Chapter 220: Ban Xue’s Special Physique

“Doctor Ye, since you know my evil curse, then we know that people don’t talk secretly, just say what you want!”

At this moment, a smile appeared on Ban Xue’s face that was completely inappropriate for his age.

Lori’s pure and lovely face, with a very mature and polite smile.

I didn’t see the precautions and vigilance before.

After Ye Jun uttered the word evil curse.

Ban Xue decided to seize this life-saving straw.

Even if Ye Jun couldn’t save her, he was a liar.

But at this time, she knew that her time was running out.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, so it is better to live as a dead horse.

No one lives well and wants to die.

For people who have been on the verge of death for a long time, they are more likely to be alive than normal people.

That’s why Ye Jun left this class snow for a few days.

I didn’t come to negotiate with her until she became ill.

Only in this way will she be honest if she faces the threat of death.

This is not a little white rabbit, this is a lively little fox.

Only to hit her to the bottom first, and then pull her a hand.

One slap and one candy can tame such a stubborn creature!

Ye Jun looked at Ban Xue’s expression, which could be seen through the system.

This woman really wants to submit, no longer has some thoughts that shouldn’t be.

He nodded in satisfaction, and said coldly:

“I can save your life, you will be with me for three years, would you like to?”

A cautious expression appeared on Ban Xue’s face, frowning and thinking hard.

After all, she was just a girl who was only eighteen years old.

This Ye Jun is also a big man in his twenties. His remarks made her think too much.

Ye Jun looked at Ban Xue’s expression and sneered, and said:

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you. All I am after is your body belonging to the class family.”

After hearing Ye Jun’s blatant words, Ban Xue took a look at her body?

If an average girl listened to it, she would definitely think she had met a gangster.

But Ban Xue was shocked when she heard it, and she looked at Ye Jun with a little more caution.

“Doctor Ye, how much do you know?”

Ye Jun sneered and did not answer, but fixedly looked at Ban Xue.

Waiting for her answer.

What is so special about Ban Xue’s body?

This is also to be said from the memory of Ye Jun peeping into the tomb robber Wang Banfeng.

In Ban Feng’s memory.

Ban family members belong to a natural feminine physique and have special interactions with various ancient tombs and feminine objects.

Ban Feng was able to become a generation of tomb robbers and robbed a lot of tombs.

This is inseparable from the feminine physique of their class family.

At that time, Ye Jun’s system didn’t even see Ban Feng’s institutional structure.

Later, after knowing the truth, Ye Jun concentrated his mental energy, and only gained something from this Ban Xue.

【Tianyin Jade Body】

【The Zhi Yin system, it can have special interactions with all kinds of evil objects, ancient tombs, and feminine objects, and it can also enter the place where the Yin Qi is extremely heavy to protect itself. 】

This is the special secret of Ban Xue, and it is also the secret of the Ban family.

This is also their clan has always started by robbers tombs.

There are countless deaths and injuries in the tomb robbery, but the members of their class have succeeded time and time again.

Ye Jun had seen it in Ban Feng’s memory.

At the time, Banfeng Wang, the tomb robber, once partnered with others to rob the princess tomb.

In the tomb of the princess, there was a cold atmosphere and heavy miasma, after entering the tomb.

All those who were traveling with him were tragically killed by the oncoming miasma, turning into a pool of pus and blood.

But Ban Feng was safe and sound, and returned with a treasure from the princess tomb.

If Ye Jun hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he could not believe that the world would have such a magical physique.

In fact, it can be explained scientifically, in Ban Xue’s physical examination.

Ye Jun has seen that some of her indicators are completely different from normal people.

Just like some people, they are born with hot physique and cold physique.

And Ban Xue is a feminine physique.

Even after being identified by the system, he took a tall name, Taiyin Jade Body.

In fact, in addition to resisting the miasma, it can sense femininity.

This physique, leaving the tomb robbery industry, can be said to be useless.

But in the tomb robbery industry, this is the natural king’s physique, the son of heavenly choice.

Moreover, Ban Xue’s physique far surpassed her grandfather and father.

After all, listen to this name, Taiyin Jade Body.

This is born for women.

The old ancestor of the Ban family who first robbed the tomb was also a woman and created a huge family of tomb robbers.

Ye Jun checked her physique. If it weren’t for his father who had been killed by the evil curse, it had infected Ban Xue, who had not fully manifested her physique at the time.

Relying on Ban Xue’s current physique, she wouldn’t be afraid of any evil curses at all.

She is a genius born to robber the grave!

Ban Xue never expected that this matter would also be known to Ye Jun.

This is the great secret of their class family, if someone knows it, it may cause great disaster.

but? Ban’s house?

Now she is the only remaining descendant.

A self-deprecating smile hung over her mouth. What is the meaning of those ancestral training and secrets now?

Ask for it yourself, but it’s just alive!

She finally finished thinking, looked at Ye Jun firmly in her eyes and said:

“I agree, Dr. Ye, if you cure me, I will do it for you for three years!”

Ye Jun’s cold face showed a faint smile at this moment.

“Okay! Remember what you said.”

After speaking, he came to Ban Xue’s side.

Ban Xue couldn’t help shrinking as she watched Ye Jun approaching.

After all, a man who is just over one-meter-eight is indeed a giant to her height of only eleven or twelve years old!

She tucked the bed sheet tightly with her hand, looked at Ye Jun a little nervously, and asked:

“Doctor Ye, what are you doing?”

Ye Jun looked at her nervous expression and suddenly felt a little funny.

The cunning villain who was like a little fox and circled himself just now is like a kid who made a mistake, persuaded!

A wicked smile appeared on his face and said:

“Of course I am treating you!”

After speaking, he pressed his hand to Ban Xue’s ponytail round head!

“Ahhhhh! What are you doing!”

Ban Xue cried out in fear, with a hint of horror in her eyes.

It’s like a little loli who has met a bad guy.

Poor, weak and helpless.

“Shut up!”

Ye Jun shouted coldly.

Ban Xue looked at Ye Jun’s serious expression, and suddenly fell silent.

Suddenly, she saw it!

I saw the light of the man’s hand on his head in front of me.

Like a dream like smoke, like gilt gold, the golden light followed his hand into his body from the top of his head.

She felt her body hot and hot!

The body was sweating, and after a while, the sweat on his body wetted the little patient gown, drawing the curve of Ban Xueling’s young teeth.

There was not much movement in this process, except for Ye Jun’s hands, and Ban Xue’s body exuded a substantive golden light.

There was no sound. If anyone comes to see this scene, they will be frightened!

Because Ban Xue’s body exudes light, the whole body becomes transparent and visible, with a beating heart, flowing blood, and squirming internal organs!

Inside her body, there was a faint black air.

And the golden light is like a rushing river, sweeping away the black air that shouldn’t exist.

For a long time, I found that the black energy in Ban Xue’s body had completely disappeared.

At this moment, Ban Xue had passed out in a coma, and the process of removing the evil curse was uncomfortable.

She only felt the improvement in her physical condition, and knew that Ye Jun was indeed treating her, so she resisted without screaming.

At this moment, Ye Jun withdrew his mental power.

Looking at this frowning Ban Xue who had fallen asleep, she seldom praised: “Yes, it’s a good seedling.”

This kind of xinxing, perseverance, and more cultivation will surely be a big help for yourself in the future.

It’s just how to subdue this little fox, and you have to think for yourself.

However, there is another thing to deal with now.

Ye Jun turned around, looked at somewhere in the ward, and made a cold voice.

“How long do you have to watch? Come out!”

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