My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 559 Official action!

As expected.

In a villa as a temporary residence.

Kashiwagi, who used Hoopa to bring four "children" back, was almost killed by Ruge's eyes.

When he saw Liu Ge's friendly expression when facing Xiaozhi and others, he felt inexplicably that his status in the heart of the former boss had changed?

It seems that it was Frobo and King Scorpio who were often scolded in the past?

"Maybe this is the price of growing up."

Kashiwagi sighed.

The general plan has been successfully formulated, and after this day and a half of special study, Hupa has almost understood what computer files are, and has even done a practical intrusion into a computer that was set up in advance.

Liuge's only concern - that during the invasion, the Flare team's technicians might find out and directly lock the system or even unplug the power supply. This was effectively solved after Citron joined.

Maybe some time can be left over to prepare for a sneak attack, so that the stolen documents will not be discovered.

As a genius inventor who independently designed robot AI and successfully applied it in gym challenges, he later produced black technology such as the Rotom Illustrated Book. His technology was even praised by members of the Information Department of the International Police.

Citron, who is shy by nature, was extremely shy when he was praised, but he still bowed and thanked everyone around him.

Xiaozhi and others were also happy that he could help.

"For his sake, I won't blame you this time."

Liuge applauded and walked quietly to Kashiwagi's side.

Kashiwagi: "..."

Flobo, come back quickly! I can’t stand the menopausal boss!


Everything is going well, all we need is the east wind.

He asked Liu Ge when he was going to take action. The opening ceremony of the Miare Conference was getting closer.

Liuge said that he needed to wait for a response from Daigo. The latter seemed to have some ideas but was hesitant. The reply should be available today at the latest.


Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, how could Daigo-san delay time because of personal matters, and then he realized something.

Could it be that... you're worried about Ai Lan?


This guess was confirmed by the other party personally after Dawu arrived.

"Ai Lan's trust and respect for Fradali... made me hesitant to tell him the truth. I'm worried that once he discovers that everything he has done is to help others, he will probably fall into ruin."

Unlike Kashiwagi who has basically no feelings for Ai Lan, Daigo admires him endlessly, not only in the animation, but even in the game he even praised the former to others.

Perhaps because of his appearance, Ai Lan's weight in Dawu's heart has been reduced.

But the care is not lacking.

What Dawu is struggling with is whether to tell Ai Lan everything so that he can be mentally prepared, or whether to join the plan.

After all, Ai Lan is also a deceived victim.

Daigo couldn't bear to see such a trainer sink into misery, and hoped that he could reach out to save him.

However, this guy has been too crazy recently, and even he is worried that as soon as he said something, he will run directly in front of Fradali to question him, causing the whole plan to fail.

So very confused and helpless.

"This is not your responsibility, Daigo-san."

Kashiwagi looked at Daigo's sad look and couldn't help but said:

"The only one who can make a choice is yourself. Others' words will only be reasons to convince yourself. People must pay the price for their choices. Therefore, no matter how much Ai Lan will be hurt by the truth in the end, it is impossible and will never It will be your responsibility.”

Take all responsibility for yourself and strive to make everything perfect.

This is Daigo's "arrogance" as the champion of Hoenn.

Although he has never stated it explicitly, his various actions have expounded the personal creed that "with great power comes great responsibility" to the extreme.

Kashiwagi always respected such Daigo-san.

"Ahaha...what you said is not unreasonable."

The silver-haired young man looked at the white clouds in the distance, smiled softly, and said softly: "But when I realized the evil in Vladali's heart and looked at Ai Lan, I thought of someone."



Daigo turned his head, stared into Kashiwagi's eyes, and said in a calm tone: "You were once in the same darkness as him, but you walked towards the light so resolutely, and you never hesitated to welcome the new future.

"It's precisely because I saw you that I don't want to sit back and watch Ai Lan sink like this. I can't go back in time to help you in the darkness, but at least I hope to help him who is confused."


Kashiwagi didn't know how to answer the call.

What he just said was almost straightforward - forget about that kid Ai Lan, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, but you told me that you want to save people because of me?

How to reply? Tell me what to do!

Kashiwagi covered his forehead, thought for a while and decided to use a killer weapon——


He turned back to the villa and called Xiaozhi who was playing with Hoopa and Pikachu.

"What, what's wrong?"


Ash and Pikachu looked at the two of them blankly.

Kashiwagi told Ai Lan about it and asked him what he thought about it.

Daigo didn't quite understand why he told this ten-year-old boy who had met once, but he still watched quietly.

"That's it, it turns out he..."

Xiaozhi lowered his head slightly, with a slightly bleak tone in his tone, but it was quickly brushed away. He looked at Daigo and said firmly: "I don't think Ai Lan is such a weak person."


"I have briefly fought against him twice before, but I failed to defeat him both times due to some reasons. That guy..."

Xiaozhi paused briefly to think, and said: "The look in that guy's eyes and the bond shown by Charizard tell me that he will never be defeated because of these things!"

Same as Daigo.

As a battle idiot, Xiaozhi also has a good impression of Ai Lan, and looks forward to seeing him again at the Miare Conference and fighting again.

And defeat Ai Lan openly and win the final victory!

Daigo looked at Xiaozhi who held his head high and Kashiwagi who nodded secretly to him next to him. After being silent for a while, he smiled in relief.

"I see, you want me to have some confidence in him?"


Kashiwagi responded softly.

According to the original plot, Ai Lan did indeed get out of the psychological shadow that Fradali gave him, and reached the position of the Eighth Master on the journey. Daiwu was really overly worried about this.

"Thank you very much."

The Hoenn champion patted him on the shoulder, turned and walked back to the villa, "Your comfort makes me feel a lot more relaxed. I hope this can prove that my decision is not wrong."


What's the meaning?

Kashiwagi turned to look at Xiaozhi and Pikachu, and suddenly realized that Daigo might have made his decision a long time ago - the decision to "give up" on Ai Lan, but he kept feeling guilty for it in his heart.

So when he said he wanted to help Ai Lan just was he going to help?

Xiaozhi asked: "Is everything okay?"

"It should be fine."

Kashiwagi is not sure either.

"Ai Lan...why did he become like this?" Xiaozhi's tone was a little heavy. He was kind-hearted and kind-hearted. When he heard Ai Lan's actions and current situation, he couldn't compare it with the person he had met before.

But actually.

The Ai Lan that Xiaozhi met was already close to an extreme state, but she experienced the beauty of fighting during the battle with him and suddenly woke up.

"People will always change based on their experiences. Sometimes the choices we make are not what we want, but we are forced to do so. Ai Lan may have reached this point amidst various compulsions."

Kashiwagi reached out and touched Pikachu's fat cheek, and said to Xiaozhi: "You also want to help Ai Lan?"


Xiaozhi nodded without thinking.

"Then you have to figure out what he cares about and what forces him to reach this point. Once you figure it all out, punch him in front of him and tell him what you think."

He said slowly, and Pikachu kept rubbing his head and ears on the palm of his hand.

Xiaozhi was stunned, "Punch this necessary?"

"Of course, to deal with those kind of idiots, you can only punch them open one by one. Normal methods are not as effective as using hands."

Kashiwagi smiled evilly, and the Pikachu under his hand immediately looked at him with a strange expression, and then looked at his good partner with concern.


Don't be fooled so easily!

"That's it..." Xiaozhi didn't react and nodded subconsciously.

Pikachu called out again without giving up, "Pika~"

"Don't disturb your partner's thinking. If I'm not wrong, don't you often hit him with 100,000 volts? Want him to wake up?" Kashiwagi pinched Pikachu's ears.

The exposed Pikachu immediately looked away and rubbed his face with his little paws in embarrassment.


The person who has been attacked by Pikachu's Hundred Thousand Volts the most times may not have been Team Rocket, but Ash, his closest trainer and soul partner.

Can you believe that if you stay in bed and don't get up in the morning, you'll be shocked?

Xiaozhi was so shocked that he lost his resistance and continued to sleep after the electric shock.


Fradali Institute.

After Dawu made a routine visit to Manon and the sleeping Halili, he met Ai Lan, who was holding his arms silently, at a corner outside the ward.

"Jun Ai Lan? Are you back?"


Ai Lan raised her head and nodded after seeing Dawu, "I got the eighth badge. I heard the representative said there was a breakthrough in super evolutionary energy, so I rushed back as soon as possible."

"A breakthrough?"

"Well, the representative said that they have successfully developed a machine that can guide the release and absorption of super evolutionary energy, which can help Mr. Hali dispel the excess energy in his body, but further experiments are needed."

Ai Lan said softly, with a smile appearing on his cold face, "In this way, Hali-jun will be able to recover in a short time, and Manon will definitely be happy."

"Then did you tell Manon?"

Daigo looked back at Manon, who was still depressed in the ward.

"I...I don't know how to face her." The smile on Ai Lan's face disappeared, and deep self-blame and powerlessness were hidden under the seemingly calm face.

He always believed that it was because he was not strong enough that he caused such disaster to the people around him.

Seeing his appearance, Dawu couldn't help but sigh and comforted: "It's okay, Manon won't blame you, she has always been a gentle child."


"Well, let me tell you, and you can do me a favor."

Daigo suddenly changed his tone.

Ai Lan was slightly startled, "Help? Is there anything I can do to help you?"

He smiled slightly and said: "You should know that I like fossils very much, but I have something to do recently and I can't leave. Can you go to Guxiang Town for me and collect a jaw fossil from there?"

"Yes, yes..."

Ai Lan hesitated for a moment, then agreed, "I understand, please wait for my good news at the research institute."

Perhaps because he has been working as a tool for a long time, he always finds it difficult to refuse requests from others.

This is why Manon was able to travel with him for so long and form a bond with him.

"Then it's up to you~"

Dawu smiled and waved his hand, looked at the other person's retreating back, and murmured: "Time will not wait for me, Mr. Ai Lan, just let me see your resilience."

He turned around and walked into the ward with a smile on his face. However, he did not tell Manon the good news from Ai Lan. Instead, he told her that he hoped she could stay in the ward tonight and not leave no matter what noise she heard outside. .

Relocating Halili and Manon rashly would easily scare them away, so they could only rely on Hupa to help them move away.

"Uh, okay."

Although Manon didn't understand what he meant, she just did what Daigo told her.


The time soon came into the night.

In the villa.

Everyone who was already prepared held their breath and looked at Hupa and Citron, who were also very serious.

Liu Ge asked: "Are you ready?"

"Prepare the bird~"


Hupa and Citron spoke in turn.

"Very good, the first stage of the operation - prepare! Start!" Liu Ge gave the order.


The golden ring opens.

Bright blue light waves circulate in the center.

Citron swallowed, and the mechanical arm behind his back reached out into the golden ring.

A computer in standby mode and a dark room suddenly appeared on the screen next to it.

“There’s no one in the room to confirm!”

"very good!"

"Keep moving!"

The computer owner they chose is a female cadre named Claire, who is also one of the scientists of Team Flare.

It is Claire's turn to be on duty tonight, so for a long time, she will stay deep in the Fradali Research Institute to look after Z2 and will not return to her room.

Gave them a chance to act.

Citron plugged the data cable on the robotic arm into the computer, and a lot of sweat dropped from his forehead due to nervousness. Yulijia in the distance saw her brother's serious look and wanted to cheer him up but did not dare to speak loudly.

Not long after.

With the authority of the cadres, everyone successfully arrived at Team Flare's intranet, and a large number of documents were transferred, including the real financial reports of the Fradali Research Institute, sources of funds, etc.

However, the plan, which was the main goal, was nowhere to be seen, which made Citron a little anxious and his fingers kept shaking.

Seeing this, Liu Ge frowned and prepared to take it off.

Hupa next to him suddenly clamped Citron's face with both hands. This move almost made the latter, who was concentrating, lose his mind.

It smiled and said nonchalantly: "Hehehehe, are you scared? Citron."


Citron looked at it with lingering fear.

"Are you still nervous? Citron?" Hupa continued to ask.

"...I'm not nervous anymore."

Citron took a deep breath, his eyes became serious again, and his fingers continued to operate on the computer.

This time.

No longer panicking, he finally found what they wanted through carefulness.

"This is it! Found it!"

Everyone looked at the many contents in the document. While they were shocked and palpitated by Fradali's crazy plan, they couldn't help but smile heartily.

No matter what Fradali's plan is.

All will be wasted!

Seeing this, Liu Ge said loudly to the people around him, especially Kashiwagi:


"let's go!"

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