My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2883: Soul Power Killing Array, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Yan Rilun had no thoughts of pity for A Qing, he laughed sharply, and then said: "Shameless? My age can be your grandfather, but when Feng Shangren treats me as a dog, you can Have you ever said a word for me? The truth in this world has never been alone. It is you, who provoke me first. Now, since Feng Shangren is dead, he will bear the retribution that he deserves. What he owes me is to be paid by his wife..."

A Qing took a deep breath, she was not familiar with Jiuyou Space, her figure flashed, and she suddenly shot!

"Haha..." Yan Rilun laughed: "I really don't understand how you stinky girl cultivated to this point. You have all the strength, but you have no experience in combat. I want to kill you, it's easy!"

While Yan Rilun spoke, he did not care about it.

A Qing shot instantly, she had no battle armor on her body at this time, just condensing all the mana...

Her coat is flying, the wind is flowing, her hands are making a seal...

"Eight-pole Dragon Ball!"

Suddenly, a strong dragon spirit bloomed from her body, and her hair also bloomed with green brilliance!

Those green brilliance skyrocketed in an instant, forming eight green dragon **** on all sides of her!

The eight green dragon **** instantly turned into eight dragons!

These eight dragons roared and roared, and in an instant, the heaven and the earth were full of dragon energy and dragon might.

These eight dragons are flying in the air, and the green brilliance flows, suppresses, and wraps the Yanri Wheel...

"Full wishing dragon power, eight pole dragon seal, crack!"

A Qingsi didn't dare to be careless, making mudra again.

The blue veins on her forehead violently, and the mana in her whole body has been transported to the limit.

No matter what, her power has reached the sixth level of creation.

The realm is here, and at this time she has extraordinary ability to display the power of the source.

The eight dragons instantly merged into the green brilliance, and after that, sharp claws appeared in all directions!

Densely dense, there are thousands of dragon claws, dragon claws smashed, and within a hundred miles, all living things will cease to exist!

The green brilliance will immerse into the human body, and then split apart from the human body!

Everything is moisturizing things silently, sudden changes, unexpected!

Yan Rilun was taken aback. He was caught off guard and almost spoke.

In that green brilliance, he actually didn't know how to defend.

At that critical moment, he suddenly escaped into the wordless heavenly monument!

Countless dragon claws broke out of the wordless Tianbei immediately!

But the wordless monument is not a physical body, so the problem is not big.

A Qing's face condensed and scratched...

All the dragon claws suddenly shrank, disappeared, and finally all burst from the center of the wordless sky stele.

"Come!" At this moment, Yan Rilun roared sharply.

The runes on the wordless sky stele turned, and his mana urged luck!

In the blink of an eye, the golden rune circulated like a furnace of heaven and earth, directly absorbing the power of many dragon claws.

The green brilliance in the heaven and the earth also dimmed!

"Xiao Nizi, you, the brilliance of rice grains, dare to come presumptuously in front of me?" Yan Rilun grinned. He drove the wordless sky tablet, and the golden runes on the wordless sky tablet quickly flew out, forming a rune storm.

In the blink of an eye, the rune storm enveloped Ah Qing!

The runes are twisted and emit golden light!

"Ding!" Yan Rilun shouted loudly.

All the runes suddenly freeze!

The wordless Tianbei was suppressed above Ah Qing.

Ah Qing felt the surrounding space freeze, time seemed to freeze, and her mana condensed.

At this moment, she could not move a single move!

The Yan Rilun sneered, and then grabbed it, and all the golden runes enveloped Ah Qing.

Afterwards, Ah Qing was caught inside the wordless heavenly monument.

Yan Rilun caught A Qing, and had no intention of fighting, so he immediately took the Nine Nether Space and left the Earth Star Palace.

Soul Muyang came to Yaotian Palace.

He had the armor of the gods in his hand and the fragments of Fengshangren's head.

He came to see Mingyou.

Outside Yaotian Palace, Soul Muyang shouted to see him.

At this time the dawn was approaching, and the sky was already showing white fish.

The voice of Soul Muyang begging to see spread all over...

Ming Jiaolong was dreaming about the soul Mu Yang soul, hearing the voice, immediately rushed out...

When Ming Jiaolong was wearing a red dress, her face was pretty, and her eyes were tearful, Qiaosheng stood in front of Hun Muyang...

At this moment, Kun Muyang suddenly felt that all his forbearance and hard work were worthwhile.

"Tao Master!" Ming Jiaolong wanted to rush into his arms, but suddenly became ashamed. After all, she just called the master.

Soul Muyang had always tolerated feelings, but at this moment, he didn't want to care about that much. He looked at Ming Jiaolong and said, "Jiaolong, I am here to want you to be my wife. Are you willing?"

Ming Jiaolong nodded his head and said, "I am willing!"

Then she threw herself into his arms.

They have lived together for three hundred years, and they have never done anything to go beyond courtesy.

Today, they no longer suppress the feelings in their hearts.

In that Yaotian Palace, Yaotian Hall, Luo Feng, Chen Yang, Bing Xuanxin, Mingyou, and You Fangdao were all there.

Ming Jiaolong stood beside Kun Muyang.

Soul Muyang took out the armor of the gods and grabbed out the fragments of Feng Shangren's head.

"What?" Everyone was surprised, unbelievable, and even more unbelievable.

"You killed Feng Shangren? How is this possible?" Chen Yang first said that he couldn't believe it.

Others also feel unbelievable.

However, the armor of the gods was right in front of him.

The fragments of the head are grouped together, and it is indeed the breath of Feng Shangren.

The fact is that Feng Shangren is indeed dead.

"It's fucking... too weird, how could it be possible!" Chen Yang was a little unacceptable.

"How did you kill Feng Shangren?" Mingyou asked.

In the face of many big guys, Soul Muyang didn't have stage fright. He glanced at everyone and was surprised how Chen Yang and Luo Feng had such a status here.

He then said: "After I arrived at Guang Yao Xing, I always wanted to kill Feng Shang Ren. Because I couldn't allow Jiao Long to marry someone else! Later, I discovered that within Guang Yao Xing, I could communicate with the spirit power world again. So, I first tried to find ways to take refuge in Feng Shangren. I entered the Earth Star Palace through various channels. Originally, I hid my identity and strength and became a man. Later, I found Feng Shangren left the Lone Star. Temple. So, I dived into the Lone Star Hall and set up a soul power killing array!"

When Soul Muyang said this, he also felt a little puzzled. He said: "I hid in the world of spirit power and arranged killing formations in his Lone Star Palace day and night. I used the spirit power quicksand to spread the spirit power throughout the Lone Star Inside the palace. As long as he enters the palace, I can instantly activate my soul power killing array, filling all time and space with soul power quicksand. But I waited for a long time, and Feng Shangren never came back. I was originally. I thought I couldn’t wait for him. I didn’t expect that last night, I waited for him to come back. I saw that he already had a wife, which made me even more angry... I took advantage of him and him When my wife spoke, she directly activated the spirit power killing array. Then, I killed Feng Shangren!"

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