My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1052: Fist breaks the Quartet, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

After a person punches out, no matter how fast he is, no matter how fierce the punch is. He needs to regain his strength, but there is a flaw between the conversion of this strength. This flaw is very subtle, but it is definitely there. Chen Yang was waiting for this flaw. In an instant, Chen Yang's arm flashed like a ghost to the sword king's sword.

The Sword King immediately felt that the opponent's arm was like a giant.

Chen Yang pressed his arm against the sword and flicked his finger. His fingers hit the blade accurately.

Suddenly, a fierce electric current rushed straight into the palm of the sword king and his mouth.

The sword king trembles fiercely and loosens his hands.

Chen Yang took the sword into his hand as soon as he turned his wrist.

The changes in this are all within a few minutes, and the speed is too fast. Before the other three's punches reached Chen Yang, Chen Yang had already succeeded in seizing the sword. Then, Chen Yang shook his sword, and the sword shot immediately towards Lin Hong. Lin Hong felt that he had just thrown a punch, and didn't know what the hell, the sword of the Sword King actually shot at him.

Lin Hong was shocked, retreated quickly, and then moved horizontally, before he avoided the sword of the Sword King.

Bao Jian was avoided by Lin Hong, and then he shot directly in the direction of the empress dowager.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and the power is fierce.

Supervisor Na Anmu immediately shot, he stopped in front of the empress dowager, and then golden silk gloves appeared in his hands. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the sword directly.

With this catch, An Mu's body suddenly shook, and the person backed away a few steps.

Supervisor An Mu's face changed drastically, and he realized that there was a fierce electric current in the sword.

Supervisor An Mu was horrified, and the mystery of this person's use of strength is simply unheard of, unseen!

The moment Lin Hong avoided, Chen Yang also moved, and when he displayed the body technique of changing shape and shadow, he actually rushed directly towards Lin Hong.

The siege of the four great masters is perfect.

But Lin Hong's avoidance is like a gap in the embankment. And Chen Yang was a monstrous flood in the embankment, and a gap in the embankment was the catastrophe of the people.

For Lin Hong's mental journey, it is also miserable. As soon as he punched, the sword of the sword king shot over inexplicably. As soon as he withdrew, avoiding the sword, then Chen Yang pounced like a big bird, his eyes went dark, that was the posture of Mount Tai!

Chen Yang's figure completely enveloped Lin Hong!

At this time, Chen Yang took a picture!

This is the Great Seal!


Lin Hong was smashed by Chen Yang on the spot, and his death was extremely miserable.

Taoist Xuanxu, Yuan Zheng, and Sword King all flew into the air. Chen Yang quickly displayed an antelope hanging horns, his body galloping, and he came to the sword king in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yang originally needed a turn, but everyone did not see him turn around. Not knowing what was going on, he just came to the front of the Sword King.

The sword king lost his sword, which was obviously a devastating blow to him.

When Chen Yang appeared, the powerful pressure made him frightened.

In the crisis, the Sword King didn't care about the three seven twenty one, he roared, and then his whole body slammed into Chen Yang.

"Old bear hit the tree!" The Sword King wasn't stupid, so he just wanted to hurt the enemy. He knew that as long as he could allow Chen Yang to have a moment of weakness and stagnation, then for them, victory was already in sight.

The strength of the Sword King is unparalleled, and the collision is like a mountain collapsed.

Intrepid momentum, destructive force.

After all, the cultivation base of the Sword King was placed here. Chen Yang didn't evade, he suddenly stretched out his palm, his body rose, and then he pressed his palm on the shoulder of the sword king.


The sword king was directly pressed to the ground by Chen Yang. Yuan Zheng and Xuanxu Taoist thought that Chen Yang was about to smash the sword king's head. Unexpectedly, when Chen Yang shook the Sword King, he turned around and actually got behind the Sword King.

Yuan Zheng and Taoist Xuanxu's attack failed again. When the sword king knelt, the glorious bricks on the ground shattered inch by inch, and large cracks appeared.

Such power is truly frightening. Chen Yang held the sword king in his hand, and suddenly threw it at Yuan Zheng.

Before Yuan Zheng raised his eyes, he felt a heavy object hitting him. The heavy object was urgent, fast and cruel, and the wind burst. Before he could see clearly, he flashed around and immediately avoided.

As soon as he avoided, Chen Yang descended to him like a true god.

At this moment, Yuan Zheng's heart trembled, he actually knelt down with a bang, and then burst into tears. "Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Besides, Yuan Zheng avoided the sword king's body and smashed it in the direction of Nie Zheng. Nie Zheng's expression was extremely gloomy, he grabbed the sword king's body firmly and placed it on the ground.

At this moment, Dao Xuan Xu didn't dare to attack anymore. The offensive is to seek death. He quickly stepped back to Nie Zheng's side, and said ashamed: "The prince, the subordinate is incompetent, I am embarrassed."

Chen Yang didn't kill Yuan Zheng completely. He smiled faintly and said: "Don't kill you, go back."

When Yuan Zhengru received an amnesty, he hurriedly went to Nie Zheng's side, and only said, "The subordinates have no face to stay with the prince, goodbye!" Then, he turned and ran out of the hall.

Yuan Zheng didn't regret in his heart and knelt down and begged for mercy. He knew that as long as he hesitated for a moment, he would now follow in the footsteps of Sword King and Lin Hong. If you don't do anything with someone like King Garan, you will never know how terrifying King Garan is.

At this moment, the little emperor's face showed an expression of excitement. He finally began to experience the mysterious realm that Chen Yang said. A strange look also appeared in Qiao Ning's eyes, and she gradually began to understand why Chen Yang would be the King of Destiny. He is not inferior to the powers of Tianzhou, but because he started late. But in the age of force, he was so amazing and brilliant. Qiao Ning believed that, given time, even in the age of mana, Chen Yang would be so momentous, overwhelming and fearless.

The faces of Nie Zheng and the empress dowager were ugly.

Chen Yang looked at Nie Zheng.

Nie Zheng also looked at Chen Yang.

"Nie Zheng, I know you still have hidden masters, and you also have trump cards in yourself." Chen Yang said lightly: "But you believe me, I want to kill you, you will definitely die!"

"But in that case, the emperor and your companions will be dead." Nie Zheng said coldly.

Chen Yang said: "Really?" He smiled, and then looked around the scene coldly. He said: "If anyone dares to kill my friend, I will definitely let him survive and die. No matter who is behind him, the power ."

After speaking, Chen Yang said to Nie Zheng: "Do you think anyone has the guts to kill them? Especially after you die?"

Nie Zheng's face was extremely ugly.

At this moment, Nie Zheng, although there are countless capable people around him, he is in the army, but he feels as if he is facing Chen Yang alone.

Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and he said, "You look down on me too much. First, you may not kill me. Second, there are dead men around me. If you threaten my life, they will definitely go. Kill the emperor and your friends."

Chen Yang said: "I feel that if I kill the soldier first, you have a chance to catch my friend. If I kill you first, the soldier will have the opportunity to catch my companion and threaten me." He paused. Pause, said: "I understand, so today is not your death date. You go!"

Nie Zheng restrained his complex emotions. He took a deep breath again, then waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

The empress mother couldn't help standing up, she looked at Nie Zheng pleadingly, and said, "Take me along."

Nie Zheng looked at Chen Yang. Chen Yang said coldly: "Absolutely not!"

Nie Zheng gritted his teeth and ignored the queen mother, then turned and left unfeeling.

Ning Xiudian quickly became empty.

The empress dowager sat on the head decadently.

At this time, the little emperor finally felt that he could raise his eyebrows. He looked at the empress dowager and said: "Li, from now on, Leng Gong will be your only home, hahaha..."

After he finished speaking, he went and invited his mother and concubine out.

It's pitiful to say, there is really no one who can be called by the little emperor.

Then, the little emperor took the mother concubine back to the palace.

In the study room, the little emperor was extremely excited.

"Sir, I understand now that Mr. Dean alone is better than the thousands of troops." The little emperor said.

Chen Yang's face was faint, he smiled, and said: "The emperor, the situation will change next, you have to make good use of it."

The little emperor said: "I know that I am an orthodox emperor. Nie Zheng will always have a bad name and bad words. Today Nie Zheng is deflated, and many people have to think about the future. The first thing I want to take back is the Yulin Army. Rule."

Chen Yang said: "That's right. The emperor, you must order this matter as soon as possible."

The little emperor said: "I'm afraid those people from the Imperial Forest Army have seen something bad, and have taken people to flee the palace."

Chen Yang said: "The duty of the Yulin Army is to guard the palace. After they escape, what are they? They are deserters, and glory will never be there. I am afraid that even if the commander wants to escape, the soldiers don't want to."

The little emperor said: "Mr. has a point."

Chen Yang said: "What's more, regardless of whether they escaped or not, this edict must be issued, and it must be effective. If anyone does not honor the edict, he will be punished as the sin of not honoring the edict. Now, the emperor, what you have to do is Recover all your lost emperor’s majesty. Let your imperial edict truly become an imperial edict from now on."

The little emperor's eyes lighted up, and he said: "Okay, I will now issue an edict to command the Yulin army to command the Mongolian army, and the deputy commander Zhang Yingjie to behead to show the public, and then set my confidant to take charge of the Yulin army."

"No!" Chen Yang said immediately.

"Why not?" The little emperor was suddenly surprised.

Chen Yang said: "Not only that you can't kill, but the emperor's will is to reward you, and promise that you will not pursue everything in the past."

"Why?" The little emperor felt uneasy.

Chen Yang said: "The emperor, you have to be clear about the current situation. Before you had no power, everyone was on the opposite side of you. You can't blame them, you will have this choice instead. If they kill, then everyone will fight to support Nie Zheng and dare not submit to you. But if you let the blame go, they will gradually move closer to you according to the situation."

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