My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4078: Decisive Battle in the Holy City, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Black Corpse said: "That would be great!"

Yuan Sheng's face flashed with worry again, and he said: "But there are still big variables. Chen Yang has a destiny of calamity fire. He is so anxious that he is afraid that his calamity fire will melt the tears of death! His identity happens to be Tiebreaker... But no matter what, there should be an end between us and these saints."

Black Corpse said: "You also said that it is a last resort! When the time comes, we will be the first to call Chen Yang. The smelting of the Tears of Death will also take some time. When you enter the Holy City and find them smelting, you can quickly stop it, or Converge all the Hongmeng Purple Qi. How can he smelt it if he doesn’t have Hongmeng Purple Qi?”

Yuan Sheng said: "They already have Hongmeng Purple Qi and Undead Essence in their hands, but when smelting, as long as they are closer to me, I can forcefully draw away the Hongmeng Purple Qi. But if Taishang Daozu forcibly blocks it, and seal, it will become more difficult. But there is still room for maneuver in everything!"

Black Corpse said: "How many percent of the winners and losers do you think we can account for?"

Yuan Sheng said: "If there is no Fateful Tribulation Fire, we account for 80%. With the Fateful Tribulation Fire, we account for 60%. If Chen Yang directly smelts the Tears of Death before they enter the Yuan Realm, we will be dead!"

Black Corpse said: "If he wants to smelt, he has already smelted it. Even Chen Yang is not willing to die."

Yuan Sheng said: "That's true." After a pause, he said: "In fact, we almost have no chance to turn around. If they really insist on going to the land of nothingness, we will be in vain. When my life is over, , everything is over. Finally, the troops were in danger, and the game was regained. Now we still have a 60% chance of winning, we should be grateful and happy. This chance of winning, too much is not good. At the beginning, I took Following the decree of heaven, I took the Hongmeng confusion to the sea of ​​blood in the underworld. For me, the chance of winning is 100%. But what is the result? Haha..."

After talking about it, he had a wry smile.

time flies…

In the Yuan Realm, layouts and formations are always being made in the Holy City.

Chen Yang has been meditating and practicing hard, but there is no progress in his cultivation.

Enlightenment requires state of mind, opportunity, and a breakthrough in thought. Chen Yang is now trapped in this mortal world. How difficult it is to escape!

Unknowingly, the saints finally arrived within the Yuan Realm.

In another three days' journey, we can reach Qingping Prefecture, where the holy city is located.

The saints temporarily stopped and held another meeting.

There were various saints present at the meeting this time, as well as Chen Yang, Heiyi Suzhen, Bai Qing, Fairy Qionghua, Dragon King, and Fire King!

Taishang Daozu sat on the chief table and said: "In three days, we will arrive at the Holy City. In the Holy City, there will definitely be a large formation carefully prepared by Yuan Sheng for us. However, we have already reached this point, so there is no need for you to say more. What words of retreat? It’s time to end the relationship between the human race and Yuan Yunzhong!"

Chen Yang also stood up at this time and said to everyone: "I have discussed with the Taoist ancestors and the emperor for a long time, and we have made many calculations. When the time comes, the Taoist ancestors and I will not enter the Holy City, but will respond outside. The rest of the people will enter the Holy City. In the city, wait for Yuan Yunzhong's formation to be triggered. This formation needs to be coordinated internally and externally to be better cracked!"

All the saints were convinced by Chen Yang's formation breaking and formation skills. By this time, no one would think that Chen Yang was just greedy for life and afraid of death, so he didn't go in. With his arrangement like this, the others had no objections.

By this time, there was nothing more to say.

Three days later, the group finally arrived outside the Holy City.

All the experts from the human race came out.

Sage Yingyin, Sage Zhunti, Donghuang Taiyi, Emperor Fuxi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Heiyi Suzhen, Qionghua Fairy, Dragon Emperor, Fire Emperor, Caiyi, Xuanyi and Bai Qing all gathered together. They led the Yuxu disciples, the Western Saint Sect disciples, and some of Ye Qingming's subordinates, including the Western Saint Sect disciples and so on.

Coupled with some idle masters from other places, there were more than 300 people in total, and they entered the holy city together.

Although Heiyi Suzhen didn't want to be separated from Chen Yang, she was now responsible for her mother's safety, so she had to enter the Holy City.

The ancestor of the undead promised that as long as he entered the holy city, he would leave the mind of Nuwa.

It was noon at this time, and the sun was shining brightly over the Holy City...

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the holy city is peaceful and quiet!

I can't feel anything unusual!

The experts successfully entered the sky above the Holy City.

The saints wrapped the disciples inside and protected them with formations. The disciples can then send magic power into the formation, making the power of the saints more powerful.

At this time, Emperor Fuxi and Hei Yi Suzhen together, they first released all the clone particles of the ancestor of the undead. Those clone particles immediately condensed together to form the ancestor of the undead.

But the body of this undead ancestor is incomplete and his power is missing.

Suzhen, dressed in black, holds Nuwa in her arms.

The ancestor of the undead standing opposite didn't say much, and immediately activated his magic power... Then, the ice blue particles in Nuwa's brain began to gather outward, and these ice blue particles soon gathered in front of the ancestor of the undead. Open your mouth and swallow it all.

At this time, Empress Nuwa suddenly opened her beautiful eyes and woke up.

"Mother!" Heiyi Suzhen was overjoyed.

Emperor Fuxi was also extremely happy, and all the saints were slightly relieved when they saw this.

Xuan Yi and Cai Yi came forward to pay homage to Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa left Suzhen's arms in black clothes and stood in the air. She was not seriously was a minor injury, but it has healed over the past few days.

Empress Nuwa was fully aware of everything that was happening. She was just suppressed by the Undead Ancestor, but she did not lose consciousness.

She looked at the tearful Suzhen in black, and her eyes suddenly turned red. Mother and daughter hugged each other and cried with joy!

Emperor Fuxi was still very awake beside him and said quickly: "Sister, please check your body first. Are you okay?"

Empress Nuwa separated from Heiyi Suzhen and then checked herself. After a while, she said: "I'm fine!"

She has the body of a saint. If she says it's okay, it means it's absolutely okay.

Emperor Fuxi breathed a sigh of relief, and then returned the Chaos Spirit Stone to the ancestor of the undead. After the ancestor of the undead took the Chaos Spirit Stone, he smiled coldly and turned to leave. The saints will naturally not stop him at this time. If they fight with him first, it will be detrimental to the overall situation! This ancestor of the undead is very difficult to kill...

"Let's go!" Emperor Fuxi glanced at the scene and decided to change from passive to active.

The formation is ready to move, and then quickly leave the Holy City...

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi, why don't you go to my palace and have a drink before you leave?" At this moment, Yuan Sheng's voice came.

Then, two figures flickered in the void.

The ones who came were Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian.

Yuan Sheng was dressed in purple-gold robes and had white hair. He showed a kind of wisdom and ruthlessness in his old age.

Yuan Yuxian is like a fairy emerging from the dust...

When Yuan Sheng arrives, all the saints suddenly feel like they are facing a formidable enemy.

Emperor Fuxi led the crowd to face Yuan Sheng face to face. He said: "Yuan Yunzhong, today, it is no longer convenient for everyone to use hypocritical politeness. We are already here. Use any tricks you have."

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said: "You are guests from afar, I really can't bear it." After a pause, he glanced at the whole place and said: "Why don't you see Chen Yang and Daozu? Could it be that they are outside the Holy City, I want to Want to wait for an opportunity to break the formation?"

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?" Emperor Fuxi said coldly.

"Oh, if that's really the case, it would be terrible. It's you who are terrible..." A cold look flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes.

Then, he added, "Since you guys can't wait any longer, I have nothing more to say." After saying that, he took a step back.

The Void Gate immediately appeared behind. He and Yuan Yuxian disappeared into the Void Gate.

Immediately afterwards, the entire holy city quickly experienced changes!

With the temple as the center, 1,800 purple-gold pillars of Hongmeng Purple Qi light suddenly shot out from the ground of the entire Holy City!

These pillars of purple light shot out fiercely and shot straight into the sky!

At the same time, in the sky, the Hongmeng purple energy rolled, forming a huge sky vortex.

There are no longer blue sky and white clouds in the sky...

All are purple-gold Hongmeng Purple Qi vortex...

The Hongmeng purple energy rolls like angry waves crashing on the shore...

Between heaven and earth, energy rages!

The golden energy rolled in the air, illuminating the entire sky with a golden glow, making it warm and comfortable.

The saints and other masters were all illuminated by golden light...

Those golden lights suddenly became more dazzling and dazzling, as if they were going to burn the human body.

"Become one, don't panic!" the leading saint shouted loudly.

The saints quickly set up a huge formation of shocking divine machines.

They worked together to create an eye storm, and the disciples sent energy into the eye storm.

All the saints joined together, surrounded the disciples, and then formed a purple body-protecting divine light.

The golden light shines on the purple shield, but it can no longer shine through.

Suddenly, the wind picked up...

The wind roars...

Below the holy city, the golden tornado raged, and wherever it went, houses were smashed into countless pieces...

The golden light began to become violent, and finally formed countless golden particles. These particles were extremely powerful, gathered together in the void, and then quickly rushed towards the purple shield.


The terrifying golden particles hit the purple shield, immediately sending out powerful energy fluctuations.

The golden particles did not penetrate the shield, but were bounced back.

But these golden particles can absorb this rebound force and become more powerful.

The cycle repeats and the world is invincible!

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