Chapter 258 Who do you think is a strange flower?

“Fuck it! Gamma laser light! This bastard wants to kill us!”

Xiao Qiang looked at the scene in front of him.

Ye Jun just grabbed him, and he was still a little puzzled.

After that, he looked at the officer, his body was out of control, and he came to the detection area just now.

At the same time, Ye Jun took him to the place where the officer just stood!

Then, the scene that made Xiao Qiang feel terrified happened.

The intense laser instantly flooded the entire passage, except for the place where they stood.

And the officer standing there.

It was too late to make the screaming sound, and it was laser cut into a pair of neatly chopped meat.

You can even smell the smell of burnt meat!

At this moment Xiao Qiang should know that no matter how stupid it is, if he stood there just now.

what will happen.

Except for that officer, he and Ye Jun would be instantly turned into a pile of minced meat.

This consequence, just thinking about it, made him terrified!

“Gamma laser light? Has the Qi family already militarized this? Ha ha, I almost died.”

Ye Jun just glanced at the pile of minced meat lightly, and asked the topic he was interested in blankly.

It is the gamma laser light mentioned by Xiao Qiang just now.

In fact, many people have seen this thing in real life.

It is also a kind of commonly used medical equipment in medical equipment.

It is generally common in the treatment of cancer, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, using the gamma rays produced by cobalt-60 for one-time large-dose focused irradiation.

Come to play the result of eliminating the lesion.

The laser technology refers to a higher-dose polymerization reaction.

The knowledge involved in the middle is more complicated, so I won’t elaborate on it.

Ye Jun has only read the introduction of this gamma laser in professional journals.

This is just a big conjecture, using the principle of cobalt-60 radiation polymerization to achieve large-scale laser weapons.

This kind of weapon not only has great lethality, but once it is hit, there is almost no possibility of survival.

Even if it scratches a little bit of skin, it is undoubtedly dead!

This principle will involve the principle of nuclear weapons.

This kind of radiation will produce great radioactivity, which will cause irreversible damage to the human body’s genetic cell structure.

Even if you scratch a little bit of skin, you will definitely die!

Fortunately, there is such a safe place here.

Ye Jun was the first time he felt danger just now!

Why is there a dangerous warning?

This is the military base of the Qi family, equivalent to their base camp.

If the Qi family harmed themselves?

One hundred Ye Jun would not believe it, let alone whether the Qi family would do it.

Even if they really wanted to undermine themselves, they wouldn’t be so troublesome.

Ye Jun didn’t have time to think about it so much, so he read his mind directly on the officer.

I realized that he was instigated by others.

Come to take Ye Jun’s life.

From the moment they enter this channel, regardless of whether they are certified or not, this laser will definitely shoot everyone in the channel within 30 seconds. ,

Only the place where the officer stood was the only safe place in this room.

In fact, from the results of this mind-reading, this officer is just a pawn.

In case this place is not a safe place, the whole house has to be played.

But at that time, Ye Jun didn’t have time to think so much.

He couldn’t even wait for Xiao Qiang to take action, and he directly controlled the officer mentally.

Let him trigger the mechanism!

Fortunately, fortunately, the messenger behind did not want to kill the donkey. Maybe the officer still had some usefulness.

Unfortunately, Ye Jun didn’t even have time to glance at his basic information.

It became cannon fodder.

“The militarization of gamma laser light? Are you kidding? The militarization of that thing will not supply China even if it is hollowed out!”

“In Qijia, only the most important places will be equipped with this kind of defense system.”

“Only people with the highest authority can enter such places. The two of us applied for temporary authority. Coming here is to die.”

“He is paralyzed, who is going to harm us!”

Xiao Qiang excitedly explained this to Ye Jun, with an extremely angry expression on his face!

Listening to Xiao Qiang’s words, Ye Jun frowned and looked at the pile of minced meat, slightly regretful.

After all, my own system has not yet been developed to interrogate a pair of minced meat.

Time was too hasty just now.

Ye Jun didn’t have time to sort out this person’s memory, so he still knew nothing about the black hand behind the scenes.

However, someone who can work in such an important place as Qi’s family.

It’s certainly not the idle generation, and maybe even the senior leaders of the Qi family.

The Qi Guoming incident last time made the Qi family reorganize, but the Qi family is so big, it takes a lot of effort to control it firmly.

Could it be that some fish slipped through the net last time? Or is there something wrong with the Qi family?

Ye Jun thought about it for a while, and didn’t go to ask in detail.

I turned on the system and looked around the place, and found a very serious problem.

“Brother Qiang, how do we get out now?”

Ye Junlue asked Xiao Qiang bitterly! After his scan, this channel is already dead.

The dangerous feeling this room gave him hasn’t faded, and if he walked forward, he was probably cut into pieces by a laser.

The road behind has been blocked, after the authentication problem just now.

Ye Jun didn’t dare to rush to the door behind to authenticate, it was life-threatening.

Moreover, all the electronic products on Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang had already been confiscated when they entered.

Now there are two people left in this passage.

It is so tight that even a mosquito can’t fly in except for a few small and secret vents.

Let alone ran out.

Xiao Qiang looked around, his face also showed a bitter expression and said: “There is no way, wait!”

Ye Jun said a little helplessly: “You all said this is a top secret area. If we haven’t been here for three days or two, we will all be hungry here.”

“Then what? I’ll smash the door!”

When Xiao Qiang heard Ye Jun’s words, his face was also sad, and he was about to get up and start smashing the door.

In the end, Ye Jun grabbed him again, preventing his unreliable behavior!

What a joke, wait for the next smash, and come up with a laser again.

It’s not all over!

“Forget it, let’s wait. Didn’t we make an appointment with that person? Maybe he saw us not coming, so he came to us.”

Ye Jun put forward a reliable suggestion.

Xiao Qiang said reluctantly, “Brother, you don’t know, that person won’t wait for someone at all.”

“We are late, maybe they are too lazy to wait and leave!”

Ye Jun frowned slightly, he didn’t expect this person to be so temperamental!

I couldn’t help but complain to Xiao Qiang: “Hey, you said the old man will find me some weird things!”

As soon as this sentence fell, a clear voice came from the passage.

“Boy, who do you think is a strange flower?”

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