My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4017: Ready to bid

"It looks like you are sure that Tianbao Pavilion is in possession of this corpse." Lin Feng said with a smile while looking at Tai'e.

"Eight or nine do not leave ten." Tai'er held his hand and stood up: "This level of corpse is a supreme treasure. If it has a great background, Tianbao Pavilion will definitely not dare to take it for its own. It is better to sell it."

"That's true." Lin Feng stared at Tai'er and said: "Tai'er, if you are in charge of this corpse, how strong is your combat power? Can you compete with Dongfang Invincible?"

"You underestimate the God King Daluo." Tai E heard the words: "I am a dead person after all. A person who has been dead for many years still has the mark of the soul. Even if he occupies a corpse, he can't exert much power."

"How strong?" Lin Feng asked.

"The Emperor Tutian Dao is like a dog. Even if he can't compete with Dongfang Invincible, he can still be injured if he fights for complete destruction." Tai'e said proudly, "But no one would be willing to do this without a last resort. ."

"Great, great." Lin Feng exclaimed when he heard the words.

"So this ultimate combat power can't be brought into play." Too indifferently said: "We can only compete with the ordinary God Luo, but it can't be long."

"What if you are to give you the life origin of the Daluo God level?" Lin Feng smiled and said: "This should last for a long time?"

"There is no need to do this, it is too wasteful." Tai E was taken aback upon hearing this.

"What I have is the origin of life at the level of God Da Luo." Lin Feng looked at Tai'e and smiled proudly after hearing this.

"You are the only one who speaks these words domineeringly." Tai E heard the words: "I really didn't expect a freak like you to be born in this heaven."

"I can't think of it." Lin Feng smiled after hearing the words: "Well, it was so decided. This time we made a big noise in Tianbao Pavilion, Tianbao Pavilion actually calculated me, I will make Tianbao Pavilion pay a heavy price."

"Oh." Tai Er said: "I felt the familiar breath of the two in there."

"Familiar breath? Where is it?" Lin Feng changed his color when he heard the words. The master who could make Tai'e feel that familiar breath must be powerful.

Must reach the level of the Great Luo God.

"Inside the Heavenly Vessel of God of Luo." Tai'e heard the words.

"Who is it?" Lin Feng heard the words: "I stole the Heavenly Veins of the Dragon God like this, didn't they find it?"

"It shouldn't be. Their current state is similar to mine. One is named Wan Og and the other is Tai Yi." Tai'e explained.

"Taiyi? I have never heard of this person, but Wanyu should be Tianjun Wanyu, this person has a slight layout on me." Lin Feng heard the words and looked at Taihe and said: "Is it in the coffin and the black mist? inside?"

"Yes, Wan Og can indeed control and absorb the poison of the corpse of Da Luo at will. The owner of the corpse in the coffin is Taiyi." Tai'e explained: "These two people were masters of the world in the past, but unfortunately they all suffered. The end."

"You said Tianbao Pavilion sells corpses, isn't this corpse the same corpse, right?" Lin Feng looked at Tai'e and asked.

"It's not this corpse." Tai'e heard the words and looked at Lin Feng and said: "I didn't sense any primordial spirit fluctuations in this corpse." "Just like a horse, I will get this corpse for you. I lack the guardian of the strong, and I am ready to cross the calamity." Lin Feng looked at Tai'er and said: "Once I have passed the calamity, I can start to arrange some things. Now I always feel that I am being led by someone

Go. "

"Oh, do you feel that I'm also leading your nose." Tai'er looked at Lin Feng with his eyes flashing.

"Haha, it's normal to have this idea. We practitioners don't really believe in a person." Lin Feng said with a smile and said, "But I believe you will not do stupid things."

"Yes, you are a very good partner." Tai E looked at Lin Feng and nodded.

"In that case, please cooperate with me honestly, terrible, I won't let you do things for me in vain." Lin Feng looked at terrible.

"I see, Lin Feng, don't worry, you own ten universes, and your identity is mysterious. At least now I won't part ways with you." Tai'er stood with his hand and looked at Lin Feng.

"Okay, I just like hearing your words." Lin Feng heard the words.

Tai'e nodded slightly when he heard the words, the light on his body changed, and the spirit of his body disappeared completely.

His figure also turned into the figure of Nan Zhen Demon.

Nan Zhenmo's face was pale, his gaze was lost, and he soon woke up, looking at Lin Feng with a trace of doubt.

"Master, this is, I seem to have been possessed just now." Nan Zhenmo looked at Lin Feng and said hurriedly.

"Yes, a Tianjun is possessed, and this Tianjun is my collaborator." Lin Feng looked at Nan Zhen Demon with a smile.

As soon as he said this, Nan Zhenmo suddenly changed his color, and his figure trembled and took a few steps back.

"Well, you don't have to worry about this, he won't take you away." Lin Feng looked at Nan Zhen Demon and said, "It's just that when I'm in danger, he will be on your body and help me solve some things."

"That's good." Nan Zhen Demon breathed a sigh of relief.

"We are going to bid for a corpse of Great Luoshen this time." Lin Feng looked at Nan Zhenmo and nodded: "This corpse was prepared for him."

"I'm really looking forward to it." Nan Zhen Demon nodded when he heard this. "Well, let's go to Tianbao Pavilion now to see what rare treasures there is in Tianbao Pavilion, and also look at the forces of other heavens." Lin Feng looked at the distant void.

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