My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1053: Chaotang, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

When the little emperor heard the words, he immediately said, "Fortunately, there is a gentleman, you will remind me again, otherwise I am afraid I will make a big mistake this time."

Qiao Ning smiled and said: "Now the emperor, you don't think Chen Yang is a foolish man, right?"

The little emperor said: "Mr. is a great talent, a great talent, because I am short-sighted."

Chen Yang's mind is absolutely clever. When should he use his brain and when he is too lazy to use his brain, he naturally has a spectrum in his heart.

Shake the regent with one person. It sounds like a fantasy, but Chen Yang did it.

Today's Nie Zheng, strictly speaking, did not fail. He was fully prepared and surrounded Chen Yang and others in Ningxiu Palace. The only thing he miscalculated was that he still underestimated Chen Yang's ability.

Within a few minutes, people are all enemies.

In such a big hall, within such a distance, Nie Zheng has thousands of troops, and there is no chance of winning against Chen Yang.

But this does not mean that Chen Yang won. Chen Yang knew that he also had weaknesses and flaws, and that was the little emperor and Qiao Ning. Once the fish dies and the net breaks, there will be unpredictable accidents. So Chen Yang knew that today is not the time to kill Nie Zheng.

And once Nie Zheng left the palace and the hall, he entered the sea like a fish. It is even more difficult for Chen Yang to kill Nie Zheng again. But Nie Zheng could gather his resources to deal with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang knew this very well. But he was fearless, he didn't have much desire for power, but Chen Yang and Qiao Ning faintly felt that perhaps in this imperial power struggle, they could find their way home.

The Dragon King’s treasure map is already in the hands of the emperor, and the evil dragon may really want them to deal with it.

The road ahead, how to go. Chen Yang was not clear in his heart, but he knew that the road must be under his feet.

Besides, the little emperor had arranged the only big inner bodyguards to protect Zhuoma. This is the little emperor's sincerity to Chen Yang. At this moment, the little emperor recalled the bodyguard of Ouchi, and he arranged for four people to take over the Imperial Forest Army.

In the imperial palace’s imperial forest army barracks, the mongolian leader of the imperial forest army, the deputy commander Zhang Yingjie, and the remaining lieutenants are all present. Moreover, the three thousand sergeants of the Imperial Forest Army were also waiting in full battle and did not leave.

They all knew that the emperor was about to attack the Imperial Forest Army.

The little emperor didn't come in person this time. Now he wants to raise the majesty that belongs to the emperor. It is impossible for him to do everything himself.

Four Ouchi masters came to this barracks together.

It was getting late at this time, and a new moon was hanging on the treetops.

"The Yulin Army commanded the Mongolian side, the deputy commander Zhang Yingjie, and all the soldiers of the Yulin Army took the order!" After the great master Aotian arrived, he shouted.

The Mongolian side and Zhang Yingjie immediately led the soldiers of the Yulin Army to kneel to take the order.

"The final will take the order!"

The hearts of Mongolia and Zhang Yingjie were obviously mixed, but they had no other choice. To escape, where to escape? Are you going to join the regent? But those soldiers of the Yulin Army were unwilling, and the three words for the Yulin Army were their lifetime glory.

And Mongolia knew in his heart that once he really fled to the regent. If he can't take away the Yulin Army, then he has no value. There are so many masters under the regent, and the emperor will not let off Mongolia's family even more.

Mongolia and Zhang Yingjie crossed their hearts and decided to stay.

There is a dead end at most, and you must die like a man.

But immediately Meng Fang and Zhang Yingjie were a little dumbfounded. Because the emperor did not want to deal with these two people, he re-appointed the rewards and promised not to settle accounts.

Meng Fang and Zhang Yingjie burst into tears.

"After this battle, the Yulin Army may not really be loyal to you, the emperor. However, this is not important. As you become more able to contend with Nie Zheng, you will become more and more stable in power. Then the loyalty of those around you will be higher. There are still many loyal veterans in the court, the emperor, you must draw them in and let them help you." Chen Yang continued to teach the little emperor. He added: "During this period, we will gather some good players in the arena."

The little emperor nodded repeatedly.

In the regent's palace, Nie Zheng was also very clear about the series of actions of the little emperor.

Nie Zheng's face was serious, and his first adviser, Mr. Mo Da, said: "Master, it seems that this little emperor wants to gather power step by step."

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice, "None of this is important. The only thing we need now is to deal with King Garan. If King Garan dies, then the little emperor will still be a joke. However, it is great, this King Garan is more powerful than we thought. too much."

Mr. Mo Da said: "You said, do we still have a chance to draw him to our side?"

"Don't think about it." Nie Zheng said: "A person like him will never change once he makes a decision. He stands on the side of the little emperor, and once he really defeats him, he will be the first Two regents. This is obviously more challenging for him."

Mr. Mo Da said: "It seems that we can only kill him."

Nie Zheng said, "How can I kill it?"

Mr. Mo Da said: "Lord, the enemy's enemy, that is our friend. Did you forget God and Lin Zhaonan?"

Nie Zheng's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "Yes, you should contact this king immediately. Especially Lin Zhaonan, let him bring more masters. As long as King Garan can be killed, this king can give The Holy Dragon Gate has more benefits."

"Yes, Lord!" Mr. Mo Da smiled slightly.

In the early dynasty the next day, the regent Nie Zheng did not come to participate. There are still many old ministers who cannot come to report their illness.

Naturally, Nie Zheng would not come for breakfast. He was afraid that Chen Yang would kill him in front of courtiers.

And some shrewd veterans, especially those who depend on Nie Zheng, are naturally not smart.

When Da Liguo reached this point, the interior was already rotten. Most courtiers thought about climbing the flames and taking advantage of it. Because the regent Nie Zheng himself is a greedy person.

Nie Zheng's extravagant life is something that Chen Yang could not imagine.

He has more than three hundred concubines, and his daily diet is horribly refined. He is enjoying the wealth of the entire country alone, and he is also squandering desperately.

The reason why the Great Liguo has not fallen apart. One is because in recent years, the country has been lucky and the weather is smooth. Although the people are under high pressure, they can barely make it by. Secondly, the Holy Dragon Gate is the largest cult organization. The Holy Dragon Gate does not want to counteract, but only wants to make money, so it has also achieved a stable social form from the side.

This is a very clever phenomenon.

But the Sacred Dragon Gate is also a huge cancer of Da Liguo, this cancer is too big to be cut off at once. Once the Sacred Dragon Gate is pushed back, the entire Great Leaving Country may collapse.

Therefore, the path of the little emperor is actually very difficult.

But no matter how difficult the road is, it will have to go step by step.

On the first day of the court meeting, two-thirds of courtiers will come.

The little emperor was in trouble for this, so he asked Chen Yang for advice. Chen Yang said: "You will issue your decree immediately. If you don't come to the court meeting tomorrow, you will give them a long vacation. Everyone will have a three-year vacation, and then find someone else to replace them. Aren't some courtiers here? They, let them recommend some talents by the way."

Anyway, the court was chaotic enough, and Chen Yang felt that he was not afraid to be more chaotic. Now that the court is not stabilized, what else to talk about.

As far as Bianjing is concerned, all ministries and departments are working step by step. Few cannot be replaced and replaced.

The country has become such a mess, what are you afraid of?

The little emperor's eyes lit up suddenly, and he even said a trick.

Afterwards, Qiao Ning smiled bitterly at Chen Yang and said: "The operation of a country is a complicated and huge system. Do you feel like you are too sloppy? Sometimes you can pull the whole body together, which really traps the whole country. When the situation is irreversible, then you are the sinner."

Chen Yang said: "You are right. The country is indeed a complex and huge system. But this huge system will not change much because of someone's departure." He paused and said: "A national event is naturally not a trifle. But at the moment, severe illness still needs strong medicine. As for the sequelae, the little emperor can only gradually heal them in the future.

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "I don't see that you are still a good minister."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Actually, this is a very fun thing. All laws are from the same source. The reason why I was able to advise the little emperor is because I can stand up and look at the whole situation. In Tianzhou, I can't do it. There are many changes that I cannot cope with, so I can't give advice to the emperor. Even the little one is too educated, it makes me bother. But here is different. "

Qiao Ning said: "If you become a **** emperor in Tianzhou, I'm afraid he can handle the affairs of Tianzhou with the same weight."

Chen Yang said: "That's right." He paused, and said: "Here, I can find the root cause of the crux. The root cause of Tianzhou is not what you and my eyes can see."

In the court meeting the next day, almost all the courtiers came.

Nie Zheng didn't actually issue any orders, and he didn't actually win over those courtiers before. He is the overlord of the mixed world, only others come to cling to him, how can he win others.

But now, what Nie Zheng has to do is not other things, but to find a way to kill Chen Yang.

Nie Zheng saw the problem very directly. He knew that as long as he killed Chen Yang, everything else would be fine.

So on this day, the little emperor finally went to the pilgrimage. In the past, he could only stand by the side of the regent.

On this day, the little emperor was full of spirits. He listened to the advice, as if he had the style of a generation of Mingjun.

But what will happen to the next little emperor, no one can say clearly. Anyway, since ancient times, when the emperor first took office, he was a bit Mingjun.

As for how to deal with those state affairs, Chen Yang naturally would not speak, nor did he attend the meeting.

He has no interest in participating in court politics. As for the handling of state affairs, he thought he was not as good as the old foxes from courtiers.

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