Chapter 257: Incident

“Oh? Is it so scary? Tell me!”

Ye Jun looked at Xiao Qiang’s persuaded expression, and asked with a trace of doubt and expectation.

Xiao Qiang heard Ye Jun’s words, his expression on his face was subtle, and after some thought, he said:

“Many of his affairs are confidential, but I can tell you that he has killed more people than you have walked across the bridge!”

“Uh, I don’t walk the bridge very much.”

Hearing Xiao Qiang’s analogy, Ye Jun said with a slight embarrassment.

Xiao Qiang said, “Isn’t it said that there are more bridges you have traveled than you have traveled? Forget it, anyway, remember, that’s a demon. Don’t provoke him later!”

“All right. I remembered.”

Seeing Xiao Qiang’s serious expression, Ye Jun nodded slightly.

Murderer, how could the old man send him this kind of person?

Could it be that the situation was not right and cut me in one fell swoop?

Ye Jun had an inexplicable mind, but felt that Xiao Qiang’s description was inexplicable.

“Since this person is so dangerous, let’s forget it!”

Ye Jun asked tentatively to see Xiao Qiang’s reaction.

Xiao Qiang heard Ye Jun’s words and shook his head repeatedly and said, “Don’t, he was appointed by the old man to take advantage of it. If he knows afterwards that I have disturbed him, he will cut me off afterwards!”

This person didn’t come for nothing, Ye Jun and the Qi family had an agreement.

This time I added Xiao Qiang, the mysterious man, and Ban Xue.

A group of four people set off from the capital of Shu and went to the tomb of the emperor,

All the resources of the Qi family are used in the middle.

The final income will also give the Qi family 20%.

The Qi family also gave the price of conscience for this share.

After all, the help provided by Xiao Qiang and the mysterious man, as well as the rest of the Qi family’s resources.

Without these, Ye Jun would not be able to take this trip.

However, this 20% belongs to the same family.

For the remaining Xiao Qiang and the mysterious person, Ye Jun promised to give them a portion of what he earned.

Xiao Qiang was nothing, Ye Jun’s good brother didn’t care.

But that mysterious person, Ye Jun depends on his ability to divide him.

Listening to Xiao Qiang at this time, this man has a bad temper, even a little overbearing!

He could even hold Xiao Qiang, and he suddenly felt a little unhappy in his heart.

After all, he doesn’t want such a strong person to join his team.

“Brother Qiang, although this matter is important, if you don’t like that person, we don’t have to force him to join.”

Xiao Qiang felt warm when he heard Ye Jun’s words.

Of course he knew that Ye Jun was taking care of him.

But things for adults are not that simple after all. Many times, people who don’t like them have to be forced to stay together.

Xiao Qiang said, “Brother, nothing. My relationship with him… Forget it, I am not afraid of him!”

“Others are still very reliable. If you go to this place this time, with his help, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!”

Hearing Xiao Qiang’s evaluation, Ye Jun’s face was slightly surprised.

He didn’t see any dissatisfaction from Xiao Qiang’s face. Xiao Qiang’s expression was annoying and disgusting, which was not at all.

More of a kind, fear, awe?

And in the words, the evaluation of this mysterious man is quite high.

This made Ye Jun look forward to the appearance of this person even more.

So, the two continued to talk about other topics, while entering the military area of ​​this airport.

This private airport is just a disguise on the surface, except for a large number of military aircraft parked.

And there is also a military base here.

This is also Ye Jun’s destination.

With the previous registration, Ye Jun and the two entered the military base smoothly.

Here, Xiao Qiang is not familiar with it either.

It was an officer leading the way, and Ye Jun followed behind the officer.

Entered the complex internal structure of the base.

Ye Jun looked at the ubiquitous monitoring equipment in this base.

There are also copper walls and iron walls built by these cutting-edge technologies.

After a door, there will be a test.

It can be said to be step by step, extremely secretive.

[Two persons with temporary access authority identified][Certification passed, the door is opening]

Ye Jun and the others stood in front of a huge iron gate, waiting for the base system inspection.

After the authentication was successful, the iron gate was scattered like a spiral, exposing the passage inside.

It’s another long passage.

“I’ll go, there will be no end. Man, how long will it take?”

Xiao Qiang was a little anxious.

I just started to enter the door. I have already passed through more than a dozen passages just now, and almost half an hour has passed.

Didn’t this Nima come to pick up someone?

This is almost like an adventure.

The officer who led the way glanced at Xiao Qiang lightly and said, “The confidentiality of the person you are looking for is too high. This is a process problem. If you are not satisfied, you can go out now.”

After all, walking forward without looking back.

Xiao Qiang’s face suddenly became a little ugly, and he looked angrily at the officer’s back.

It’s just that people are under the eaves now, and they have to bow their heads.

If the place is changed, just the arrogant attitude of this person will definitely teach him every minute of his life.

Xiao Qiang slammed his fist at the officer’s back.

“Stupid stuff, what to pull!”

“Come on, come on, Brother Qiang. Don’t worry about it.”

Ye Jun persuaded him, but he was not very angry.

After all, he doesn’t have the style of Xiao Qiang. If people don’t offend me, I don’t offend people. This officer is just a little colder.

I can’t make trouble with others for such a small matter.

Continue to walk with the officer for ten minutes.

Came to the biggest door!

Ye Jun arrived here, and his pores opened up instantly!


Extremely dangerous!

After a group of three came here, the door of the passage behind them was already closed!

The back is a dead end, only the front door can pass through!

As long as you pass the certification, you can enter it!

“Here, go through the certification, the person you are looking for is there!”

At this time, the leading officer finally took the initiative to speak his first words.

After that, he walked to the side and motioned to the two of them to come forward.

“I don’t have the authority here, let’s authenticate yourself!”

“Hey, it’s finally here, I really don’t want to see him!”

Xiao Qiang muttered as he moved forward to prepare for certification.

One step, two steps, getting closer and closer to the designated certification area in front of the door.

“Hold on!”

Just as Xiao Qiang was about to step into the authentication area, he was held back by Ye Jun.

“What the hell do you do? Pull and pull! Are you afraid of the demon inside?”

Xiao Qiang was held by Ye Jun and said jokingly.

But soon, he couldn’t make jokes anymore.

He saw Ye Jun’s expression and became extremely solemn.

He could even hear Ye Jun’s breathing heavier!

“What’s wrong, brother? Is there any problem?”

Ye Jun grabbed Xiao Qiang and didn’t speak, his eyes were already on the officer.

Golden light flashed through the eyes.

“Ahhhh, what did you do to me?”

“Why doesn’t my body listen to my own orders!”

“Ahhhh, don’t…”

The crisp female voice of the system sounded

[Top secret area, intruder found][The annihilation begins]

After a while, only Ye Jun remained in the sealed passage.

There was also a pile of fragmented, but neatly arranged pieces of meat.

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