Chapter 280 The Secret of Mobile Phones

Ye Jun was with Chu Hongyu who had failed to let himself see the secret.

I almost forgot that I can directly read people’s memories.

Golden light flashed in his eyes, and all the secrets of this stone war were under his control.

Hey, I entered the password.

Ye Jun began to look at the phone of Shizhan with great interest.

Shi Zhan was not far from Ye Jun, watching Ye Jun input his password so skillfully.

Suddenly felt a burst of inexplicable fear!

His own mobile phone password is unknown to his agent.

Moreover, the password is extremely complicated. In addition to the gesture password, there are also digital passwords and passwords for software installation.

Ye Jun seemed to know the triple password.

All are unlocked all at once.

This action made Shi Zhan look silly, and he immediately wanted to rush to grab the phone!

It was the big man who shot just now, and he thought Ye Jun was just an ordinary person.

You don’t need to beat him, you just need to grab your phone!

Even if I get beaten up, it’s worth it!

Shi Zhan knew very well that once the contents of his mobile phone were announced.

Then how serious the consequences will be.

Simply ruined!

How can I grab my phone today?

Unfortunately, he still far from expecting Ye Jun’s strength.

Ye Jun didn’t even move his eyes away from the phone. When Shi Zhan rushed over, he gently turned sideways.

When he tripped his foot, this big man fell into a shit.

Too weak, Ye Jun didn’t even open the martial arts eye in the system.

If this kind of goods still needs the system to clean up, Ye Jun doesn’t need to mix it up.

Even the previous self, tidying up such a small girl cannon is just like playing around.

“Damn it, return the phone to me!”

Shi Zhan roared angrily!

“Shut up!”

Ye Jun kicked Shi Zhan’s mouth with a kick, smashing his two front teeth alive.

“Ahhhh, you can’t die! You trash, inferior!”

Ye Jun became a little impatient when he heard the noise of this person.

It was this foot that directly stepped on Shi Zhan’s face.

Stepped on his mouth and closed it!

No matter how much Shi Zhan struggled, he did not escape Ye Jun’s bondage.

Under Ye Jun’s feet, like a lingering male dog, he kept vomiting blood in his mouth.

Ye Jun was not in the mood to look at him more, and looked straight at his mobile phone.

The face that has always been calm is really brilliant at this time.

This phone is Apple’s latest model and has a huge amount of memory. ,

But there is not much memory left in this phone.

Ye Jun opened the gallery of the phone well, and they were all daily photos.

However, as a man, Ye Jun certainly knew the way.

Those people will put this thing directly in the gallery.

Ye Jun flipped into the file management folder and quickly found several encrypted files.

As for the password? you still need to ask?

Ye Jun had already seen everything about Shi Zhan.

Entered the password skillfully, and opened the file to take a look.

Good guy, really good guy!

Ye Jun called a good fellow!

They are all Shi Zhan himself, starring in person!

As for the partners, there are so many!

From the popular traffic Xiaohua, there are some famous actresses.

There are also some extremely beautiful amateur female supporters!

Is this done?

of course not! That’s it, how can an old driver like Ye Jun be shocked!

The remaining few folders.

Ye Jun is the eye-opener!

Many familiar faces in the mystery circle.

There are even some old, greasy middle-aged men.

Ye Jun looked at it, really hurt his eyes!

It was the first time he saw this kind of stuff,

A physical nausea came up.

There were even a few people inside, and Ye Jun had always had a good impression of them.

I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it…

Ye Jun took a quick glance and looked at the stone battle being stepped on by himself.

Said with a faint smile: “What did you just say? You want us to die?”

Shi Zhan panicked at this time, his face showed extreme fear, and his stern voice begged for mercy:

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Handsome guy, let me go, I will give you money, I will give you money, I have a lot of money!”

“Money? How much do you have?”

Ye Jun asked casually, it wasn’t that he wanted the money. Just a little curious.

I only searched for the more important secrets in Shi Zhan’s mind just now, this kind of trivial matter, I did not pay attention to it.

But when Shi Zhan said so, Ye Jun was curious as to how much money this big man could make.

After all, there are divergent opinions on the Internet. Some time ago, a long-established female figure was exposed, with a daily income of 2.08 million!

This is money that many people can’t make in a few lifetimes, and they make it in one day.

So how much is this stone battle?

When Shi Zhan heard Ye Jun’s words, he felt a bit of a play, but he didn’t want to be slaughtered. He only said vaguely: “Handsome man, how much do you want?”

Ye Jun heard his words with a mocking expression on his face, and said coldly: “Come on, let’s let you die. How much money can you have as a little big man.”

Hearing what Ye Jun said, Shi Zhan became anxious, and said again and again: “No, no, I have money! I released a single some time ago and sold it for 100 million!”

“Oh? You still have a single? Are you not a boss? You can still sing?”

“Yes, yes. You can listen to the handsome guy. It’s the first song on my player. It has been well received. It has also been selected for various awards and made a lot of money?”

Shi Zhan was stepped on by Ye Jun, and he did not forget to brag!

Ye Jun is a little curious, and a single sells for 100 million!

This Nima pays money faster than herself. I opened the hook. What are you?

With curiosity, Ye Jun opened the player!

The first song is played outside!

The sound came, and the scene was silent!

“Brother, tidy up the people, how to play funeral songs, it’s not auspicious!”

Xiao Qiang looked serious and said seriously!

Chu Hongyu nodded beside him and said, “What kind of song is singing the same as that of a dead person at home, don’t play it soon!”

Shi Zhan listened to the comments of the two, furious!

Unfortunately, before he was angry, he felt that Ye Jun’s leather shoes stepped on his face was crushed!

I only heard Ye Jun say fiercely: “What kind of shit! That’s it? This thing can sell for 100 million, it’s too much!”

“Forget it, I’ll send you to death!”

While talking, Ye Jun opened Shi Zhan’s Weibo!

New news, send!

New news, send!

New news, send!

New news, send!

After hundreds of messages were sent out, Ye Jun removed those amateurs and chose to upload the rest!

Finally, it’s over!

“Ah, isn’t that Shi Zhan? Ah, ah, so handsome, the chief executive of Century Entertainment!”

“Bad guy, what do you want to do to us Stone War!”

“Help, help! Call the police!”

At this time, a group of women rushed over and accused Ye Jun angrily.

The VIP waiting spaces in the first-class cabin are all dedicated, and I don’t know where these people came from.

It is estimated that the brain powder has come in!

Ye Jun let go of Shizhan and threw down his mobile phone at will.

Lead Chu Hongyu to leave!

“Wait, do you want to run after hitting someone?”

A girl angrily accused.

Ye Jun smiled and looked at the girl, and said nonchalantly, “I suggest you brush your neck!”

After all, it was a group of girls, and they didn’t dare to stop Ye Jun and the others.

After hearing Ye Jun’s words, he picked up his mobile phone inexplicably and opened his scarf!

But found out!

The bib won’t open!

It’s already exploded!

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