My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4050: reunion day, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "But this kind of sustainability is not good. Five minutes to set up the formation is too hasty. Waiting until it calms down before going in will also trigger some chain reactions. This heavenly magnetic field is not static. If it finds me It is exploiting its loophole, and it will also block this loophole. Maybe it won’t even give you five minutes in the future.”

Chen Yang said: "It is indeed possible, and it will be very bad if we and the black corpse explode the Tiandao magnetic field by then."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are too many unknowns in this decisive battle. Anyway, if we die, the earth will probably not be saved. So, don't worry too much."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "This doesn't mean that we have dragged the earth into this quagmire, right?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course not. If the Black Corpse breaks through our line of defense, it will not let go of the Earth. Now the Earth cannot stop the Black Corpse. The God Emperor is unreliable and has been running away forever. Having said that, it probably won’t be of much use if he comes back.”

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "In the final analysis, I brought the black corpse here."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Everything is fate, whether it is success or failure, let's not think so much. Just do our best!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "That's all we can do."

Afterwards, Xuan Zhenghao said: "I'm going to study how to set up the formation. You can go and do your own thing here. Life is short!" When he said this, he felt a little sad in his heart. How could he bear to watch Chen Yang die? Emotionally, he doesn't want Chen Yang to die. Because he and Chen Yang were friends of life and death who had shared weal and woe. On the other hand, if Chen Yang died, he would also feel sad.

Of course, he was not desperate. He knew that Chen Yang had experienced countless desperate situations of life and death before. He feels that Chen Yang is very likely to survive this desperate situation!

Xuan Zhenghao left, and Chen Yang didn't know where he went. The only thing I know is that Xuan Zhenghao will prepare everything according to the plan.

At this time, Chen Yang also ran to find Heiyi Suzhen.

In the distance in the void, Suzhen Heiyi is wearing a long black dress, like a water lily in the dark night.

Chen Yang came to her side and gently took her into his arms.

Heiyi Suzhen originally had thousands of things to say and some complaints, but at this moment, her eyes turned red, and then tears fell.

The two hugged each other and didn't speak for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before Chen Yang broke the silence and said: "I just discussed with the emperor and wanted to use the earth's heavenly magnetic field to deal with the black corpse. By then, I can't do spiritual practice with you. Because of your life span and mine If it's not enough, I have to find Ling'er... cooperate with the emperor's formation, and then use fate to suppress his power of heaven. At the critical moment, I have to push Ling'er out, and then detonate the calamity fire. Su Su, you have to help me... I don't I hope nothing happens to you, and I don’t hope anything happens to Ling’er. I’m sorry, I don’t want to break my promise, but now, what matters is not the life or death of you and me. If we fail, our children, relatives, and the earth may not exist. ”

Heiyi Suzhen couldn't say a word, but the tears in her eyes were like breaking a bank.

Back then, her sister passed away too suddenly, and she had endless regrets.

This time, there is not so much regret and hatred.

"We can definitely think of a way, and you won't die." After a long time, Suzhen Heiyi raised her head and said.

Chen Yang nodded and said: "As long as there is a chance, I will find a way to survive. I will never give up until the end. I promised you that I will accompany you to travel between heaven and earth. I don't want me to Just break your promise!"

After the two stayed together for a long time, they began to return to Earth.

It’s so fast from here to Earth, in the blink of an eye.

Outside the atmosphere, looking at the earth... Chen Yang had mixed feelings in his heart.

This earth is so kind.

This is his hometown!

It was the place where he was born and raised.

Today, the earth is about to face catastrophe again.

This disaster was caused by him.

If he could not save the earth, he felt that he would be a sinner for the ages.

Personal life and death are no longer important at all.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Yang flew into the atmosphere with Heiyi Suzhen.

Soon we came to the vast world.

In the vast world, the magnetic field is still raging and crazy, stirring up the magnetic field in Chen Yang's body. The magnetic field inside the body and the magnetic field outside rub against each other...

The longer you stay, the more dangerous it becomes. Maybe the thunder from the sky will stir up the fire on the ground and turn it into ashes.

Even if Chen Yang's cultivation reaches this point, he can't do anything about the earth's magnetic field.

The limit that you can stay in this earth's magnetic field is five minutes...

But these five minutes were not easy.

Just like an ordinary person sinking into the water to work, it will become more and more uncomfortable until it reaches the limit.

Chen Yang did not dwell on this place, but first scanned the world with his spiritual thoughts.

There are too many memories of him in the world.

But this time when I fired my spiritual thoughts, I found that the air in the world was getting worse and worse, the glaciers were melting, and the overall temperature was rising...

The dust is getting heavier...

Although technology is becoming more and more developed, technology and the climate and ecosystem of the world seem to be incompatible.

Moreover, Chen Yang also discovered that human beings have exploited resources too aggressively.

Many resources on this earth are ultimately limited.

After scanning for a while, he finally found some old friends in Bor State. Dorrance and the others are still alive and well...

It's a pity that I don't have time to reminisce about the past.

Chen Yang is not worried about this situation in the world.

Because human beings are still small compared to the entire earth.

The earth's ecosystem has been damaged a lot, but it will also repair itself. Moreover, it is very simple to repair it. Severe weather, floods, natural disasters, etc. are enough to destroy many self-righteous buildings of mankind.

Once humans are almost wiped out, the ecosystem will naturally recover. By then, cities will also turn into forests...

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen quickly went to Tianzhou through the teleportation array.

After arriving at Tianzhou, I felt much more comfortable.

The sky in Tianzhou is extremely clear, with blue sky and white clouds, and clear sea and river.

The ecological environment here is much better than that in the rest of the world.

It can also be seen that it is very easy for Heaven to control the ecological environment.

After Chen Yang scanned Tianzhou for a long time, he did not find his family. So he asked Zu Sanqian, the new emperor of Dakang, through the air.

After Zu Sanqian received Chen Yang's thoughts, he immediately saluted and said: "Reporting to senior, most of your family members are in the central world, and a few of them are probably traveling."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, thank you very much!"

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen then went to the central world through the portal.

The scenery is as beautiful as the central world.

Chen Yang quickly arrived at Fu Qingzhu's Xuanhuang Gate.

Xuanhuang Gate is close to the mountains and the sea, hidden among the peaks...

The palace with Xuanhuang Gate is even more majestic...

Fu Qingzhu lived in the Xuanhuang Hall on Shouzhu Peak. Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen broke through many barriers and quickly arrived in front of the Xuanhuang Hall.

Many people in Xuanhuang Palace have sensed the changes here.

At that moment, countless figures flew over from everywhere.

Fu Qingzhu, Qin Lin, Xuanyuan Yadan, Situ Linger, Qiao Ning, Shen Monong, Chen Ruoran, and Chen Ruoyao all flew in from other peaks.

After they came out, when they saw Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen, their eyes were red and they were very excited.

Chen Ruoran and Chen Ruoyao quickly ran forward and shouted: "Dad!"

Chen Yang hugged them tightly immediately.

When he left, Chen Yang thought he would never be able to return to Earth or see them in his life. But I didn't expect that we could meet again today...

More than seventy years have passed since he last left the earth...

Then, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu stepped forward, punched Chen Yang, and said, "You kid, you actually came back."

Over there, Situ Ling'er, Shen Monong and others also came to gather with Heiyi Suzhen. Situ Ling'er held Hei Yi Suzhen's hand and tears fell down.

When everyone met this time, their moods were filled with excitement and joy that could not be suppressed.

Naturally, there is no end to the words.

Chen Yang also learned about the conditions of other children from everyone's mouths...

Chen Nianci, Qin Baoer, Xiao Ai, and his children all live on the Danube planet. They prefer the environment there...

Ya Zhenyuan and Ya Luo are also on the Danube Star side...

Although Ya Zhenyuan and Chen Yang have already developed a love, Ya Zhenyuan cannot get along well with other people... so Danube Star is very suitable for her.

On Danube, Yaluo was also very happy... Sometimes, Yaluo would fly back to play with Chen Ruoran and Chen Ruoyao. Sometimes, Chen Ruoran and Chen Ruoyao would also go to Danube Star.

As for Bai Xiaoning, he went to travel in the universe.

Chen Yang is also concerned about the situation of his daughters, including Chen Ruoran, Chen Ruoyao and Chen Tinglan...

These three female dolls have never been in love.

There is no need to worry. Although they are all over a hundred years old, they are still very young for practitioners.

Lan Ziyi has not been in love until now...

Chen Yang also felt that there was no one in the world who was worthy of his daughter!

As an old father, he feels that no one is worthy of his daughter.

After everyone gathered together, Chen Yang also talked about the situation in the fairy world. Everyone is very concerned about Mo Yu...

Chen Yang talked about many mysteries of the immortal world and told everyone that Mo Yu was fine. He also told everyone that the old man in the world is not a bad person and so on!

He talked for a long time, and finally talked about the reason for coming to Earth this time.

He still didn't talk about the threat of the black corpse.

After the party, Heiyi Suzhen went to Shennong World.

She hid her emotions well, but she didn't dare to stay any longer for fear of showing them. At the same time, she also wanted Chen Yang and Ling'er to spend more time together.

On this first night, Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong both agreed tacitly to give up Chen Yang to Situ Ling'er.

Because from beginning to end, Situ Ling'er was Chen Yang's first wife.

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