My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3171: Unravel the mystery, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Hei Suzhen said: "It's nothing to do with anyone, and it has nothing to do with being miscalculated. It is the trust between me and him."

Hei Yi Suzhen insists, Shan Zhongxin and Shan Feier can't say much.

For the next month, Shan Zhongxin, Hei Suzhen and Shan Fei'er were avoiding various pursuits. They are really wandering around the world together.

There were also several times when Suzhen Hei was in danger, Shanzhong believed not to abandon, and did not give up saving Suzhen Hei from danger.

This made Black Suzhen very moved.

Time flies, soon, and another half a year or so...

There are still a year and two months before the Empire Tianzhou arrives on Earth.

Shan Zhongxin and Suzhen in black traveled the world. They had seen the most beautiful sunrise in Hengshan and the most beautiful sunset on the seashore.

They have walked countless times on the edge of life and death.

As a result, the balance of this feeling began to tilt.

Shan Zhongxin will tell Black Clothes Suzhen a lot about the past, the secrets in the gate of eternal life, and the grudge between him and Wu Eternal Life.

Hei Suzhen would also talk about a lot of her previous things, as well as her and Chen Yang's cultivation, and she also told Shan Zhongxin one by one.

On this day, on the beach by the sea, the bright moon hangs high.

In the silence, there is a kind of warmth.

Shan Feier had already rested in the fishermen's house.

Hei Suzhen's head rested on Shan Zhongxin's shoulder, and Shan Zhongxin gently embraced her soft waist.

Shanzhongxin couldn't help but feel surprised, and said: "This is strange. We contended against immortality at first because I have the free immortal body, and I am not much apart from the cultivation base of immortality. But there is a huge difference between you and immortality. How can he be helpless by the gap?"

Suzhen Black said: "Because of the Great Swallowing Technique! The Great Swallowing Technique is a kind of supreme secret technique on our earth, which can swallow all power."

Shan Zhongxin expressed doubt and said: "This kind of secret technique may not be so magical. For example, the power of immortality is higher than yours. It is very likely that the Great Swallowing technique cannot be swallowed."

"There is also a kind of power for guidance, that is the dual cultivation of yin and yang. I and his spiritual practice, and the combination of mana will produce the ability of yin and yang to nurture all things. Even if the power of immortality is higher than us, we can refine it. "

"Yin and Yang spiritual cultivation?" Shan Zhongxin said, "I know that, but ordinary spiritual cultivation is not so capable."

Hei Suzhen said, "This is because my physique is different. I used to..."

She slowly said: "I am a born spirit, sharing the same body with my sister. Later, I was forcibly pulled out of the body by an expert and turned into an astral state. After that, I had another chance to survive the nine thunders. Jie has also been tempered by the dark elements of a dark demon in the universe. Therefore, my strength is very pure, and I can have supreme magic power when I cultivate."

"That's it!" Shan Zhongxin's eyes flickered with complicated light.

The question that had troubled him for a long time was finally answered at this moment.

Shanzhongxin thought for a while and said, "Back then, I was only one step away from immortality, but now, I don't know how much difference is. If you can help me, maybe I can defeat immortality."

"Really?" Suzhen in black was surprised, and she said: "How can I help you? Brother Shan..."

She blushed slightly and said: "I can cooperate with you, as long as we can leave here."

Shan Zhongxin said, "My strength is higher than Chen Yang. If you don't mind, work with me for spiritual practice."

"There is no magic power here, and spiritual cultivation is not possible at all." Hei Yi Suzhen said.

Shan Zhongxin said: "This is indeed a difficult problem. I am thinking that I have other people's one-star runes. If we rely on the one-star rune and touch the holy mountain spiritual practice, will it play a different role."

For Shan Zhongxin's one-star rune, Hei Suzhen is not surprised. Because while evading chase, they snatched a lot of this rune from the enemy.

"Spiritual cultivation? It's not that easy." Hei Suzhen blushed, lowered her head, and said.

Shan Zhongxin stayed for a while, then patted his forehead, and said, "I was abrupt. I think it must be a spiritual harmony."

"No, you need to..." Hei Suzhen couldn't say anything anymore.

Shan Zhongxin was anxious and said, "What is needed?"

Hei Suzhen gritted her teeth and said, "Meat repairs are needed to strengthen the relationship."

Shan Zhongxin was stunned.

Then, joy flashed in his eyes.

"Susu!" Shan Zhongxin said softly: "When I first saw you, I was... just between you and him. But now, I..."

"Big Brother Shan, you don't need to say much. Of course I understand your intentions. No matter what it is for, I'm willing to give it a try." Hei Yi Suzhen said.

Shanzhongxin was very happy. He said, "I will treat you as the only one in my life, and treat you well."

He jumped up and screamed to the sky with great joy.

After that, he took the hand of Suzhen in black and ran to a place.

Hei Suzhen was unclear, so she followed him.

But he came to the fishermen's house where he lived before, and the fishermen had been invited away.

Hei Suzhen understands the meaning of Shan Zhongxin, she looked very shy, and said to Shan Zhongxin, "I want to take a bath first."

Shan Zhongxin nodded and said, "Yeah!"

He said: "I'm waiting for you outside!"

Black Suzhen nodded.

The bright moon in the sky is so bright.

The sea breeze was blowing on the sea, and the waves rolled, one wave higher than the other.

In the fishermen's house, the red candle leaped slowly.

Suzhen in black was sitting next to the bathtub, she didn't take a shower, just sat quietly.

"Brother Shan, come in." Hei Suzhen's voice looked a little cold.

The door was pushed open, and Shan Zhongxin Weiwei came in suspiciously.

He immediately saw that Suzhen in black was neatly dressed and her hair was dry.

"You didn't take a bath?" Shan Zhongxin was puzzled.

Black-clothed Suzhen's eyes were cold, she stared at Shan Zhongxin, and said, "Yes, I didn't take a bath."

Shan Zhongxin finally realized that something was wrong, and said, "What do you mean?"

Black Suzhen said coldly: "No immortality, how long will you pretend? In the past few months, you haven't played enough, but I'm going to throw up."

Shan Zhongxin's face changed drastically, and he said, "I don't understand what you mean."

"You don't understand, then you are too stupid." Just then, a man's voice came in from outside the house.

This voice is not unfamiliar, it is exactly... Chen Yang's voice.

A handsome and majestic Chen Yang walked in in a black long coat.

Shan Zhongxin saw Chen Yang and couldn't help but lose his voice, saying, "Chen Wuji?"

Chen Yang smiled faintly and said, "Sorry, I am not Chen Wuji, I am Chen Yang."

"How is it possible, Chen Yang has already..."

"Dead, right?" Chen Yang smiled and said, "Actually, you misunderstood. At that time, I chased and killed Chen Wuji with you. In a few of these, I and you were blocked separately. In the process, I I tore off my robe, so I was Chen Wuji wearing a gray shirt. Chen Wuji discarded the gray shirt outside. He wore the same clothes as me inside. By the way, we reversed the hairstyle. So, he became Chen Yang. In other words, you and Chen Wuji drove me like a poor alley. And I joined hands with you to kill Chen Wuji. In the end, I pretended to be Chen Wuji."

"It's impossible, you are lying." Shan Zhongxin said, "How can Chen Wuji be so stupid and promise to cooperate with you. He is most afraid of death..."

Chen Yang said: "When I first met Chen Wuji, we had already negotiated cooperation. You underestimated me and Chen Wuji. Chen Wuji has all my wisdom. He understands better and believes me. It is the most reliable. He understands what I am like, but he will not believe what I am like. I promised him, keep his memory, and let him be a free and easy person from now on. I bury him specifically to find him later Return his body fragments. After I leave here, I will resurrect him. He is very satisfied with my conditions."

Shan Zhongxin finally understood everything.

He glanced at Hei Suzhen and Chen Yang, and finally looked at Hei Suzhen, saying: "So, from start to finish, you are also acting?"

Black Suzhen said lightly: "Otherwise, what do you think?"

Shan Zhongxin's eyes were full of anger, and after that, he sneered again and again, and said: "Do you think you have already won? You are too happy, I want to kill you, it's easy. It seems that this time should be over. This game of cat and mouse. I already know your secrets."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Without eternal life, you are just a tool. Although you have lived a lot of years, you come out with a high level of cultivation and a supreme magic weapon, so you have experienced too few treacherous struggles. That’s it. Your trick is a child’s stuff in front of me. Why do you think my family Susu wants to tell you the secret and want to repair your flesh? That’s to lead your body to appear. I saw it clearly outside just now. , You ran away. Because you also sent a puppet here before, but you will not let the puppet get involved. We have been waiting, just waiting for your body to appear."

"By the way, I'll tell you!" Chen Yang said: "It was an unexpected joy to catch your body. My original plan was that I would leave here first and then temper the Almighty Talisman myself. Unexpectedly, I was in Xian Xinghe Some real secrets were obtained there. That is, you also brought a puppet. Moreover, the dead Su Qian was also a puppet. She hid your violent pill early in her mouth, which can stimulate power in a short time. After she and Susu entered, she swallowed the Violent Pill, and then violently let Susu kill her. Xian Xinghe has always been your eye and your suspicious strategy. You want me to doubt, he is There is no immortality. Unfortunately, these tricks are too tender."

Chen Yang continued: "After Xian Xinghe and I left the spiritual realm, I refined countless almighty charms. At the same time, I refined a talisman specifically designed to deal with you. Although my mana is limited, my Zhang Fu was specially tempered according to the power in the blue silk in my hand."

Chen Yang took out a piece of yellow talisman paper. The dragons and snakes on this talisman paper are very strange.

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