Chapter 211: Brain Dismembered Fans Are Too Horrible

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Several experts and a few masters watched this jade girl in the stone for a long time.

Eyes are full of intoxication.

On the big screen at this time, the details of this jade girl are also displayed.

The audience below also looked at this jade girl statue with fascinating eyes.

Ten minutes is already not a short time.

But no one urged, no one anxious.

Even the audience has always been anxious.

At this time, I hope that time will pass a bit slower, and then a bit slower!

But in this scene, there are always such one or two out of group.

For example, Ye Jun.

Ye Jun looked at these people chirping, looking endless.

Can’t help but interrupt: “If you are optimistic, announce the result as soon as possible, I’m still in a hurry!”

As soon as these words came out, several experts and masters surrounding the Jade Girl Statue showed annoyed expressions on their faces.

If you change someone and say this to them, they will immediately take off their shoes and smash it!

For such a precious treasure, it is not too much to hold a special appraisal meeting for it for three days and three nights and invite appraisal experts from all over the world to see it!

What is enough of this short ten minutes?

But even if they didn’t give up, they could only stop the action in their hands.

But Ye Jun, the current holder of the Jade Girl Statue, spoke.

Judging from the behavior of this person just now, he is not a person who plays cards according to common sense.

There is no good result if he is irritated!

Everyone stopped their actions and began to announce the result.

“It has been identified that the jade of this jade girl is carved with hibiscus jade. The hibiscus jade is a kind of superb jade. The jade is clear and has a hint of fragrance. With only this size, it is already a rare superb gem in the world!”

“This jade girl statue has been appraised by various experts and masters, and it is completely natural and there is no trace of carving.”

“The carvings and paintings of Master Cai Ye are tightly painted in the shell of his jade girl, in order to achieve the unity of form and spirit and evoke the spirituality of jade.”

“According to the ancient records, this is the most precious statue of the saint of Oshan in “The Mirror of Strange Stones”.”

“The so-called Wushan among the holy women of Wushan is the place where this jade girl was mined. Wushan has been a mine producing precious jade since ancient times.”

“According to legend, a long, long time ago, there was a saint who turned herself into a jade girl and placed it in the Wushan mine to produce so many top-quality jade!”

“In other words, this jade girl is the original saint of Wushan, and all the jade produced by Wushan is transformed by her mana!”

“Of course, this is just a legend.”

“However, the value of this statue of the Osan saint is still immeasurable.”

“It is estimated that the ancient books record that she has the miraculous effect of giving off children and sending blessings, and can also bless the peace of the house. In reality, such a large hibiscus jade, just smelling its secret fragrance can make people a hundred times more energetic!”

“Together with this perfect image by nature, it has extremely high artistic value!”

Everyone, one sentence for you, one sentence for me.

Make the value of this thing clear!

This thing is also recorded in history, but that period of history has become a legend.

In the eyes of many stone gamblers, the so-called “The Mirror of Strange Stones” has long become an unattainable legend.

Even the younger stone gamblers don’t believe this at all.

Only think it is old feudal, old antique, whimsical thing.

Today, two strange stones were born.

A golden dragon’s eye stone, a statue of the saint of Oshan.

Simply shocking!

In the audience at this time, an old man burst into tears.

Taking a closer look, this is the old man who just told the young stone gambler about “The Treasure of Strange Stones”.

The old man’s surname is Huang, who has a very high seniority in the gambling world.

After so many years of ups and downs, the tears at this moment made the people around him start to panic!

“Master, don’t cry!”

“Yes, that is, what are you crying after seeing the baby?”

A lot of comfort came, but Huang Lao still burst into tears.

There were also many elders who lived from that era like him on the scene, and they began to feel tears.

This is what a generation of stone gamblers pursued for Kistler.

Betting on rocks, the focus from the beginning is on rocks!

The older generation of stone gamblers, they gamble not to pursue the pleasure of gambling and the huge benefits it can bring, but to find the surprise and shock of the beautiful jade from the stubborn stone!

“Kidstones” is a lesson that the older generation must learn from the beginning.

It is also their lifelong pursuit.

As the times change, their generation is going to die, but most of them have never seen a strange stone.

They are also human beings, and they will also wonder whether Kistler exists, and whether their persistence for many years is meaningful.

This is their heart disease that has accumulated over time.

But there is always no cure.

Until today, it appeared!

This medicine is not the Jinpolongyan stone prescribed by Qi Guoming!

It’s too ordinary, it’s just mentioned a little bit in the Kistler Mirror!

Even if it doesn’t shine, it looks no different from a pile of golden shit!

This really good medicine is the statue of the Virgin of Wushan drawn by Ye Jun!

She is so perfect! So amazing! So incredible!

This is the real strange stone, the pinnacle of the gambling world!

It is only with unbelievable luck and excellent professional skills that such amazing stones can be produced.

The old people were crying, and they finally saw that their lifelong pursuit was finally realized in the hands of a young man!

This is a great event worthy of universal celebration!

They can only go up and see this jade lady, singing and dancing, and celebrating this moment!

What they leave behind are tears of excitement, tears of joy!

A person next to him looked at Huang Lao and cried and laughed, and couldn’t help but sneered:

“This must be the little white face playing mystery, how could there be such a wicked thing…”

But before he finished speaking, a slap was severely slapped on his face.

Just now, the old Huang with a crazy appearance, looked at this nonchalant boy with sullen eyes.

It seemed that the next moment was about to strip him alive.

Several bodyguards in black also rushed out of the crowd and detained the kid.

Huang Lao flicked his sleeves very imposingly, and said coldly, “Drag it down and wring my tongue!”

A few bodyguards got orders, covered the boy’s mouth, dragged him away!

The people around looked terrified, but did not dare to make the slightest sound of beaking.

This old Huangyou dare to do this kind of thing in broad daylight, that’s because he has the capital.

They don’t want to be the next person to be disposed of, they can only keep their mouths shut.

Huang Lao shot a circle and said:

“From today, who dares to say something that Master Ye doesn’t like in front of me, the consequences should be so!”

In the distance, there was a heartbreaking scream!

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