My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 558 The omen of team destruction

Before Bolkenion thought he was being funny.

Kashiwagi Harmony spoke up and elaborated on his thoughts from a personal perspective.

"The place I came from is called Oure, and it's extremely desolate. At first glance, you can see yellow sand flying all over the sky. The ground is so dry that it can crack. Not even a green plant can be seen. The precious water resources have to be dug from deep underground or from outside. transportation……"

He said softly, "But even in a place like this, there are many people who are willing to stay and want to make it rich, beautiful and like this place."

Bolkenion followed the line of sight of the cypress trees. Wherever he looked, there were mountains, rivers, green trees, and flowers all over the place. How magnificent it was.

It can see the longing in the eyes of the human in front of it, and understand that what he is longing for is not the Nibel Plateau, but the scene like the Nibel Plateau that he will see one day in the future on the land called Oure.

"If one day, you can no longer live on the Nibel Plateau, and the frequent harassment of humans forces you to leave your home. Come to Ourei."

Kashiwagi picked up the white cloth and wiped his hands, showing a soft smile, "As long as I am still there, my Pokémon are still there, and my friends and companions are still there, you can find a safe place to return to."

He didn't expect his words to impress Bolkenion so easily.

If the latter had the idea of ​​moving so easily, it would not call the Nibel Plateau "our home" when facing Xiaozhi and others.

Not only humans are obsessed with their homeland, but Pokémon are the same.

It takes courage to leave a familiar place; it takes determination to go to unknown territory.

Bolkenion: "..."

"Did you go too far? Sorry, I just wanted to give a suitable reference. I don't think what I said is right, and I didn't mean to say that you can't stay in the Nibel Plateau."

Seeing its dull expression, Kashiwagi quickly apologized in a low voice to calm it down.

Good intentions are good intentions.

This kind of "prophetic" rhetoric, which sounds quite unfounded at first glance, will inevitably make Bolkenion feel that he is too arrogant.

Why would everything develop as he said?

Talking briefly and talking deeply has always been a taboo in interpersonal communication.

Kashiwagi usually doesn't care about such noisy matters, unless the bond between Bolkenion and Magearna is enough to move him...

"It's okay, I know."

Bolkenion said in a deep voice, looking at Magearna in the distance with a slightly helpless expression.

The Nibel Plateau is located in the southeast of the Kalos region, and the nearest human town is the Kingdom of Azote.

It is said to be inaccessible, but there are many trainers and Pokémon hunters who come and go. Otherwise, Volcanion would not be able to protect so many Pokémon that have been injured and abandoned by humans.

From Xiaozhi's previous question "Does this kind of thing happen often?" to Bolkenion's affirmation and expulsion methods, it is not difficult to see that with the expansion of human footprints in recent years, the Nibel Plateau is no longer the paradise it once was. .

Perhaps the Nibel Plateau has changed since meeting Magearna five hundred years ago, right?

Kashiwagi looked at its melancholy expression and felt inexplicably the same feeling in his heart.

It is really difficult for a fantasy Pokémon that is not strong enough to survive in this world.

If nothing else, just the few strategies he gave are all in the category of armchair tactics. Establishing a protected area is easy to say, but the Carlos Alliance is not his younger brother. How can it be established just because it is established?

Furthermore, even if it can prevent "legitimate" harm from trainers, it can easily attract the attention of Pokémon hunters.

The existence of a protected area is like a little green among thousands of flowers, clearly telling you that there are rare Pokémon inside.

If patrolling is not strong enough, the advantages may not outweigh the disadvantages.

What about running?

Where to escape is also a question.

Even Chaomeng couldn't guarantee that he could find the Pokémon Paradise that humans couldn't reach. The Clear Cliff that he finally reached was still discovered by Sakaki and Team Rocket.

Bolkenion is even less likely.

But living in a world dominated by humans, the idea of ​​using humans to balance humans is generally correct.

Kashiwagi pointed to Jimiya and Raquel in the distance and said, "I know you prefer to continue living on the Nibel Plateau, so go discuss it with them. After all, they are also your neighbors."

The royal family of the Azote Kingdom is inextricably linked to Magearna.

The most important thing is that although the Kingdom of Azote has a king who does not appear in the plot, Jimiya or Rakel who are kind enough have a certain say.

They can aid Polkanion and Magearna when necessary.

"I see."

Bolkenion nodded and walked forward slowly. After taking a few steps, he tilted his head slightly, his tone returned to a relaxed and cheerful tone, and said: "Thank you... Kashiwagi, I will consider your proposal."


Kashiwagi raised his hand and waved.



At dusk and sunset.

After the celebration party, everyone boarded the giant airship and aircraft and waved goodbye to the Pokémon on the Nibel Plateau.

Kashiwagi stood on the deck, overlooking the smiling wild Pokémon below, and softly hummed the ending song from the movie in his memory.


Happy Egg looked at him curiously. He rarely heard the trainer humming. What's going on today?

"Sent from emotion."

He smiled and patted Happy Egg on the head. The ending songs of Pokémon the Movie are usually very nice and leave a deep impression on them.

He didn't know what Bolkenion discussed with Jimiya and Rakel, but like the original plot, Rakel, who thought he was inexperienced, decided to bring his favorite Pokémon with Xiaozhi's instigation. Fat Sweetie goes on a trip.

As expected of the Pokémon animated world——

"Want to know my secret to becoming a champion?" 』

"Let's travel!" 』

"All the answers are there!" 』

Kashiwagi has already thought about his future deception... No, it's a line to promote the benefits of travel and let the Orei people go out and see it.

"Are those people still quiet?"

He tilted his head and asked for air.

"Lu saliva~"

Doron Baruto answered in the affirmative, and then two Doron Mecia appeared out of thin air and lay on top of him like Jenga.



Although the trainer cannot launch them, the top of their head surprisingly makes them feel at ease.

It is the second habitable place besides the launch port of Doron Baruto.

It's a pity that they are not allowed to lie down normally, because there is always something lying on the head, which will easily cause cervical spondylosis. I can only reluctantly agree when I am in a good mood.

"You two."

Kashiwagi raised his hand and thought for a while but still didn't pull the two lizards down.

Soon after.

The sun completely sank under the mountains, the stars replaced its brilliance, and the neon lights of Azote Kingdom illuminated the airspace where the airship was moving.

landing field.

Many people have been waiting here for a long time.

Several dressed-up guards escorted Jarvis and the other three away, and a girl with a mushroom head and glasses walked towards Jimiya.

"Flamel! Thank you for your hard work!"

Jimiya said with a smile.

"This is what I should do." Flamel bowed his head in salute, then looked at Kashiwagi, Xiaozhi and others, "Everyone, His Majesty the King invites you to have dinner together."

Everyone looked at each other. They came just after dinner. Do you want to join in?

Ji Meiya raised her hand and said: "Everyone has already had dinner and is very tired. Let's prepare their rooms first. I will explain to the father."


Flamel saluted again.

Raquel, who was still in the mood to joke just now, his expression changed now. He looked at Flammel and asked uneasily: "Father, did he... ever mention me?"

"Yes, His Majesty the King would like you to go to his study and wait for him."


Raquel's tone was vain, her eyes were wandering, and she was obviously very panicked.

This is just like hearing a parent say, "I'll deal with you when you go home." Some parents like to spank their children in front of people, while some parents like to spank their children in private.

Most of the kings of Azote Kingdom are the latter.

"It's okay, father will understand." Ji Meiya's comfort did not have much effect.

Kashiwagi was a little gloating about his misfortune.

This brat has great enlightenment and must endure the punishment he deserves. It is estimated that it is difficult to get to the level of imprisonment, so he can accept a beating to vent his anger.

Just put your travel plans on hold for a few days, boy.

Through the arrangement of Princess Secretary Flammel, Kashiwagi and others were able to spend one night in the palace. To be honest, it was not much better than a five-star hotel. At most, it added a bit of royal grace and historical heritage.

Judging from the layout and manpower of the palace, the Kingdom of Azote is indeed as weak as Jarvis said.

The total number of servants and guards in the huge palace was less than twenty. Even if the Azot Kingdom was only as big as a city, it would be a bit outrageous.

He also made a special trip to visit the royal prison——

Since it has not been used for too long, all the facilities are similar to antiques, and he can break off the metal fence.

Fortunately, Jarvis was restrained by his own invented hunting wristband, otherwise wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to escape?


Whether Jarvis was angry to death when he was tricked by his own invention is beside the point.

Wonderful night passed.

Early next morning.

Under the leadership of Flamel, everyone met the current king of Azote Kingdom.

A muscular man with blond hair and a beard.

The appearance of his clothes can be completely lifted up to show his muscles. If it weren't for the identical aquiline nose and eyes, it would be difficult for people to imagine that the thin Rakel is actually his son.

"Hahahaha! Thank you for taking the initiative to eradicate traitors from our country!"

The king laughed loudly, and patted everyone's shoulders with his big hand like a cattail leaf fan, without the king's airs at all.

"you flatter me……"

Kashiwagi twitched the corner of his mouth.

He could generally imagine why Raquel, a ten-year-old child, would be confused by Jarvis and obsessed with reviving the Azote Kingdom by himself.

Because the person in front of me definitely has no interest in revival!

The autonomy of independent kingdoms under the alliance system may not be as beautiful as he imagined.

"I heard you are an international policeman?"

the king asked him.

"No, I'm just a member of an organization that has a cooperative relationship with the International Police. I'm from the Ourei region." Kashiwagi had no intention of hiding his identity.

Unexpectedly, when the king heard Ou Lei, his eyes lit up and he said, "Oh! Is it the rescue organization that overthrew Ou Lei's oppressors and rescued people?"

"You know?"

"Of course, maybe not that many people know you on a general level. But on a higher level, your name is well known!"

The king looked at the blank expressions of Xiaozhi and others and said: "I look forward to your future development! If you need help, just ask!"

What's the meaning? invest?

"Ah hahaha, I can do it." Kashiwagi laughed.

He has no right to deal with this kind of thing. External communication is all handled by Shanmin and even Silicon Beryllium City. What does it have to do with him, the leader of the Rainbow Team?


The king invited everyone to join him for a breakfast banquet.

After the sumptuous breakfast banquet, everyone said goodbye.

The Flare team was imminent, and Kashiwagi believed that since the International Police had promised to come to pick up Jarvis and the other three, it was time to go there earlier and make preparations.

Funny thing is.

At first, Xiaozhi and others were reluctant to say goodbye to Kashiwagi at the fork in the road. Later, he was helplessly reminded and remembered that there was something else they needed to do... or Z1 to coordinate.

It's inevitable that I'm a little embarrassed.

But apart from that, Xiaozhi and the others were also very worried.

"Will action be dangerous to Xiaoruan?" Yurika looked at Kashiwagi helplessly. She actually already had a certain answer in her heart.

But children always like to break the casserole and ask the truth.

"Danger is relative. As long as the plan is careful enough and the action is quick enough, we can rescue Xiaoruan's companions under the safest conditions."

Kashiwagi gently touched her head, "You have to believe in Little Soft. As Gigard, the guardian of the order of nature, it has the power to reverse everything!"

In the theatrical version of Magearna, there are actually highlights of Z1.

That is, a single core transforms into the final Gundam form, and fires dragon waves to assist the Pokémon on the Nibel Plateau in blocking the cannons. Unfortunately, the scene was taken away, and the highlight of Z1 was naturally lost.

I guess Z1 doesn’t need this kind of highlight moment.

"Is there anything we can do?"

Xiaozhi really hopes to do his part in this matter, and even calls out Koga Ninja, "Pikachu and I, as well as Koga Ninja, will never lose to anyone with our strength!"

"So we need you to hold the line."

Kashiwagi patted him on the shoulder sincerely, "If something unexpected happens and we are trapped or helpless, it's time for you to show off your power. Do you understand, Ace?"

Liuge definitely doesn't want Xiaozhi to get involved, just like he once didn't want the underage Kashiwagi to get involved in their business.

But Xiaozhi was 100% unable to hold back, and couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

In addition, this person has the luck of justice and victory, so it is necessary to let him take on the responsibility of holding the battle.

In case Vladali has any weird back-up tricks, asking Xiaozhi to go up and shout is a correct method.

On the other hand.

"Citron, maybe there is something you can do to help."

Kashiwagi smiled and asked: "Do you understand the Internet?"

Citron looked confused: "...Huh?"


Fradali Institute.

In the hall.

Fradali sat on the sofa, sipping red wine and staying silent.


A man in a red suit came to him and whispered something softly.

Fradali put down his wine glass and stood up slowly. His height of more than two meters allowed him to look down at the man in the suit, "I understand, stand down."


The man in the suit bowed his head and retreated.

Fradali was left alone, staring silently at Ai Lan walking on the avenue outside through the huge floor-to-ceiling window at the back.


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