Chapter 214 You are a bitch!

The waitress was relieved after hearing this.

For fear of such people making trouble in their restaurant!

Their restaurant is a Michelin three-star restaurant.

It has always been the best choice for the upper class to choose a dinner together.

Not bad customers at all, she has met even rich people!

A mere two hundred thousand, although she can’t make that much, but that is also insignificant.

And according to the yellow-haired foreigner who gave them induction training.

To be a waiter here must be arrogant.

Just like foreigners, we must pay attention to equal rights and humanity.

Can’t bow and bend over like those minions of China!

They don’t need such employees!

The more arrogant the staff, will make the guests feel worth it!

Let this restaurant’s compelling rating instantly rise a lot!

I haven’t seen some restaurants now that only sell 100 bowls of beef noodles a day.

What’s more, no order is allowed, the chef arranges the dishes!

Buying is a hunger marketing.

Many people are like this, born with a cheap embryo, the more they want it!

He will disagree if others treat him well!

And those who face him coldly, on the contrary will get his attention and pursuit!

The waitress hasn’t read any books, but after hearing the brainwashing of foreigners.

It seems to have opened the door to a new world.

It turns out that this is the real society, the real humanity!

For the first half of my life, what my parents taught me to be humble and polite, and to change my heart is just bullshit.

Only by stepping on the dignity of these people can they exchange their tails for pity.

She looked at Xiao Qiang with a slightly smug look.

She doesn’t think she will lose a customer, on the contrary, she believes in this customer and will definitely stay!

Follow the rules, then pay honestly, and work hard to become a special VIP in this restaurant!

But her eyes only fell on Xiao Qiang for a short moment.

He was attracted by a man behind him.

The long body is jade, handsome and extraordinary, just like a Zhilan Yushu, and suddenly it seems like an immortal is coming to the world.

The nobleness of the whole body, this temperament is simply inexhaustible.

His face was a bit lazy, and a bit careless, as if he were in the game world.

But this handsome and handsome man didn’t even give him an extra look.

Instead, he kindly persuaded a big-and-big-and-big-male man:

“Brother Qiang, let’s eat at a different restaurant, don’t be so troublesome!”

Seeing such a scene, An Ran came up to persuade Xiao Qiang.

“Brother Xiao Qiang, let’s change the place. I used to see the scenery here is better. I want to try it, but now it seems like that!”

An Ran is no longer the weak little girl back then, she can see clearly what happened now.

It’s this shop that bullies its customers! So there is a bit more disgust and disgust between words!

As soon as this was said, the waitress at the front desk quit!

Said to An Ran with a straight face:

“Miss, if you can’t afford it, change to another home. I have no opinion!”

“But our store is a Michelin three-star restaurant, and there are only dozens of Michelin three-star restaurants in the world!”

“It’s nothing but this? Have you ever eaten it? What qualifications do you have to evaluate!”

She talked more and more vigorously, as if she were the owner of this restaurant.

It’s like trying to spare this life to defend the restaurant’s reputation!

An Ran opened her mouth to refute something, when a faint voice sounded in her ears.

“Let’s go, Xiao Ann. What do you talk about with this kind of thing on your birthday will spoil your good mood!”

An Ran turned his head to see that Ye Jun had already taken Xiao Qiang and walked out of the restaurant.

His face was laid back and relaxed, as if he didn’t take this matter to heart at all.

Xiao Qiang’s face was indignant. He has been in Shu for such a long time. When has he been so angry!

If Ye Jun weren’t here, he would be able to let the female server know what justice is from heaven on the spot.

An Ran didn’t react to Ye Jun’s words at first.

After reacting for a while, I realized that the words Ye Jun used were things!

At all, she didn’t treat the waitress as a human being.

Call it something directly!

Isn’t it? It’s just a domineering thing!

Most of the anger in An Ran’s heart dissipated, and he followed Ye Jun’s footsteps with a smile.

The waitresses react faster!

She was shocked as a handsome guy just now, in his mouth, she became a thing!

This is simply a great humiliation to her!


“A group of poor people can’t afford to eat if they can’t afford it. You pretend that your mother is paralyzed!”

The female waitress yelled, not too loud, and just fell into the ears of a few people who hadn’t gone far!

Xiao Qiang clenched his fists and couldn’t help but go back and give this idiot girl a little bit of power!

But it was held down by Ye Jun!

“Brother, don’t stop me, if I don’t smoke the big ears of this lady today, I will not feel comfortable!”

Ye Jun gently shook his head!

To Xiao Qiang said flatly:

“Don’t cause trouble, just leave it to me for Xiao An’s birthday today!”

Xiao Qiang glanced at Ye Jun suspiciously, and withdrew his hand.

See what Ye Jun would do.

Even An Ran was also watching. She had seen Ye Jun’s methods.

Generally, if you don’t make a move, if you make a move, you will be completely killed, and you will never leave a problem!

They were all expecting Ye Jun to teach this waitress who didn’t know what to do.

But they only looked at Ye Jun and only glanced at the waitress with a faint glance.

There is no extra movement, not even the movement of the previous step.

This is just what they see.

On Ye Jun’s side, his mental power at this time had already entered her spiritual world as soon as he saw the waitress.

At this time he was walking in the spiritual world of the waitress.

Watching her life.

There is nothing good, the culture is not high, and the family background is average.

After entering the society, after a lot of hardships, I found such a job with relatively good salary.

But it’s a little fun.

This restaurant is opened by foreigners, and the corporate culture of this restaurant has brainwashed this woman layer by layer.

Teach her how to hold her shelves and look down on Huaxia people, how to rely on the restaurant’s reputation to go to pua customers!

Even the foreign background of this restaurant is still an illegal foreign power.

This woman is still one of the members!

In addition to work, he also worked part-time in the overseas women’s boxing organization organized by this force to engage in splitting!

On the bib is a female boxer! A legendary female boxer!

Young innocent woman with all kinds of ignorance punches.

Discriminate against men, discriminate against China!

Hao Le, Ye Jun’s last remaining pity is gone.

Draw a spiritual imprint directly in her mind!

“You are a bitch!”

After staring at each other in such a short time, Ye Jun left with An Ran and Xiao Qiang.

Just when the two of them wondered what kind of lesson Ye Jun looked at each other?

I heard the sound of people turning around in this restaurant.

Accompanied by a crisp dog bark!

“Barking barking”

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