My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3277: Strong aid, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Seeing this, Yu Zhongyu immediately shot again. He continuously used the undead Shenyan to attack the past, but Fufeng and Longwang resisted. Suddenly, the jade in the blood was helpless.

Ethan followed by reversing the meridians on his own, and then, his internal organs were seriously injured, and blood spurted wildly.

In an instant, Ethan's face was pale, and he fell down like a gossamer.

Fufeng grabbed it and grabbed Ethan into his storage ring.

At this moment, Fufeng was determined.

Because their signal has already been sent out.

Seeing the jade in the blood, he couldn't help losing his color.

He knew that even if he immediately killed these two spirits, the more it would be useless.

In the middle of that blood sea, Chen Yang and Xue Luo's attack reached a white-hot stage.

Chen Yang attacked and killed fiercely, one palm was faster than one palm.

The blood fell steadily in defeat, and finally couldn't resist it, and Chen Yang severely injured his lungs with a palm.

He couldn't resist the opponent's thunder and lightning, and the flame of the undead.

At this moment, the blood vomited fiercely, and the pain was unbearable.

After Chen Yang defeated Xueluo, without saying anything, he killed him with another palm.

The blood fell, feeling like five thunders, and vomited blood again.

The darkness in front of his eyes made him fainted.

Anyway, the blood drop is basically useless. It takes at least a hundred years to restore the cultivation base.

Of course, if Tianpuhan is exposed, that's another matter.

Chen Yang grabbed the blood drop and put it into Jiexu Mi.

Afterwards, he merged with Jade in Blood.

Na Fufeng and Long Wang were struggling to resist, Chen Yang arrived, and severely injured these two masters with three punches and two palms.

After doing all this, Chen Yang said to Xue Zhongyu: "I want to take a step first. You immediately gather all the people of the undead race and rush to Tianzhou. After I pass, a teleportation formation will be set up."

At that time, even though Chen Yang was in the Sea Treasure World, he also had a teleportation array!

But the teleportation arrays in different worlds have different points and faces.

Chen Yang has to set the coordinates here first.

Jade in the blood was slightly startled, he didn't expect Chen Yang to leave first.

Chen Yang patted Bloody Jade on the shoulder, and then said, "Try to send the people away first. If you don’t have time to leave, you’ll be caught. When you get to the spiritual master, you can say anything. Just can’t say that I have pretended to be. You have your power. Because as long as you don't say this, I will find a way to go to the chalk world to replace you. Even if they catch you, they won't kill you, but you will inevitably suffer some torture."

Xuezhongyu didn't quite understand Chen Yang's arrangement, but he still nodded.

"Brother blood, believe me, I won't ignore my friends." Chen Yang finally bowed to the jade in the blood sincerely.

Jade in the blood quickly helped Chen Yang.

To be honest, at this moment, he was a little at a loss.

Chen Yang left immediately.

After that, Blood Jade quickly gathered all the dead people as the blood emperor.

All the undead people rushed towards Xuecang Mountain.

For those with weak cultivation bases, Blood Jade directly uses great mana to help them come to Xuecang Mountain.

The point of the teleportation array is in the blood house.

Blood Jade quickly summoned the undead people, and then let them enter the teleportation array one by one.

But there are still some late arrivals, one after another towards Xuecang Mountain.

Once the people of the undead race enters the Blood Cang Mountain, the blood jade will directly capture them into the blood palace.

He also asked his subordinates to wait at the teleportation formation and arranged for someone to go to Tianzhou to explain it.

Jade in the blood actually understood what Chen Yang meant, and Chen Yang deliberately let him be arrested.

But even if Chen Yang didn't say that, as the patriarch of the undead clan, Blood Jade couldn't let his people suffer.

He must be the last to leave.

With this responsibility, there is still jade in the blood.

The cohesion of the undead tribe is extremely strong.

They stayed here and remained unchanged for thousands of years, all because of a belief.

Jade in the blood always sticks to the blood house.

There are three types of practitioners in the universe.

The first is to believe that there is love in the world and stick to the justice in your heart.

This type is generally a monk who has just started on the path of practice.

The second is that the Dao is ruthless. Emotions are cumbersome, and only being alive is the truest truth! Everything else is a joke.

Only oneself is true, everything else is false.

This second type of person thinks he lives the most thorough.

The second type of people are generally old demons with a very high cultivation level, and they have caves in fairyland, heaven and even creation.

The third is to know that there is love in the world, and that the Dao is ruthless, but in the end still choose to guard the family that is worthy in the heart.

This third type is generally an existence with a very high cultivation base!

For example, the Great Universe spent countless efforts for the earth.

For example, Yuanjue Fashen, the star master sacrificed his life for the earth!

For example, Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang spare no effort to protect the earth.

For example, if Yulantai's body is broken, the people of the tribe must be guarded by the spirit of spirit.

For example, the seniors of Lingzun never thought of giving up their race.

For example... Jade in the blood, he would not give up his tribe.

At this moment, watching time pass by one minute and one second.

The crisis is gradually approaching, and Jade in Blood sees that there are still many clansmen gathering.

He was anxious, but he was helpless.

However, at this moment, light flashed in the teleportation array.

Subsequently, Chen Yang appeared.

Jade in the Blood did not guard the teleportation formation, but Chen Yang arrived and he immediately noticed it.

"Brother Chen Yang, what's the matter with you?" Blood Jade was very surprised.

Chen Yang came directly to Jade in the Blood and said, "I was afraid that it would be too late, so I was going to let you be captured by the Spirit Venerable first, so that I would try to get in and drop the package with you. But I think things are a little simpler than I thought. . After you enter, they will also plant an insoluble mark in your brain, which will kill you at that time. So now, I will go by myself. You immediately enter the teleportation formation and go to the heaven. "

"But, you..."

Chen Yang said, "No need to say more, I have my own plan. Brother blood, don't forget, I came to save one of my seniors."

He paused, then suddenly said, "Open your mouth and spit out the Meteorite Pill."

As long as Chen Yang doesn't break the seal, it is very easy to take out the Meteorite Pill.

Jade in the blood was slightly startled, and then spit out the Meteorite Pill.

Chen Yang took the Meteorite Pill, but swallowed it into his brain.

"Hurry up, we'll show off when we're late. The Undead Race must also have you in charge, you know?" Chen Yang urged.

Xuezhongyu said: "However, there are still many of my people who haven't gathered here."

Chen Yang said: "Now I am you, and my rescue speed will not be slower than yours. Go ahead...Don't break my plan!"

Jade in the blood was greatly moved.

He was left behind by Chen Yang before, and to be honest, he was at a loss and felt a little uncomfortable.

But now, he is completely conquered by Chen Yang's personality charm!

"Be careful of everything!" Jade in the blood clasped his fists.

Chen Yang nodded.

Jade in the blood soon left.

The gathering of those people is still not fast enough.

And the crisis is approaching...

In that emptiness, fluctuations again appeared.

On the Xuecang Mountain, the door of the void opened, followed, Long Qianjue, Elder Baixian, Fang Xieyang and Lian Potian, and Master Baipao came together.

Four masters of creation and nine levels, plus a quasi saint!

Absolutely powerful existence!

Lingzun's shot is really stable and accurate!

It turned out that in that chalk world, Tian Qingge discovered the problem with Ethan's natal golden lamp for the first time, and then the blood-falling natal golden lamp also fluctuated violently.

Tian Qingge immediately thought that Xuan Zhenghao had set an ambush.

What's more to say about this, the strongest heaven group immediately went out to rescue.

Moreover, he didn't think it was enough, and let Baipao and Lian Po Tian also follow.

As long as it is not in Tianzhou, in the other three thousand worlds, Tian Qingge can send many masters out without hesitation.

Not even afraid of the chalk world being attacked!

Because the formation of the chalk world is strong, it has attracted many masters to guard it.

And there are other masters in it, for example, there are still three in the Guishan Fourth Laozhong who are not injured.

There are also many city owners, as well as eighteen black robes and eighteen white robes!

There is also the Xiongchu River from Fengyun Pavilion.

Both Xiongchuhe and Lian Potian came from Fengyun Pavilion.

There are also the elders in the Tianlong Palace.

Such a powerful force combined with the formation method allowed Xuan Zhenghao to gather all his strength to attack and kill, and it was not something they could break through.

Tian Qingge never attacked Tianzhou because he was still afraid of Tianzhou's world power.

I'm also afraid that once I get stuck in, the good situation will be reversed instantly.

In addition, he still has a layer of selfishness, and now he wants to take advantage of Chen Ling's hand to control the Heaven Soul Hanlu and restore his cultivation.

He is so longing for cultivation base!

Long Qianjue and his party came to Xuecang Mountain, and immediately captured all the undead people who had come, and sealed them in the Five Extreme Sacred Mountain.

Come one, grab one!

Get a pair, grab a pair!

Fang Xieyang's big mudra was taken from the top of Xuecang Mountain, and many people and people were captured and captured by a huge force.

At the same time, Long Qianjue and other masters rushed towards the blood house.

Chen Yang immediately let everyone enter the teleportation formation, and then destroyed the teleportation formation.

After finishing all this, the masters such as Long Qianjue have already arrived in the blood house and in front of Chen Yang.

Afterwards, the setting sun also followed.

Chen Yang looked like a blood emperor at this time, and even his eyes changed color.

Facing the masters such as Fang Xieyang, Chen Yang showed a bitter face, knelt down and said, "The villain knows that he has committed a lot of sins. I also ask you all to see that my people are innocent, and the heavens also have a good life. , Don't hurt them."

Right now, Chen Yang hasn't learned the big change technique.

So if he directly evolved into the appearance of the blood emperor, then he couldn't hide from the experts like Long Qianjue.

Because you have dealt with each other, no matter how you change, your temperament and eyes are traceable.

However, Chen Yang's ingenuity is that he absorbed the flame of the dead.

The temperament on his body has completely changed, and he is a true undead race.

The breath of undead envelops the whole body!

So at this moment, Fang Xieyang and others did not recognize Chen Yang at all.

The reason why Chen Yang kneels down is also to conform to the personality.

You are so benevolent and righteous to save your people regardless of your own life and death. You still don't intercede at this moment?

Under normal circumstances, Chen Yang would rather die than yield.

But he is the blood emperor now!

This kneeling can dispel many doubts in Fang Xieyang and other Lingzun's hearts.

"The teleportation array has been destroyed, Your Majesty!" At this time, Lian Potian reported to Long Qianjue.

Long Qianjue frowned slightly.

But this is already expected.

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