My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2824: Royal family, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Bing Xuanxin wanted to see Feng Shangren immediately.

Chen Yang was stunned.

To be honest, he didn't think so much when he came over. When I met Bing Xuanxin this time, I just talked about it wherever I thought. Unexpectedly, Bing Xuanxin was about to cooperate directly.

Is this woman too sloppy?

Lao Tzu said that he was on a par with Mingyou, don't you doubt it?

Bing Xuanxin looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Don't the mistress test my cultivation first? What if I'm bragging?"

Bing Xuanxin said: "It is true that you brought Mo You and the others out of Yan Nanfei's hands. Although this seat can see through your cultivation level, it also feels that there is a layer of mystery covering you. Therefore, this seat believes your words. !"

Chen Yang said, "This is too rash."

Bing Xuanxin said, "This seat is going to do crazy things right now, dare you?"

Chen Yang said, "It doesn't do much to me."

Bing Xuanxin said, "But you brought up the plan."

Chen Yang said: "I didn't expect you to agree, I just talked casually."

Bing Xuanxin smiled slightly, and said: "But this seat has been taken seriously, the son is a big man, he said nothing, no regrets!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Well, you are so crazy, what am I afraid of? Anyway, I am here to disrupt the situation now."

Bing Xuanxin said: "If things are done, this seat will certainly be greatly rewarded to Young Master."

Chen Yang said: "My purpose is to save my friends. Others are not important."

Bing Xuanxin said: "This seat is to help!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, what the mistress said in my heart."

After that, Chen Yang really hid in Bing Xuanxin's brain.

Chen Yang took control of Bing Xuanxin's life and death instantly.

All this happened like a dream.

Bing Xuanxin did one of the craziest things in her life, which was to completely trust Chen Yang somehow.

Chen Yang also felt unreal to the extreme.

This Bingxuanxin is the most famous figure among Guang Yaoxing, and now she is in control of her life and death.

Who would believe this?

Chen Yang couldn't believe it anyway.

Mo You did not participate in this battle.

Bing Xuanxin felt that at this time, going to see Feng Shangren by himself was the most sincere.

At the moment, Bing Xuanxin quickly left Leng Xing Palace.

Feng Shangren also lives in the Earth Star Palace, and his palace is called Lone Star Palace.

The Lone Star Hall and Lengxing Hall are thousands of meters apart, this distance is not far. But each has made enchantments, and the space in between is innumerable. Therefore, no one can detect the situation on the other side.

There are now clear barriers on both sides.

Bing Xuanxin soon came outside the Lone Star Hall.

In the Lone Star Hall, in the bedroom, Fengshangren was sitting coldly, as if he had settled down.

This wind is forbearing, it seems that he is only in his twenties. He is wearing a black robe, a purple and gold crown on his head, his face is upright and majestic, and the nobility he is born with.

He seems to be born a king!

Although he seems to be young, his calmness and Lao La are no worse than Yao Tianzong's Mingyou.

At this time, the female officer respectfully reported outside: "Your Highness, the mistress is here."

Feng Shangren's eyes were originally closed, but opened them at this time.

He actually felt Bing Xuanxin's arrival.

In Bingxuan's mind, Chen Yang has been operating the big fatalism to suppress the secrets of heaven. He can't let Feng Shangren notice the crisis!

But this kind of suppression of heaven is impossible to achieve completely.

Because Feng Shang Ren still has an indelible sixth sense after all.

Bing Xuanxin also expressed this concern, and Chen Yang could only say to suppress it as much as possible.

At this time, Feng Shangren said to the female officer: "Okay, I see."

The female officer said immediately: "His Royal Highness, do you see, or are you missing?"

Feng Shangren said: "You said that this hall is taking a bath, and you want her to wait in the hall!"

The female officer said: "Yes!"

"A Qing!" Feng Shangren's thoughts communicated after the female officer left. He yelled...

There was a voice in his mind immediately.

It is the voice of a woman. The sound is pleasant and pleasant.

"Husband!" A Qing replied.

Feng Shangren said, "For so many years, Bing Xuanxin and I have never seen each other alone. She is running to me now, is she looking for death? Isn't she afraid that I will kill her?"

A Qing said: "Something is abnormal!"

Kazekami said: "But I can't think of what she is relying on."

A Qing said, "Is she trying to rescue her son? Or, she wants to surrender? Now, if she is smart, there is only one way to surrender."

Kazekami Shinobu said, "It looks like this is the case."

A Qing said: "Why don't you see him? This is our base camp. Are you afraid that she won't make it?"

Feng Shangren said: "What you said is right. No matter how you look at it, I have a winning ticket. But she came here rashly today, and I think something is wrong. In the faint, there is still a hint of danger. I should be able to do so. I clearly feel the danger, but the danger seems to have been deliberately hidden. This feeling is too weird."

A Qing said: "This..."

Kazekami Shinobu said, "Very strange!"

A Qing said, "Then, no?"

Feng Shangren said: "No, of course I want to see. Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying will be summoned. If she really has the ability to win us, then I will be considered to have given up."

A Qing said: "It makes sense!"

Feng Shangren immediately spread his thoughts, and after a while, the door of the void appeared in the palace.

Afterwards, Feng Shangren's two ace subordinates walked in through the void gate.

It is Li Zhanfei, Li Zhanying!

This Li Zhanfei, Li Zhanying are two brothers!

The cultivation base is all the holy realm five layers!

"You, hide in the brain of the main hall." Feng Shangren said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying immediately responded.

Feng Shangren is cruel, but he dared to let these two people into his brain. Because he still has Ah Qing in his brain!

A Qing is the real master of the two brothers Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying.

After that, Fengshang endured into the hall.

In that hall, the lights were bright.

Inside the hall, it was deserted and lonely at the moment.

Bing Xuanxin sat down.

When Feng Shangren came over, he waved his hand by the way and laid down the barrier.

The periphery of the hall was instantly enveloped by a thick black fog.

Feng Shangren took a seat on the upper throne of the hall, and he didn't speak, but looked at Bing Xuanxin faintly.

Before Feng Shangren gained power, Feng Shangren was extremely respectful to Bing Xuanxin.

But now, Feng Shangren no longer sees Bing Xuanxin in his eyes.

He just looked at Bing Xuanxin coldly, without saying a word.

Bing Xuanxin took a deep breath. She stood up, then bowed to the wind, and said: "Congratulations, your majesty, you have grown up. I, come today, surrender. Your majesty, from now on, I can leave the ground. Star Palace, leave the Earth Star Clan. Even leave this planet, I only hope that your Highness can read it on your father's face, for the sake of my kindness to you, and give us mother and son a way of life!"


Deathly silence!

After a long time, Feng Shangren laughed. "Hahaha..."

This laughter is full of joy, arrogance, and unbelievable!

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Feng Shangren sternly looked at Bing Xuanxin, and said, "Bitch, are you kidding? This temple has been prepared for a long time for today's humiliation. Now that I have not made any moves, you have conceded?"

Bing Xuan's mind and body shocked.

This rebellious son actually dared to call her a **** openly.

For so many years, no one has ever dared to be so rampant in front of her Bing Xuanxin.

But right now, Bing Xuanxin had nothing but forbearance.

She trembled slightly, but soon calmed down.

The subtle emotional changes in her body were all captured by Feng Shangren.

Bing Xuanxin took a deep breath and said, "Then, Your Highness, can you?"

Kazeshang Shinobu said, "You just said it was for my father's sake? Is it for your kindness to me?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "That's right!"

Feng Shangren said, "If you don't mention my father, and if you don't mention that you treat this temple well, maybe this temple really promised you. Before you came to the Earth Star Palace, my mother and I lived happily. But since After you came, my father never saw my mother and me. I was the eldest son, the eldest son! Do you know how many nights my mother held me and wiped her tears in secret? Since then, I have sent I promise you that, in the future, you must be a **** who can't survive, but can't die. Also, how did my mother die? She was killed by your poison."

"Your mother's death has nothing to do with me!" Bing Xuanxin said, "A lot of things back then, I couldn't help myself. Your father is the emperor of the Earth Star clan, if I contend, all our parents will die. As for your mother, She is **** tuberculosis caused by her insanity, what is it to me?"

"Why did she go crazy?" Feng Shangren said sternly, "Don't you know it in your heart? Also, the symptom seems to be blood tuberculosis, but it is actually poisoning. Don't try to hide it from me!"

Bing Xuanxin said: "Your mother has never been able to fight with me, let alone she's gone crazy. I don't have to deal with her! Feng Shang Ren, can't you admit it? When your mother is gone, your father has gone too far. After being enchanted, if I were more cruel, how many chances would I have to kill you. But I didn't do it, why?

"Because you dare not! I am the eldest son after all. If you kill me, you are afraid that the royal family will oppose you. You are still afraid that my father will pursue you, and I will be his son after all. Are you afraid that he will come after you when he recovers? Also, you don’t kill me, just think I can’t pose a threat. But you didn’t expect that I had an adventure. The temple thought, if you can give you another chance, you will kill the temple at all costs, hahahaha... a pity There is no regret medicine in life." Feng Shangren said.

Bing Xuanxin said: "Okay, whatever you want to say. Don't think that you are already in your hands. If I die and the net is broken, there will be some headaches for you. You make me anxious, it will not do you any good. Now, I just ask you to let go of my son, and everything else is no longer fighting with you. You agree, everything is easy to say. If you don’t agree, you will kill my son. My Bing Xuanxin will do everything in my life. , Take revenge by any means!"

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