My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 530 Qishu is confused

Enter Wang Liang's fourth team base.

The dancers were rightly mobbed.

It's just that most of the Tianxing team members looked at her from a distance with strange expressions and whispered among themselves, making the atmosphere in the forest quite strange.

[When you look at the Tianxing players around you, it feels different from what you imagined]

Dancers believe that the Tianxing Team is an organization with a strong sense of justice and goodwill.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t punish bad students.


Judging from the current impression, the members of the Tianxing team gave the dancers an unserious feeling.

Of course, the dancer knows that people should not be judged by their appearance. For the specific situation, she must have met Wang Liang, the boss of the fourth team, who helped her punish the bad students.

According to the Tianxing team member who led the way, this matter was led by their boss.

[Under the guidance of two Tianxing team members, you quickly met their boss—Meloko]


A freckled girl with yellow and red hair that looks like a volcano erupting, wearing a black and white leather jacket and boots that look like torches.

Even in the cartoon pixel version, people can still feel that this girl has an unpleasant smell about her.

But the focus is behind her.

"What is this? Pokémon? The nest grass is so big!"

Kashiwagi looked at the huge chariot behind Meroko in surprise. It seemed to be some kind of moving stage, filled with neon lights, colorful balls and horns, and there was a one-eyed monster at the front of the car with a tongue sticking out.

If you say this thing is handsome, it's really a bit handsome. If you say it's killing Matt, it's also a thief killing Matt.

The dancer didn't pay much attention to that thing, and all his attention was on Merocco.

[You greeted Meroko and explained your purpose of coming]

The dancers are looking for the Tianxing Team. On the one hand, they want to say thank you, but on the other hand, they are actually curious about the situation of this organization. Why are the teachers unwilling to disclose even a little information?

And why do so many students panic when they hear this name?

Moreover, is the Tianxing team also composed of students?

She had many questions that she wanted to get answers from Meroko, but the latter's cold expression made her thirst for knowledge instantly drop a lot.

[You are worried that if you have too many questions, they will think you have evil intentions, so you have to hide these questions silently in your heart]

The other party was not enjoying the conversation, so the dancer naturally did not want to disturb him anymore and took the initiative to say goodbye.

At this time.

There was sudden commotion somewhere off-screen.

A Tianxing team member ran over, and the bubbles exploding above his head seemed to be saying something.

[When you heard that person say that Shenbo Gym Leader Kosha invaded the base, you felt a little bad in your heart]

The bad thing is that it may be misunderstood that the dancers are attracting people.


After that person finished speaking, the surrounding Tianxing team members and Meloko immediately looked at the dancer, causing the leaping ducks and dancing birds to block her, and the scene became very tense for a time.

But in the end, Merlot just jumped onto the giant chariot, and three words appeared above his head——

[let's go! ! ]

The Tianxing motorcade set off immediately.

The scene changes.

In the lush woods, many Tianxing players surrounded Kosha, whom the dancer had just met not long ago, and they seemed ready to start a fight.

Immediately, the chariot slowly drove into the scene, and Meroko stood on the roof of the vehicle, looking down at Kosha.

The dancers followed closely, but did not dare to get too close. They stayed away and watched, wondering what would happen next.

[You heard Kosha asking Meroko why he gathered so many people in the forest near Shenbo Town, which seriously affected the daily life of the residents]

It turned out to be just a routine inquiry.

A reassuring expression appeared on the dancer's head in the light screen. The scene was so tense that she thought Kosa would fight with Meroko, but as long as she could explain it clearly, there should be no problem.

Who would have thought that Meloko seemed to have an unusually hot temper, not only refusing to tell Kosha their plans, but also trying to drive them out.

The dancer did not understand that this fight was inevitable.

All of a sudden.

Kosa drove his grass-type Pokémon into a fight with Meroko and the Skystar Team.

[You looked at the chariot under Meloko in shock, not expecting that it was a Pokémon that could launch an attack]

Is it a Pokémon?

It seems to be real, but with a lot of extra parts.

Kashiwagi judged from the illustrated book that the Pokémon at the front of the car was called Pronrum. It was a Pokémon with a steel-poisoned attribute from the Padia region. Its body looked like a go-kart and a car engine.


Why do you feel like this is only the fire element in the simulator?

He looked at the chariot that was breathing fire and rushing around in the screen. He looked through the illustrated book several times but couldn't find any fire-type moves that this guy could learn.

what's the situation? Are there other Pokémon hidden in the car?

Kashiwagi opened his eyes wide, but he couldn't see many details in the pixel version of the picture.

at the same time.

The battle between Kousha and the Tianxing Team suddenly stopped because a pixelated man with a slender figure and shiny black hair walked over.

An exclamation point appears above the dancer's head.

[You saw Yeci walking between Kosha and Meloko, and seemed to say something]

Yeci, the president of the alliance in the Padia region, is also the so-called chief champion, the leader among the champions in the Padia region.

With this person coming forward, Kosha and Meloko seemed to have reconciled. The former chose to retreat, and Meroko also left with a group of younger brothers.

The dancer wanted to catch up with Merocco, but found out that she was blocked by Yeci.

The other party stated that he had watched her battle with Kosa and admired her talents as a trainer, and asked her if her goal was to become a champion.

[You tell her that you don’t understand the target for the time being, and you only hope to find the answer during the treasure hunt]

After hearing the dancer's answer, Yeci looked extremely happy and took out a black ball and gave it to the dancer.

[You obtained the Tai Jing Bead from Ye Ci]

The Taijing Bead is a prop that helps Pokémon complete the transformation of Taijing. Each Pokémon has its own Taijing attribute, which may be its own attribute or one, or it may be other attributes.

[You have gained quite a lot of knowledge about Tai Jinghua from Ye Ci’s mouth]

The dancer was very grateful to Ye Ci for the generous gift, and asked her about the Tianxing Team on a whim.

Compare the students who dare not speak out with the teachers who don’t want to speak out.

After being silent, Yeci told the dancer the general situation she knew.

[You were shocked to learn that the Tianxing Team was formed by a group of bullied students]

Star team.

The source is a group of students who were bullied and failed to get justice. They formed the Tianxing Team and launched a resistance against the bad students who bullied others.

After a major turmoil, those bad students were frightened and cried, apologized and dropped out of school.

However, the dean of students at the time covered up most of the truth, causing the Tianxing team to be considered a group of bad students who were causing trouble on campus. In order to take full responsibility, the leader voluntarily left the campus and chose to suspend school.

Soon after, the former principal and dean of teachers and other teachers resigned, and a new principal, Clavell, took office.

So far, no one has redressed the grievances of the Tianxing Team. As time goes by, the uncontrolled Tianxing Team becomes unscrupulous and gradually becomes a truly bad student group.

The dancer learned the whole story and felt quite complicated.

[You suddenly have the idea of ​​​​helping the Tianxing team clear their name, just like they help you, but don’t know where to start]

Ye Ci saw the dancer's thoughts and told her not to worry too much. The new principal Clavell was secretly investigating the truth, and the Tianxing team was started by the boss who dropped out of school. Naturally, he had to let the boss who dropped out of school take over. learn.

[You feel very happy to hear that the boss can return to campus in the future, but at the same time, you don’t know what expression to use when facing the Tianxing team]

The dancer wanted to make friends with the members of the Tianxing Team, but from Ye Ci, she learned that the current Tianxing Team was disrupting the order of the campus and maliciously recruiting other students to join the team, which was no different from many bad students.

This made her wonder whether she should pursue Meloko's footsteps.

On the other hand, Yeci had no intention of helping the dancers solve their problems. After talking about the Tianxing Team, she left.

The dancer was left alone, facing the leaping ducks and dancing birds with a confused look on her face.

What should you do when you are confused?

Yongyue Duck gave the answer——


Why are you so confused?

Just jump and that’s it!

When Peeping Duck moved its legs, the Dancing Bird couldn't help but follow, and with both Pokémon on it, the dancer couldn't help it anymore, and the two Pokémon swayed selflessly.

"This...Disney Princess Series..."

Kashiwagi complained secretly, and realized that the simulator did not speed up the dance process. Something must have happened, and his eyes wandered nearby.

Looking at it, I really saw a mosaic of green, white and a little red behind a big tree.


He was a bit unable to complain. Although it is normal for trainers to tame wild Pokémon, are you a dancer too strong? You can always attract Pokémon by dancing.

No musician is treated like you, at most they have attracted one or two...

All right.

This guy has even attracted phantom beasts.

The wild Pokémon that appears on the screen is named Sweetwine. It is a grass-type Pokémon that looks like a combination of a mangosteen and a girl.

Like flowers and birds, it is deeply attracted by the dancer's movements.

It's just that it is more courageous than the dancing bird. When it saw that it was discovered by the dancer, not only did it not run away, but it actively approached and danced with it.

He just... doesn't seem to have much dancing talent.

It is very good at spinning in circles, but it is only good at spinning in circles. It is completely unable to learn how to dance with the dancers of its predecessors.

After the dancers finished dancing, they even took the initiative to join their team.

The dancer was of course very happy. Although Sweet Dance was a little poor at dancing, she had great potential... Moreover, it was so cute that she couldn't stop dancing.

[You conquered Sweet Dancer, and the number of crappy dance partners increased]

A crappy dance partner is okay.

Kashiwagi secretly complained, but his chin was suddenly bumped by the big-mouthed baby in his arms, "Well, what's wrong?"

Once again he looked at the latter with confusion.

Porygon II also answered his question very kindly once again.

"You shake your legs very quickly. The big-mouthed boy has been enduring you for a long time." 』

Kashiwagi: "..."

To be called long by Porygon II, it seems that he has been shaking for a long time... I obviously don't have this problem, right? The dancer's dance is simply poisonous.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving!"

He raised his hands in surrender and quickly evacuated the area, looking for Boscodora.

in the screen.

After the dance, the dancer, who was still confused, decided to go on the road first because she thought the next trip could give her the answer.

Just like meeting Hua Wu Niao and Tian Wu Ni, defeating Kosa and getting the first badge.

Keep on ‘treasure hunting’ and keep traveling.

Sooner or later you will get what you want.


Go through East 1st District.

The dancer came to the East Second District, and she planned to go directly to Niangguang City to challenge the gym there.

On the way, as before, she met quite a few classmates, both older and younger, of all types, men, women, and children.

Faced with their invitation to have a picnic together, most of the dancers changed from their normal attitude and agreed.

With the help of dance, she quickly became familiar with those classmates, and quietly asked them what they thought of the Tianxing Team. She found that some were afraid, some were disdainful, and some were even eager to try to eliminate harm for the people.

The dancer did not tell others that the Tianxing team was actually a good organization, he just listened.

After all, she knew very well that the current Tianxing Team should have done bad things. It was meaningless to just talk about the past. Without correction and punishment, it was unrealistic to rashly let others believe that the Tianxing Team was good.

During this period.

Dancer also did not forget to fight many battles to accumulate strength. The battle between Kosa and Meloko made her understand that most of the gym leaders were actually very powerful, and they only adjusted the strength of Pokémon to take care of students with different strengths.

The more badges you get, the more difficult the gym will become.

And I learned from my classmates that the Niangguang Gym is an electric gym. The dancers used the golden nectar collected to transform the flower and dance bird into a form with electric and flying attributes——

[Your flower and dancing bird has undergone a form change, and now it is in a snappy style]

The Pa-Zi-PaZi-style flower-dancers have transformed from hot dancers to energetic cheerleaders. The two fluffy clusters of feathers on the top of their wings look like hand flowers.

After making a series of preparations, the dancers set off.

[You said goodbye to the classmates who had just become friends and came to Niangguang City]

The dancer stood in front of the steel jungle filled with colorful lights. Like the Pokémon around him, there was an exclamation mark on his head. He was obviously shocked by this place.

Niangguang City.

A high-tech modern metropolis that looks somewhat similar to Hezhong Feiyun City after pixelation.

The dancer originally planned to go directly to the gym to challenge, but when he saw the lush commercial street, he was inevitably attracted by it and fell into a buying frenzy.

Fortunately, the simulator accelerated this process, allowing the dancers to quickly arrive at the Niangguang Gym.

As usual, sign up.

There is also a small test by the way.

But the special thing is that because Qi Shu, the leader of Niangguang Gym, is a popular live broadcast host, the test content is to ask the dancers to find ways to help her heat up the atmosphere of the live broadcast.

Originally, Qishu probably had some planned program and planned to embarrass the dancers first.

Unexpectedly, the dancer didn't say anything, and Kaka performed a sailor dance for her, and then a flamenco dance, a series of dances that made Qishu look stupid.

Qishu: [...? ]

what's the situation?

Where am I?

Is this my live broadcast?

Obviously after being a gym leader for so many years, this was the first time she encountered such a challenger, and her critical popularity was really boosted by the dancers!

Who asked this beautiful sister to dance?

One of the reasons why those two bad students bullied the dancer was that she was too good-looking, which is enough to show how extraordinary this face is.

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