My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 543 Duolong escapes

Pokémon Center.

Kashiwagi looked up at the ceiling, waiting for all the Pokémon to be healed.

Due to limited equipment, the gym's doctors can only treat minor injuries and illnesses, such as broken bones and large areas of frostbite, which require visits to the Pokémon Center.

"If I'm not mistaken...are you Kashiwagi?"

A cautious voice sounded in my ears.

He looked sideways and saw a beautiful woman carrying a Gotha duck with her. She was wearing an aqua blue dress.

The latter held up his mobile phone and asked tentatively: "Can I take a photo with you?"


Kashiwagi did not refuse, and asked as if to make up for it: "Do I need to bring Menas with me?"

"If possible!" The lady nodded excitedly, and looked at the Gotha Duck next to her with an expectant smile.

After a while.

This is...the fifth one?

He watched the other party interact excitedly with the heterochromatic Menas, and thought to himself that luckily everyone was gone.

On the day when the Miccoli Cup ended, most tourists took boats to leave Liuli City.

A large number of people left this morning and noon, and the crowded streets suddenly became empty. There were only two or three big cats and kittens left in the Pokémon Center.

Even so, he is frequently recognized by passers-by and asked to take photos with him.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, and he also had sponsorship contracts with Team Lava and Team Ocean, so Kashiwagi agreed to them one by one.

Even called the "protagonist".

Perhaps because he was used to being disliked when he was a child, this guy likes to hear other people praise him for his beauty, so he is very keen on taking photos with fans, and every time he shakes the Poké Ball to ask Kashiwagi to release it.

Moreover, this guy still remembers the Watermelon Boy from Green Town. When we first discussed returning to Green Town to build up strength, he responded most positively, and even now, he still hints to him to go there from time to time.

The Dragon King is back, right?

Thirty years in the east of the river and thirty years in the west of the river. Don’t bully the little fish.

Kashiwagi really wanted to agree.

It's a pity that there are too many things going on these days, so I definitely won't be able to go.

There are still at least three weeks to stay at the Liuli Gym. The previous appointment was for one month, but the starting time is before participating in the Mi Keli Cup.


Carlos probably wants him to make a trip in person.

After such a long time, no news has been transmitted. With the delay and delay in waiting for the opening of the Miare Conference, Lion-Head Vladali has probably completed all preparations.

So what's the point of his hard work for a long time?

Of course, Kashiwagi also knew that he could not blame Daigo and the others for their slow action in this matter.

The more he learned about it later, the more he understood how intricately connected Fradali's power and connections were in Carlos.

Not only did he win the trust of the Carlos upper class as a descendant of the royal family, but the invention of the holographic image communicator also made Fradali a whitelisted person in the Carlos Alliance.

Who would have thought this guy could be so crazy?

It’s like hearing someone say that Musk, the boss of Tesla, built rockets and pursued interstellar navigation in order to imitate Thanos and kill half of the world’s population.

Do you think I believe it or not?

Kashiwagi only hoped that it would be best to solve the problem before the grand grand celebration. Otherwise, it would be too bad to wait for another year.

There is no need to worry about the alliance conference. The Miare Conference in the Carlos region will be held half a month earlier than the Caiyu Conference in the Hoenn region.


The heterochromatic Menas whispered and leaned over to rub his face. The cold and smooth skin was like some kind of top-grade silk, so uncomfortable.

Kashiwagi held down its big head, "Are you feeling comfortable?"


The heterochromatic Menas nodded, squinting his beautiful eyes, and his face was filled with happiness.

Yeah~ I was really praised today.


Kashiwagi smiled and cursed, but then thought of Doron Baruto, the most unlucky man today.

He didn't even call the big steel snake back, just to give it a chance.

He obviously has a higher energy level than the three dragons and is the fastest in the team, but he only got two assists and had to leave the game because he was too nervous.


I have never had any serious communication with him, and I don’t know how to comfort him even if I want to.

He stroked the chin of the heterochromatic Menas with one hand like he was petting a cat. His skillful technique made the latter feel unstoppable, and his tail slapped against the ground.

This forced a passing happy egg nurse to come forward and warn.


The other one, accompanied by Miss Joy, pushed the cart over.

"The treatment is basically complete..."

Miss Joy was holding a tablet and talking softly about the situation of Boscado pulling them.

I never thought that the most seriously injured would be the Duolong Mexia siblings.

Because the energy level was too low, and the energy level of the Diya sea lion was too high, the gap between the two sides was so large that the absolute zero freezing air caused widespread frostbite, requiring at least a week of recuperation.

The two small dragons on the tablet were all wrapped up into white mummies, which looked a bit funny.

"Missiles" also require a certain level.

This experience reminded Kashiwagi.

After them was Boscodora, who had both broken knees, multiple dents in his abdomen and chest, and some damage to his body.

However, the depression will bulge back on its own, but it will take a few days of maintenance. It is recommended to add more steel powder to the recipe to replenish it.

"For steel-type Pokémon, problems such as joint wear, aging and even breakage are very common. It may seem serious but is actually not a big problem. Pokémon's body has strong self-regulation, so just take good care of it."

Miss Joy said as a reminder.

Kashiwagi nodded to express understanding.

There is nothing wrong with Porygon II. Its body structure is extremely special and it has a strong ability to repair itself. It can fully recover even if it does not come to the Pokémon Center.

Doronbaruto and Sun Coral are not seriously injured, one has a slight stress reaction, and the other has not woken up the whole time. To be on the safe side, just don't participate in the battle again today, and practice appropriately.

at last……

"There is only one problem with the three evil dragons. They were too excited and broke an ECG monitor when they first woke up."

Miss Joy asked: "You didn't feed it anything strange, did you?"

"...Just after the gym battle, it exploded."

"That's the emotional factor. Remember to comfort it. Once a large dragon-type Pokémon like the three-headed dragon becomes willful, it will cause terrible damage to the room."

Miss Joy reminded softly.

Kashiwagi: "..."

Why does it feel like it's not describing Pokémon, but another animal that just likes to watch other people raise it?

However, it is not difficult to imagine why the three evil dragons were so excited.

After all, its contribution in this gym battle may be greater than that of Boss Cordora. Not only did it defeat two opponents, one of them was the Diya sea lion that left its companions helpless.

It's really strange that this guy doesn't have a arrogant personality.


Even though Kashiwagi knew that it might make Dragon Baruto feel even worse, he still wanted to praise the three evil dragons in front of all the Pokémon to satisfy its little vanity.

"A bowl of water is even" is by no means one of the grievances.

It was his responsibility as a trainer to appease the depressed Dragon Baluto, and there was no reason to force the three evil dragons who had made outstanding contributions to restrain themselves.

"It's true that you set difficult problems for yourself."

Kashiwagi shook his head helplessly, sometimes it was not easy to do the right thing.


During dinner, when he chose to enjoy the food with the Pokémon, thanking and praising the friends who came today as usual to build their confidence, the three evil dragons frequently looked at Doronbal, who was eating in the corner as always. Trust.

I don't even seem to hear the words that praise it.

Not even the slightest hint of embarrassment.


what's the situation?

Kashiwagi stopped talking and observed silently. Speaking of which, he had a very superficial understanding of the private relationship between his Pokémon.

Pokémon can also play nice.

It’s perfectly normal to have the person in front and the person behind.

Didn’t you see in the episode about the giant Pokémon robot in Muji, Ash and others were unfortunately separated from Pikachu and the others.

Everyone was in panic, but Bulbasaur still had the intention to sarcastically say that they were probably abandoned, claiming that he was a lonely guest in the world.

But did it run slower when we reunited?

Kashiwagi found that he had to use the time he was studying at the Liuli Gym to secretly spy on Boscodora and them through surveillance or other methods.

This will probably require a "traitor"...

‘You are very suitable! ’

He looked at Porygon II, who had no eyebrows and big eyes, smiled at the other's doubtful eyes, and secretly arranged for him to be an agent.

He had no other choice, and it was impossible to hide Porygon II from anyone.

After meal.

Something unexpected happened——

Doronbaruto is nowhere to be found.

If it's nearby, Cypress can barely detect it, but once it's too far away, there's basically no need to think about catching it out.

How can I be comforted now?

Let it digest slowly on its own?

Kashiwagi was sure that this was definitely not a good choice.

Introverted Pokémon often have difficulty regulating themselves, and Dragonball is an example of this. To be able to hate all humans for what a poacher does is enough to prove the danger of leaving it alone to think.

But when he was thinking about how to find Dragon Balto, the three evil dragons who had been acting strangely since returning from the Pokémon Center approached him.

"What? Leave it to you?"

Kashiwagi looked at the three evil dragons in surprise.

The latter nodded his head in unison, with a confident expression on his face as if you can rest assured if you leave it to me.

"You... okay."

He originally wanted to refuse, and told this guy not to do anything wrong. If he didn't say whether he could find it or not, wouldn't it add fuel to the fire if he went to find it?

But when he thought of the expression on his face as he stared at Doronbaruto during dinner, he agreed as if by chance.

The three evil dragons want to use their own strength to promote the relationship between partners, so he should support them.

This is also a kind of independence!

"Then I'll leave it to you! But isn't it too inefficient for you to find only one dragon? If you find more people, I will grant you the command rights for everyone!"

Kashiwagi patted the three heads of the three dragons, thinking that if something went wrong, other Pokémon would come to him.


The three evil dragons didn't know the trainer's little thoughts, so they nodded happily.

It has long wanted to show off its power... Bah! Solidarity with everyone for once!

The advantage is mine!

The three evil dragons swung their big tails and flew away.

Kashiwagi looked at its slightly wretched back and said to himself: "It should be okay to leave it to you, right? It should be..."

If you doubt the dragon, you don’t need to use the dragon but don’t doubt it.

He didn't hesitate anymore.


Early morning.

Cypress wakes up hazily.

In front of him was a bloody mouth that was spitting out air.

"……came back?"

He turned on the bedside lamp and slowly sat up. What appeared in front of him were three extremely proud dragons with their three heads raised to the sky.

Behind him was Dorumbaruto, whose head was buried deeply and his small triangular eyes were looking around obscenely.

This guy looks like a primary school student who was caught when he went out to surf the Internet.



"Didn't it come out on its own?"


"Okay, okay, it's indeed the right thing to leave it to you. I'm impressed!"

He made his position clear before the three evil dragons got angry, and couldn't help but ask: "How did you find him? How were you found?"

Face the inquiry.

Doronbaruto tilted his head uncomfortably, and his figure gradually faded.


A mummified little dragon suddenly appeared, raised its little paw and hit it hard on the forehead, and the latter immediately returned to its solid posture.

"Sister Duolong?"

Kashiwagi stared at the Doron Mecia in stunned silence. He could still recognize who the two siblings were.

Brother Duolong appeared on the other side, watching happily, with a look of gloating on his face.

But what happens?

Brother Duolong has become Duolong Baruto? Why are you starting to get beaten too?

I didn’t pay attention this night, what happened?

His sleepiness was completely gone, and he glanced at Boscodora and Menas who appeared at the door, then at the big-mouthed kid on the small sofa who was taking out his mobile phone, and at the happy egg leaning against his head.


Now I'm all awake.

"Tell me about what happened."

Kashiwagi asked the three evil dragons and called Porygon II. Even if he was familiar with its voice, some details still needed to be translated.

ten minutes later.

All the ins and outs were answered.

First of all, this guy Dorumbaruto is really not "normal". It's okay to just hide in the spirit world.

Then there were the three evil dragons, who were able to use the power of the two dragons Mecia and Galar Sun Coral to chase them to the spirit world and catch the hiding dragon Baluto.

How to get there?

Is there an entrance to the spirit world nearby?

"You are actually willing to help the three evil dragons!?"

The most difficult thing for Kashiwagi to understand is Sun Coral. The guy who usually refuses to practice for ten more minutes suddenly changed his mind and helped chase him to the spirit world today?

Are you still my sun coral lying flat?

Sun Coral ignored him.

There is no need to answer this stupid question. Not to mention the "command authority" he gave to the three evil dragons before. If the three evil dragons cannot be found, will Dragon Baluto come back obediently?

How can it be!

At the end of the day, when the trainer goes to find it on his own, why don't we ask him to take action?

Maybe things will be more complicated.

Based on the principle of doing more than doing less, Sun Coral naturally agreed...well, in fact, there was a little concern about Doron Baruto.

The appearance of this guy is bound to greatly reduce its appearance rate, which will be beneficial to the decadent life in the future.


That's it.

"...Thank you for your hard work." Kashiwagi, who was ignored every day, didn't care. He looked at the two Doron Mecias and touched their heads with pity.

The two little guys who were supposed to be resting had to run around.

Brother Doryu smiled happily and rubbed Kashiwagi's palm. Sister Doryu still glared at Doryu Baruto, but did not resist the trainer's touch.

Doronbaruto lowered his head the whole time and said nothing.

When Kashiwagi's eyes fell on it, he even shrank his neck.

According to what the three evil dragons said.

The main reason for this guy's escape was not the loss and depression he thought, but shame, guilt, and shame for him and the other Pokémon who couldn't appear for this reason.

The opportunity to play is obviously so precious, and everyone hopes that they can compete with a strong opponent and bring victory to the trainer.

But it "got cold feet".

It failed the trainer's expectations, and failed the companions who entrusted it with trust.

He was forced to let three evil dragons wipe his butt, causing Doron Mecia to suffer such serious injuries. During dinner, Doron Baruto looked at the extra "reward" food in his basin and wanted to find a crack in the ground. Go in.

It's not worth eating at all!

But in order not to cause trouble to the trainer, it still forced itself to eat.

And after dinner.

Seeing the trainer looking for him, Doronbaruto knew that the gentle trainer was definitely not here to blame it, but to comfort it.

Doronbaruto, who had a troubled conscience, realized that he was not worthy of being around such a good person, so he ran away and went to the spirit world.

Then there are situations such as being chased all the way by three evil dragons and other Pokémon, and being forcibly brought back to reality.


Kashiwagi looked at Doronbaruto and was speechless for a long time.

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