My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3928: Swallowing veins


At this moment, a roar sounded from the depths of hundreds of millions of miles. The roar shook the sky and space. The shocked Nangong Torch's face was pale and blood was vomiting.

This roar even spread throughout other time and space.

"This is the roar of the imperial grade Tianmai!"

"The roar of the emperor grade Tianmai, this roar seems to be coming from the direction of Gouchen Tianshan."

"My day, Gouchen Tianshan really has the imperial grade heavenly veins. No wonder the Nan family supported the Moon-Swallowing Valley to destroy the First Demon Society, and now I finally found the imperial grade heavenly veins inside.

"It seems that the Nan family has made a fortune again."

"A royal vein."

"It's terrifying, it makes people jealous." When many powerful people heard this roar, they were immediately envy and jealous. They all knew that the Moon Swallowing Valley destroyed the First Demon Society and occupied Chen Tianshan, and the supporter behind it was exactly Nanjia, as for Gouchen Tianshan who is in charge of Gouchen Tianshan, sooner or later

Will be found by Nanjia.

Just at the moment when a roar came from the depths of Gouchen Tianshan.

The entire area covered by the hundreds of thousands of miles of Gochen Tianshan began to undergo tremendous changes. Countless heaven and earth vitality emerged from the depths of the earth, spreading a vast breath of life, and countless towering ancient trees rose from the earth, lush and lush.

The entire Gouchen Tianshan at this moment restored the Buddha to its former prosperity.

"This is the real Gouchen Tianshan, this is the Emperor Grade Heavenly Vessel!" Bailong Liqi looked at this scene with excitement and said: "When we occupied Gouchen Tianshan, if there was this Emperor Grade Heavenly Vein for help. , Will not lose so fast."

"You will die worse."

Lin Feng stood in the void and stood with his hand.

"That's true."

Bailongli heard the words and smiled bitterly: "But now I really want to know how Lord Tianzun resisted the offensive of the Nan family. The Nan family is determined to win this area. This position involves one of their layouts."


Lin Feng looked at Void and smiled after hearing the words: "Hundred dragons are all together, what is the layout involved? Why not speak out and listen." "The rumor is that Gou Chen Tianjun is here to refine the pill, and there is a powerful one here. Heavenly furnace, the flames in this heavenly furnace are very mysterious, and the quality of the refined pill is very high. Tianzun should know the relationship between Gou Chen Tianjun and Hongjun Tianjun

Link. "Bailong Liqi explained.

"What's the relationship? I really don't know this." Lin Feng shook his head when he heard this. "It is rumored that Gou Chen Tianjun is the nominal junior of Hongjun Tianjun, and Gou Chen Tianjun is better at refining pills than Hongjun Tianjun." Bailong Liqi smiled bitterly: "It's just that Gou Chen Tianjun is low-key, not Highlight this, and add Hong Juntian

Jun rebelled and was better at refining weapons, so Hongjun Tianjun was more famous than Gou Chen Tianjun. "

"There is still this thing, this one did not expect that these forces think that there is a relic of Chen Tianjun here?" Lin Feng asked after hearing this. "Yes, so after the fall of Gouchen Tianjun, the major forces are divided up here. They want to **** the treasure left by Gouchen Tianjun from it. After many years, the Nan family speculates that there are treasures in the remaining debris area, Huang Pintian

The veins are second, they are most greedy for a heavenly furnace. Bailong Liqi explained: "This heavenly furnace can refine heavenly artifacts and even Da Luo artifacts! "

"So scary?"

Lin Feng was slightly surprised when he heard the words: "There are other heavenly furnaces?" The flames of this level of heavenly furnaces can burn the heavenly gods, and even the gods of Da Luo must be jealous.

This is simply the supreme sacred object. The Wanbao Pavilion in the depths of the mud plow despair is a powerful heavenly furnace. This is based on the mud plow despair, so that the Ba family and the Wu family dare not look down upon it.

"This is just a legend, no one knows." Bailong Liqi heard the words and looked at the void with a bitter smile: "Actually, we bought this place in the first place with this idea, and I didn't expect it to be so big. I knew it a long time ago."

"People are very greedy."

Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at Void with a sneer: "Well, you first look around and pay attention to the people from the Nan family. I am here to wait for the people from the Nan family to come."

"it is good!"

Bailongli heard the words and nodded slightly, then he turned and left.

Lin Feng stood quietly in the void, he looked at the void quietly, and then a shadow appeared beside him, it was terrible.

"Is there a sky furnace?"

Lin Feng heard the words and looked at Taier and said, "I have been using the Eye of the Heavens for a long time, and have not found the heavenly furnace. Is it because this heavenly furnace has been taken away long ago, or there was no heavenly furnace at all? It's just a rumor from the world. That's it."


Tai'er stood looking at Void with his hand and shook his head: "There is no heavenly furnace, but there are traces of heavenly furnace, this heavenly furnace should be moved away."

"What? Transferred away?" Lin Feng said in shock: "Sky furnace can also be transferred away? How is this possible." "There is nothing impossible. The word vicissitudes of life can also be confirmed in the heavens." Tai Erwang Said in the void: "Furthermore, the heavenly furnace itself is considered a living thing, or a kind of life form, but it is difficult for the masters of the heaven

Physical communication. "

"Life form?"

Lin Feng was dumbfounded.

"Heavenly furnaces are born congenital and some are born after tomorrow." Tai'e explained: "Naturally born by nature will not move, but can only change with changes in the heavens and the earth, while those born after the day will not understand that they have their own. will."

"It is the meaning of a horse that is formed the day after tomorrow?" Lin Feng asked in confusion.

"The day after tomorrow was born, some masters fell. His backbone was not destroyed, and he pierced directly into the depths of the earth, unintentionally linking with the flames in the depths of the earth, and then the flames burst out, thus forming a heavenly furnace." Tai'e explained.

"Spine bones?" Lin Feng suddenly realized when he heard the words: "So that's why it can be explained. No wonder there is an idea recorded in the Tianqi Record. It is assumed that the backbone is used as a patio to communicate the flames in the depths of the earth. It seems that Hong Juntian Jun’s knowledge is still limited,

He just imagined it. "After all, people's knowledge is limited, and there is a specialization in surgery." "Tai'er said: "And here should be an acquired heavenly furnace, and it is very powerful. There was fierce fighting here, I am afraid this heavenly furnace escaped, and it can sacrifice the heavenly artifacts or the great

The Heavenly Furnace of God Luo's artifact is very terrifying, and the owner of the backbone that forms it is at least at the level of God Luo. "

"No wonder."

Lin Feng explained after hearing the words: "It seems that the valuable part of this area is the Emperor Rank Heavenly Vessel."

"Boy, I suggest ceding to the Nan family." Tai Eyin smiled and looked at Lin Feng and said: "Otherwise, the Nan family will not let go, and even the Patriarch of the Nan family will come over to talk to you, and you will have difficulty in the heaven. Look at the power of the Nan family."

"I finally found a place to stay and was taken away like this?" Lin Feng frowned as he looked at the void. "One sentence is very simple, let this place become a wasteland again." Tai'e looked at the void and sneered: "Then sell it to the Nan family at a high price, and you have some evidence of the Nan family in your hand, you can also take advantage of it. This opportunity to blackmail Nanjia once.


"It becomes a deserted place? Be careful." Lin Feng looked at the void and smiled and said: "I just swallowed this place, just because I have business with the Nan family to discuss."


As he spoke, his big hand stretched out into the depths of the earth.

Directly stretched out for hundreds of millions of miles, with a big hand grasping on the dragon head of the imperial grade.

"Kacha Kacha." His five fingers pierced directly into the depths of the dragon head of the imperial grade Tianmai dragon, and suddenly scarlet blood flowed from the dragon head of the Tianmai dragon. This blood was extremely pure, with a strong breath of life, and also with a terrible will. , But this can't resist Lin Feng at all



The imperial grade Tianmai dragon roared violently.

The roar shook billions of time and space. The violent power poured into Lin Feng’s palm. Lin Feng’s face was pale, and he was secretly shocked, because the power contained in this Emperor-Rank Heaven Vessel was too terrifying and vast. For example, the power of the God of Heaven was equivalent to a large bowl of water. Emperor Pintian

The power of the pulse is equivalent to a cylinder of water. In addition, the imperial grade celestial vein itself can absorb the vitality from the depths of the heavens and the earth. Even if the vitality is exhausted one day, it will slowly recover. Of course, it will be a million days from now. Heaven is a long time

Time is far away.

Therefore, to some extent, Tianmai is a non-renewable resource.

The major forces in the heavens often war for the heavenly veins, and there are superpowers occupying a dozen or so imperial-grade heavenly veins, which can be used in turn without being exhausted. The more these things, the better.

With the engulfing of the imperial grade's celestial vein power.

The weather on the land of Gochen Tianshan quickly collapsed.

Bailong Liqi, who was patrolling, looked at this scene and his face changed drastically. He hurried to Lin Feng's side. When he was about to report the matter to Lin Feng, he saw Lin Feng's big hand, and his face was completely scared. He thought of Lin Feng. What do you want to do.

Devour the veins!

And swallow the heavenly veins of the emperor rank!

This is simply unheard of.

"Tianzun." Bailong looked at Lin Feng with a trembling voice.

"Don't spread this matter. Someone from the South should come here soon. I just sold it to them." Lin Feng looked at Bailong and said, "I think I must sell it at a good price."

"Tianzun wise!"

Bailong Li Qi wiped a cold sweat upon hearing the words.

This Tianzun is too courageous, and actually pits Nanjia. If it is successful, the resources in this Tianzun's hand will skyrocket.

Standing in the unwilling place, Nangong Torch also wiped a cold sweat, and his legs trembled. In his eyes, Lin Feng was more terrifying than anyone. He hurriedly erased some of his memories.

For fear of being involved in this matter.

An hour later.

The imperial grade veins in the depths of the earth gradually dry up.

"Crack, click."

Many cracks appeared on the body of the dragon-shaped emperor Tianmai, and then his body collapsed suddenly, turning into a piece of shattered stone chips, which turned into a stream of ash and flowed into Lin Feng's palm.

It's just a small dust-like metallic substance floating in the ash stream.

This metal substance is a three-legged cauldron.

There are many sky patterns imprinted on the three-legged cauldron. These sky patterns are very mysterious, they are the texture of the **** of big Luo, but there are many cracks on the body of the three-legged cauldron.

"This is." Lin Feng directly reached out and grabbed the three-legged cauldron, then gave it to Tai Er.

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