My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4049: final talk, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang felt very bad.

First of all, not to mention the threat of the black corpse, the shadows on this destiny talisman were so full that it made him feel as if he was back to the past. In the past, many messy things came together, and if they couldn't be solved, they would use the Great Fate Technique to solve them. In the end, the calamity fire breaks out... It means that a person has no plan for his life and always overdraws money in the future to solve current problems. When it becomes a mess that cannot be solved, it starts to explode.

In the past, I was blessed by God and got through every time. What should we do now?

This time the shadow was stronger than every time before.

Once the calamity fire breaks out, I'm afraid it will be shattered into pieces and dead.

This shadow... is more like a mass of debt that cannot be solved. Over the years, Chen Yang has paid great attention to his financial health and worked conscientiously. He is unwilling to come into contact with something like loan sharking like the Great Fate Technique again.

But what about now?

Not only was he forced into contact again, but it was a hundred times worse than before!

I feel like I'm on the verge of bankruptcy...

It was possible to go bankrupt and reorganize before, but what about this time?

In the fairy world, the saints felt the outbreak and killing of death and so on. They could no longer speculate on what would happen next, but the only thing they knew was that Black Corpse's actions did not go so smoothly.

Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi once again joined forces and sent a message using the Tai Chi Bagua chart to ask Xuan Zhenghao.

But at this time, Xuan Zhenghao didn't have time to reply to these things.

At the same time, in the temple palace in the Yuan Realm, Yuan Sheng knew more about the situation of the black corpse.

Yuan Yuxian quickly asked: "Master, what happened? Did an accident happen?"

Yuan Sheng pondered undecidedly, and said after a while: "Master... I was a little confused for a moment. Judging from the previous situation, it was impossible for them to suppress your Brother Black Corpse. But the fact is that they still suppressed you this time. The power of heaven from your senior brother Black Corpse."

"What about Brother Black Corpse now?" Yuan Yuxian couldn't help but feel happy in her heart. She was really afraid of hearing the news that Chen Yang was dead, but she still had to pretend to be concerned and worried on her face.

Yuan Sheng said: "He was injured and needs to rest for a while."

Yuan Yuxian said: "They can actually injure Senior Brother Black Corpse? This..."

Yuan Sheng said: "My master now needs to communicate well with your brother Black Corpse, and at the same time understand what that magical power is. Once you understand the whole story, you will know what to do next. That power that controls the way of death is impossible Lasting, and they should pay a big price!”

Outside the earth, Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao continued to discuss.

Xuan Zhenghao also learned about Chen Yang's situation.

"The black corpse will be able to fully recover after cultivating for up to three months." Xuan Zhenghao said to Chen Yang.

Heiyi Suzhen has come out, and she looks a little tired on the side because she has also consumed too much lifespan.

Chen Yang's heart sank and he said, "When he comes again, we can no longer stop him."

Heiyi Suzhen held Chen Yang's hand tightly and said: "Our calamity fire is almost full. When that time comes, I will light the calamity fire with you and go to **** together! There is nothing to be afraid of."

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "No, the calamity fire is on me. I can trigger it alone. You don't have to make this unnecessary sacrifice. Moreover, I also hope that you can take care of your son, Ling'er and the others. Besides, it will dissipate after death. , and we can’t really be together. If we can really be together after death, it would still have some meaning.”

Heiyi Suzhen also shook her head and said: "No, never!"

Chen Yang had already made up his mind.

Xuan Zhenghao said from the side: "Hey, don't discuss this kind of problem first. The key question is, even if you trigger the tribulation fire, can the problem be solved? I'm afraid that you people are dead, but the black corpse is not dead. The black corpse is now The body is close to immortality. As long as the law of death is still there, it is unlikely that he will be killed."

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen suddenly lost their luster.

"This..." Chen Yang couldn't help but feel discouraged and said, "Is there no way at all?"

Xuan Zhenghao sighed and said: "Not everything in this world can be solved. No matter how many methods there are, they are all pale and powerless when faced with a strong man like Black Corpse. The gap between them is too big... He is a dimensionality-reducing blow to us. Just like two or three extremely smart ants encounter a puppy, can they really defeat the puppy with their wisdom? We are now three ants, and the black corpse is that A dog!”

Heiyi Suzhen said: "According to what you say, we really can only wait to die? Then what else can we think of? What's the point?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled faintly and said, "That's not what you're saying. In three months, isn't it possible to say goodbye to your family?"

Heiyi Suzhen was a little dissatisfied with Xuan Zhenghao's words. She originally wanted to provoke him, but she didn't expect him to say such a thing, so she couldn't say a word at the moment.

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he said to Xuan Zhenghao: "Let's talk alone."

Heiyi Suzhen was unwilling and said, "Is there anything you can tell me without telling me?"

Xuan Zhenghao seemed to sense what Chen Yang wanted to say, so he ignored Heiyi Suzhen and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang then said to Heiyi Suzhen: "Susu, please stay away for now."

"I..." Heiyi Suzhen was a little angry. Chen Yang said with pleading, "Just think of me as begging you."

At this time, Heiyi Suzhen couldn't bear to defy Chen Yang, so she could only calm down her temper and body, and left the scene in a flash.

Chen Yang immediately set up a barrier to prevent Hei Yi Suzhen from eavesdropping.

After the barrier was set up, Chen Yang said to Xuan Zhenghao: "Your Majesty, you asked me to call you Brother Xuan, so I did. But in my heart, you have always been a senior that I respect very much, elder!"

Xuan Zhenghao said solemnly: "I know, I understand."

Chen Yang said: "Now my only bargaining chip is the fateful calamity fire in my brain. I hope you can help me use this calamity fire to kill the black corpse. I don't intend to take my life. I only want the black corpse to die. You are all safe. I brought the disaster, and I am here to eliminate it without any hesitation."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It is basically impossible to kill the black corpse by pure fate and calamity fire."

Chen Yang said: "But I think there should be a way."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "A way... I actually have it, but the relationship is too important." After a pause, he said: "Have you thought of it too?"

Chen Yang said: "Earth, the will of heaven from the Emperor of the Universe..."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I am a little worried that it will destroy all the energy fields and magnetic fields of the earth. I am also worried that it will not be able to protect the earth... The earth was strong back then because everyone was here. But now, it is difficult for the earth to withstand it. A strong man like Black Corpse.”

Chen Yang said: "Combining the earth's magnetic field, the heavenly secret map of creation, and the formation of the two of us, etc., we should still be able to give it a try. Today, the earth will not be in a better situation than it was during the Spirit Master War. The only difference is that it was Lingzun’s group who came to attack back then..."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Back then, we could still unite as one and move the mountains. Now we can't gather so many people, and we don't have the time or materials to build such a formation."

Chen Yang said: "Fortunately today, you and I are not the same as we were back then."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yes, you and I are indeed different from what we used to be."

Chen Yang said: "We can't take care of so much now. For the earth, for our family, and for everything, we must kill the black corpse. If the black corpse is dead, there is still a chance for everything."

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "Okay, I can set up the formation. You still need to solve one problem now."

Chen Yang said: "I understand the problem you are talking about. I need to find another person for spiritual practice to extend my life. After that, use the Great Fate Technique to suppress the power of heaven in the black corpse. After that, the calamity fire burns, and then I can deal with it. He caused fatal injuries."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's not very easy to operate. The only one who can practice spiritual training with you is Situ Ling'er, and Situ Ling'er's cultivation is sufficient. But you definitely don't want anything to happen to her, so you have to separate from her at the critical moment. "

Chen Yang said: "This separation is indeed very critical. If the black corpse activates the power of heaven, the tribulation fire will be burning and it will be useless!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Not bad!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said: "I thought about it, as long as I can suppress the power of heaven of the black corpse. After that, I will quickly drive Ling'er out, and then the calamity fire will be ignited instantly. It shouldn't be a big problem!"

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Chen Yang with complicated eyes and said: "Once the calamity fire burns, it will never stop. My mental skills have no effect, so I can't help you resurrect. Because the calamity fire will burn all your Are you really not afraid of real death?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course I'm afraid of death! But I'm more afraid of hurting my family and friends. Compared with these, death makes me feel relieved!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Then... let's fight with all our strength!"

Chen Yang nodded.

I thought that coming to Earth would be an extremely smooth journey. But I didn't expect that I would end up in this situation...

This was something Chen Yang absolutely did not expect.

Life is really full of surprises. What you thought was a huge crisis turned out to be the biggest turning point.

What you think is just a small storm may turn into a deadly toxin...

Afterwards, Chen Yang said to Xuan Zhenghao: "The vast world of the earth is where our battlefield is, but the magnetic field in the vast world is too terrifying... and we are afraid that after entering, the black corpse will explode the magnetic field with us. How are you going to get in?" Formation, that’s a problem.”

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There is a buffer time of five minutes for the magnetic field to condense. I will use these five minutes to set up the formation. After five minutes, I will leave first... and then I will go in after the magnetic field calms down."

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