My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4079: castle town, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The saints led the masters of the human race to form a formation, forming a powerful divine power. But at this time, Yuan Sheng did not appear at all. The entire Holy City has become a large formation, and the saints' attacks don't know where to attack. This is the most frustrating thing.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun discussed with Emperor Fuxi and other saints. Then he decided to move outward, resisting the attack of golden particles while moving outward. It's really unwise to stand here and get beaten in vain.

So, they quickly drove the purple shield and flew out of the Holy City.

However, with the Yuan Sheng formation set up, can they be given this opportunity?

Obviously not!

Outside the purple shield, golden dazzling light bloomed everywhere, and golden mist floated in the air.

The saints immediately felt the presence of space power in the air.

"Damn it!" Yuanshi Tianzun felt the power of those spaces and said: "Yuan Yunzhong moved the space in the vast sea into this holy city. This power of space has formed a substantial spatial distance. Even if he uses Shukuchi Even if it’s even an inch, I can’t leave quickly.”

Emperor Fuxi was also observing the surroundings, and soon discovered something was wrong.

Those spaces also cycle back and forth, all forming a circle.

Moreover, they are all real spaces!

So no matter what, it is difficult to leave this holy city.

"It's impossible that there are no flaws!" Emperor Fuxi secretly thought.

At this time, the golden particles in the void gathered again, and then came like a doomsday frenzy, overwhelming the sky and the sun.

The golden particles in the sky hit the purple shield!

"Not good!" Emperor Fuxi loudly said to the saints: "The formation here is very similar to the Hongmeng barrier. The more powerful we fight back, the stronger these golden particles will be."

The saint said: "But if we resist like this, sooner or later we will be unable to hold on."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Why don't I go out and break the formation!"

"Don't be impulsive!" Emperor Fuxi quickly stopped him and said, "Tianzun, if you go out alone, they can trap us first and then concentrate their firepower on you!"

Suzhen Heiyi's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "Why don't we divide our forces? No matter how powerful they are, they can't all be dealt with at the same time."

Emperor Fuxi said: "It's necessary. This is a critical time. The more this time is, the less likely we are to act impulsively! The obstacles here can confuse us. Once we act separately, we will only die faster!"

The Dragon Emperor couldn't help but said: "I told you before that you can't come in. But Daozu insists on going his own way! This holy city was prepared for us by Yuan Yunzhong with great pains, but we foolishly ran to his lair, where would he give us What a chance for us to leave!”

The Holy Sage Jieying glanced at the Dragon Emperor coldly and said: "This is the time when the survival of the human race is at stake. If you continue to talk nonsense and disturb the morale of the army, don't blame the poor monk for being ruthless!"

The Dragon King immediately shuddered and did not dare to speak anymore.

After welcoming the saint, he said to all the saints: "Little friend Chen Yang is still outside the Holy City. With his cleverness, he and Daozu will definitely be able to find a way to break the formation. Let's hold on first, and then take the opportunity to find weaknesses and see if there is any chance to combine inside and outside. Break the formation."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I agree to welcome fellow Taoists."

The other saints also agreed.

All the saints guarded together, using purple shields to resist the bombardment of golden particles.

Although Yuan Sheng's formations are terrifying and powerful, the divine power of the saints is also overwhelming. Yuan Sheng wants to break through the defense quickly, but he can't!

At this moment, outside the holy city, Chen Yang and Taishang Daozu were also watching the situation. They saw that inside the holy city, the sky was filled with golden light, and in the golden light, there was endless power of holy white space floating around!

Taishang Daozu narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Yuan Yunzhong copied the space of the vast sea into it, and coupled with his life cycle formation, the space will form an infinite loop. It is almost impossible for them to rush out! "

Chen Yang's magic power is limited, so it is still difficult to figure out the formation. So at this time, Taishang Daozu needs to provide more information!

Afterwards, Taishang Daozu and Chen Yang explored the magic power into the holy city together.

After exploring for a long time, the two of them flew over the Holy City to feel behind the purple vortex. When they reached the sky above the Holy City, they saw a terrifying whirlpool formed by the purple-gold energy below. Inside this vortex, it is like a black hole, boundless and capable of swallowing up everything in the world.

Entering the Holy City is very simple.

You can enter from any place.

But it is very difficult to get out of the Holy City.

Taishang Taozu told Chen Yang some details about the way of life and heaven. Chen Yang had heard Taishang Daozu say a lot before. Now he combined all the knowledge points and began to review it in his mind.

Before he came, he, Emperor Fuxi and Taishang Daozu also calculated many formations laid out by the Heavenly Dao of Life.

The appearance of this scene today is actually not sudden, it can also be said to be expected.

But it's one thing to know, it's another thing to crack it.

Chen Yang was a little anxious, wondering how long the saints could last inside. The two then walked away from the formation and talked. He didn't dare to get too close to the formation because he was afraid that Yuan Sheng would overhear the conversation.

After hiding his position and making sure that the conversation was safe, Chen Yang said to Taishang Daozu in a deep voice: "This formation is based on the Hongmeng barrier. There is a large amount of life and heaven accumulated in the holy city, as well as Hongmeng purple energy. This base camp has been planned for at least a hundred years. It can be said that Yuan Yunzhong has been planning this formation since he came to the Holy City. The accumulation of this formation is very deep, so he can exert such terrifying power and aura. Moreover, Yuan Yunzhong is playing a bright card this time, the formation is very simple, and it is clever but not workmanlike! If you want to break the formation, just kill Yuan Yunzhong!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Pin Dao also felt it. With the attack power of this formation, the saints can sustain it for three days. The premise is that they don't fight back... After three days, their breath begins to weaken."

Chen Yang said: "And Yuan Yunzhong's attack can last for a month. This is without fighting back. If we fight back, he can last longer. If we are strong enough, we can blast his big building directly from the outside. Formation! However, this junior thinks that no one in this world can break through this formation by himself."

Taishang Daozu said: "But Pindao believes that little friend, you can definitely think of a way, right?"

"There is a way, that is, I will smelt the tears of death!" Chen Yang said.

Taishang Daozu was taken aback and said: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Chen Yang chuckled and said: "Just saying that, Yuan Yunzhong should also be very afraid of my coming. So he is eager to catch me. He wants to force me to detonate the calamity fire. Then he can be saved once and for all. …This is the key point of victory or defeat!”

"I want to make good use of this!" After that, Chen Yang said again.

"How to use it?" Taishang Daozu asked.

"Wait!" Chen Yang said: "Wait a little longer, and then we will pretend to smelt the Tears of Death outside the formation. Now, Dao Ancestor, let's do this scene well."

"Lead the snake out of the hole!" Taishang Daozu immediately understood Chen Yang's intention!

After a while, Taishang Daozu said again: "What if he is not fooled?"

Chen Yang said: "He will definitely be fooled! Because he doesn't dare to gamble! However, even if he comes out, the saints may not be able to break the formation. And there is an ancestor of the undead watching eagerly aside. He is eager for me to detonate the tribulation fire and smelt death. of tears.”

Taishang Daozu said: "These are indeed problems. As time goes on, all the saints will become tired."

Chen Yang frowned.

Obviously, the situation at hand is extremely unfavorable.

No matter how resourceful he is, he is still at a loss when faced with this situation!

"I thought of it!" After that, Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The saints are exhausted.

Chen Yang and Taishang Daozu were restless above the purple vortex. At this time, Chen Yang said to Taishang Daozu: "Taozu, if this continues, our people will definitely be annihilated. Their entire army will be annihilated. We will not be spared in the future, so it is better for me to sacrifice my life for justice now. As long as this Hongmeng Purple Qi is destroyed, his formation will lose support and it will naturally break."

Taishang Daozu pretended to lose his temper and said: "This... little friend, how can this be possible! We must have other ways."

Chen Yang smiled miserably and said: "We have reached the last moment, Dao Ancestor, I will blast the calamity fire, and you will smelt it! But this is not the place, let's go!"

After that, he flew away into the distance.

"Little friend!" Taishang Daozu shouted, but there was no trace of Chen Yang in front of him.

Taishang Daozu sighed and could only catch up.

The center of the purple gold vortex is also the center of the formation.

Yuan Sheng and all the masters and disciples of his sect gathered together.

Yuan Sheng activated the Heavenly Way of Life and built the Temple of Destiny in the center of the formation. The Temple of Destiny absorbs massive resources, elixirs, and the divine power of experts to bring the Heavenly Way of Life and Hongmeng Purple Qi into full play!

Long Xiaofeng, Master Creation, Black Corpse, Yuan Yuxian, and Xumizi are in the core hall of the Temple of Destiny!

The conversation between Taishang Daozu and Chen Yang outside was fully visible to them...

Black Corpse immediately said: "Master, they are cheating! If you really want to refine the Tribulation Fire, why bother coming here to say it and just do it quietly? Isn't that enough?"

Long Xiaofeng also said: "That's right!"

Yuan Yuxian was shocked. She knew that smelting the calamity fire meant that Chen Yang would die.

Daoist Creation did not react at all.

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "Their artificial performance will naturally not fool me. But Chen Yang is right in what he said. If everyone here dies, they will not be able to escape death in the future."

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