My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3902: War plan

"Can you call the shots?"

Lin Feng looked at Shentu Wanxiang and smiled and said: "The master will marry me the daughter of the head of your Shentu family? Shentu Wanxiang, your power in the Shentu family is not small." "Oh, don't you doubt that I belong to the Shentu family. Energy, and your status is not low. Our Shentu family has enough benefits to train you." Shentu Wanxiang looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "Lin Feng, now there are two roads in front of you, I

It depends on how you choose! "

"How to choose?" Lin Feng stood holding his hand and looked at Shentu Wanxiang with a smile: "Shentu Wanxiang, you have misunderstood the person. In this world, you always think that everything is related to interests, but I tell you now that people live for more than profit. , And family affection and credit, I

Working with Beichen Lannuo is to abide by the laws of heaven and faith, and I rescue Shentu Wujiang for family affection. Do you understand what I mean? "

The aura on his body was even more compelling while speaking.

He looked at Shentu Wanxiang's figure with a cold look.


A more terrifying sound of swords rang out from Lin Feng's body. The sound of the sword sound resounded throughout time and space. When the **** of heaven heard the horrible sound of the sword sound, there seemed to be a terrible heavenly sword hanging on his head in a trance. Space down, causing the collapse of time and space

one strike.

The nerves of these heavenly Dao gods and Dao Dao gods tightened for a moment.

Shentu Wanxiang's face was livid, and he looked at Lin Feng's figure with penetrating eyes and said, "Lin Feng, are you really sure to do this?"

"Why are you not sure to do this?"

Lin Feng stood holding his hand and looked at Shentu Wanxiang's figure and said, "Shentu Wanxiang, I have a very clear meaning, you should know what to do now, don't force me to do it."

Shentu Wanxiang's face was gloomy and terrifying, and his eyes were extremely penetrating. He stared at Lin Feng's figure and said solemnly: "Okay, okay, okay, very good, no one has ever forced me to this point. I didn't expect a temporary Tianzun who just took office could push me to this point. I never thought that you were just a

A trivial little role. "

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves, and his fate disappeared.

He walked towards the depths of the Lannuo Temple with a gloomy expression.

Everyone sighed after watching this scene. This Palace of Supreme Merit had once again risen as a temporary deity. It was powerful and terrifying. Even the temporary deity who was in charge of the punishment and war was defeated in his hands.

They looked at Lin Feng's figure with a little more anxiety.

In the depths of the Lannuo Hall, the aura has been desolate since ancient times, and the whole hall is filled with a very mysterious atmosphere. The mysterious sound of the sky shook from the depths of the hall, and the sky sounded like a span of endless time and space. On the throne of the hall was Beichen Lanno’s Figure.

She has sharp eyes and a cup in her hand.

Looking at Shentu Maofeng lying on the main hall, Shentu Maofeng's eyes were bitter and lying on the ground dying, but when Shentu Wanxiang and Lin Feng came in, Shentu Maofeng's face changed drastically.

"See Lannuo Tianzun!"

Shentu Wanxiang's eyes were cold, and the figure walked up and respectfully saluted Beichen Lannuo.

"That's the truth."

Beichen Lannuo looked at Shentu Wanxiang with cold eyes and said, "You know the laws of Heavenly Court better than I, how to punish Shentu Maofeng and yourself, you can handle it."

"Beichen Lannuo, don't do things too extreme, my Shentu family will definitely let you!"

Hearing this, Shentu Maofeng looked at Beichen Lannuo's figure with ferocious eyes.

"Shut up!"

Shentu Wanxiang shouted with a gloomy expression.

Shentu Maofeng closed his mouth with a calm face.

"Lannuo Tianzun, you make a condition for this matter. We use the rules between the superpowers to deal with it. After all, we are wrong today." Shentu Wanxiang looked at Beichen Lannuo's figure and said loudly.

"It's easy!"

Beichen Lannuo looked at Shentu Wanxiang and said faintly: "Being guilty and doing meritorious service, after some time, Lin Feng Tianzun will launch a war against the Eastern Heavenly Court Taiqing Heavenly Merit Hall. I hope you will cooperate. After all, you are the one in charge of the punishment and war. "

The expressions of Shentu Wanxiang and Shentu Maofeng's face changed drastically.

This Nima!

To send them to death!

"You are sending us to death. Do you know where the Supreme Merit Hall is? Do you know what will happen to dozens of heavenly gods now attacking your Merit Hall? They will all stay here." Shentu Maofeng looked at Beichen Lannuo shouted.

Beichen Lannuo looked at Shentu Maofeng with cold eyes and said: "You have nothing to say about this matter, Shentu Wanxiang, what do you think?" "A reliable plan must be given, otherwise I would rather be resigned as Tianzun for this matter. Duty, I won’t start this war. It should be a large-scale celestial war, and a little carelessness will rise to a super large-scale celestial war."

Shentu Wanxiang said solemnly: "It's not something we can resist."

"Lin Feng Tianzun, tell me your plan."

Beichen Lannuo looked at Lin Feng's figure with cold eyes. Lin Feng smiled and looked at Beichen Lannuo and said: "First of all, I will personally participate in this war. In addition, I already have a way to enter the Eastern Heavenly Court Taiqing Heavenly Merit Hall, because I got the Dongtian by chance in the mud plow despair. Heavenly Palace

I am confident enough to lurch in the formations around the De Hall. We will fight fiercely inside. As long as there are enough people, they will besieged and killed their Heavenly Lords and Heavenly Dao Gods to seize the treasures inside. "

Beichen Lannuo was slightly startled when she heard the words, her beautiful eyes stared at Lin Feng's figure.

Shentu Wanxiang and Shentu Maofeng changed their colors even more. I didn't expect Lin Feng to be so courageous that he would go directly to intercept the Supreme Merit Hall.

"Even so, how do we escape?" Shentu Wanxiang looked at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes: "If it alarms the other Heavenly Lords in the Eastern Heavenly Court, it may even cause the Heavenly Monarch to come." "I also considered this. I can sacrifice myself. Refining a mysterious Heavenly Dao artifact. Once this type of Heavenly Dao artifact explodes, it will become sluggish even if Tianjun’s divine spirit penetrates into it." Lin Feng smiled proudly after hearing this, “So it’s not a problem for us to escape.

Once the battle is completely won, the two criminals can not only offset, but also make greater merit. "

Shentu Wanxiang and Shentu Maofeng had a gloomy expression on their faces.

"With all due respect, I have never heard of such a heavenly artifact." Shentu Wanxiang glanced at Lin Feng. "When I come out, I will let you see it, and this war will take some time to prepare." Lin Feng stood with his hand and smiled: "I like to bet in my life, and I have never lost it. It’s the same this time, I’m also today

Will not force the two. "Shentu Wanxiang's face was uncertain, and then looked at Lin Feng in a deep voice: "Okay, Lin Feng Tianzun, I agree to this matter, but I must see the safety measures. "

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