My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3276: Powerful force, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Bloody Jade immediately replied: "It is okay to kill them."

Chen Yang said: "Don't kill them, and don't hurt them seriously. It's better to be trapped. I have to deal with the blood drop first. Our time is very short. Once they are seriously injured, the spirits of the chalk world will know. There is a problem, so rescue."

Blood Jade was startled at first, then reacted, startled, and said: "You have to deal with the blood drop? He is a master of the nine levels of creation."

"He is nothing, and the saints above the Ninth Layer of the Creation Realm have nothing to do with me." Chen Yang said.

Seeing Chen Yang's words, Bloody Jade let go of his heart. He said: "In this Blood Mansion, it is not a big problem for me to trap them. But I am also afraid that they have special abilities, so you have to hurry up. ."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

After discussing with Xuezhongyu, he walked into the blood house with blood.

No matter how high the cultivation base of these people like Xueluo is, they will not be able to transmit information from the blood moon world to the chalk world. Because there are barriers between the two worlds, this barrier is that weak information cannot be transmitted so far.

Like that year, Chen Yang was Chen Ling in the void of earth communication. That's because there are Chen Ling's tokens, plus the fact that he is already in the big world, so he can communicate.

In addition, it was also because Chen Ling was not far from the earth.

In the Three Thousand World, the world barrier is extremely powerful.

Chen Yang brought the blood to the depths of the blood house, and the surrounding area seemed to be covered with blood-colored light, the light rippling like water, swaying radiantly.

Chen Yang walked ahead, and he suddenly stopped.

Xueluo has been following behind.

They were walking on the same road, but now that road has disappeared.

There is a sea of ​​blood all around!

Xueluo sensed something was wrong, but he was not surprised at all, and said coldly, "What?"

Chen Yang turned around, facing the blood fall.

In that side hall, Fufeng, Ethan, and Long Wang were waiting.

They haven't noticed a conspiracy yet.

This is their self-confidence.

They are confident that no one can conspiracy against the blood fall.

The blood emperor has absolutely no such ability, nor the courage.

The Jade in the Blood was observing in secret, and he would not rush to make a move until the three spirits found no problems.

As long as they want to leave, then he will shoot immediately.

In the middle of the blood sea, Chen Yang looked towards the blood.

A look of contempt flashed in Bloodfall's eyes, and said, "You ant, do you want to play tricks in front of this seat?"

He then sighed and said, "It's a pity, it's a pity. I thought you were a man of things, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you tried to resist me. It seems that I had to kill you. ."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes, and then said: "Bloodfall, your nonsense is too much."

Xue Luo was taken aback suddenly, he finally gave birth to a vigilant heart, and said: "How do you know my name?"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "When you become a prisoner of my rank, I will let you understand."

No matter how the blood fell, he couldn't guess the origin of Chen Yang in front of him.

He simply gritted his teeth, his eyes flashed sharply, and said, "No matter what your background is, I will make you pay a heavy price today."

After he finished speaking, he made a move directly.

It's still a palm!

The palm is like lightning, the mixed hole condenses!

An unremarkable palm, but also a shaking palm.

The vast sky mixes the cave, which contains it.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen have already discussed.

At this moment, the black hole vortex condensed in Chen Yang's left palm.

The blood falling Haotian palm directly hit the black hole.

In the black hole, a long river of black holes appears.

But the river of black holes collapsed instantly...

How can the long river of black holes hold this vast palm?

The palm of the blood fell like a broken bamboo, seeing the **** kill the god, continue to kill Chen Yang.

At this moment, Chen Yang's big swallowing technique appeared.

And the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley followed to show their supernatural powers.


The sea of ​​blood shook.

Xueluo immediately felt his great power blast away, but he did not enjoy the pleasure of defeating the opponent. Instead, it enters a kind of vortex, like being pulled vigorously, like being swallowed by a giant hole.

He feels that his power is being absorbed by the opponent, pulling!

"Are you Chen Yang?" Xue Luo couldn't help being shocked.

Chen Yang ignored the blood fall.

A divine light flashed across his eyebrows. To be precise, the divine light was Suzhen in black.

Black Suzhen left Chen Yang's body and turned into a lightning strike to the blood!

This thunder light was extremely powerful, it was turned by Suzhen Black with all his strength, and contained the flame of the undead in it.

The blood lost its color.

Black Suzhen shot, extremely domineering.

Moreover, it was just taking advantage of the blood to fall and the new force had just come out, and the old force hadn't been born as lightning.

The **** mixed hole has already shot Chen Yang, and right now he still has a mixed hole to pick up Suzhen's palm?

In an instant, the blood fell and the soul trembled, his body flashed, and he retreated quickly.

The blood was about to go, and Chen Yang couldn't hold it forcibly.

However, he was not idle either, and immediately enveloped the blood with a black hole spar, and the power of the infinite blood palace was run to form countless spatially graceful forces.

Although he still couldn't keep the blood falling, at least he didn't leave so happy.

As long as he is slightly obstructed, Chen Yang and Black Suzhen will not give Blood Fall a chance to leave.

The blood fell and the lightning retreated, and the mixed hole immediately appeared in front of him.

Black Suzhen cut into the mixed hole with a sword.

Chen Yang's figure flashed, and he merged with Suzhen in black.

Following that, Chen Yang showed a hideous face and showed the thunder and lightning.

The green silk turned into a finger and wrapped around his finger, and he used the green silk to spur thunder and lightning into the hole.

The flames of the undead in the blood house immediately blended into it.


Chen Yang bombarded the mixed hole in the blood with a palm.

The blood hole was not ready at all, his speed and reaction were fast enough.

However, Chen Yang is faster.


The mixed hands of the two sides are strangling together, and the blood drop itself is not as powerful as Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen. Now that Chen Yang killed him by surprise, he was even more invincible.

It is difficult for Xueluo to fully use the power of the hole, just like a big man, although he has a heavy punch, but every time his fist is not raised, the opponent has already killed it first.

Kill with a palm!

The blood house violently shakes around.

Xueluo felt that the various small worlds in his body began to vibrate crazily, and his blood surged like a river.

The mana world in his body is vast, and there is a world in that chaotic cave.

He rarely felt the feeling of being beaten up by the opponent.

But now, everything happened to him.

Chen Yang opened his bow from left to right, his palms blasted.

The thunder and lightning mixed hole is running in his hands wishful, boom boom boom!

The sky thunders rolling, the flames of the undead are fierce, and the blood palace also vibrates...

At this moment in that side hall, Fufeng, Ethan and Long Wang were still waiting.

But at this time, the shock of the Blood Palace also spread to them.

The expressions of the three spirits of Fufeng suddenly changed.

"It seems bad!" Long Wang said.

They all got up.

"Go find it!" Fufeng said.

He was about to leave the partial hall, and at this moment, the jade in the blood appeared.

Jade in the blood is also the image of the blood emperor, and looks like Chen Yang.

Fufeng looked at the jade in the blood, a suspicious color flashed in his eyes, and said coldly, "Where is our sir?"

Jade in the blood smiled slightly and said, "He is refining that huge treasure. He should come soon."

"Take us to see!" Fufeng said.

Xuezhongyu said: "Sorry, your lord has ordered, no one can go and disturb."

"It seems that he is not the blood emperor before." Just then, Long Wang said.

Fufeng was also suspicious, hearing this immediately confirmed the suspicion in his heart. He sneered, and said, "I'm so brave, I dare to plot against us."

"Kill!" Long Wang shouted.

Three masters, shot at the same time.

With a cold snort, Jade in the blood suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Afterwards, the blood-colored light enveloped the three, and the blood-scaled dragon appeared, turning into ten mountains to surround them.

The flames of the undead burned immediately.

If the flame of the undead is ever-changing, no matter how the three masters of Fufeng break through, they will all be forced back.

You know, the strength of Jade in Blood is already very strong.

Encountering Chen Yang is also nothing short of it.

But it is not a big problem to deal with these few now. After all, this is his home court, and the Blood Mansion is a unique magic weapon.

The flame of the undead is extremely powerful, and it can turn into a dragon's mighty power, and it can also turn into a stormy sea.

Fufeng, Ethan, and Long Wang tried to break through the obstacles, but they all failed.

At this time, Fufeng also noticed something was wrong.

He said to Ethan and Long Wang: "Now it seems that Xuan Zhenghao's hand has been stretched out and we are fooled. Right now, we must rush out and ask for help as soon as possible. Otherwise, we are afraid that the entire army will be wiped out. Here it is."

Ethan and Long Wang also pale after hearing this.

"The subordinates induced the blood-devouring technique to help the city lord and Mr. Long rush out!" Ethan said suddenly.

"Blood Devouring Technique? You will die." Fufeng couldn't help but startled.

"Forget it, it's better than everyone dying here." After Ethan finished speaking, he sacrificed a blood-colored strange flower.

He concentrated, pouring mana into the flowers.

Lingzun’s blood-devouring art is based on the flower of the eternal sky, absorbing all the blood, soul, and mana of a master, and finally forming a powerful energy for an instant.

At this moment, it is tantamount to stealing the sky, which can break all time and space obstacles!

Jade in the blood was still full of confidence, but at this time it was discovered that Ethan was about to commit suicide. Then, it was worth it!

Even if they couldn't rush out, the golden light of life would go out when Ethan died.

At that time, the Lingzun will rush to rescue.

This rescue is no better than others, once rescue is dispatched, it will be instant!

Jade in the blood secretly marveled at the cohesion and faith of this group of spirit veterans, and they could die without a word.

This is a powerful and terrifying nation.

Blood Jade immediately shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The experts such as Fufeng were startled.

Ethan also stopped his movements.

Jade in the blood said: "I have no intention of being an enemy..."

"Damn it!" The Fufeng suddenly became alert and said: "He is delaying time, Master Bloodfall must be very dangerous. Even if we can't escape, as long as the golden light of our life goes out, or the light fluctuates violently, it will trigger your majesty to send rescue. ."

Ethan suddenly understood.

Fufeng said to Ethan: "You only need to be seriously injured, you don't need to run away, let alone inspire the blood-devouring technique!"

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