My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3917: Swallow all

"Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng!"

At this moment, Shentu Wujiang, King Slayer, King Tu, Luo Ye and others uttered hurried roars. Their powerful spirit sweeps through time and space. They never dreamed that Lin Feng would not evade, or even resist the cooperation of the three powerhouses. attack.


Seeing this scene where Beichen is colorless and Beichen is dark, Nan Jingyun and the three of them couldn't help laughing up to the sky. Scarlet blood flowed out of their mouths. They held huge divine swords and pointed them at the sky, carrying the destruction of endless time and space. power.

This power shocked King Tu Ren, Shen Tu Wujiang and others. "Shentu Wujiang, are you still ready to do it? Quickly open the Heavenly Dao Divine Wall!" Beichen's dark eyes stared at Shentu Wujiang and the others, "Otherwise we don't know how many people you can leave alive today." Although they can break open. God of Heaven

The wall can consume power again.

Now for them, the more strength, the more chance to escape.

"Open quickly!"

Beichen Darkness and Nan Jingyun stared at the figures of Shentu Wujiang and others gloomily.


Shentu Wujiang's face was pale.

The eyes of Tu Ren King, Slayer King, Luo Ye and others flickered. "Why? Don't you open it? We can at least produce three or five swords to see who is lucky and doesn't have to bear this sword!" Nan Jingyun's cold voice sounded: "Both, we might as well take the Shentu Wujiang Festival first. Sword!" He said coldly

The figure of Guangshen Tu Wujiang.

"it is good!"

Beichen Wusei and Beichen Darkness looked grim.


Shentu Wujiang snorted and did not speak.

"Boom!" At this moment, the sky and the earth roared endlessly. The blood mist formed by the explosion of Lin Feng's body rolled continuously in the void, enveloping this time and space, and stunned the clouds in the south, the colorless Beichen, and the darkness of Beichen. The magic sword is wrapped in it



The blood mist contained terrible engulfing power, madly swallowing the power on the divine sword, the light of the divine sword being swallowed dimmed a lot.

"not good!"

Nan Jingyun, Beichen colorless, and Beichen darkness turned pale in shock. The three hurriedly injected powerful power into the divine sword, but at the moment they injected, they felt the power disappeared like mud and dust like a sea.

The Excalibur is getting dim.

They even felt the blood in their bodies madly flow into the divine sword, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Shock!" The three of them roared frantically. Three destructive forces were injected into the divine sword. The divine sword once again erupted with a terrible Huaguang. Huaguang directly shattered the blood mist, and the blood mist directly Dissipated in the void, no more between heaven and earth

There is nothing left.

"Come out!" Beichen has no appearance, Beichen is colorless, and the three of Nan Jingyun roared. The faces of the three of them showed fear. They could not detect Lin Feng's trace at all, and Lin Feng's strange attack made them feel shocked. Fear, even in powerful enemies

, There is hope if you can resist.

But Lin Feng didn't confront them at all, and Lin Feng's weird swallowing was even more terrifying.


At the moment when the three of them roared.

A red light appeared behind Beichen Wuxiang, and Beichen Wuxiang was immediately aware of this red light, as did the darkness of Beichen and Nan Jingyun.


The three control the Excalibur.

The divine sword shrank rapidly, cutting through the sky and beheading this ray of red light.


This ray of red light exploded in the void.


Just when this ray of red light was cut off, a red light appeared behind Nan Jingyun like a small dust. This red light exploded directly, wrapping Nan Jingyun's body in it, and Nan Jingyun emitted it. Sorrowful roar.


His roar is terrible.

Beichen Darkness and Beichen Wuxiang changed their colors, and the two of them also felt the blood flowing into Nanjing Yan's body madly.

"Break it for me!" Beichen Darkness and Beichen Wuxiang roared one after another. They controlled the divine sword, and the divine sword hit Nan Jingyun's body directly, and Nan Jingyun's body was immediately cut off. The moment when he went out and flew out, the light of that divine sword


"Come out!" Beichen Wuxiang and Beichen Dark looked frantically into the void. They injected their strength into the magic sword, and the magic sword skyrocketed again, but it was far from bright. They both held the magic sword and pointed. To the time and space around, and then to the blood

Nan Jingyun wrapped in mist.


Still not cut?

Without slashing, they felt the power of Nan Jingyun passing quickly, and because of the use of the Great Destiny Siamese Heavenly Spell, their blood and power were also passing.


Kill Nan Jingyun and others, kill both of them.

"Hey, I met Lin Feng this freak." King Tu sighed as he watched this scene: "Slash or not? It's already lost."

"Even if the three of them work together, even the Vicious Heavenly Sovereign and the Unexpected Heavenly Sovereign are difficult to deal with. It seems that there is no difference between Lin Feng and these two people." Shentu Wujiang held his hand and stood up: "The fire may lack some, but this devouring talent is terrible. "


Bawan Poison, Yu Wanfu, and others deeply felt the terrible Lin Feng. Every time Lin Feng swallowed, the enemy's power plummeted, but Lin Feng's power would not fall, and it would increase the source of life, which was impossible to fight.

"The huge advantage of this Great Destiny Siamese Heavenly Technique can sometimes become a huge disadvantage." Luo Ye's beautiful eyes looked sharply at the void.

The blood mist in the void completely submerged into the depths of Nan Jingyun's body.

Nan Jingyun grew old, and his strength plummeted. Not only him, Beichen has no appearance, and Beichen Darkness is also beginning to age. In less than half a candle, Nan Jingyun, Beichen has no image, Beichen darkness has completely turned into gray-haired old people, and the blood of the three is almost dried up. , The origin of the soul is almost


Its power is not as good as a god.

Even if Lin Feng let them go, they would be blown to death by the surrounding wind.


Beichen had no appearance, Beichen was dark, Nan Jingyun coughed violently, and the three of them looked at the void with scattered eyes, and had completely given up resistance.

"The three disappointed me."

Lin Feng's figure gradually appeared in the void.

Lin Feng looked at Beichen Wuxiang, Beichen was dark, and the three of Nan Jingyun smiled and said, his face was pale and he was seriously injured, but he has recovered a lot at this moment.

"Respect driving repair is shocking the world!"

Beichen Dark looked at Lin Feng's figure and sighed: "It's rare in the world, even if the God of Heaven who understands the Law of the Great Luo God, it may not help you."

"To die in the hands of the driver, we die without regret, it is better than dying in their hands." Beichen Wuxiang also looked at Lin Feng's figure and said with dizzy eyes. "Respect, I know that I will die today, but unfortunately I don't know the identity of Respect, can Respect let us know your true identity?" Nan Jingyun looked at Lin Feng's figure.

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