My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3172: That's it, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"Qingsi is the hair of the Queen of Phoenix in the universe, and its rules and intentions are above you. Therefore, it can be transformed into a Qingfeng sword. And the sacred power in this talisman is also in your rules. Wandering, as long as I release the power of this talisman, then you will die instantly. Unless, you break the rules of the spiritual realm. Unless you destroy your years of spiritual realm..."

"I forgive you not!" Chen Yang finally smiled.

Shan Zhongxin's face was pale.

He stood upright, unable to believe that he had been kept in the dark.

All his pride and self-confidence were torn apart **** by Chen Yang at this moment.

What a big irony!

There was dead silence at the scene.

After a long time, Shan Chongxin looked at Chen Yang. He suddenly smiled and said, "But you still have no victory. Without me, you can't go to the Gate of Eternal Life. Moreover, I let you go. If you don't have me, you won't be able to return. Come. The initiative will always be in my hands."

Chen Yang said: "Indeed, it is true. So, I changed my mind. I don't want to go to the gate of eternal life. I will break your spiritual realm for thousands of years. I will make you pay a heavy price, just like me I can’t go back to save my family. Anyway, everyone will not be better off. You can break the rules now, and we can fight against each other. You have only one way to go, and that is to break all your own rules. Otherwise, I really Killing you physically, you will regret the ages."

Zenjushin's pupils shrank suddenly.

He felt the real crisis.

What did he think of, and then said: "Did you really temper the Almighty Talisman?"

Chen Yang threw out a few talisman papers and said with a smile: "You can verify it."

Shan Zhongxin took it, and the talisman was really almighty talisman.

Shan Zhongxin said in a deep voice: "You left, I have always followed the news. You didn't go to the Erzhongtian world master to create an almighty talisman, but I did not expect that you would write the talisman yourself."

Chen Yang said: "Sorry, you have a simple enchantment method like this. When I walked through it, I already understood the true meaning of it. Therefore, what I can do on my own will definitely not be fake. In addition, I also know that you have a kind of talisman on your body. This type of talisman is called the heavenly secret talisman, which can cover danger and breath. So Susu and I have never felt your presence. Therefore, after I went out, I practiced some Heavenly Secret Talisman, a Heavenly Secret Mansion made specifically for the laws of your world!"

"How can you do it?" Shan Zhongxin lost his luster, and said: "That is unique to me. It is something I wrote with my own spirit and spirit according to the changes of the rules. Although it has no magic power, it can still achieve concealment. The role of heaven."

Chen Yang said: "It's really difficult to write the celestial talisman, but I did write it." He didn't tell Shan Zhongxin. The reason why he could write it was because he used big fatalism.

The use of the big fatalism does not require mana, only life.

But in this world, there is no magic power to guide him, so he can't feel the big fatal talisman.

It's like starting a car, even if there is gasoline, it also needs electronic ignition to start the car. The battery is dead, and there is a car full of gas, which is helpless.

"Awesome, awesome!" Zen Shigeobu said, "but I still don't understand a lot."

Chen Yang said, "I still have time anyway, just ask."

Shan Zhongxin said, "When did you know that I am immortal?"

Chen Yang said: "I have never been sure that you are immortal. In fact, you did not tell Chen Wuji that you are immortal. Even if you tell, I cannot believe it. For a long time, I have I doubted whether Xian Xinghe was immortal. But later, I denied it. Because it was too risky. What if I kill this guy? In the previous year, I was very anxious, because you didn't make it. I was so uncomfortable. Then I was thinking, what on earth are you going to do?"

"What am I going to do, do you understand?" Zen Shigexin said.

Chen Yang said: "Later, I wanted to understand one thing. If you really want to kill us, it is not difficult. Just as you later launched a master of the second heaven and the third heaven. Before coming in, I was too optimistic. .It’s just that I have no other way. I don’t come in, you can spend a hundred or a thousand years with me. So, I’m coming. After I came in, after a year, I began to understand that you treat us I have another picture. I’ve been thinking, what exactly do you want to picture? Yes, we sucked your power. You don’t understand it, it’s weird. You want to understand this power because you think I’m cultivated. Obviously not so good, right?"

Shan Zhongxin said, "That's right!"

Chen Yang added: "You saw Susu out of curiosity, so you think that the source of the magic lies in Susu."

"That's right!" said Shan Zhongxin, "I have already guessed the yin and yang double cultivation, but the average female double cultivation, even the top master, does not have yours. So, I guess her physique is different, so, I want to get this physique. Maybe if I get her, I can become a quasi-sage."

Chen Yang said: "I know that you have stayed on the Half-Step Saint for too long. You are eager to find a breakthrough point, so this is my opportunity. So I am sure that you will not kill you. Therefore, I dare to carry out my plan."

Shan Zhongxin said, "You are indeed very smart."

Chen Yang said, "You arranged Xian Xinghe to follow me because you think I have trust in Xian Xinghe. Maybe I will tell him a little bit of my heart, right?"

Shan Zhongxin said, "Yes!" He paused, and said, "What did you do to him?"

Chen Yang said: "After Xian Xinghe and I left, I thought you would follow in secret. I thought your body was in the 33rd heaven. Therefore, I was very cautious. I took Xian Xinghe into a large black hole. , I’m sure that even you have to be isolated from me before you act on Xian Xinghe. He was very honest and explained everything. At that time, I knew that good faith is immortality. Moreover, there is a difference between a puppet and an ontology. It took a year to start, is it training a qualified puppet?"

Sun Zhongxin nodded and said, "Yes!"

Chen Yang said: "Xian Xinghe is a smart man. He ran away after he explained all this. I ran far, far away. The reason I didn’t kill him was because I was afraid that he was dead. Your upper realm would notice it. Come to warn you."

Shan Zhongxin said, "He shouldn't have run."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "He must run, because I told him that immortality is reluctant to leave the spiritual realm. Therefore, as long as he runs away, he can live. But once you go back, you will settle your account in the future, and his end will be very different. It’s miserable. That’s why I said that he is a smart man."

Shan Zhongxin said, "After all, you are the smartest."

Chen Yang said, "Do you still have any doubts? If you don't have any, let's not waste time. Although I have a lot of unwillingness, but if you don't give me a way, I can't find a way, right?"

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