My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3901: Shentu Vientiane Compromise

"Shentu Wanxiang finally made a move. This Lin Feng Tianzun hasn't even looked at him since the shot, but this Lin Feng Tianzun will definitely take action against him, and Shentu Wanxiang will directly take the shot."

The cold and dull breath spread throughout this time and space, even if Lin Feng felt chilly all over his body, he looked at Shentu Wanxiang's figure.

Shentu Wanxiang has scarlet eyes.

He exudes evil auras all over his body, and these evil auras contain boundless evil auras, and these auras erodes time and space.

At the same time, the aura on Shentu Wanxiang's body was extremely terrifying.

He walked towards Lin Feng step by step and locked Lin Feng's figure. "For many years, no one has ever dared to trample on the majesty of our Shentu family, boy, I now give you a chance to kneel on the ground and kowtow. I don't need to kill you. Don't think that you can attack Shentu Maofeng as a countermeasure against me." Shentu Vientiane

Looking at Lin Feng with cold eyes. "Shentu Wanxiang, I thought you would not speak, you who do not respect the laws of the heavenly court, today I want to see who gave you such courage, I have cleaned up Shentu Maofeng, now it is time to clean up you "Lin Feng looked at Shen with his hand

Tu Wanxiang said: "Come, stand here and let you attack. Let me see how strong your attack is."

He stood motionless while speaking.

"You're stubborn, you're looking for death!" Shentu Wanxiang looked at Lin Feng coldly and said: "I will make you perfect!" An imaginary spear appeared in his hand while speaking.

This illusory spear carried the aura of sinking, with the aura of fate, it was cold and terrifying, even the gods and gods who were onlookers felt the tremors in the depths of their souls.

"This is the spear of destiny!"

"In the fall of destiny, deduct the spear of destiny!"

"The Spear of Great Destiny!"

"In the old days, Shentu Wanxiang wore a great destiny spear and penetrated the soul of a heavenly god, directly injuring him and losing his combat effectiveness.


"The Spears of Great Destiny are invincible and weird."

"This Lin Feng Tianzun is about to fall, the young man still doesn't know the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

At this moment, the onlookers Tiandao God and Dao God retreated, even if they knew that they could not exit this illusory time and space, they would also retreat. This is an instinct, instinctively feeling a dangerous aura.


Shentu Wanxiang holds the spear of great destiny.

The spear of Great Destiny was stained with scarlet blood, and the blood splashed into the sky, directly piercing Lin Feng's head.

Lin Feng looked at the Great Destiny Spear that came in the sky, his figure stood motionless, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


The Spear of Great Destiny came with the power to destroy endless time and space.

Seeing that he was about to pierce Lin Feng's head, Lin Feng opened his mouth, his head suddenly enlarged, and the Great Destiny spear directly pierced his mouth.

Everyone who frightened this scene was horrified!

Shentu Wanxiang lost his color, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart. He hurriedly withdrew his great destiny spear, but something strange happened.

A terrible devouring force came from the Spear of Great Destiny.

This swallowing power was transmitted to his body through the Great Destiny Spear, and the blood and power in his body madly flowed out, and nearly two percent of power flowed out at this moment.


Shentu Wanxiang screamed frantically.


His hand holding the Great Destiny Spear suddenly exploded and turned into a cloud of blood, and the Great Destiny Spear also lost contact with him.


The spear of Great Destiny flowed into Lin Feng's body and disappeared. "Yes, it is worthy of being a Temporary Heavenly Sovereign. The one who is in charge of war is much better than the ordinary gods of heaven." Lin Feng looked at the figure of Shentu Wanxiang and smiled. If the gods like Uncle Grimace and Granny Ghost Long cannot escape Lin Feng at all Swallow


Almost died.

However, Shentu Wanxiang in front of him broke the connection with the Great Destiny Spear at a critical moment, and directly avoided his own engulfment.

But this is the case, and he paid a very heavy price.

"who are you?"

Shentu Wanxiang stared at Lin Feng firmly. "I am Lin Feng, the new Temporary Heavenly Sovereign." Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at Shentu Wanxiang's figure with a smile: "Shentu Wanxiang, I didn't try my best. If I do my best, you will fall to the ground today. You are too ugly

, Quickly follow me into the Lannuo Temple. "


The breath in him exploded again while speaking.

A terrifying aura is enveloped in this space and time. In this breath, there is a peerless heavenly sword hidden by the Buddha. This peerless heavenly sword is terrifying. As long as Shentu Wanxiang changes slightly, you will suffer from this peerless heavenly sword. Thunder strike.

Even if it is not dead, it will be hit hard.

He couldn't hold Lin Feng's next attack at all.

Many onlookers looked at this scene with fear. This temporary Tianzun is too terrifying, even more terrifying than those of the official position. When will such a peerless and ruthless person be born in the Hall of Merit.

Shentu Wanxiang's face was green when he heard this. "Lin Feng, I know your identity, and you have some connections with my Shentu family." Shentu Wanxiang looked at Lin Feng's figure with cold eyes and said: "How much benefit Beichen Lannuo will give you, our Shentu family doubles. No, support you three times.


He spoke directly when he said this sentence.

"Haha, Shentu Wanxiang, you can't give me what I want." Lin Feng heard the words and smiled and watched Shentu Wanxiang also spread the voice: "Can the line of Shentu Wujiang be restored? If it can be restored, what happened to me today You can leave it alone."

"What? Restore the line of Shentu Wujiang? Impossible!" Shentu Wanxiang looked at Lin Feng's figure with cold eyes.

"Oh, I knew it was impossible, and you didn't have the ability to do this." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Wanxiang and said lightly: "There is nothing to talk about." "Lin Feng, you are so amazing to be stunning." , I know you have taken a fancy to his daughter. In this way, I will let you marry some of the godly daughters of the Shentu family as your wives. From then on, you will be the son-in-law of the Shentu family, your position is respected.

As the deputy Tianzun, even if the main position is no problem, in the future our Shentu family can even support you Tianzun. "

"Shentu Wanxiang, don't take out these empty checks and write them out." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Wanxiang with a smile: "In addition, I am not interested in what you said." "Lin Feng, don't toast or drink fine wine!" Shentu Wanxiang stared at Lin Feng coldly and said: "Beichen Lannuo has no power in the Beichen family at all. What benefits can she give you? So, I will discuss with the Patriarch now and let the daughter of the Patriarch Shentu marry you!"

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