My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 532: Mir in the distant universe

"Where are we currently?" On the Mir, getting up in the morning, Meng Yang came to the bridge and asked.

"Captain, just four hours ago, we just crossed the 141 universe area. At present, in the 142 universe area, it is 103.6 million kilometers away from the earth!" Huang Yunyin took a look at the distance data of the star map Replied.

"It's far enough!" Meng Yang said helplessly.

The others smiled.

Although far away, waiting for others, is also the most distant existence of human beings from the earth.

It has been more than a month since Mir left the moon, and it has sailed more than 100 million kilometers.

There is still a distance of close to 300 million kilometers from the target, and beyond that, it is not that it can also travel at high speeds. The solar wind propulsion and lunar gravitational force and the eruption system are gone, and now the Mir is moving at an even speed.

If you could fly 100 million kilometers a month before, now you can fly 60 million kilometers a month.

"Captain, it's early enough!" Kate and Josman walked in side by side and saw Meng Yang greeting.

"It seems your situation is still very good, at least no time difference will appear!" Meng Yang looked at the time and said with a smile.

Kate and Josman smiled helplessly.

"Captain, you have made it difficult for us to do this, after all, I don't know how long this mileage is, we must find something to do!"

Meng Yang nodded. "As usual! Notify me of anything!" Meng Yang went out.

When he arrived at the hangar, Meng Yang watched Su Yuyan, who was debugging, walk towards her.

Hearing footsteps, Su Yan put down his tools and stood up.

"Captain!" Su Yuyan saluted.

"You don't need to be so polite!" Although it was said, Meng Yang gave Su Yuyan a gift.

In terms of pale blue, it was just to send Su Yuyan alone to this task. What was Su Yuyan's task? Meng Yang probably knew.

The importance of this mission was very clear to Meng Yang. During the selection, Cang Lan, Hua Xia, the United States, and Russia have jointly called Meng Yang. They will understand the seriousness of this task, and both China and Cang Lan are independent. Meng Yang met Meng Yang and gave some tasks.

Su Yuyan's mission Meng Yang knew only one, that is to guarantee the safety of the Mir, for this reason, mobilized a Dragon Guard.

What is the performance of Long Wei, Meng Yang is very clear. When the war of Yunhe Civilization, Meng Yang was the captain of the battleship Blue. He almost died in that war and showed it to the back of Long Wei. Strength, Meng Yang is very clear.

"Captain, why do you have time to come here?"

"Before coming, Zhu Dong once told me that when Mir leaves 100 million kilometers from the moon, let me come to you!"

Su Yuyan listened and said, "Is it so far?"

Meng Yang nodded.

"So, why did you find you?"

"Captain, come with me!" Su Yuyan said, taking Meng Yang to the side.

"Captain, you know that on Mir, about 86 percent of the area you know exists, and the rest are unknown to you."

"What are the engines and weapon rooms you said?" Meng Yang thought solemnly.

Su Yan nodded and continued to move forward.

"The Mir is equipped with sixteen engines. In order to ensure the mission and the safety of the Mir, these engines are strictly sealed. They cannot enter without a special password. The password of the main engine also requires my and your password to open. Believe this, you are very clear, Captain! "

Meng Yang nodded, and Su Yuyan took Meng Yang to a taboo room.

"Here is the nuclear library?"

Looking at the sign above, Meng Yang frowned.

No one knows what this mission will encounter. For this reason, the Mir carries an indefinite number of nuclear warheads to prevent the worst results, and the nuclear warheads can also be used as Mir ’s propulsion energy. A powerful explosion can be converted into propulsion, and the Mir has a special place for nuclear explosions to generate propulsion.

The use of nuclear weapon explosions to generate propulsion has long been an illusion. It is sufficient that the material itself can resist the high temperature generated by the nuclear explosion. Coupled with the existence of a conversion device, this seemingly impossible existence can be achieved.

This is also the last guarantee of the Mir.

Meng Yang wondered, what did Su Yuyan bring himself to the nuclear depot?

There are many places in the Mir, all of which are special. They need a password to open them, and they can be opened by Su Yuyan independently, or combined by Su Yuyan and Meng Yang. These places are the most important places of the Mir All places are related to the safety of the Mir, and the degree of confidentiality is very high.

"Xingmeng, open Room 7!"

"Sound recognition is complete. Room 7 is opening. Please strictly follow the safety rules!"

"Intelligent system, this thing actually exists on the ship!" Meng Yang was dignified, but no one told himself about this, and no such system existed.

Su Yuyan said nothing and walked in.

Meng Yang followed in, and after entering, he found that it was a large room, and the contents in the room surprised Meng Yang.

A mini-aircraft docked in the room, these aircraft are about one-third the size of normal fighters, and in this room, at least twenty fighters are placed.

"these are?"

After Meng Yang had finished speaking, he was instantly attracted to the other side.

A door opened, revealing two special mechs.

The mech is very huge, and the pieces of weapons attached to it clearly tell Meng Yang how powerful the firepower of this mech is.

Meng Yang has no idea what to say.

There are less than 30% of the places where the migrants can move. Other places are unnecessary and ca n’t be moved. What everyone knows is that there are dangerous goods and micro ecosystems in those places. The water resource recycling system, of course, can also be entered if there is a real need, but no one wants to go there, because the Mir has been accelerating, and this place belongs to the Mir circulator, leaving the main body of the Mir Scope is very dangerous.

"Here are 26 fighters and two mechas!"

Su Yan explained lightly.

"Have you considered such a situation?" Meng Yang's profession, it is already very clear what these things are used for.

"It seems that you have understood the captain. On Saturn, I have my own mission. At that time, the safety of the Mir depends on you to complete it!"

It is now 100 million kilometers away, and Meng Yang is not afraid to know.

Meng Yang is not surprised. Su Yuyan has his own task. Meng Yang is very clear. Not only is she. Everyone in the Mir has its own task, and what the task is, they do not know each other. Everyone knows this, and even when they set off, every country knows it, but there is an agreement to ensure the completion of the main tasks, and other, free!

It looks casual, but it's not really casual, no one knows, and no one will try it.

"Wait a minute, I will let Xingmeng load the relevant mech training on the virtual device, choose who, then yours, we have at least three months to train!"

Meng Yang listened and nodded "I know, I will deal with it!"

In the 214 universe, a battleship is moving.

Battleship model Zhenhai.

It has a tonnage of 1.26 million tons and is equipped with 42 600-mm particle fusion cannons with a maximum attack range of one million kilometers.

Equipped with 1,600 missile launchers of various types, Zhenhai is the existence of a super arsenal, and Zhenhai is equipped with two hypergravity guns.

Through the joint development of the Red Queen and the Sea Fog, the new hypergravity gun directly attacks in the form of space, and the maximum attack distance is up to 8 million kilometers. It can attack, but with the current blue technology, it is very difficult to build a wormhole through which the hypergravity gun can attack.

It looks huge, but it's just a good thing, it's gone.

If it were not for the lack of material support, this new hypergravity gun would not have been installed.

On Saturn, I don't know what it is. Although the super-gravity gun is a good product, it can also be used as a killer.

Ren Yeting stood in front of the glass ~ ~ looking at the situation outside and lost in thought.

"You have only one mission. To gather all the information about this civilization, it is best to understand what kind of enemy this fleet was destroyed by!"

Recalling before leaving, Zhu Lan's order, Ren Ye heard a headache.

The order was vague, but harsh.

"Captain, are you here? Let me find it!"

Ren Ye turned his head around and saw someone who was surprised. "Professor Xu, is there anything?" Xu Ming, a professor of space physics, had obtained a doctorate certificate in space science from Harvard University, and was an honorary professor in the Department of Space Physics at Fudan University. Blue is one of the few top talents in this area.

Once again, he had to be responsible for finding out what the wormholes on Saturn looked like.

"We found something, the captain asked you to go to the bridge!"

Ren Ye listened for a moment, nodded, and walked towards the bridge.

The captain of the Zhenhai is not Zhenhai. The heart is intelligent and powerful, but it also has defects. It is too wooden. To this end, the Zhenhai is equipped with a captain. Not only Zhenhai, King Kong, and constellations are equipped with captains. There are too few people to command such a warship, and currently only the Zhenhai has a captain.

The captain of the Zhenhai was Tang Shengjun.

Because of Tang Xue's reasons, and the cooperation with the Tang family deepened, the Tang Shengjun withdrew from the army, joined the blue, and trained for three years before gaining the captain's authority. Currently, the only blue can obtain the captain. It is only Tang Shengjun who has the authority. Even Qin Shi, who has rich experience, cannot do it. This time, the special nature of the mission, Zhu Lan transferred Tang Shengjun from the virtual training ground to serve as the captain of Zhenhai. . (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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