My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 544 Treating Duolong

"You stupid!"

Kashiwagi raised his hand and knocked Doronbaruto on the head while he was avoiding his sight.

"Lu spit~!"

Dorumbaruto shook his head in pain.

He was completely speechless by this guy.

What kind of brain circuit would make me choose to run away silently... It wasn't even because I was afraid of being scolded by him, but because I couldn't handle his comfort and I felt uneasy about my conscience.

what to do?

Just get special treatment, beat and scold?

But let’s not talk about the fact that there is nothing worthy of blame in the gym battle. Being overly nervous is completely different from timidity. He also does a good job in assisting.

The main reason for this lack of combat experience lies with the trainers.

"...Put aside the matter of the gym battle for now, and settle the debt with you tomorrow morning for running away from home."

Kashiwagi poked Doronbaruto's head hard and said, "Reflect on what you have done."

The latter didn't dare to say a word like a Japanese melon.

The sight of so many Pokémon around him also made him feel particularly guilty.

What's more embarrassing than being unable to face your trainer and choosing to run away quietly?

——He was caught and executed in public.

Doronbaruto wished he could have fainted on the spot, or simply bumped his head to death on the bedside table and said goodbye to this beautiful world.

However, the three evil dragons and Sister Duolong were all staring at it, making it unable to even become invisible.

"Sleep first, I'm very sleepy."

Kashiwagi really couldn't think of how to deal with this guy's problem, and decided to ask Adam and Mikri tomorrow.

As for tonight...

Let's give it to the three evil dragons first.

He looked at his Pokémon and winked at them.

Sometimes in the early stages when they are not familiar with the trainer, introverted and timid Pokémon cannot express their feelings frankly and will regard them as parents, class teachers and other somewhat awe-inspiring characters.

But if you get along with your companions, you generally don't have such worries.

Kashiwagi had to admit.

He is not as close to Doron Balto as he is to other Pokémon, and is not even as close as he is to the Doron siblings.

Communication between the two parties is limited to a certain silent understanding.


When it comes to unlocking Balto the Dragon, it would be better to give it to Pokémon such as the Three-Headed Dragon that can persuade it to come back. Maybe adding a Happy Egg will be foolproof.

Kashiwagi remembered that before Happy Egg could not use its attack moves, he had a period of self-pity due to his unfavorable performance in the game.

As someone who is half-experienced, there might be something that resonates with Doronbaruto.


He turned off the bedside lamp, lay down on the bed and stopped talking.

Brother Duolong yawned and wanted to sleep next to his trainer's pillow, but his sister grabbed him.

It’s not time to go to bed yet!

Sister Duolong was a little sleepy, but she couldn't worry about Duolong Baruto, so she supported and pulled her brother to follow this useless guy.

The most painful thing is.

It was obvious that it had become Dorumbaruto's strength regardless of past grudges, yet this guy would actually weaken by talking to himself.

Sister Duolong will never allow this to happen.


Brother Doron yawned and got into Doron Baruto's launch hole.

This time it was not stopped.

Another plate.

Happy Egg, who slowly got out of bed, exchanged glances with the three evil dragons, and then looked at the big-mouthed kid who was obviously not interested in getting involved. He used his movements to comfort Doron Balu, whose head seemed to be suppressed and could not be lifted up. Trust.

I persuaded it to move out of the bedroom.

Seeing this, Boscodora stopped blocking the door with the heterochromatic Menas and made way for them.

It thought for a moment, and the big brother mode of the team unconsciously turned on, showing a gentle and honest smile, but it attracted the glares of the three evil dragons.

'Roar? ’

Boscodora's smile froze on his face. Did he do something?

But in fact, it's just that a certain Husky doesn't want to be robbed of his KPI.

Being a trump card starts with winning the hearts of "people"!

It has already begun its final finishing activities here. How can it allow you to come out to pick peaches in the middle?

Happy eggs can.

You can not!

The three evil dragons seemed to have forgotten that they had the best relationship with Boscodora when they were children, and they were even very attached to it for a time, even though they were always afraid of it because they were worried that it would destroy flowers, plants and trees.


Happy Egg looked at Doronbaruto, thinking about how to start the conversation.

It is actually not very good at eloquence, but since the trainer has high hopes for it, it is necessary to give it a try.

What's it talking about on TV?


right! sincere!

Happy Egg seems to have used the talking skills in the TV series that Big Mouth Baby watched as a method, and there is actually no big mistake.


Due to the influence of Doronbaruto, almost no one was able to sleep peacefully, including Kashiwagi who said he was extremely sleepy.

The latter even used simulated memory in order to have a stable sleep.

However, even if he was deducing the simulated memory, things about Doronbaruto still inevitably flashed through his mind.


Chatting with teammates seems to be quite productive.

When Kashiwagi woke up at dawn, he received a coy apology from Doronbaruto. This guy seemed to have been tortured all night, and his eyes looked a little red and swollen when he squinted.


He looked at Happy Egg, the three evil dragons and Sister Duolong. These three Pokémon yawned frequently, and when they saw him looking over, they all responded with approving smiles.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Kashiwagi touched their heads.

Although he didn't think about escaping, he felt a little ashamed for passing on some of the things that should have been handled by him to his Pokémon.

Just get through this.

He was also fully aware that his Pokémon actually considered these guys around him to be companions. Rather than colleagues who don't have much social significance or competitive relationship, or just acquaintances who can get along casually.

I feel so happy.

Kashiwagi yawned and got up.


"Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Miccoli, who was dressed in a nightgown, could see through Kashiwagi's hidden fatigue at a glance.

Adam, who was in charge, cast his gaze.

He noticed it when he first saw Kashiwagi coming, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Young people nowadays generally don't get enough sleep at night for one reason or another.

Like Lucia, she typically doesn't sleep at night and makes up for herself during the day.

The old housekeeper leaned down slightly and asked softly: "Is there something wrong with the room or the bed? If so, you might as well leave it to me to deal with it."

"No, the bed is very comfortable and the room is fine..."

Kashiwagi shook his head quickly, cleared his mouth with the black tea at hand, and said, "It's about Doron Baruto."

He looked at Mikri and Adam and briefly told what happened last night, hiding a small part of the content.

After finishing speaking.

Mikri seemed to be unable to help laughing, "Interesting! Interesting! Sure enough, you can always hear some interesting stories from excellent trainers like you!"

Adam also raised the corner of his mouth and said warmly: "The spiritual world? I have only heard of this place in some biographies."

"Have you never been there?"

Kashiwagi was a little surprised.

He thought that a well-informed veteran trainer like the other party should have quite a lot of adventure experience, and the spiritual world was just a small scene.

Adam laughed and replied: "I think under normal circumstances, no one will have such a strange experience of going to the 'afterlife'."

"Kashiwagi, Hibiscus is special. Even ghost-type Pokémon cannot go to places like the spirit world just when they want to."

Mikri tried his best to tell him some "common sense" and smiled: "Of course, your Pokémon also has some unique features."

Kashiwagi nodded silently, not wanting to get too involved in this aspect.

His main purpose in bringing up this topic was to hope that the two knowledgeable trainers in front of him could provide some advice.

“My advice is – don’t talk too much, just practice it.”

Mikri suppressed his smile and said bluntly: "Since it is a particularly introverted Pokémon, then actions can leave a deeper memory than words, right? Use a straightforward victory to sweep away the haze in its heart. "

"I agree too."

Adam nodded, "Instead of trying to comfort you with words, it's better to just get up from where you fell. If it doesn't work once, do it twice. If it doesn't work twice, do it three times. Summarize the failure and strive for success...

"Kashiwagi, don't be too impatient, you are still very young."

The deep gaze he cast made Kashiwagi's body tremble.


The knot in Pokémon's heart is not so easy to untie, and the transformation of a happy egg does not happen overnight.

Although I missed the two evolutions of Doronbaruto, I might as well regard his spiritual growth as the result of my coexistence with it.

"I understand, thank you very much."

Kashiwagi nodded.

I really benefited a lot from communicating with experienced trainers. Sometimes it’s not that I don’t understand some truths, but it’s just that the authorities are confused and can’t understand it until others remind them.

Mikri smiled and sighed, "Yeah~ But I really didn't expect Kashiwagi-kun, who looks so mature, to be troubled by this kind of thing."

"After all, I've only been a trainer for a year and a half."


Mikri's smile paused, looked at Adam in the main seat, and asked, "What did you say?"

"Huh? Don't you know?"

When he said this, Adam and Kashiwagi both cast doubtful glances.

"Why do you think I know such a private matter? Daigo just said that there is a descendant of the Meteor people from the Ole area, and he is particularly optimistic about it. At most, he added a little general information about Kashiwagi-kun."

Mikri didn't have the habit of investigating people behind their backs.

His knowledge of Kashiwagi came only from the gorgeous contest videos on Daigowa’s blog.


There is also Kashiwagi’s gym challenge record.

But gym challenge records will not be marked with people’s private information.

Although they are the Glazed People who are closely related to the Meteor People, the two peoples have not actually interacted with each other for a long time.

This resulted in the person who was the first to know Kashiwagi among the three generations of Liuli Gym to have the most superficial understanding of him.

"Well, it's not a very private matter."

Kashiwagi waved his hand quickly.

With Nimo and Dandi Zhuyu in front of him, his growth trajectory cannot be said to be shocking to the world. Moreover, if he starts fighting with others, his cultivation time of just one and a half years will only be a shortcoming, and there is not much to praise. elements.

Mi Keli gradually regained his composure and took a sip of black tea, "I'm sorry."

The pleasant breakfast passed just like that.

During the morning course.

It mainly revolves around the learning and training methods of Menas' moves.

Adam's teachings are as meticulous as ever, and can be described as hand-in-hand, feeding food directly into your mouth.

If you can't learn like this again, it's really unforgivable.

"When a Pokémon learns a new move, it will actually be accompanied by some signs that you may miss if you don't pay careful attention."

Adam caressed the skin of the heterochromatic Menas, and when he found a spot, he waved to Kashiwagi and motioned for him to put his hand up as well.

"Do you feel it? This skin is different from the surrounding skin and is strangely delicate."


Kashiwagi nodded.

"Mainus is a Pokémon with relatively frequent skin metabolism. In order to ensure a beautiful appearance, the worn epidermis can fall off multiple times in a short period of time. But as Menus learns to regenerate itself, its skin metabolism will be even faster. "

Adam said: "Your Menas already has this trend."

This means...

Kashiwagi looked at the heterochromatic Menas, all showing expressions of surprise.

There is no doubt that Adam is signaling that the heterochromatic Menas is about to learn the core skill of [Self-Regeneration].

"Well done! Menas!"


He couldn't help but caressed Menas's face with joy, and the latter was also smiling and wagging his tail excitedly.

Adam stood aside, silently watching the harmonious scene between humans and Pokémon.

In a trance.

Kashiwagi's figure seemed to have turned into a young Mikri, and the other person's smile was clear and familiar, as if it was printed from a mold.

"Teacher Adam?"

Adam was awakened by the call, and after a moment of silence with his eyes fixed, he said, "Let's continue."



Kashiwagi and Menas readily agreed.


After being taught by Adam some of the techniques that can be used in the gorgeous competition.

It's time to fight Mikri.

Only this time Lucia was not there. She was still one ribbon away from participating in the grand celebration, so she was picked up by her manager to discuss which grand competition to participate in.

For glamor contest idols, the glamor contest in a small town with little popularity is obviously not acceptable——

Sponsorship fees will be discussed separately.

"Teacher Liu really likes to do things like this."

Kashiwagi shook his head helplessly and liked the personal editing video of the gorgeous contest posted by Lucia's account on the blog.

He knew Rukia had little interest in making money.

The latter enjoys the feeling of being in the spotlight and wants to introduce more newcomers to the gorgeous contest and add more strong opponents, making the gorgeous contest more and more popular.

Battle is still the largest entertainment project in the world so far. The fan base is not comparable to that of the gorgeous contest, but this does not hinder Rukia's ambition to let fans of the gorgeous contest compete on an equal footing.

have to say.

Rukia is also acting with the goal of something that can be called great.

"We can't lose to Teacher Liu..."

Kashiwagi took out the elf ball and threw it forward, "Leave it to you! Doron Baruto!"


White light flashes.

A slightly flinching Doronbaruto appeared in the field. When he saw Mikri opposite, his eyes immediately averted.

It's not that I'm afraid.

Just seeing Mikri has a little bit of PTSD.


Sister Duolong, who was watching the game from the field, saw its useless appearance and wanted to rush up and slap it. However, Miss Joy agreed that it would rest for more than a week.

It definitely can’t be passed.

"I'll trouble you today."

Mikri smiled and threw the elf ball.


The strange fish with a pink heart fell into the water, and most of its unscientific body floated above the water.

"Please give me some advice!"

Kashiwagi's shouting voice made Doronbaruto tremble.

It knows that the battle has begun.

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