My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4039: death world, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Xuan Zhenghao set out to chase the black corpse, and Chen Yang began to sit cross-legged and meditate in Xuan Zhenghao's secret map of creation. Inside the heavenly map of creation, they are like stars in the sky. Staying in it is like being in the boundless universe.

Chen Yang still has a question in his heart, that is, how can Xuan Zhenghao know the magic of fate?

He was going to wait until this matter was settled and make some inquiries.

Xuan Zhenghao chased for about an hour. An hour later, he suddenly stopped in the void.

There is still a void ahead, and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

But Xuan Zhenghao knew in his heart that the other party was hidden in this void.

"This is not a simple cover-up. He knows in his heart that the cover-up will not work on me!" Xuan Zhenghao smiled coldly, then jumped into the void.

Originally he could fly directly through the void, but when he entered the void, he quickly calculated and broke through the void barrier.

Then, he entered a world full of black mist.

The black mist is in a particle state, and the surroundings are full of death. It is the world of death!

But this is not the real world of death, but a realistic world of death created by Black Corpse using its own holy realm of death.

After Xuan Zhenghao entered it, he fired his spiritual thoughts and felt that there was no trace of the black corpse in the vast sea. As he swam among them, the black mist particles surged rapidly. The faster he moved, the more violent the black mist particles became.

Of course, these black mist particles are not very aggressive and cannot cause harm to Xuan Zhenghao!

It just makes the space more chaotic, which confuses Xuan Zhenghao's consciousness, making it impossible for him to quickly find the origin of the black corpse.

But how can these stop Xuan Zhenghao?

After Xuan Zhenghao stood there for a moment, he suddenly flashed and instantly penetrated the numerous dark particles.

No matter how violent the black fog particles around him were, they could not block Xuan Zhenghao's path.

A moment later, the black mist particles in front of him were shattered by Xuan Zhenghao's palm.

Then, Xuan Zhenghao saw the black corpse.

At the same time, Chen Yang also emerged from the secret map of creation.

The black corpse was healing his wounds with his legs crossed. At this moment, he had to stop healing, opened his eyes, and looked at Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao.

"Do you want to kill yourself, or do you want us to take action?" Xuan Zhenghao asked with a smile.

The black corpse said nothing.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It seems that we are going to take action."

Black Corpse ignored Xuan Zhenghao and said to Chen Yang, "Is everything part of your plan?"

Chen Yang said calmly: "You should understand that no calculation is guaranteed. I am also risking my life this time!"

Black Corpse said: "No matter what, I still lost." After saying that, he paused again and said: "But if you can't kill me, I will enter the real world of death. Maybe one day, I will appear again .When I appear again, Chen Yang, your family will all die in my hands!"

When Chen Yang heard this, his hair stood on end.

Xuan Zhenghao's face also darkened, and then he stopped talking nonsense and took action directly.

He turned his palms and quickly formed large hand seals to attack the black corpse.

Unfortunately, before the big handprint could reach him, the black corpse had already self-destructed its soul.


His body instantly turned into countless fragments.

At the same time, the surrounding black mist particles quickly strangled the black corpse and quickly swallowed the fragments.

Although Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang's reactions were as fast as lightning, when they reached over, they only caught black mist particles.

Chen Yang's heart was beating fast, and he felt something was wrong, and said: "This is too bad, he can't really come out of the world of death, can he?"

Xuan Zhenghao also had a heavy expression on his face and said: "I will use the secret map of creation to absorb all the aura of death, and then I will investigate again."

Chen Yang nodded.

Xuan Zhenghao immediately activated the Heavenly Secret Diagram of Creation, which quickly unfolded and exploded with star energy, directly sweeping away all the death energy around him. In an instant, all the energy of death was absorbed into the Celestial Map of Creation.

In the void, the dark and clear state returned again.

"You didn't let him escape, did you?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Now that I can no longer feel his breath, I can be sure that his self-destruction is real. Otherwise, my fateful breath will not disappear. As for his fragments, there is no chance to escape. But now I The worry is that he has entered the real world of death with the help of these death auras. That death world absorbs the aura after death. If he really dies, he can find the entrance to the death world."

Chen Yang said: "Really dead? Is he dead? Can he still live after death?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The world of death is as vast as the sea. Even if the saint is dead, he will be submerged invisible after entering. But this guy is different. He knows and is too familiar with the world of death. So after entering, I dare not I guarantee that he won’t be able to come out. Once he comes out, won’t he be another existence similar to Ye Qingming?”

Chen Yang told Xuan Zhenghao about Ye Qingming, and also talked about the difference between Ye Qingming's death path and Black Corpse's death path. So Xuan Zhenghao knows Ye Qingming well!

"But..." Chen Yang said, "Miss Ye spent so many years in the world of death before she could get out of it..."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Ye Qingming spent so many years just to produce consciousness, but the black corpse is conscious. So he won't need that long... Once he really comes out, let alone you, I guess I am also at a dead end. It is impossible to use the old trick again." Chen Yang pondered: "Even if he can come out, I'm afraid it won't take three to five days."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Three to five days, three to five years is unlikely. But, have you forgotten what he said? When you leave, what will happen to your family? Can you keep him here all the time? Is that so? Having said that, guarding is not very effective. Even if we guard, we can't defeat it. Unless you get there and find saints to help. But there is still a problem. Maybe you and those saints won't be able to make it in time. If it is too late, This guy may not be able to come out. You can't always guard him, right? If you can guard him, can those saints guard him? Maybe he can come out in three to five years, maybe it will take three to five hundred years to come out, it's all uncertain . But maybe this is the most worrying thing.”

Chen Yang felt a headache and said, "I never expected that things would develop like this!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Okay, let's not talk about this now. Things will not be that pessimistic... Anyway, there is still time, let's find a place to rest first. Then we will find out everything and then think of a solution."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "There will definitely be a way."

Immortal world, inside Qingmingque...

The saints clearly felt that the death of the black corpse was dissipating...

Suddenly, everyone was happy!

Emperor Fuxi said ecstatically: "I didn't expect that they could actually kill the black corpse."

Taishang Daozu also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Ye Qingming said thoughtfully: "It's not quite what everyone thinks."

Everyone immediately looked at Ye Qingming.

Taishang Daozu said: "Black Corpse's Heavenly Way of Death is separated from Yuan Yunzhong's Heavenly Way of Life, and Miss Ye, the Heavenly Way of Death you master is the most authentic. So what is happening now, Miss Ye, you are the most authentic It’s clear. Please ask Miss Ye to clear up our doubts.”

Ye Qingming said in a deep voice: "I clearly feel that the black corpse's body turned into countless fragments and entered the world of death. He is dead, but he is not dead. But this one is not dead, which will give us a headache. At the same time, it will also give Chen Yang has an even bigger headache!”

"Dead, but not dead?" The saints didn't understand what he meant.

Ye Qingming took a deep breath and said: "Black Corpse has a very thorough understanding of the Heavenly Way of Death and is also familiar with the Death World. Therefore, after his fragments enter the Death World, they will not be swallowed by the Death World. He will be inside Find an opportunity to reshape his body. Once the opportunity is ripe, he may come out of the world of death. At that time, he will no longer be an accessory of Yuan Yunzhong, but an authentic saint of heaven. What's worse is that the world of death It exists in the entire universe. When he thinks of it in the future, it can be on earth or in the fairy world! Of course, this opportunity only comes once."

After hearing this, all the saints couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Ye Qingming added: "Of course, it is not that easy to reshape the body. This is extremely risky. If there were no risks, he would have done it long ago. The greater possibility is that he will not be able to get out. Shaping the body, and finally dissipating directly into the invisible. This is what I want to see."

Taishang Daozu said: "If there is a slight possibility, we cannot be careless. Previously, we all thought that Yuan Yunzhong was unlikely to send people to the earth, but in the end he did it."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Miss Ye, can you find a way to prevent the black corpse from resurrecting? Can you completely eliminate him in the world of death?"

The saints immediately echoed the inquiry.

Ye Qingming sighed and said: "It's difficult, almost impossible. The interior of the world of death is extremely vast, and its aura of death is all over the universe. He is hidden in it, and I can't find him. Usually I can only extract some of the aura of death. Qi comes as my mana, but when mana enters the world of death to search, the distance is also limited. Just like our mana can only explore in nearby star fields and cannot explore too far away. And the black corpse is now approaching the earth That piece is too far away from here, and it is impossible for me to find him. Even Yuan Sheng cannot find him... If Yuan Yunzhong can find him, he will also protect him."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "But Miss Ye, didn't you say before that after he takes shape, he can appear anywhere he wants?"

Ye Qingming said: "After he takes shape, he can rely on the energy of death to travel out. The situation is similar to when Chen Yang arrived at us from the Gate of Eternal Life. But after Chen Yang came over, he could not go to the Gate of Eternal Life again... Once the black corpse After coming out, unless you die, you will not be able to enter the world of death again. This situation is quite complicated, and I can't explain it in just a few words!"

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