My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3916: Great Destiny Siamese

Deep in the blood of death,

In the sky above the death cave, the atmosphere was repressed and terrible, and the figures of Shentu Wujiang, Turen King, Slayer King, Luo Ye and others stood in the void, staring at the people in the central area. In the central area, Lin Feng stood with his hand in his hand. He danced around in the void, standing there like a **** in the heavens, and any years of immortal decay appeared insignificant in front of him. His eyes looked forward to the void with a bit of majesty.

In the air.

In the void ahead, Beichen was dark, Beichen was colorless, and the three of Nan Jingyun had gloomy eyes, each with a fierce color on their faces.

"Kacha Kacha." Suddenly Beichen was dark and Beichen was colorless. Nan Jingyun and the three looked at each other. The skulls of the three of them broke directly, and scarlet blood flowed out, and three scarlet blood flowed out immediately. , Turned into three blood in the void

Color river.

Each river swept through tens of millions of miles of time and space, each glowing with dazzling light, spreading out of the death cave area, radiating the surrounding time and space.

"Heaven's origin is fused with his own essence and blood?" Yu Wan stared at this scene deadly and said in a deep voice, "Could it be a secret technique in the legend!"

"Great Destiny Siamese Heavenly Art!" Shentu Wujiang said with deep eyes: "This is Great Destiny Siamese Heavenly Art. This is a heavenly art created by a former emperor based on Great Destiny Heavenly Art!"

"Great Destiny Siamese Heavenly Technique?"

The King of Slaughter, the King of Killing, and the Bawan Poison people turned pale after hearing this. This seems to be a legendary forbidden technique, this access control technique is extremely terrifying.

Taking the essence and blood as the guide and the law of heaven as the ditch, the essence and blood irrigate the gully, construct the supreme divine canal, share their own destiny, and share life, which means that if a person suffers a powerful attack, as long as one of them does not die, this person will not Will die.

Moreover, the three people can work together to produce an extremely terrifying attack power. This attack power is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but doubles. However, this kind of great destiny conjoined heavenly technique is a forbidden technique. Once this access control technique is performed, all power will be lost within a stick of incense, and it will not recover even after hundreds of days, even if there are three gourd life origins. Don't think about it for decades


Under normal circumstances, no one would use this kind of forbidden technique, unless you are forced to die, and you will not use this kind of heavenly technique to escape, because even if you defeat the opponent, you will be abolished. Where can you escape?

But Lin Feng is now gambling with them, as long as they win, they can leave.


Three blood-colored rivers rolled up in the void.

A frightening breath came from inside, and it carried an extremely evil breath.

"Rapid attack!"

Luo Ye looked at Lin Feng's voice and reminded: "Lin Feng, even if the old Wanjian is resurrected, you still have to weigh your own strength." "A quick attack, you can't let them finish." The Slayer King's voice sounded quickly. , Because he feels the darkness of Beichen at the moment, Beichen is colorless, and the threatening power emanating from the three people of Nan Jingyun, this power makes all have an urge to escape


"Rapid attack!"

The sound of Bavan’s poison sounded rapidly, and his nerves suddenly tightened spontaneously. This is because he possesses the blood of bloodthirsty snakes. The bloodthirsty snakes are born with a strong sense of danger. Once there is something dangerous, it will Be the first to attack.

This reminded Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng's figure stood motionless in the void, his eyes were sharp and he stared at the three figures in front of him, he had no intention of doing anything.


Beichen was dark and Beichen was colorless, and the three of Nan Jingyun snorted coldly when they watched this scene, showing a hideous look on their faces.

"Roar roar!" At this moment, Beichen was dark, Beichen was colorless, and the three powerful Nan Jingyun looked into the sky and made a violent roar. The roar was shaking the earth and the earth, far surpassing the thunder in the immeasurable calamity, and it exploded endlessly. Time and space, let the Buddha head to the heavens

The beast awakens.

The three blood-colored rivers in the "Boom Boom Boom" Void are surging continuously at this moment, and then gather together in the Void to form an even more vast river, which is full of endless destruction and evil atmosphere, which plays inside. Countless destinies

Funeral song.

The singing resounds through endless time and space.

This song has a feeling of sinking. Putting the Buddha is a funeral song before Tianjun's death. It is strange and makes people feel the creeps.


Hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space are filled with weird winds, these winds directly flooded into other time and space through those heavenly roads and gods walls, and the nerves of the Slayer King, the Turen King, and Shentu Wujiang were tense, and their expressions were a little nervous Staring at Lin Feng.


The sea of ​​blood is in the sky, and the tide goes down. Then it turned into a torrent and flowed towards the darkness of Beichen, Beichen was colorless, and the skulls of the three people in Nan Jingyun, and then disappeared completely. A strange black air current emerged from the three people, and the breath of the three people rose and skyrocketed. Nearly doubled

more than.


The cloudy wind flew between the sky and the earth, and black lightning descended.

The three of them looked at Lin Feng's figure with cold eyes.

"Great Destiny Siamese Heavenly Art, it really deserves its reputation." Lin Feng stood with his hands and looked at the figures of the three with a smile: "Okay, very good, it didn't disappoint me. It's a pity, you three talents, you can't stay. This world is here."

"Haha, ignorance!"

"You are really ignorant, do you understand the Great Destiny Siamese Heavenly Art?"

"This is the last moment of your life, you are doomed to lose!"

Beichen was dark, Beichen was colorless, and Nan Jingyun sneered again and again. Suddenly, the three of them put their hands together directly, and suddenly released a terrible light. Heavenly Sword.

The sword was extremely sharp this day. Cut through the sky and space, the aura skyrocketed steadily, and it skyrocketed several times again. This terrifying aura made the faces of Shentu Wujiang, the Slayer King, and Luo Ye show horror. This power reminded them of the real greatness. Luo Shen, this power

I'm afraid it's not as good as Da Luo God, I'm afraid it's not far away.

"Huanghuang Divine Sword, fate has fallen!"

At this moment, the three of Beichen were dark, Beichen was colorless, and the three of Nan Jingyun seemed to have turned into one. The voices of the three of them were uniform. The three of them walked out and walked towards Lin Feng, holding the illusory sword in three hands, and directly killed them. The figure of Xiang Lin Feng.


At this moment of killing, black lightning criss-crossed between heaven and earth.

Countless winds are blowing.

In a trance, I saw the corpses of many heavenly gods appearing in the void. These heavenly gods died tragically in the void, each roaring desperately, shaking hundreds of millions of time and space, the shocking King of Butcher, the King of Killing, and the love of Luo Ye Waiting for the soul to sting.


This sword slashed violently, directly on Lin Feng's body.

"Boom!" At this moment, Lin Feng's body shattered directly into the void, turning into a cloud of blood.

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