My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2884: Big fate is omnipotent?, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"Your soul power killing formation is so powerful?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking. He followed and said: "When you were fighting with us, didn't you see you show it?"

Soul Muyang glanced at Chen Yang, and he said: "The Soul Power Killing Array is a forbidden technique. It requires me to sign a contract with the Soul Power World. It requires my blood and takes a long time. This forbidden technique is the biggest. The advantage is that it is hidden. Soul power is the most hidden power. The scope of the soul power killing array cannot be large, and it takes at least three days to prepare. If I want to deal with you, I must first determine where you are going, and then in that The place is ready for three days..."

Soul Muyang couldn't help but scratched his head, and said, "I think this is impossible. When I was hiding in the Hall of Lone Star and arranging the Soul Power Killing Array, I was always worried and worried that Feng Shangren would return. .Because once he returns, and my spirit power killing array has not been completed, then he will easily find the broken array atmosphere in the palace. Then, I will fall short! I began to worry that he would come back, and later wondered. , Because he has never come back. If he comes back later, my spirit power killing formation will not be able to hold it."

"Soul Power Killing Array? Soul Power World?" Mingyou murmured.

All this is a big surprise for everyone, and it is also a big oolong.

"The soul power world is unique, and only us Poro stars can perceive the world. Because we are the third highest intelligent body besides humans and dragons. Our pituitary gland has different secretions, so We can perceive the world of spirit power. After the formation of my spirit power killing array, the gods do not know, the ghost is not aware of it. Launched at that instant, can let the infinite spirit power quicksand oppress over, in that killing array, I am the master!" Soul Muyang said in a deep voice.

"Quicksand? The quicksand of a boundless world is all squeezed, it is indeed quite terrifying." Chen Yang said.

At this moment, everyone believed in Soul Muyang.

There is nothing to believe.

At the same time, Soul Muyang dedicated the armor of the **** to Mingyou.

"Senior Ming, in the lower soul Muyang, he is the Taoist master of the soul-suppressing Taoist house on the Poro planet. I have always admired Ling Qianjin, and today I will dedicate the armor of the gods to you. I hope you can allow the Jiaolong to marry you in the next. I will be grateful!" After Soul Muyang finished speaking, he knelt down respectfully.

He is also an arrogant person, but in front of his future father-in-law, there is really nothing to be reserved.

Mingyou also looked at Soul Muyang very pleasingly at this time. He smiled and said, "Muyang, I already knew about you and Jiaolong. I have no objection to your marriage. However, this **** of heaven, you How can you give it to you. Since you are going to marry Jiaolong, that is my son-in-law of Yaotian Palace. I will now give you a grand introduction..."

Mingyou got up, introduced Luo Feng to Soul Muyang, and said, "This, Luo Feng, he is the only leader of our entire Celestial Clan. Two days later, we will hold a ceremony for him. He will become Lord Celestial. You, To marry Jiaolong, you must get permission and blessings from the adults. Naturally, the armor of the heavenly gods must be dedicated to the adults, understand?"

Soul Muyang suddenly looked dazed.

He and Luo Feng also fought several times, and once captured Luo Feng in his hands. Why did Luo Feng turn around now to become the Lord God of Light Yaoxing?

He couldn't react a little.

Luo Feng's face was faint, he didn't speak.

Chen Yang and Hun Muyang had a good personal relationship, but Luo Feng and Hun Muyang had no personal relationship.

Luo Feng is not a passionate person either.

Ming Jiaolong was taken aback, and she was also afraid of Luo Feng's anger.

So she hurriedly said: "Tao Master?"

Soul Muyang finally recovered, so he knelt down on one knee towards Luo Feng and said, "See Lord Tianshen below! And send him the armor of the heavens!"

Luo Feng said lightly: "Get up." He followed and said to Mingyou: "I can't use the armor of the gods. Besides, this is a gift from your son-in-law. How can I claim it for myself. You accept it. Next!"

Mingyou said: "This..."

Luo Feng got up, patted Mingyou's shoulder, and said, "You can take care of the rest of the matter. I have no opinion."

Then leave!

Mingyou breathed a sigh of relief, and he also let Soul Muyang get up.

As for the armor of the gods, he also accepted it.

Ming Jiaolong and Soul Muyang's lover met, and it was unnecessary to say that he was happy about it.

Chen Yang felt a little puzzled and ironic about all this.

He came all the way to save the second brother and the others, but in the end he didn't play any role. With the eldest brother, everything will be logical.

He ran to help Bing Xuanxin deal with Feng Shangren, but Feng Shangren was killed inexplicably by Soul Muyang.

However, he still worked. If it weren't for driving Feng Shangren away, there would be a chance for Soul Muyang to start.

Thinking this way, Chen Yang could feel more comfortable.

Bing Xuanxin was also happy.

The big trouble was finally resolved.

Bing Xuanxin wanted to return to Earth Star Palace immediately to take over everything.

Chen Yang asked Bing Xuanxin to wait for his eldest brother's deity ceremony to be over, and then go farewell and officially return. Because the eldest brother has to formally become Lord Celestial before he can speak.

Chen Yang promised Bing Xuanxin that she would definitely seek peace for her.

Everything is going in a better direction.

Chen Yang's strength has not been fully restored, and he was afraid of being ambushed by Feng Shangren, so he didn't go to the Obsidian Tunnel. I don’t have that much worry now...

Chen Yang prepared to go to the Obsidian Tunnel by himself, and did not call anyone else. But before going, he still greeted his elder brother Luo Feng.

After Luo Feng heard this, he said, "I will go with you."

Chen Yang hurriedly said, "You still have a lot of things to work on. I can go alone."

Luo Feng said, "I have nothing to do. I will accompany you, so I can rest assured. Although Feng Shangren is dead. But if he is not dead, it is a trick? Everything is possible. Besides, no return. Is there a goose sun wheel?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I thought about Yanri Wheel. Even with him, I wouldn't be afraid."

Luo Feng smiled slightly and said, "I know you are not afraid, but you can use the big fatalism as little as possible, so let's use it as little as possible!"

Seeing that Luo Feng insisted on going together, Chen Yang stopped saying much now.

The two quickly flew out of Yaotian Palace.

In Yaotian Palace, in the side hall of the quiet bedroom, You Fangdao came to see Mingyou.

"Lord, do you really want to treat him as Lord Celestial?" You Fangdao was very unwilling.

Mingyou glanced at You Fangdao, and said in a deep voice, "The blood of the **** of heaven on Luo Feng is truly pure! You and I have seen this."

You Fangdao said, "So what?"

Mingyou said coldly: "I think you are really dazzled by hatred. Even now, you can't help Luo Feng anymore. In time, we will not be his opponents. Plus there is Chen beside him. Young..."

"Chen Yang is my defeated man!" You Fangdao said.

Mingyou said: "It's ridiculous, Chen Yang can set off such a big storm. Do you think it was before? I have fought with him, and almost lost."

You Fangdao was taken aback.

Mingyou said: "In short, you'd better let go of your hatred. Otherwise, you will cause you to kill. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

You Fangdao remained silent.

On the way to the Obsidian Tunnel, Chen Yang and Luo Feng said: "Big Brother, you seemed to have used a lot of destiny to save me before. How many years was that?"

Luo Feng was startled slightly, and said, "Good point, what do you do with this?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "As you said, if you can use the Great Fate Technique as little as possible. But how much did you use last time? I'm worried..."

Luo Feng said: "Don't worry about this, my life is endless now, it's okay." He didn't want to say it.

Chen Yang knew it well, knowing that the eldest brother must have spent a lot of lifespan.

He didn't know exactly what the consequences were.

Luo Feng thought of something and said, "I was thinking about a question recently."

Chen Yang said: "Huh?"

Luo Feng said: "If the power of the Great Fate Technique is omnipotent, it can be born out of nothing. Can I directly use the Great Fate Technique to bring Ziqing and Silan back to life?"

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

He knows that death cannot be brought back to life.

But if the big fatalism is used forcibly, and the life span is endless, can it really be achieved?

Chen Yang did not dare to say no, nor did he dare to say yes!

Because when using the power of big fatalism, that power made him feel no bottom. It's not that he can control this power.

That is equivalent to spending money to give money to a team. Let this team do things!

Chen Yang thought for a while and replied very seriously: "There is no precedent for resurrecting people. But I know that there is a price to do anything with fate. This price does not only include life span. At the same time, there will be sacrifices such as luck, shadows, fires, etc. If a lot of fate is used to revive my sister-in-law and Silan, I am most worried about one thing!"

"What?" Luo Feng asked.

Chen Yang said, "Even if you succeed, will this bad luck befall them?"

Luo Feng said, "I can't take care of that much."

Chen Yang said, "Big brother, don't worry. Isn't the soul calming fruit still there? Then we will go to the Poro planet, and then get the soul calming fruit. Later, I will be in the obsidian tunnel. After Consummation, I use big fatalism to calculate the possibility of resurrecting them, okay?"

Luo Feng's eyes lit up and said, "I can do it myself!"

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

He wanted to bear more for his eldest brother, but then he thought, if he calculated it by himself, would he believe it? The eldest brother believes in himself in everything, but in this matter, that is not necessary.

But no matter what the elder brother does, he has to do it himself.

Chen Yang is really afraid of Luo Summit going to extremes.

Soon, the two reached the obsidian tunnel.

The obsidian tunnel is still the same.

However, large fragments have appeared in the tunnel.

The original obsidian tunnel is completely natural.

These incompleteness, Chen Yang knows, because he did it all.

He himself felt a little sorry.

"Pick one more time, and then I won't come again." Chen Yang secretly said in his heart.

However, at this moment, the depths of the obsidian tunnel suddenly changed.

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