Chapter 279 Let me see for myself!

The thick powdery air on this Shi Zhan’s body is simply too strong.

Ye Jun gently covered his mouth and nose and took a step back, showing disgust.

To be honest, Ye Jun has cleaned up all the wicked people.

But I really want to say what I’m afraid of.

Ye Jun is just a little dirty, and he can’t see these dirty things.

This glamorously dressed national traffic star.

Although in front of outsiders, it is so glamorous and charming.

But in Ye Jun’s eyes, who saw everything through.

This thing is a dirty thing.

Not even people can call it yes.

Whether it is betraying one’s body, there are all kinds of disgusting behaviors.

Take as an actor himself.

This kind of traffic star has terrible acting skills.

What is the so-called small fresh meat, small flowers.

I didn’t even watch the TV series that I filmed.

Garbage in garbage.

But you can’t say yet, because their fans will criticize.

As long as there is a fan’s elder sister.

Fans will go to unify comments and occupy the comment area.

Let passers-by not speak, but can only boast but not scold.

This kind of domineering behavior has aroused dissatisfaction among many people.

The skill of the rice circle bitch is not just talking about it.

They even returned human flesh and gang violence to ordinary people.

But for all these actions, the relevant personnel did not act.

After all, such capitalists can make money.

Even some children who are not deeply involved in the world chase stars to get loans, or even go naked.

Finally fell to the road of no return.

All kinds of behavior, these stars are aware of.

But they don’t care, they are all in a fight with the capitalists.

As long as they make money, how can they manage so much.

Ye Jun absolutely hates this kind of traffic star.

Why is there such an emotion?

Some people may feel that it is not pleasing to the eye.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Entertainment culture is a part of people’s daily life. Watching TV and watching dramas are very important contents of life.

Even Ye Jun is so rich.

It is also to chase the drama.

Because of the obvious existence of these flows, the quality of TV series and movies has plummeted in recent years.

Seriously affected his entertainment activities.

It’s a long story.

At this time, Shi Zhan watched Ye Jun’s move half a step back, and suddenly became more angry!

Coldly said: “Today’s matter is not so easy to solve. You can give me a compensation plan.”

“If I am not satisfied, we will call the police to resolve it.”

“I’ll be paralyzed with you, my brother is gone, I don’t bother to talk with this thing, and I will spill your shit and splash you all over.”

Xiao Qiangqiang said with a grin, not evasive that there were people around.

Chu Hongyu didn’t say much. He glanced at this stone war lightly, then looked at Ye Jun and said:

“I promised you not to do anything, but today you won’t let them pay for me. I will clean up you when I look back!”

Ye Jun looked at Xiao Qiang who was in trouble, and Chu Hongyu, a heavy threat, not only for a while.

What kind of evil did I commit, and I encountered all these bad things in one day.


Ye Jun looked at this stone battle and had no desire to communicate with him.

Kill directly?

Ye Jun shook his head and stayed with Chu Hongyu for a long time, as if she was infected with the desire to kill.

Even if Ye Jun has the ability to let this person die without a trace.

But Ye Jun didn’t want to do this. This man committed a lot of sins, but it was not for the sake of death.

How to do it?

Ye Jun began to quietly think about the countermeasures.

Shi Zhan looked at the behavior of these three people.

I was almost out of anger, commanding the security guard next to him and said;

“The three of them caught me, I want to call the police!”

“I want to post on Weibo to kill these three people! Dare to fight with me? My fan drowns you with a mouthful of sputum!”

“You wait for me, I posted on Weibo, I will expose you, my fans are all over the country, and they will kill you!”

Shi Zhan’s face looked like a ghost.

And the fans in his mouth are also his most loyal weapons.

This is not the first time that celebrity fans have been violent online.

Especially in this stone battle, there was an extremely awesome academic boss before.

A female scholar in her 30s discusses current male actors with netizens on her scarf.

The scholar said that he admired an actor very much.

Then the fans of Shi Zhan went crazy to sell Amway to scholars, so that she also liked Shi Zhan.

It is a pity that the scholar said that he did not call Shi Zhan and was not interested.

It’s that simple sentence.

Aroused a thousand waves.

People have not even used derogatory language!

But the fans are angry, how can you not like us cut off!

If you don’t like me cutting, then you have a problem!

You are an orphan, and die of the whole family.

Fans then began to insult the female scholar madly.

From people’s figure, age, eighteen generations of ancestors one by one.

I also posted pictures of people’s dismemberment, and sent me the disgusting pictures every day.

He also wrote countless reports to the female scholar’s work unit.

She said that she was academically fraudulent and her private life was disorderly. She even said that she, a well-known scholar, stood on the streets of prostitution.

Various means are emerging in an endless stream.

In the end, it caused great life troubles for the scholar. In the end, he chose to work abroad and shut down all social platforms.

It was considered to have escaped.

What is even more ridiculous is that the female scholar is a talent that the state advocates and wants to introduce.

In his thirties, he is already an academic master.

He was actually forced away by the fans of the traffic star, and finally this stone battle was on the social platform.

Still basking in his “handsome photos” and playing his advertisements, the years are quiet.

It seems that everything has nothing to do with him, even if someone speaks.

It was quickly obliterated by millions of fans’ accusations.

And now, he has taken this fan’s crazy behavior as a legitimate behavior.

Come to threaten Ye Jun’s trio.

Ye Jun heard this man’s words and watched him pat on something with his mobile phone!

Suddenly he became angry and went up to grab Shizhan’s mobile phone.

When Shi Zhan saw that the mobile phone had been taken away, he was furious.

Instructed a few bodyguards and said: “Hurry up and take him down for me, and bring me back my mobile phone!”

Looking at Shi Zhan’s urgent expression, Ye Jun suddenly realized something.

There is a “porn photos” before, and there must be something hidden in things like mobile phones and computers.

Some time ago, an expert made a statistic. The thing that modern people can’t tolerate others touching is their mobile phones.

Seeing Shi Zhan’s look, Ye Jun suddenly understood.

As for the bodyguards who rushed up, no one saw how they got down.

Xiao Qiang next to him was rubbing his finger bones.

Make a popping sound.

Chu Hongyu still commented next to him: “So it’s gone, how can you pull the Kung Fu!”

Xiao Qiang’s original intention was full of ambition, and he suddenly stopped.

Shi Zhan panicked at this time, and now he is alone!

And Ye Jun took his mobile phone and asked with a smile, “What’s the mobile phone password?”

Shi Zhan closed his mouth tightly and stared at Ye Jun.

Ye Jun didn’t wait for his answer, but patted his forehead.

“Hurt, I forgot all about it, since you didn’t say it.”

“Then I will see for myself!”

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