the finger force enters the whirlpool of the demon particles, he feels the vastness of the world and the endless universe. Those demonic particles were like black holes, boundless and strangling them quickly. In a short time, all the calamities for the people will be resolved!

Chen Yang couldn't help but feel angry, and he also knew that it would not be easy to kill Li Changye today. At that moment, he was determined, and with a vertical movement, he entered the whirlpool of the demonic particles.

Li Changye was shocked. He didn't expect Chen Yang to be so bold and dare to enter his world of demons.

After Chen Yang entered the core of the Demon World, he discovered that these were countless Demon particles transformed from Li Changye's body. Li Changye was a general hub. This general hub was linked to the entire Demon World, urging more Demon particles to be transported out. Come and resonate!

Chen Yang was surrounded by demon particles. At a glance, the black particles were like a boundless sea, endless!

Those black demonic particles exploded crazily, strangling him quickly like tsunamis and flash floods. Along with the demonic particles are poisonous gas, miasma, and weird sonic killing!

Chen Yang shrunk in size, forming a golden chaotic vortex around him!

The Great Devouring Technique will be launched at this time.

The endless demonic particles strangled over and were quickly absorbed by the chaotic vortex.

Chen Yang quickly digested and suppressed those demonic particles inside the Great Devouring Technique. Once the demon particles are successfully purified, they will turn into pure energy.

Infinite pure energy surged towards Chen Yang. Chen Yang consumed energy to absorb the demon particles while absorbing pure energy to replenish his physical strength. In this way, not only will he not lack strength, but he will become stronger.

And Li Changye is in a state of consumption!

Although the entire fairy world is the power of the demon, he can infinitely absorb these powerful powers for his own use.

But this is just like a car that has a lot of oil to drive, but if you drive it for a long time, you will get tired.

Of course, the situation of Chen Yang and Li Changye is similar.

As the two continued to stalemate, what was consumed was not mana, but mental energy and blood.

What is consumed is the mind!

The two are always in a stalemate...

Taishang Daozu and others saw that the area of ​​the vortex of demon particles was about three hundred square meters. This vortex absorbed the energy of the surrounding demons.

In the center of the whirlpool of demonic particles, golden light always flashes.

The vortex of demonic particles exploded more and more, killing and crackling... but the golden light became even more dazzling.

Taishang Daozu and others knew that the two sides were still fighting fiercely.

They were all worried, fearing that Chen Yang would have an accident in front of them.

Ye Qingming and Nuwa Empress were the most nervous.

Xuan Zhenghao was also staring at the field...

Taishang Daozu couldn't help but said to Xuan Zhenghao: "Xuanhuang, do you think Chen Yang might win?"

Emperor Fuxi, Yuanshi Tianzun and others all looked at Xuan Zhenghao.

Ye Qingming couldn't help but look at Xuan Zhenghao subconsciously.

Xuan Zhenghao was calm and said: "Chen Yang will not be in any danger. His current ability is still higher than that of Tian Wudi. Before, we worked together to deal with Tian Wudi, but it was still difficult. Now Chen Yang's skill is better than that of Tian Wudi." Invincibility is much deeper, and Li Changye's power is not yet that of a saint, so he cannot effectively restrain Chen Yang!"

When everyone heard what he said, they breathed a sigh of relief!

After Chen Yang and Li Changye were in a stalemate for a while, Li Changye felt that it couldn't go on like this. He felt that he had been strangulating, but instead of weakening, the opponent's power was getting stronger and stronger. Naturally, it won’t work if one goes down and the other goes down.

Immediately, his body swayed, and he quickly converged all the demon particles and returned to his original state.

Chen Yang also immediately contained the chaotic vortex and appeared in front of Li Changye.

He had no unnecessary nonsense, the power in his body was majestic and powerful, so he condensed a Chaos Thunder Sword with one hand, and then slashed with one sword.

The sword edge is sharp, and the sword energy stretches across the nine heavens!

Li Changye quickly waved the spear of the undead, and the swords and spears intersected, neither giving in.

The demon vortex behind Li Changye came out again, quickly absorbing the demon's energy. He roared loudly and drove the spear of the undead to strike Chen Yang with lightning.

In an instant, the spear of the undead brought up thousands of cold shadows, like thousands of masters shooting out together, the spear shadows were crisscrossed, covering the sky and the sun!

At this moment, Chen Yang took a step back and shouted: "Great Chaos Thunder Sword!"

Now his Great Chaos Thunder Sword can be called the real Great Chaos Thunder Sword!

The thunder sword comes out...

The sword light flashed and cut through the nine heavens!

This terrifying sword light shot into the spear shadow and defeated all the spear shadows.

Then, Chen Yang shot out another big chaotic thunder sword!

Li Changye hurriedly used the spear of the undead to resist, and boom...

He was unable to withstand Chen Yang's Chaos Thunder Sword. His whole body felt like an electric shock, and the spear of the undead was knocked away.

Chen Yang didn't hold back and punched again.


This punch hit Li Changye's chest. Li Changye flew backwards and a big hole appeared in his chest. But it healed quickly...

Before Li Changye could land, Chen Yang jumped up, condensed the Great Chaos Thunder Sword in his hands, and struck at Li Changye from the waist!

Li Changye was hit by a sword, and his entire body turned into blue demon particles!

These demonic particles quickly condensed in the air, and soon returned to Li Changye's appearance.

"Chen Yang, that's enough!" Li Changye was so aggrieved by Chen Yang's beating that he couldn't help but roar at Chen Yang.

"Is it enough? No, far from enough!" Chen Yang sneered.

"You forced me!" Li Changye jumped into the air and shouted sternly: "I am the only one who can change the sky and the earth!" He quickly formed seals with his hands, and the whirlpool of the demon behind him actually turned into two black wings!

There is a faint blue light flashing on these two black wings...

Then, blue clouds appeared in the sky!

Blue light appeared in the blue clouds, and the blue light quickly enveloped Li Changye, as if there was endless blue energy rushing towards Li Changye's body.

Taishang Daozu and others were all surprised when they saw this.

Taishang Daozu paled slightly and said: "This is the original power of the demon!"

"The origin of the demon?" Nuwa, Xuan Zhenghao and others were also eclipsed.

They naturally know what the origin of the devil is...

Any force will have its original power, and the original power is also the original power.

It is the source of power!

In the world of demons, there will of course be the original power of demons.

In other words, the original power is a concentrated crystal. A drop of crystal can catalyze countless demon powers.

But if you want to use the original power of the demon, you have to pay an unusually high price.

Even if it is Li Changye, if he wants to use the power of the demon, he must activate his life power.

The origin of life is where the longevity of spirits lies. Lan Ziyi has the origin of life, and Li Changye himself is the consciousness body in the undead star stone, so he also has the origin of life.

To be precise, his is the power of the undead!

The black corpse also has the power of death!

Yuan Sheng had the source of vitality because he practiced the Heavenly Way of Life!

The origin is a magical existence!

After Yuan Sheng later merged with the Undead Star Stone, he also had the origin of life. However, he was sneak attacked by Ye Qingming, so before he could use it, his body collapsed.

As for humans, humans have no origin of life. But human beings have inner fire... At critical moments, they can still burn their inner fire and burst out with unparalleled power. But once the inner fire is ignited, it will not stop until death, which is more cruel than the original power of the spirit!

The blue demonic light was absorbed by Li Changye, and Li Changye's pair of black wings quickly turned into ice-blue armor, covering his whole body.

At this moment, Li Changye was wearing ice blue divine armor, majestic!

In the void, the demon particles are rolling, and among the demon particles, a faint blue light is looming, penetrating the entire world of demons.

"No, there is really no way to end it if this continues." Taishang Daozu couldn't help but worry.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Taozu, please be patient and don't be impatient!"

Taishang Taozu said: "Li Changye is already working hard, and Pindao is really worried about the safety of little friend Chen Yang!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let Chen Yang handle it, I believe he can do it."

Taishang Daozu saw that Xuan Zhenghao was so determined, so he could only hold back his temper at the moment.

Na Lone Moon stared at this ancient decisive battle, worried...

No matter what kind of ending, she is afraid of seeing it. She didn't want anything to happen to Li Changye, and she was even more afraid that Li Changye would kill Chen Yang. Because once Chen Yang is killed, there will be no room for change between the human race and Li Changye.

But at this time, she also knew that Li Changye couldn't hold back his hand, nor was he qualified to hold it back!

A whirlpool of ice blue particles formed behind Li Changye...

The whirlpool of ice blue particles frantically absorbs the surrounding demonic energy...

His aura became more and more powerful and terrifying... and an aura that would be extinct forever bloomed, making people shudder just by looking at him!

This seems to be Li Changye's true strength!

It was just that he had never been forced to do this before...

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