Chapter 215-Celebrate your birthday with you

In the end, this Michelin restaurant failed.

The three of them found a hot pot restaurant here.

The old local brand in Shu area is now.

After doing so for so many years, I have opened stores in this luxurious business district.

Ye Jun vaguely remembered that when he was a child, this hot pot brand also appeared in a sitcom filmed locally in Shu.

The name of this shop is Liu Yishou.

It was also opened on the same floor as the Michelin restaurant.

Even this river view is better than that Michelin restaurant.

It’s really incredible.

After all, hot pot is just a cheap food.

Ye Jun looked at the decoration of this hot pot restaurant, even though it was located in such a tall mall.

The decoration of this hot pot restaurant is simple and straightforward, the restaurant is big enough, and each table is isolated.

There are large round tables that can hold more than a dozen tables.

There are also marble square tables where three people can sit.

The tables and chairs are all in a unified style and look extremely coordinated.

The prices of the dishes are hung on the wall, clearly marked.

The price is about 30% higher than the average hot pot restaurant.

This is understandable, after all, the rent here is expensive, and there is also a vast river view to see.

At this point, the store is almost full!

Xiao Qiang furrowed his brows and stared for a while, but he didn’t find any vacancies.

Was hesitant to change one.

At this time, a middle-aged woman in a suit and uniform greeted him, speaking enthusiastically in plastic Mandarin:

“Big brother, do you have hot pot? You may have to wait, haha, sit outside. We provide melon seeds and peanuts for free.”

Xiao Qiang smiled at the eldest sister, then looked back at Ye Jun and An Ran.

“Would you like to wait a while?”

Ye Jun doesn’t care, this kind of hot pot restaurants lined up are generally delicious.

“Okay, listen to Brother Ye.”

An Ran nodded and agreed.

“Okay, little table No. 4! About twenty minutes, someone will leave immediately, very fast! Handsome guys and beauties, take a seat over there!”

The eldest sister who looked like a manager tore a piece of paper with the serial number on it and stuffed it to Xiao Qiang, and left in a hurry.

Ye Jun and the others sat in the rest area, knocking the seeds, drinking tea, and they felt a little leisurely.

This tea is still Kuyin tea, with a slight bitter taste, very common and very cheap tea.

But clearing away heat and relieving heat is a good hand, and it is a tea that many hot pot restaurants and restaurants like to use.

There is also a kind of barley tea, with a slight aroma of wheat grains, which is usually used to relieve greasiness when eating hot pot.

Ye Jun knocked the five-spice melon seeds and took a sip of tea.

The casual appearance caused a commotion from the girls waiting for their seats next to them.

“Fuck, look at the handsome guy!”

“Damn, the koi I reposted yesterday took effect? ​​You can meet such a handsome guy with a hot pot! It’s today for my old lady to take off the order!”

“Come on, you, look at you like this, do you see the beauty next to him, it’s a pair at first glance, it’s strange that you didn’t get beaten up.”

“Oh, it’s a pity, I finally saw a handsome guy, but it’s a pity that the name has a master.”

“Hum, this kind of handsome guy is blessed to look at it more often, look, look, his throat is so sexy!”

“Ah, his hands look good too!”

“Speak, speak! The voice is so magnetic!”

“He smiled, smiled! So handsome, so handsome, ah, I’m dead!”

Ye Jun smashed the melon seeds to relieve his boredom, and smiled and said to An Ran:

“Xiao’an is living today, do you have any wishes?”

An Ran said with a calm smile on his face:

“Yes, yes, but I don’t know if Brother Ye can help me realize it!”

Ye Jun smiled suddenly and said, “Just say it!”

He believes that he has financial resources, and satisfying An Ran’s small wish shouldn’t be a problem.

When An Ran heard Ye Jun’s answer, his eyes became a little subtle.

Looking at Ye Jun seriously, he said, “Then I said it!”

Ye Jun looked at An Ran’s eyes, and his heart moved slightly.

Instead of the joyous atmosphere just now, she looked at An Ran seriously and waited for her to speak.

An Ran looked at Ye Jun’s focused eyes and said with a faint smile:

“I hope Ye Ge can spend my birthday next year with me too!”

Ye Jun was slightly surprised when he heard An Ran’s words.

Does this girl depend on herself to such a degree?

Looking back on the past few months of getting along with each other, it was quite pleasant.

next year?

Ye Jun smiled, reached out his hand and stroked the top of An Ran’s head, and said:

“Okay, next year, Brother Ye will also accompany you on your birthday, the year after, the year after, and the year after that, are you satisfied? Girl!”

When An Ran heard Ye Jun’s words, a sweet smile appeared on his face as if he had eaten honey and said:

“Then let’s say yes, don’t lie, whoever lie is a puppy!”

Looking at An Ran’s appearance, Ye Jun scratched An Ran’s Qiong nose gently.

“Alright, Ann Puppy. When did your Brother Ye fool you!”

An Ran’s face was blushing when he was molested by Ye Jun.

Yu’s hands clenched into a pair of delicate fists and slammed them into Ye Jun’s chest with a single tap.

“If it’s necrotic, Ye Ge knows to make fun of me. People just want Ye Ge to accompany me on my birthday!”

Ye Junyi grasped An Ran’s little hand and looked at the little girl’s tenderness that she rarely revealed.

I even forgot to let go of her tender hands.

An Ran looked at Ye Jun fixedly looking at herself, stretched out her hand and pulled it out, blushing and said:

“I’ll go to the toilet first!”

After speaking, he trot and left the rest area.

Looking at this hurried figure from behind, there was a sense of fleeing in despair.

Xiao Qiang on the side watched An Ran leave before switching from the spectator mode to the eating melon mode.

Holding the unfinished tea in one hand, and holding a handful of melon seeds in the other, he came to Ye Jun’s side.

Asking Ye Jun with a mean smile:

“Brother, this girl Xiaoan is so devoted to you, how about it, didn’t consider accepting her? Or is it already done?”

Ye Jun didn’t agree with Xiao Qiang who wanted to eat melon at all. He took a cup of tea, and the old god took a sip on the ground.

After leaving Xiao Qiang in the air for a while, he said:

“Whatever you don’t accept, they live under one roof. I treat Xiao An as my sister.”

The smirk on Xiao Qiang’s face remained unchanged, and he smacked it. Nodded and said:

“Good sister, cultivated, soft body, easy to push…”

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Qiang waved his palm in front of him and caught a melon seed that Ye Jun smashed at him.

Slowly peeled and ate.

Looking at Ye Jun with a faint smile, he insisted on forcing him to confess honestly.

Ye Jun had no choice but to start talking about business to interrupt Xiao Qiang’s desire to eat melons.

“In other words, my jade girl statue, have you collected it for me.”

Speaking of this, Ye Jun showed some worry on his face.

Although Xiao Qiang was commissioned to deal with the aftermath, the value of this jade girl might be a big help for him.

Can’t help but be so cautious!

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