My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2825: Too careful can make mistakes, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"You have come here, do you think you still have a chance to leave here?" Feng Shangren did not pay attention to Bing Xuanxin's threat. He still had a trace of jealousy, but at this moment, he was mediating with Bing Xuanxin, and his confidence became more and more sufficient. He was originally wondering why Bing Xuanxin was so strange, but now he no longer felt strange, he felt that Bing Xuanxin had completely lost his fighting spirit.

The woman in front of me was once incomparable!

But now, she just wants to linger and seek a way to survive!

Feng Shangren sat there, looking at Bing Xuanxin below, he felt that he was sitting very high. And the woman below was humbled into the dust.

You can knead her how you want.

Feng Shangren then grabbed it and grabbed a person from his white jade bracelet.

This person is... Popular!

Bing Xuanxin's only son.

Feng Xinglie is in a coma.

After Feng Shangren caught Feng Xinglie, he never spread the news. Not even threatening Bing Xuanxin with Feng Xinglie! Because Feng Shangren was ready to wait for a suitable opportunity before giving Bing Xuanxin a thunderous blow.

Feng Xinglie is Feng Shangren's successor!

After seeing his son, Bing Xuanxin's expression suddenly changed. In any case, she is a mother.

"Feng Shangren, let my son go, I quit!" Bing Xuanxin clenched his fist and said.

Feng Shangren smiled, holding Feng Shangren in his hand, and said, "Bing Xuanxin, I will let your son go as soon as you quit. Do you think this is realistic? I think you should show some sincerity."

Bing Xuan's eyes tightened and said, "What sincerity do you want?"

Feng Shangren said: "I have prepared a pill for you! After you take it, Sanhua will be in chaos. Various brain cells in the brain will begin to change, attack frantically, and finally become crazy."

Bing Xuanxin immediately said, "Impossible!"

"Then I have to kill your son!" Feng Shangren said, "It seems that you still don't care enough for your baby son!"

"He is your brother!" Bing Xuanxin said.

Feng Shangren laughed, and then sternly said, "Don't say it's my brother, even if it's my son, I can kill it for the purpose."

Bing Xuan's mind and body shook, and she said: "I can't take this Desperate Pill. Once you take this, if you don't keep your promise, what can I do with you? At that time, our mother and son will really let you knead. It."

Feng Shangren said: "Since you refused, the temple had to kill your son in front of you. Then I will kill you again."

"Wait!" A panic flashed in Bing Xuan's eyes, and she said: "You let my son go, and I immediately swallowed your desperate pill. But I want you to let him go first, and I have already thrown myself into the trap. , Don't you worry about it?"

Feng Shangren stayed silent, and he suddenly felt something was wrong. After a while, he smiled and said: "The hall almost believed what you said. Although the hall doesn't know what you **** is thinking, but if you want to come, as long as the hall releases this little boy, you can take him. Leave. But do you really think this is useful? The main hall planted the soul bomb in his brain and gave it to you, so what? The main hall wants to kill him, it is still easy!"

"You..." Bing Xuanxin was extremely angry when she heard that, her delicate body trembled, and her chest was undulating.

"Feng Shangren, are you really trying to force me to this point?" Bing Xuanxin said word by word.

Feng Shangren said: "Fine, nothing, the main hall is no longer interested in staying with you. So, the main hall has changed its mind now, and will fight you one-on-one in a fair battle. As long as you win, the main hall will release For your son, remove his soul bomb. If the main hall wins, you will kill both your mother and son."

"Are you serious?" Bing Xuan said in a deep voice.

Feng Shangren put that Feng Xinglie into the white jade bracelet again.

With a more secure calculation in his heart, he suddenly pointed out, and a void door appeared in front of him.

"Come with this temple!" Feng Shangren stepped into the door of the void.

Bing Xuanxin immediately followed.

After leaving the gate of the void, he has already come to an underground sea.

There is darkness ahead!

Feng Shangren deliberately waited for Bing Xuanxin, so the speed was not too fast. Bing Xuanxin followed behind, and the two galloped all the way.

"Where is he going?" Bing Xuanxin secretly wondered, and she began to feel a little uneasy in her heart.

At the same time, she also communicated with Chen Yang and said: "Are you sure?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid, if you really can't kill him, you can run away with confidence."

He paused, and then said: "This cunning thing is definitely going to lead you into a certain trap. Let's do it in advance!"

Bing Xuanxin said, "No, at this time, if you do it in advance, he will threaten me with Xinglie's life and death. We only have one chance to make a shot.

Chen Yang said, "Maybe he has any helper."

Bing Xuanxin said: "Of course he has a helper, but as long as we catch him, everything is easy to say."

Chen Yang said: "You are really bold enough to pin all your wealth and life on me. I feel a lot of pressure now!"

Bing Xuanxin said: "Success or failure in this action, you have also seen it, Feng Shangren hates me deeply. He will not give me a chance, and it is impossible for me to confess my mistakes to him."

Chen Yang thought of something and said, "Then, does her mother's death have anything to do with you?"

Bing Xuanxin sneered and said: "I don't need to hide from you, her mother was killed by me. But her mother is not a good thing, it's just a good move."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "This plot is not the same as I thought, I thought you are really a kindhearted person!"

"Can a kindhearted person survive in this tiger and wolf land? Already dead!" Bing Xuanxin said.

Feng Shangren is moving fast.

"Where are we going?" In Feng Shangren's mind, Qing asked Feng Shangren.

Feng Shangren said in a deep voice, "Go find Yan Nanfei!"

A Qing said, "We have enough to deal with Bing Xuanxin!"

Feng Shangren sneered and said, "Be careful, it's always good. It's not that I'm not confident enough, but Bing Xuanxin's strangeness is inexplicable. I can come to this day because Bing Xuanxin is not careful enough. She had a thousand chances to kill me, but she didn't. So, as a lesson, I won’t follow her old ways."

Ah Qing agreed with Feng Shangren's statement and said, "You can be more careful."

Feng Shangren said: "Before Yan Nanfei sent An Dao Shen over, I hope I can join hands with him to help him kill someone. I agreed, but before that, I have to let him help me deal with Bing Xuanxin. Presumably he dare not refuse me!"

A Qing smiled slightly and said, "Husband, you are so smart!"

Kazekami Shinobu also smiled.

A Qing thought of something and then suddenly said: "You just told Bing Xuanxin that even your own son can be killed cruelly..."

Feng Shangren stayed for a while.

He didn't expect this to be heard by A Qing.

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