My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3929: From the south

"Da Luotian artifact?"

Tai'er looked at the three-legged Xiaoding in Lin Feng's hand in surprise and said, "This is one of the cauldrons used by Gou Chen in the past. I saw it when I fought him."

As soon as Lin Feng's words changed color, he didn't expect that this cauldron was the cauldron used by Gouchen Tianjun, but why this cauldron was hidden in the emperor's Celestial Vein, it should not have been placed by Gouchen.

Bailong Liqi on the side of "this" was even more shocked, looking at Tai'er's figure with a bit of awe. Tai'er's words completely shocked him. Just now, he thought Tai'er was just a master by Lin Feng, but he did not expect it to be one. A ruthless person, someone who can fight Gou Chen Tianjun

He could not imagine.

"It seems that his heir should be sealed here, and you actually took advantage of it." Tai'er stood up and looked at Lin Feng with his hand held up and said: "But this cauldron is not very useful to you, you can sell it. Up."

"It's also a Daluo artifact, it's a pity to sell it." Lin Feng stood up with a smile and said, "I will look back and study it carefully to see what I can use."

While speaking, he slowly stretched out his hand, and the vast life origin aura oscillated in the palm of his hand. This life origin aura made Bailong and Nangongju have fiery eyes and lost their attitude, because Lin Feng's palm had too much life origin.

If it can be put into the gourd, I am afraid that it can hold more than 30 gourds. Normally, even if a **** of heaven has one gourd, it is considered awesome, but there are more than 30 gourds here.

"Boy, not bad, you can consider lurking into those first-class powers' emperor-grade celestial veins, and swallowing them directly, it's so good." Tai'e looked at the origin of life in Lin Feng's palm with a smile.


Lin Feng was sweating violently, he didn't want to be a public enemy.

Once it is discovered that he has the power to swallow the sky veins, I am afraid that there will be no good life in the future. Once someone has a problem with the sky veins, I am afraid that he will be the first to come to the door, and the trouble will continue, and even cause serious disaster.

And the Heavenly Veins of these forces must be stared at by masters.

After all, this is the foundation of a power.

Of course, whoever goes against him, he doesn't mind sneaking up and swallowing it.

"What? Don't have the guts?"

Tai E looked at Lin Feng with a sneer. "This kind of thing is a long-term plan." Lin Feng heard the words and looked at the void and said: "Sometimes, don't be too greedy. This will become a public enemy and cause a lot of trouble. I am mainly practicing as the master now, and when I step into the gods of heaven Level or Da Luo God Level

Second, how many people in this heaven can do anything to me? "

When he said this sentence, he was speaking to Tai E. "Haha, the tone is not small, but it is true. Once the realm is reached, anything can be easily solved." Tai'e looked at the void with a deep gaze: "Okay, I will leave first. Someone from the South family is here, you Be careful.


The awkward figure disappeared while speaking.

"The master of Nanjia"

The faces of Bailong Liqi and Nangong Ju changed drastically. They looked around carefully and cautiously. Although Lin Feng wanted to protect them, they were still worried that Lin Feng would not be able to shelter them. The horror of Nanjia was beyond ordinary people's imagination. "You go down too, don't worry, you have my great destiny heavenly power, few people in this heaven find you." Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at the void with a sneer. He waved his sleeves while speaking. It's more susceptible to shock inside

Fear of the great destiny heavenly power.

These forces billowed like a tide, directly enveloping the figures of Bailong Liqi and Nangong Torch, and their figures disappeared instantly.

Then Lin Feng stood quietly in this space and time.

About half a candle incense has passed, several powerful auras descended across the distant sky. These auras were fierce and domineering, and one of them was more domineering than Nantian by three points.

Lin Feng looked towards the sky and suddenly saw several figures. The headed person was wearing a gold-colored robe. He was unruly, his gaze was as sharp as a heavenly eagle. Behind him was Nan Tian and another golden-robed old man. Behind the three were four figures. These four figures were on them. Each is

A figure at the pinnacle of the Taoist God.

Almost one foot entered the heavenly **** level.

When several people saw Lin Feng's figure, each was taken aback, especially Nan Tian, ​​he didn't expect to meet Lin Feng here.

"Welcome to my place."

Lin Feng smiled loudly in front of several figures.


The old man in Jinpao, who was side by side with Nan Tian, ​​snorted coldly, and the faces of the Dao Gods behind him became gloomy in an instant. Everyone knew that the Nan family had coveted this land for a long time, but Lin Feng was the first to ascend.


Suddenly, the figure in the golden robe walking in the forefront was opened with a palm. This palm shook the world and time, and the Buddha was plunged into darkness. The Buddha in the heaven was in a state of annihilation, and the surrounding heaven and the sun disappeared. Without a trace.

This palm enveloped Lin Feng's figure there.


Lin Feng looked up to the sky and laughed wildly at this scene. He danced around time and space, and his cold eyes looked directly at the time and space of heaven. A mysterious air current shook his body. This mysterious air current formed a vortex, which swallowed endless time and space.

Swallow to soak the man's huge palm.


The palm of his hand slammed into the vortex like thunder, and endless turbulent fluctuations erupted directly. The surrounding world and time returned to light, and the vortex on Lin Feng's body also disappeared.

The man in the golden robe narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Come and not be indecent, you also take me a trick." Lin Feng looked at the figure of the man in the golden robe and sneered. He stared at the man in the golden robe while speaking.


At this moment, a mysterious voice shook out in the space and time.

This voice is like the sound of the first opening of the heavens, mysterious and contains supreme power, a beam of light shot out from his eyes, and this beam of light penetrated the sky and time and directly pierced the figure of the man in the golden robe.

The face of the man in the golden robe changed drastically, because he felt the destructive power from the light, which was all concentrated together.


Suddenly the figure of the man in the golden robe bends slightly.

He made a gesture of opening the sky bow with both hands, and suddenly an imaginary sky bow appeared in his hand. There was a divine arrow on the sky bow, which had terrifying power.


The sound of a divine crossbow breaking through the air sounded.

This magical arrow shot up in the air and directly hit Lin Feng's gaze.

"Boom!" The two violently collided together, and the divine arrow exploded, turning into sky-filled debris and dissipating in the void, while Lin Feng's gaze faded a lot, but even so, he slammed into the golden robe with terrifying power. Man, the man in the golden robe has no time to hide



He punched it out to block his gaze.

The two collided again, and a devastating turbulence broke out. In the turbulence, the man in the golden robe stepped back and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

This scene changed the color of Nan Tian, ​​the old man in the golden robe and others. They didn't expect that Lin Feng's combat power was so terrible, and he actually injured the person in front of him. You must know that the person in front of you is one of the most powerful gods in the Nan family. Law of Great Luo God.

"Yes, yes, I have received some minor injuries." Lin Feng stood with his hand in his hand, his face sinking: "You guys should come to visit, you should be treated well, please."

"Humph, Nan Tian, ​​let me introduce you." The man in the golden robe snorted coldly.

"This is Lin Feng Tianzun, Hall of Merit!" Nan Tian walked up and introduced with a smile: "Lin Feng, this is Nan Aotian, the second housekeeper of my Nan family."

"Disrespect and disrespect."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the man in the golden robe with a fist.

"Oh, it turned out to be Lin Feng Tianzun, it really deserves its reputation." Nan Aotian looked at Lin Feng lightly.

"This is the Nantian hand of the alchemy master of my southern family." Nantian pointed to the old man in the golden robe and introduced with a smile: "He is one of the strongest alchemists in my southern family, and it is he who refined the Da Luo Shen Ji Dan. ."

"I can refine the Daluo Shenji Pill, admire it!" Lin Feng looked at the golden robe old man and praised.

"Lin Feng Tianzun is young and promising, not bad." Nan Tian looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Lin Feng Tianzun, I didn't expect you to be the master here." Nan Tian smiled and looked at Lin Feng and said: "We are here to ask if this land can be sold to our Nan family."

"of course can!"

Lin Feng said with a smile upon hearing this.

"You offer a price."

Nan Aotian looked at Lin Feng and said, "This chasm Tianshan is about to be decided by our Nanjia." "I also heard that the Nanjia is determined to win this land." Lin Feng stood with his hands and smiled and said, "So I'm also happy to be a good seller. To Nanjia, like this, the second housekeeper, you make an offer. After all, I have been here for a short time and I don’t know the price.


"Oh, how did Lin Feng Tianzun obtain the Divide Tianshan Order?" Nan Aotian said lightly.

"It's very simple. I fought against the people of the Eastern Heavenly Court, captured a great heavenly king, and seized it from the hands of this great heavenly king. I didn't expect the people of Eastern Heavenly Court to hold the mud plowing land. It was really heartwarming. Surprised." Lin Feng explained with a smile.

Generally in the Heavenly Court, the spoils can not be handed over to the Heavenly Court, this is up to the individual to decide.

Nan Aotian frowned when he heard this, then looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng Tianzun, where is this great heavenly king captured?"

"Oh, this great heavenly king has been killed by me, and the body has also been sacrificed by me to refine some life origin." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Nan Aotian and said: "Second housekeeper, don't you believe me?"

"Lin Tianzun is really decisive in doing things."

Nan Aotian stood holding his hand and looked at Lin Feng and said, "In this way, Lin Tianzun, I will bid one trillion stones. This land is extremely barren and near the sea of ​​death and blood, and is constantly threatened by the Eastern Heavenly Court."

"Second butler is a big joke."

Lin Feng shook his head and sneered when he heard the words: "You are asking the price randomly. If you want to buy it sincerely, give it a real price."

"Oh, since Lin Tianzun thinks it's too low, let's set a price." Nan Aotian stood with his hand and looked at Lin Feng and said: "You run all over the mud plow sky, I am afraid it is not higher than the price I opened." Just kidding." Lin Feng looked at Nan Aotian with a sneer and said: "In this way, I offer 30 trillion Taoist stones, and I say this is worth the price of Chen Tianshan."

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