Chapter 219: The Mystery of the Evil Curse

Loli on the bed heard Ye Jun’s words.

There was a gloomy expression on his face that was not suitable for his age.

This person is the granddaughter of the former tomb robber, Ban Feng.

Ban Xue!

Although she looked like a loli, she was already eighteen years old in real life.

According to her development, the longer the teeth, the younger the teeth.

There is a strange disease in the world that will make people grow older.

This disease can make a fourteen or five-year-old man look like an old man in his sixties or seventies.

This is called Progeria, and it is not uncommon.

But Ban Xue’s appearance, on the contrary, is getting younger and younger.

According to the examination provided by the hospital, this Banxue had reversed growth, which was a rare terminal illness in the world.

At that time, several chief doctors in the hospital even wanted to publish this case.

Invite experts from all over the world to discuss.

This disease is more than just a disease.

It is human wealth.

Inverse growth?

If you can figure out the principle of this, then the life span of mankind can be extended!

This is simply a major breakthrough.

To be more serious, once Ban Xue’s case is released.

It will definitely cause a worldwide sensation, and then it will not be the Qi family that can protect Ye Jun.

Ye Jun didn’t think so much at first.

Because in his opinion, Ban Xue’s illness is curse-ridden.

This evil curse was mentioned before, and it is the curse circulating in various ancient tombs.

Ban Xue’s parents and grandfather died tragically under the curse.

Her grandfather died of [Evil Curse, Devour Hope]

This is a terrible curse that even Ye Jun’s system didn’t immediately discover.

If it hadn’t been for Ye Jun to discover in time and lift this evil curse, it might have spread now, causing a lot of casualties.

As for Ban Xue’s father, it was because of his death.

[Evil curse cannot escape death]

This curse is to realize the reverse growth of human beings, Ye Jun saw from Ban Xue’s grandfather and Ban Feng’s memory.

When Ban Xue’s father died, he looked like a milk doll.

A big man in his thirties achieved reverse growth and passed away as a nanny.

It’s really weird and terrible!

Ban Xue’s disease was inherited from her father.

Originally 18 years old, she seemed to be only eleven or twelve years old at this time.

Compared to Ye Jun’s appearance when she was fourteen or five years old, she was a lot younger.

Rejuvenation may be the dream of countless people.

But after the real thing happens, we will discover the weirdness of this thing.

Ban Xue’s physical functions are simply not enough to support the decline of the body.

This kind of curse develops to the end. If people can live forever, everyone will eventually become a group of small embryos…

These are the terrifying aspects of the evil curse that Ye Jun learned from the system.

As for the plans of the previous doctors, the two hospital bosses Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang rudely dismissed them.

Good treatment at this hospital means more effort.

This hospital does not require employees to be hardworking, the only rule is to be strict.

The various confidentiality agreements they signed made them dare not say a word about this matter.

This is also the reason why Ye Jun dared to put Ban Xue in the hospital with such confidence.

This base can be regarded as one of his lairs at this time.

Ban Xue looked at Ye Jun’s plain expression, and her expression kept changing.

Hoarsely asked: “What do you want me to do?”

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Ye Jun’s mouth and said:

“Little girl, look at me, this hospital is run by me, and I am not bad at all. What do you think you can do for me?”

Ban Xue had a hint of anger in her eyes, but she couldn’t refute it.

Indeed, she and Ye Jun are people from two worlds, and they have to admit that he is the moon in the sky, and he is the mud in the ditch.

What can I do for him with his wealth?

In the past few days, she has listened to a lot of gossips from nurses.

This Dr. Ye drove Bugatti in all kinds of high-profile cars and came to work dressed like a male model every day.

Is there anything else she can do with a dilapidated person like her?

She has been tortured by evil curses since she was a child, and she can see this reality more clearly than ordinary people her age.

A mocking smile appeared on her face, not mocking Ye Jun, but mocking herself.

“If this is the case, why do you have to talk nonsense with me, Doctor Ye? I’m so cheap. You can find a place to let me fend for myself.”

This Ban Xue spoke to Ye Jun for the first time with a title.

Ye Jun listened to her name with a subtle smile on his face.

doctor? I am a science student with a background in social management, and I have a fart with doctors, a tall profession.

But if it’s about saving the dead and healing the wounded, I’m afraid that few people in this world can have their own ability.

He is now more and more accepting of the identity of Doctor Ye, and he plays well.

He straightened his expression and sneered and said:

“You don’t have to play with me wanting to fight, I tell you, you are sick, only I can save you in the world. It’s just that I never save useless people. If you are so begging to die, go out to find a land and die by yourself. Don’t dirty my place!”

Ye Jun noticed that this woman was playing the self-defeating set here, and wanted to arouse his sympathy.

If it weren’t for my own system, I might have been deceived by her superb acting skills.

Ye Jun’s eyes were full of flowing golden light, and he looked at this Ban Xue faintly.

When Ban Xue heard Ye Jun’s words, her face was slightly taken aback, and the pretended self-defeating expression became serious.

The voice also became uncontrollable excitement and Jiufen doubted and asked: “Can you cure this disease of me?”

“Naturally it can be cured, but if you are not half sincere, you should find a place and die by yourself.”

At this time, Ye Jun’s words were inconsistent with his own acrimony.

When dealing with this kind of mindful people, if you show a touch of kindness, you are giving them a chance to make progress.

When Ban Xue heard Ye Jun’s words, his face was still wary.

Looking at Ye Jun suspiciously, he revealed extreme distrust.

Half-paid only then slowly said, “Then tell me, what is my disease?”

Ye Jun glanced at Ban Xue with a smile, and said flatly: “You are not sick!”

This sentence was like a thunderbolt on the top of Ban Xue’s head, making her scalp numb.

She asked with a trembling voice, “You said this is not a disease, then what is this?”

With a weird smile on Ye Jun’s face, he slowly uttered two words: “Evil curse!”

Ban Xue, completely dumbfounded!

A strong light burst into his eyes, and he looked at Ye Jun scorchingly.

Ye Jun smiled faintly, as if he didn’t know what impact his ignorance had on Ban Xue just now.

Earlier, Ye Jun and Ban Xue’s grandfather, Tomb Raider King Ban Feng, had spoken about this curse.

He did not expect that Ban Feng did not tell Ban Xue about this.

At this time, Ban Xue felt like her grandfather before, and her heart was shocked.

This is the first time she has heard the word curse from others besides her and grandpa!

This person is extraordinary!

“Can you talk frankly now?”

Ye Jun asked lightly.


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