My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4018: Be despised

On the Vatican Star,

It is vast and endless, full of endless deserts. There are many bones in the desert. An ancient stone tower stands in the center of the planet. This stone tower stands in the sky, like a sleeping God of Luo.

People come and go, the powers of the Heavenly Dao God level turn into divine light and fly to the stone tower, and the stone tower is the headquarters of Tianbao Pavilion in the Brahma Sky God Star, and below the stone tower is the Daluo God Heaven Vein that was swallowed by Lin Feng .

At this moment, Lin Feng and Nan Zhen Demon stood in front of the stone tower. "Lord, this is the headquarters of the Tianbao Pavilion in the Fankong Shenxing. It is a powerful Daluo divine tool, ever-changing and mysterious. It is rumored to be made from the backbone of a Daluo god." Nan The real demon explained: "Mix flesh and blood

His mysterious substance was injected into his spine. "

"Awesome, I can sense the shocking power in it." Lin Feng nodded when he heard the words: "The strength of Tianbao Pavilion is really unfathomable. Okay, how do you enter? I feel that there is a strong forbidden force."

He opened the eyes of the heavens, and he could see countless black mists pervading this stone tower. This black mist was actually formed by the poison of the corpse of the God of Luo. It was very terrifying, and there was no gap to penetrate.

"Actually, every VIP card issued by Tianbao Pavilion can be passed." Nanjin Mo heard the words: "However, we came here with completely hidden identity this time, so some discounts are not available."

"That little bit of profit, let's not worry about it, hide your identity and go in." Lin Feng decided directly.

"it is good!"

Nan Zhen demon nodded slightly when he heard the words, and his body directly released a terrible aura. This powerful aura rushed into the sky and space, like a sea frenzy, rushing to the stone tower, and suddenly the stone tower erupted violently.

The stone tower glowed with intense black light.

The sea of ​​blood in the black light shook the time and space, and the blood contained the aura that collapsed everything. This breath rushed towards the Nan Zhen Demon, who hurriedly retreated a few steps, and the breath on his body disappeared immediately.

As the breath on his body disappeared, the stone tower returned to calm again, and a figure walked out from the inside. This figure was wearing a pale gold armor, with torch-like eyes and messy hair.

This person is the Wanxingjian.

The person in charge of Tianbaozhai on the Fankong Shenxing is extremely terrifying, and it is rumored that he can be promoted to the existence of Daluo.

Wan Xingjian's eyes were deep. When he saw Nan Zhen Demon, his brows were slightly frowned, and he felt a slight threat from Nan Zhen Demon.

Their Tianbao Pavilion dislikes such people who hide their identities the most, because there are many factors that are difficult to grasp, which will cause a crisis to Tianbao Pavilion's business, but they cannot refuse such things.

After all, this kind of people often have very high-quality resources. In fact, Tianbao Pavilion earns a lot of profits every year from this aspect. Therefore, Tianbao Pavilion has a very ambivalent heart for such customers.

"This respected driver, welcome to Tianbao Pavilion." Wan Xingjian looked at Nan Zhen Mo and Lin Feng with a signature smile on his face.

"Oh, I know the rules here very well, Wanxing Sword, not much nonsense, what we sold this time is very precious, but I don't know if you can swallow it." Nan Zhenma smiled and looked at Wanxing Sword.

"We can swallow anything." Wan Xingjian smiled proudly and looked at Nan Zhen Modao.

"Okay, very good, I'll take out things to open your eyes now." Nan Zhenmo looked at Wanxing Ken and said, "This time I promise you Tianbao Pavilion will make a fortune." "Haha, good, this distinguished customer , Your things are sold here, and they will surely be sold for a sky-high price. You can take them out and show me now. You also know our rules. Strangers can’t enter casually, unless "Ten Thousand Xing Jian Ha

He smiled and looked at Nan Zhen Modao.

Nan Zhen demon nodded slightly when he heard the words, but when he was about to take out a little bit of the life source of the Da Luo God level, a beautiful Suying walked out of the stone tower, and he whispered a few words in front of the Ten Thousand Xing Sword.

Wan Xingjian suddenly changed color, and he hurriedly apologized: "Two people, we have an urgent matter here. I will let my subordinates receive you. She is my confidant, named Hua Qianjue."

"Two people, I am Hua Qianjue!"

That beautiful Suying looked charmingly at Nan Zhen Mo and Lin Feng with a smile.

Nan Zhenmo's face was gloomy. He knew that more important customers should have arrived. Of course, this more important thing should be the judgment in Wan Xingjian's heart.

"Forget it." Lin Feng looked at Nan Zhen Demon with a smile and said with a voice transmission: "We are here to smash the scene, there is no need to delay the big thing because of this little thing."


Wan Xingjian smiled and arched his hands, then turned and left.

"Huh, what!" Nan Zhenmo still couldn't help but be angry, who is he? He is a big boss of super power, no matter where he goes, others will give him three points.

Although the power of the Tianbao Pavilion is terrible, the power behind the Nanzhen Demon relies on the central heaven.

"Two people, don't be offended, we do have important things, I am Hua Qianjue, I am here to receive them." Mei Suying walked up, her bright eyes twinkling, her body was graceful, and she was a bit charming.

The breath on his body is very terrifying, he is a powerful **** of heaven.

"Oh, what the **** is it? Don't hide it, we just want to know who made your Ten Thousand Xing Sword behave like this." Nan Zhen Demon looked at Hua Qianjue with a calm face, "Otherwise this business doesn't have to be done."

While speaking, he revealed a terrible breath of life, this breath of life was so terrifying that Hua Qianjue's figure trembled, her eyes fixed on Nan Zhende. "It's the Lang Family in the Fourth City of Nine Heavens." Hua Qianjue hesitated and said, "The Lang Family Chief Manager Lang is boundless."

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