My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 529 The Power of Taijing

What does it mean to cultivate well?

If you cultivate it well, the Pokémon will evolve naturally within a few days of going out.

[Your Water Duck evolves into a Leaping Duck]

It's just that the dancers who saw this kind of scene for the first time didn't react, so they were stunned for a long time, which even made the jumping ducks who were jumping around also stunned.

[Aren't you happy that I have evolved? ]

The question mark above Yongyue Duck seems to be saying this.

The dancers are naturally happy.

[The joy in your heart makes you pull the wings of the leaping duck and start dancing]

"This...adding some BGM and howling with two voices is almost like the Disney Princess series." Kashiwagi secretly complained, and felt that after watching too much, his legs began to shake inexplicably.

So contagious!

With lingering fear, he flicked the tongues of the three evil dragons.


The three evil dragons who failed in their prank retracted their tongues in pain.

I don’t know why this guy’s mouth is getting more and more smelly recently, but he doesn’t have any symptoms of dental calculus or gastrointestinal discomfort.

Miss Joy's repeated inspections found no problems, and finally suggested that he adjust the recipe, saying that it might be caused by a certain food...

He pushed away the big heads of the three evil dragons that were coming towards him, and then returned his gaze to the simulator, only to find that the dancers and the leaping duck hadn't finished dancing yet.

If you look closely, you will find that the focus of the picture is actually at the bottom.

Behind a huge rock, some indistinguishable fiery red mosaics are making movements that resemble a secret observation.

"So small? What is this?"

Kashiwagi squinted his eyes curiously, trying to see more clearly.

A pure red Pokémon...a fiery red roly-poly?

Time for speculation.

The leaping duck, which was dancing some kind of strange dance, also noticed this sneaky guy, and approached him very boldly.

[Your leaping duck seems to have discovered something]

The dancers follow and the mosaic becomes clear.

An exclamation mark appeared over her head.

[You have discovered the wild Pokémon—Flower Bird. Its fiery red skirt-like feathers prove that it has a hot and hot style form]

Six eyes facing each other.

Then they all moved together.

Kashiwagi originally thought that the leaping duck would attack bravely, so that the dancer could find a chance to subdue the dancing bird. After all, this kind of elf is really suitable for the dancer.

Unexpectedly, his simple thinking was completely unable to keep up with their brain circuits.

Move means move.

But instead of attacking, the dancers and ducks danced a strange dance called flamenco.

Kashiwagi had learned about it before when he was rehearsing the dance for Big Mouth Baby.


He looked at Hua Wuniao in the picture in surprise, who had originally planned to run away, but now stopped. The latter's body began to tremble, as if he was holding back something.


When the dancer and the leaping duck were about to finish dancing to a small beat, the flower dancing bird couldn't help it, and rushed to the two of them with a lunge and started dancing.

The same flamenco dance has a completely different temperament in it.

Sometimes he seems arrogant and indifferent, sometimes he seems passionate and passionate.

Even though it was just a pixel-like picture, Kashiwagi could still tell that the dancing skills mastered by the Flower Dancer were definitely not comparable to those of the Dancer and the Leaping Duck.

This guy's dance steps are like saying - "Little girl, this is not how you dance."

A sense of déjà vu as Master Luo.

Just as he thought.

[You see the flower and dancing bird constantly provoking you, without getting angry, you laugh happily, and run to it and dance together]

Dancers never give up on the things they love.

Naturally, the Leaping Ducks would not let their trainers "fight" alone. They danced with the dancing birds as if they were tireless.

The disdainful expression originally appeared on Hua Wu Niao's head, but it soon turned into an exclamation mark, then shock, and finally a frightened soybean that seemed to say "The Buddha has appeared."

The dancer's dancing talent can be seen from her ability to quickly immerse herself in even when she is at her lowest.

Replace it with game data.

She is now at least proficient in flamenco dancing.

The progress has been so obvious in a short period of time, no wonder Hua Wu Niao is so surprised.

Dance finished.

The exhausted Hua Wu Niao seemed to have been subdued, lying on the ground motionless.

[You extended an olive branch to Hua Daniao, saying that you wanted to learn more advanced dance skills from it. Hua Wu Niao glanced at you and agreed a little shyly]

[You have conquered the hot and spicy style of Hua Daniao, and you have more dance partners]

The dancer excitedly held up the elf ball, and the duck next to him danced in a confused way.


Kashiwagi couldn't be happier.

Dancer is one of the few special trainers in the world who relies on dancing to tame wild Pokémon, which makes him look forward to this performance in gym battles.


A sharp pain shot up from his calf instantly.


He suddenly retracted his calves, hugged him painfully and looked at the big-mouthed baby on the small sofa.

For some reason, this guy stopped watching TV. He folded his arms and his face seemed to bulge but quickly subsided. All in all, he looked dissatisfied.

"What's wrong? What are you doing?" He rubbed it twice.

Porygon II on the phone gave Kashiwagi the answer.

"You shook your legs crazily and kicked the big-mouthed kid who came over to protest. 』


"Oh, I didn't kick it, it slipped away." 』Porygon II was very smart and did not argue with the big-mouthed boy, who was very angry.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed after hearing this, and immediately ran over to coax the big-mouthed kid, apologizing and admitting his mistake.

This dancer is so magical!

He blamed most of the fault on the dancers in the simulation. While looking at the light screen, he held the big-mouthed baby in his arms, and called the happy egg to get the poffin.

It is difficult to coax a big-mouthed baby with your mouth alone. You must add sweets, and the sweeter the better.

A poffin enters the stomach.

The big-mouth baby was finally no longer angry. Kashiwagi touched Happy Egg's round head, pulled it to watch TV together, and was able to focus all of its attention on the simulation.

at this time.

The dancers, leaping ducks, and dancing birds came to the junction of South Third District and East First District——

Shenbo Town.

[You have arrived in Shenbo Town. The flowers and sculptures everywhere remind you of the introduction in the student handbook. This is a town of flowers and art.]

She came here mainly to challenge the gym and collect information about the Sky Star Team.

The narration stated that the dancers had been wandering around the area for a long time in the past two days, but there was no trace of the Tianxing team. When asking the uncles, aunts, and old classmates on the road, they were also tight-lipped and unwilling to answer.

But it made her very sad.

[You thought that the gym leader might know something, so you quickly came to Shenbo Gym]

Shenbo Gym.

From the outside, it is a rather formal-looking office building.

When the dancers walked in, the interior was similar to the gym arena in the Galar region. They needed to sign up with the front desk to participate in the gym challenge.

Not only that, she also had to pass a small test.

"play games?"

Kashiwagi watched with interest the dancer and her two "dance partners" running around the town catching the Sunflower Monster, feeling a little strange for some reason.

In anime, fights are always fought directly with the gym leader. How can there be such a show?

Speaking of which, shouldn’t this be content in the game?


In almost every generation, before defeating the gym leader, they will find ways to put together a little show. In the past, it was a mechanism, but later it became a variety of mini-games.

Most of them are not particularly interesting, just condiments.

In the process of chasing the Sunflower Monster, they will inevitably resist, causing the dancer to have to ask for help from the Leaping Duck and the Flower Dancer.

At this time.

A scene that surprised Kashiwagi appeared.

The Yongyue Duck and the Flower Dancer seem to have integrated dance into their own combat rhythms. They do not simply use dance moves, but seriously integrate them into their movements and even use other moves.

When I first went out, it was obviously not like this...

He thought of someone——


The fat guy in xy who likes Serena is very good at dancing, and he also successfully integrated dance into his battle tactics.

It's just that his dance is mainly ghost step, which is more hip-hop style, and he often spins upside down like a top.

There is no fixed dance for dancers, any dance can be traditional or modern.

She can dance ballet, samba and sailor dance with the jumping duck, and can dance flamenco and Latin cha cha with the flowering bird. The narration said that she also collected nectar to change the form of the flowering bird. , dance more with it.

"Entering the Tao through dance..."

Kashiwagi rubbed his chin. Compared to those he had simulated before, the dancer's professional skills seemed to be the most effective in Pokémon battles.


Her first gym battle is here.

[You meet the Shenbo Gym Leader Kosha. He is a man with thin cheeks and pale face. He is holding a thorn whip, which makes you feel that he is not easy to deal with.]

Kosa’s little pixelated figure looks a bit sinister.

Searching for information through Porygon II, Kashiwagi discovered that the real person actually looks very fierce, but he seems to be an artist and advocates natural art.

Weird people.

Unlike the gym battles in other areas, the Shenbo Gym battle venue was set up in the center of the city, allowing other students and townspeople to watch.

The dancer seemed to be a little shy and not used to being watched by so many people. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at people.

[You feel the attention of many people and feel pressure unconsciously]

[Gah! ]

There was a thunder on the ground.

At the critical moment, the Leaping Duck screamed, and the bubbles were so big that they took up half of the screen. In addition, it performed its best sailor dance, and the dancers immediately stopped panicking after looking up.

[You feel the encouragement of Yongyue Duck, you are no longer nervous, but assume the same posture]

You still have to look at Brother Duck.

Kashiwagi clicked his tongue, thinking that the one chosen by Yu Sanjia was like a big brother who always cared for the dancer.


Although Kosa is good at grass-type Pokémon, he didn't take much advantage in front of Swarming Duck, mainly because he couldn't touch the latter.

The jumping duck was so agile in its dance that the Lilyroot Doll and Mimikyu released by Kosha were unable to catch it. Instead, the former used its wings to attack and kill it.

The gym battle went so smoothly that the dancer couldn't believe it. She thought it would be more difficult.

At this time.

Kosa sent out his third Pokémon, the Tree Creeper.

Both the dancer and Kashiwagi were stunned.

Use rock-type Pokémon in grass-type gyms? Even though the tree looks like a tree, it is not grass-type!


Kashiwagi suddenly thought of something.

But before he could speak, Kosha had already revealed the answer to the mystery.

He took out a brilliantly shiny round bead from somewhere and threw it at it like a tree.

All of a sudden.

The tree monster's whole body shines like crystal, with crystal clear sunflower and red flower clusters on its head. It looks so dazzling that the sky seems to have darkened.

Kashiwagi: "It's too crystalline!"

[The first time you saw Tai Jinghua, you looked at the tree monster in great surprise. Kosha told you that the tree monster at this time has become a grass attribute]

Crystalization, Zhu Zi's new system, allows Pokémon to gain an additional attribute, and its resistance is calculated based on the additional attribute, while the original attribute is not included in the damage calculation.

This is what he came up with after conducting online research and recalling many promotional videos from his previous life.

To be honest, this thing must be very powerful, but probably like Dynamax, it is a system that can only be used in the Padia region.

The Z-move was originally exclusive to Alola, but it was inexplicably used in the level later, so it can be used all over the world.

within the light screen.

Both Dancer and Leaping Duck saw this thing for the first time, and were stunned for a while, which almost caused the latter to be killed by the Tree Monster using some kind of jumping attack.

[After careful consideration, you sent the Leaping Duck off the field and replaced it with the Flower Dance Bird]

Ah this.

With the Fire and Flying attributes, Kashiwagi feels like he will be blown away by the tree monster using rock moves.

But surprisingly this didn't happen.

The dance steps of the Flower Dancer are also superb and can withstand the falling rocks thrown by the tree monsters. Moreover, it is better at flying-type moves than the Leaping Duck. It also uses its feather dance to continuously reduce the attacks of the tree monsters.


It’s strange that Huawuniao killed a tree that turned into a grass attribute with its air blade.

[You defeated Shenbo Gym Leader Kosha and obtained the Shenbo Badge]

The dancer took the badge from Kosha and stood there without moving for a long time. She, who had been immersed in the world of dance, was touched by this hard-won victory.

[You look at the badge, recalling the encounter with the dancing birds, and gain a new understanding of treasure hunting]

Apart from gym challenges.

The dancer did not forget to ask Kosha about the Star Team. However, Kosha didn't know much about the Star Team. He only knew that they often caused trouble in Table City.

But Kosha gave her a clue——

At the foothills to the west of Shenbo Town, there seemed to be a lot of strange people active there recently. The alliance asked him to go take a look, but he turned around a few times and found nothing.

[You got the clue from the Tianxing Team and rushed there immediately]

The dancer plunged into the forest west of Shenbo Town, and she really met some strange people.

Most of them ride a kind of Pokémon called Biker, wearing white motorcycle helmets and star sunglasses, and can make imaginary five-pointed star movements out of thin air.


The school uniforms they wear prove that they are also members of the Orange Academy.

[Your way is blocked by strange people. They say that further ahead is the base of Wang Liangsi’s team of their Tianxing team, and no other people are allowed to approach.]

Seeing this, the dancer quickly informed the other party of his purpose of coming here.

When they heard that she was one of the protagonists in the campus incident that caused a lot of noise a few days ago, and wanted to thank the people who helped her teach the two bad students, the two subordinates of the Tianxing team immediately moved out of the way.

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