Chapter 210: The Qi Family’s Healing Should Be Great Prosperity

The real body of this statue of the Osan saint is revealed!

Everyone present was crazy!

The ice muscle is like jade, the goddess descends to the earth, the eyes that sympathize with all beings, the graceful ketone body!

It’s like a fairy.

Everyone was already deeply shocked by the beauty of this jade statue!

Lifelike, there is a fairy posture in the trance!

Is this really a treasure that can exist on earth?

The audience below was dumb.

These masters on stage are also stupid!

How does this compare?

What can be compared to this?

In terms of size alone, Qi Guoming had discovered precious strange stones before.

It is a golden dragon’s eye stone.

The size is not the size of a baby’s fist!

And this! Statue of the Osan saint!

The volume alone is almost the same as a normal human being.

This transparent and white jade is the best hibiscus jade!

At this time, several experts have surrounded this statue of saint!

Several masters also followed unconsciously.

Whether it was Master Wu who had ridiculed Ye Jun before.

Still the prince who is aloof.

They let go of their pride at this moment, just want to see the wonder!

Qi Guoming was also stunned!

He followed up and watched!

He has already abandoned what victory or defeat, honor and disgrace!

He just wanted to see what kind of baby this one was.

The audience below is also a little out of control!

They all want to rush to the stage, look at the statue of the saint, and want to get in touch with her!

Fortunately, Qi’s security is also notoriously good.

Xiao Qiang led people to stop these rioting crowds.

Seeing the crazy look of these people, Xiao Qiang muttered in a low voice:

“What new tricks my brother has done this time! It’s not a single time to make myself worry.”

An old expert from the Qi family looked at the statue of the saint.

The fingers trembled slightly, and he did not dare to touch the statue of the saint.

It seems that a light touch is an unforgivable blasphemy!

When he finally mustered up the courage, he reached out!

The person walking next to him slapped his hand back!

“Pharaoh, do you have any rules! Wear gloves!”

Lao Wang returned to his senses and found that the onlookers were glaring at him and were extremely dissatisfied with his presumptuous behavior.

He apologized repeatedly, took out a pair of brand-new white gloves and began to test.

Several experts in the same industry also started their own work.

Several onlookers watched with enthusiasm and wanted to take a look.

But looking at Ye Jun who was cold and indifferent to the side, he couldn’t help stopping.

It’s the same thing to come and see, but to come and observe is to get the permission of the master.

Several experts act as referees in the stone gambling process, and they have this right.

But they, even Qi Guoming, the host, are just one contestant.

It is absolutely impossible to come forward and observe!

Some people had trouble with Ye Jun before. They were all master-level figures, and it was not easy to look down and ask for help at this moment.

Only looking at this statue of saint with scorching eyes.

But there is an exception at this time.

Wang Zhenzi walked out of the crowd with extremely arrogant steps.

He turned his head and glanced at the crowd diagonally.

With a triumphant smile on his face, he trot over to Ye Jun.

“Master Ye, you are indeed a genius of heavenly arrogance, and you are the first person in the history to create a jade girl among the stubborn stones! I really admire it!”

After a rainbow fart, Wang Zhenzi asked Ye Jun eagerly.

“Master Ye, do you think I can see this jade girl statue?”

Ye Jun smiled and nodded. For Wang Zhenzi, he now thinks this person is really interesting.

“Feel free to watch.”

Wang Zhenzi got Ye Jun’s approval and joined the industry of watching Jade Girl Statues.

The rest of the masters, seeing Wang Zhenzi encircling the statue of Jade Girl with fascination, is simply envy and hatred.

According to the experience of these masters, if you see this jade girl today, you may not have the chance to see it in the future!

Such a strange treasure, there is only one place…

The jade resembling animals and human figures is drawn out of this stone.

It’s not like that.

According to rumors, some people have drawn a tiger-shaped jade from a huge stone, which is worth a thousand dollars.

Some people have heard that in some jade mines along the border, human-shaped jade has also been produced.

But most of them are hearsay, not believable.

None of so many masters has ever seen a jade that resembles a human shape.

They quickly recalled their own database.

Among them, the prince remembered that there was a piece of jade similar to a human baby in the treasure chest inside the Treasure Management Bureau.

The treasure house, but the essence of treasures from all over the world, even today Qi Guoming’s fast strange stone, only Kankan has entered the periphery of the treasure house.

Even he, the son of the second-in-command of the Treasure Management Bureau, only has the power to visit in just a few minutes!

The baby-like jade made a deep impression on him.

It turns out that there are such strange stones born in nature.

It’s like some ginseng that grows into a doll shape, all are real treasures!

But compared with the jade girl in front of me, the baby jade looked so inferior.

The natural beauty of this jade girl, clear eyebrows, and ethereal figure.

All are beautiful, all exquisite.

That baby jade is just a human-like, if you don’t look closely, it looks like a big tuft of jade.

How can it be so lifelike!

The transformation of this jade girl just now was also extremely shocking, peeling off the outer shell painted by Ye Jun, revealing a peerless face.

It is amazing, the Prince Wang will never forget the appearance of this jade girl in this world.

Like a goddess coming to the world!

If you can’t see it today, your chances will be slim!

Several of the masters had never had an argument with Ye Jun before.

At this time, he also lowered his body and asked for it.

“Master Ye, he is really a young hero, and he has such a good method at a young age. Can we see the wonder!”

“This is the name of Master Jiuyang Ye, and it is really extraordinary at first sight today! Is it fortunate for the old man to be able to see the strange stones!”

“It deserves to be the talent that Mr. Qi is fond of, Master Ye Tianzong is a genius, the Qi family should be prosperous because of the master…”

Several great masters complimented Ye Jun one after another.

Ye Jun looked at these people who were smiling like chrysanthemums, and instantly saw through their thoughts.

I also agreed to their request!

Only Prince Wang, Master Wu, and Qi Guoming were left on the scene.

These few people really can’t pull it off, and they know that even if they pull their faces off, they are not rare to take care of them!

Only an angry face, standing in place pity, sulking!

Ye Jun didn’t even care about these people, but sat aside lazily.

Next, just wait for the experts to declare their own results.

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