My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 531: Expedition War Game Merit System

"It seems very lively!" Zhu Lan entered the expedition's own account and watched the situation of Xuanyuan Port, the main city of Creation World, coming and going, very satisfied.

Entering the mission hall, many people continued some tasks here.

At present, the expedition is not only the existence of Blue Star. Zhu Lan has also opened some permissions to various countries. At present, the number of expeditions is about 140,000.

Nearly 50,000 of them belong to the Blue Army.

There are about 40,000 people on the side of Blue Star. In addition to combatants, there are some ground crews including warship maintenance and so on.

Expedition is a game of adventure, adventure and war.

There are a large number of cosmic pirates and some secret organization forces in the twenty open universe regions, and there are some places that simulate possible conditions, such as the neutron gravitational effect, temporary wormholes, and even black holes. presence.

And in many areas, it is ten times, even ten times more complex than reality.

Complex areas have led many people to find a cosmic region, let alone go on an expedition or explore.

The expedition system is very complicated, killing different enemies to gain merits, but once you die, all merits are cleared.

In other words, even if you mix up with the rank of Marshal, once you die, you have to start again with the soldiers.

It is simply impossible to put such a rule on the game.

But the expedition is to train future officers for the earth. In order to prevent some people from going backwards, each trainer needs to pass a large number of basic tests to formally become a recruit. Even if you know the answer, you need to answer it. They are all memorized, and the important thing as a space arm is to evaluate its marksmanship, understanding of mechs, warships, and so on.

This also eliminates the possibility of backstage people.

No matter what kind of career you are in, you must complete the relevant training at the expedition training center.

At present, about 26,000 people in various countries conduct warship command training during the expedition. Many of them are school-level officers, and hundreds of generals exist. They must learn again and master before they can lead. Blue Star Corps.

In this regard, countries very much want to see it.

In the future, there may no longer be any internal fighting. Even if you lose the slave for hundreds of years at most, the civilized war may be destroyed once you lose.

Even if a few people want to go backstage, other countries cannot agree.

No layman is allowed to command space wars.

This is directly written into the blue agreement.

Many of the younger generations of military officers from various countries are sent directly to military expeditions for training.

Not only the army command and control, but even the staff and the like must also relearn and consider the overall situation.

Two months ago, the joint human command center was started, which is why the high-level military bases of various countries are on the moon blue base. At present, the only control center that satisfies is there. Until now, this joint command center has not been established. Arise, after all, there is too much involved in it, not that it can be handled in a short while.

Whether it is an expedition or a creation, in order to ensure its security, confidentiality, and fair operation, all operations, including the virtual second world, are carried out by a supercomputer, and auxiliary computing can be used to redeem the huge virtual world. The world works, which contains more than a dozen virtual and computer technologies of the future world, in order to build such a powerful super host.

Otherwise, with the development of the Earth's technology, even if it is developed for another 500 years, it may not be able to produce such a super-computing host.

What makes Zhu Lan regret is that this host does not know why and has not produced intelligence. This is the existence of Zhu Lan who has always been very confused.

Enter your own special password and Zhu Lan opens the expedition terminal.

After looking at the various rankings, I smiled with satisfaction.

The soldiers pay most attention to honor. The expedition has various lists. Originally, the expedition has the troops of many countries. These people are most concerned about their reputation. The list competition is very fierce.

In terms of military ranks, someone has already been promoted to the rank of major general.

Recruit-Pawn-Captain-School-General Although the rank is very short, it is very difficult to get promoted.

Zhu Lan looked at it, and the number one was an Englishman named Rota. This surprised Zhu Lan.

After calling for his meritorious events, Zhu Lan was dignified. Looking at this man, about 23 years old, Zhu Lan was dignified. Zhu Lan originally thought he was relying on luck, but he did not expect that his promotion was complete. Promoted in the form of mech.

The expedition has four different ways to obtain merits. The first one is ordinary soldiers, that is, wearing mechs to fight on the battlefield, killing themselves to get a little meritorious, and killing one level lower than themselves to get 0.5 meritorious, but Once you die, you have to clear it.

The special benefit of being an ordinary soldier is that killing yourself will double the rank of the higher rank, and double again at the higher rank.

And even if the construction of merit is a recruit to kill a marshal, he can only be promoted to the rank of a lieutenant, the promotion of merit is also in the form of doubling.

Recruits need one hundred merit to be promoted to corporal, two hundred merit to be promoted to sergeant, four hundred merit to be promoted to sergeant, and so on.

It seems very simple, but you have a little merits in killing your peers, and it is rare and terrible to be promoted to the rank of captain.

Even if you are a king of soldiers in reality, here you may not even be able to pass the ranks to the sea.

The second type is obtained by commanding the army. It is the easiest, but also the hardest, to get merit by annihilating the enemy year-on-year percentage. If the war fails because of your command, the punishment is very serious.

The lightest thing is that you must not apply for command authority for six months.

The assessment of the commander does not mean that you can be an unlimited commander after passing the test. Once your command causes serious mistakes on the battlefield, you will be deprived of command authority to become a soldier.

Then, after waiting for half a year, we can re-evaluate and return to the ranks of commanders.

The third is exploration. After obtaining the captain's certificate, recruit your own team members, buy spaceships, explore in unknown areas, and obtain points by discovering resources, enemy sentiments, etc. There is basically no possibility of promotion in this type of, but Victory will not be canceled the existence of the captain's license, only suitable for adventure and explorer use.

The fourth type is logistics. If you understand enough about certain equipment, you will get some merits. When you fully understand a space battleship and can quickly find the existence of damage, then your rank is at least major.

This is the simplest, but also the most difficult, and the complexity of space equipment is definitely not easily understood by anyone.

Of the four methods, soldiers come fastest, but they also go fastest, logistics are the safest, and as long as they are not on the battlefield, it is basically impossible to die.

It is for this reason that this man named Rota simply relied on the battlefield to reach the rank of major general, which was simply impossible.

Zhu Lan turned a lot again and found that in addition to one of his generals, under the soldiers' merit, below was Hua Xia's Lieutenant Colonel Li Dong.

Two levels apart.

After Zhu Lan retrieved some of Rota's records, after reading more than a dozen records, Zhu Lan was completely stunned.

If the data does not show that it is an ordinary person, Zhu Lan thinks he is a new human. This Rota seems to have a sixth sense. On the battlefield, if he kills God, even if he encounters a sniper, he can kill the encirclement. New human performance.

"Sure enough, there will always be some talented people in the world!" Zhu Lan smiled and was able to find a talented person. Zhu Lan was still very happy, although it was part of the British Air Force.

Zhu Lan looked at the others and had to be sighed. These are indeed soldiers, especially many of them are new batches of troops, with very strong adaptability.

At present, nearly 80,000 people have fully adapted to the existence of the space war, and more than a hundred commanders have done very well, and they can already become captains independently.

After exiting the expedition, Zhu Lan smiled.

Kong Yan handed the towel to Zhulan ~ ~ Zhu Lan took it, wiped off the nutrient solution on her body, put on her clothes and came out.

"Is there anything wrong these days?"

Kong Yan opened a virtual interface. "There are six news bosses in China that can be followed. Tianshan has cancelled large-scale research on space-time tunnels and sent troops to be sealed up. The Tianshan Glacier channel has been successfully constructed. Antarctic ice has begun in the second place. These lakes have been put into operation. At present, the situation is very stable. Through long-distance delivery, the greening rate in the west has increased by 17%, and it is increasing at a rate of 0.67% every day. "

"Huaxia and Russia have reached an agreement to start the construction of the Asian Canal, and have already mobilized a lot of engineering equipment!"

"Recently, more than a dozen departments including the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and the Environment and Security Department launched a new round of crackdowns on hundreds of areas including the environment, violations of laws, drugs, arms, and medical care, and captured more than 160,000 people. People, recently, the invasion of the group has increased, and the National Security Agency informed us of the information of many attackers! "

"Can't help it?" Zhu Lan sneered, attacking the Fantasy Group? Even if the Huaxia army comes in person, it will not necessarily get any benefit, let alone these businessmen who have no humanity!

"Are we currently suffering?"

Kong Yan shook her head and closed the virtual interface. "Our security forces have blocked possible threats outside the group. The military and us on the South China Sea have strengthened their defense efforts. Recently, they have organized a number of organizations trying to crack down on rail elevators. The United Nations security The army has arrested many members of the organization for this matter, and completely defeated each other's arrogance! "

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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