My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4040: Unpredictable secrets, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The saints discussed and discussed the matter of the black corpse, but in the end there was still no appropriate solution. Taishang Daozu finally said: "The only thing that makes us happy is that in a short time, little friend Chen Yang will not be in any danger. Little friend Chen Yang is very wise, and his assistant is even more knowledgeable. I believe it. When they are together, they will definitely be able to find a way. Didn't we all think they were dead ends before? Times have changed. This era belongs to Chen Yang and the others, so what we can't do doesn't mean they can do it. Not even there!”

All the saints immediately agreed.

In fact, this is all they can do to comfort themselves.

In the Yuan Realm, in the temple palace...

Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian have been paying attention to the situation of the black corpse.

Yuan Yuxian saw that the master's face was always heavy, and his eyebrows were so twisted that they were almost dripping with water.

"Master, what's wrong?" Yuan Yuxian couldn't help but ask.

Yuan Sheng raised his head, unable to hide the sadness in his eyes, and said: "Your senior brother Black dead!"

Yuan Yuxian couldn't help but be horrified and said: "How... is this possible?" She was completely confused. Although she does not have deep feelings for the black corpse, she also knows what the black corpse means to the master and what it means to the Kepler tribe. With Black Corpse dead, the Kepler clan will never have a chance to make a comeback!

At this time, Yuan Yuxian was already speechless.

Yuan Sheng was also silent.

After a long time, Yuan Sheng Gu Jing Bubo's eyes suddenly showed fluctuations, and he couldn't help but said: "Huh?"

Yuan Yuxian said with great joy: "Master, is Senior Brother Black Corpse alive?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Something strange!"

When Yuan Yuxian was about to speak, Yuan Sheng made a silencing gesture. Yuan Yuxian immediately didn't dare to speak. Yuan Sheng closed his eyes and concentrated, continuing to sense.

After a long time, Yuan Sheng finally opened his eyes, his expression softened, and there was even a hint of joy.

"Master?" Yuan Yuxian called tentatively.

Yuan Sheng said: "Your senior brother Black Corpse is dead, but he is not dead either."

Yuan Yuxian was immediately confused.

Yuan Sheng said: "The situation was very complicated. He blew himself up as a last resort. But what he practiced was the Heavenly Way of Death assigned to him by his master. So he used the energy of death to enter the world of death. If he had If given this opportunity, like Ye Qingming, he can emerge from the world of death and become a true heavenly saint. By then, he will no longer need the nourishment of a master."

Yuan Yuxian couldn't help but be overjoyed and said: "That's great!"

Yuan Sheng then smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that smooth. It's extremely difficult to reshape yourself from the world of death. If it were easy, we would have done this long ago. The most likely thing is to dissipate directly inside."

Yuan Yuxian said: "But no matter what, there is still a glimmer of hope!"

Yuan Sheng said: "If someone else goes in, they probably won't be able to come out. But fortunately, I can think of some ways to help him get into shape. The chance of him coming out is still very high, and Chen Yang should know this. . It should be Chen Yang who has trouble sleeping and eating now! He is afraid that the black corpse will come out, and he is also afraid that after he leaves, the black corpse will kill his family. "

Yuan Yuxian said: "How long will it take for Senior Brother Black Corpse to come out?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This is impossible to say!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "What if Senior Brother Black Corpse comes out late and Chen Yang has returned by then. Will Senior Brother Black Corpse go to the earth or to the fairy world?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This is not a problem. Chen Yang doesn't dare to gamble. Because even if the black corpse goes to the earth, I can help the black corpse come back. Chen Yang should understand this!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "That's true!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Except for the teacher who can transport the saint back, no one else has this ability."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Master is a scholar of heaven and man, no one in the world can match him." Yuan Sheng continued: "But there is still a problem."

Yuan Yuxian immediately asked: "What's the problem?"

Yuan Sheng said: "If they smelt the Tears of Death before the Black Corpse is resurrected this time, then I will not be able to transport your Brother Black Corpse back from the earth."

Yuan Yuxian's eyes darkened and he said, "There are indeed too many variables."

Yuan Sheng said: "Now the chess game has reached the most critical moment. Whoever takes the first step will win." After a pause, he said: "It is not easy on the earth now. The person who designed to kill the black corpse It is the power of a saint, and his wisdom is not inferior to that of Wei Shi and Chen Yang. It is really unimaginable what Chen Yang and this person can do in the future."

Outside the fairy world, on a distant unknown planet, Xuan Zhenghao sat cross-legged and began to understand the secret map of creation.

Chen Yang was waiting anxiously on the side.

Heiyi Suzhen has come out of Chen Yang's mind.

He discussed a lot with Hei Yi Suzhen.

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Don't be anxious, there will definitely be a way. At least we still have a lot of time now, and the situation is much better than before. If it doesn't work, we will hide all our family members."

Chen Yang said: "There is no way to hide. First of all, once the black corpse is resurrected, it will definitely be able to find the emperor. If he captures the emperor's family, and then threatens the emperor to find my family. Will the emperor leak it or not?"

Heiyi Suzhen was suddenly speechless.

Chen Yang said: "Once the black corpse is resurrected, no matter what, it will be a disaster for us. It will also be a disaster for the emperor! If this is true, I will be blamed for everything. Because it is all caused by my decision , I can still accept it even if I harm myself, but in the end, I harm my family and the emperor..."

Heiyi Suzhen thought for a while and said: "Don't think like this. We have experienced so many difficulties and hardships together. There is still so much time this time. With you and the emperor here, we will definitely be able to solve it."

Chen Yang nodded, he could only hope for this.

After a long time, Xuan Zhenghao took back his magic power. The secret map of creation was shrunk into a miniature form, and was finally swallowed by Xuan Zhenghao.

Chen Yang asked Xuan Zhenghao with concern: "How is the situation?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled bitterly and said: "Things are all going in the worst direction. The black corpse has indeed entered the world of death. But I don't know what happened in the world of death. I rely on speculation and some clues of the aura of death. Let’s decide this matter. Black Corpse is already familiar with the world of death, and there is Yuan Yunzhong behind him. Yuan Yunzhong controls the way of life and can help him shape his body. We might as well boldly assume that Black Corpse’s resurrection is nothing more than It’s a matter of time.”

Chen Yang said: "Then, we have to find a way to solve it."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The first method is the easiest!"

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen's eyes lit up. Chen Yang said: "What can we do?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said: "Use your brain and think about it. This is actionable!"

Chen Yang said: "Huh?"

Heiyi Suzhen also had doubts on her face.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The first way is to quickly find the Chaos Spirit Stone, then find a way to smelt the Tears of Death, and finally eliminate the Hongmeng Purple Qi. After the Hongmeng Purple Qi disappears, Yuan Yunzhong will not be able to teleport the black corpse. That At that time, no matter you were on the earth or the fairy world. Yuan Yunzhong did not dare to let the black corpse come to the earth, because once the black corpse came to the earth, it would take more than a hundred years to go back. Can he afford to wait a hundred years? So , the crisis on our side will naturally be resolved."

Chen Yang immediately became thoughtful.

Heiyi Suzhen said: "You mean, the black corpse comes out of the world of death and can appear anywhere. But there is only one chance, right? It can be the fairy world or the earth?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The air of death is all over the universe, so he can indeed appear from anywhere. After he comes out, he can't go back in. Unless he dies again..."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "What if he really dies again?"

Xuan Zhenghao rolled his eyes and said: "How is this possible? Who is willing to die if it is not a last resort? Resurrection is possible once, but it is almost impossible the second time. It is very difficult to shape from the inside, you can't imagine it. Tough. This is no joke."

Chen Yang also spoke at this time and said: "I think about it, don't you, Your Majesty, have the power of destiny? You should have the destiny tribulation fire, right?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I don't have the fate of calamity fire!"

Suzhen Heiyi said: "Speaking of this, I am also a little confused, how come you have the great fate technique?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Strictly speaking, what I cast is not the real great destiny technique. It is the fate of me controlling the heavenly secret map of creation and then controlling the destiny of the heavenly secret map. My destiny skill has great limitations, which is equivalent to a kind of destiny. Simulate it. The reason why I was able to defeat the Black Corpse was that I integrated all the power of the Black Corpse into it, and then I set the fate of failure for the Tianji Diagram of Creation. It is equivalent to him entering my game. Naturally, everything is decided by me! So , I don’t have the fate of calamity fire!”

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen suddenly realized it and said, "That's it!"

Chen Yang continued: "This first method seems feasible, but in fact there are many problems."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Hey, of course there are many problems, but there is a perfect solution out there!"

Chen Yang said: "But none of us can afford to take the risk!"

Heiyi Suzhen said: "I understand what you are saying. This smelting of tears of death is not something that just exists. What if we go back to the fairy world and the tears of death don't come out. Then you are all in danger here! Are you afraid? By ten years, the black corpses would just run out... We were all here at that time, and it was even harder to escape."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "Brother Xuan must have other ways, right?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are other ways, but I haven't been able to decide on it yet. I need to study it, study it carefully. Then you should also think of a way here. It is best to find your great destiny technique. Come."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

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