My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 526 Perfect victory!


Thunder roared down like a violent torrent, but unexpectedly it did not spread to the Galar Flame Horse's body.

Instead, it inexplicably froze on its spiral black horns, and the flashing light illuminated the pair of calm eyes with a hint of disdain.

[Offense instead of defense]!

Kashiwagi frowned slightly and ordered as quickly as possible: "Mirror reflection!"

"Xiao Lie Lie! Bounce back!"

Rukia's cheerful voice followed closely.

The words fell.

“Hissing, squeaking—”

The long black horn of the spiral suddenly drooped down like a staff, and the dazzling thunder rushed towards the falling heterochromatic menas, like a lightning spear piercing the sky!

Instant time.

The snake-shaped body of the heterochromatic Menas was pierced by the lightning spear, and the violent current was like a big net that completely covered it, causing it to scream with strong numbness and burning pain.


Vivian clenched her fists and shouted: "Excellent skills! Although the heterochromatic Menas completely converted the crazy volt's electric current to his own use, in front of the horn diamond, it became a counterattack that in turn hurt himself. blade!"

The judges were full of amazement, and Mikli was smiling.

Kashiwagi's score on the big screen was immediately deducted by a quarter.

As a core skill in the gorgeous competition mastered by Adam, [attack instead of defense] has experienced the test of time and is an advanced skill recognized by all gorgeous lovers.

The result of successfully hitting the opponent is in front of you, and it is normal to have a lot of points deducted.

However, after experiencing the pain, the silver snake-like lightning did not dissipate, but flowed into the body surface of the heterochromatic Menas with colorful light, and converged into a dazzling huge light group.

When its sharp gaze fell on the Galar Flame Horse, the energy that was constantly throbbing in the air turned into a beam of light wrapped around an electric snake and flew towards it!

"Xiao Lielie..."

Rukia's voice was muffled.

boom--! !

The destructive force instantly evaporated a large amount of water in the pool, and a white mist rose up to cover everything, making it impossible for the Galarian flame horses standing proudly above the pool to dodge.

Bang! !

Huge water splashes flew into the sky, flooding everything!

On the big screen, Kashiwagi and Rukia have different expressions under the splash of water droplets.

The venue was silent for a moment.


A wave of uproar echoed in the audience.

The time was less than two minutes, but the fierce confrontation between the heterochromatic Menas and the heterochromatic Galar Flame Horse shocked many people.


It was as if both sides had rehearsed in advance, always able to respond to the opponent's attack as quickly as possible.

The finals of a gorgeous large-scale celebration are nothing more than that, right?

Especially the scene that just happened.

When the Galar Flame Horse started running, everyone thought that the heterochromatic Menas would be electrocuted and floated up. As a result, the latter not only absorbed all the electricity, but even rushed out of the water to launch a counterattack.

This side counterattacked, and the Galar Flame Horse over there was not to be outdone. It used the [Horn Diamond] to push back the electric current miraculously.

When the electric current hits the heterochromatic Menus, the audience feels that it is finally over?

It’s not over!

Specular reflection is used!

The heterochromatic Menas once again attacked the Galar Flame Horse, and doubled the power of the awakening electricity it fired!

In such a fast-paced competition, the latter fell short after all and failed to achieve the second "attack instead of defense", otherwise the scene would have been quite terrifying.

This is also where Rukia needs to grow up.

Mikri hummed a light tune.

"Yeah~ It's great to be back in Fengyuan to hold the Mi Keli Cup~!" He smiled broadly.

The water falls and the white mist disperses.

The heterochromatic Menas and the Galarian Flame Horse looked at each other pantingly. Both of them had wounds of varying degrees on their bodies, proving that the fight just now had caused considerable damage to them.

In terms of scores, the two are almost equal. Using offense instead of defense can indeed score points, but specular reflection cannot be covered.

Seeing such a scene, Lucia realized that Kashiwagi was not surprised at all that Galar's flame horse used offense instead of defense, and his frowning expression was just to deceive her.

She was really fooled!

But fortunately, there were no irreversible consequences.

Next...reply? attack?

"Ring of water!"

"Morning light!"

The two of them chose the former at the same time, and did not issue the command until the Pokémon had taken a breath.


Rings of bright blue water swayed around the body of the heterochromatic Menas, and water droplets continued to sink into its skin, quickly healing the external scars.

At the other end, the Galar flame horse neighed and raised its front hooves, its soft azure and white jade-like mane flying in the wind, and the bright sunlight shone on its whole body, completely covering it with bright green light.

[Morning Light], as a quick recovery move in a short period of time, is ultimately stronger than [Water Ring].

After a while.

The Galarian Flame Horse's external state has basically recovered, but the heterochromatic Menas is much worse. The performance of judging the superiority caused Kashiwagi's points to be deducted.

Although the magnitude is not very large, it still makes the latter quite dissatisfied.

The lack of self-regeneration is fatal both from a battle perspective and from a gorgeous competition perspective.

Half the time has passed.

It seems to be quite sufficient, but in fact it might just be a series of attacks. If there is still a stalemate, these two and a half minutes may not be enough.

Take down the Galar Flame Horse in one go!

He looked at Lucia across from him. There was no doubt that Teacher Lucia had the same idea as him, and her eyes were burning with divine light.



The two of them gave orders one after another.


The heterochromatic Menas winked at the Galar Flame Horse, and a wriggling pink heart jumped high towards the latter.


Facing such a stunning charm attack, the Galar Flame Horse looked extremely indifferent, lowered his head slightly, stepped forward and rushed towards it!


The pink heart was pierced by a single horn and exploded like a balloon.

The charm failed, and the energy of the fairy attributes turned into a pink stream of light, completely covering the strong body of the Galar Flame Horse. It neighed loudly, and the four hooves kicked on the water and made a dense clicking sound.

At first glance it sounds like a cavalry charge!

"Climb the waterfall!"

Kashiwagi raised his right hand, and the heterochromatic Menas was surrounded by the bright blue water. He burst out of the water with a bang like a cannonball, leaped high and rushed towards the sky!


Smoke escaped from the corner of the Galar Flame Horse's mouth.

After failing in its first charge, it ran all the way to the end of the field, quickly made a 180-degree turn, looked at the heterochromatic Menas in the sky, and stomped the air with its four hooves.

Then, jump up!



Amidst the clear sound of kicking, the Galar Flame Horse turned into a wingless Pegasus and rose up from the ground!

"My heart is beating fast☆Dreams come true~! Have fun Max~!"

Lucia danced in line with the movements of the Galar Flame Horse, which caused countless fans to scream wildly. Kashiwagi's score was deducted just by this move.

no doubt.

This is when the judges discover through observation that there is some resonance between the Pokémon and the trainer, in the form of dance or other forms.

Collaboration is also one of the key points of coordination trainers.

Kashiwagi was not panicked.

He stared at the heterochromatic Menas bathing in the water. When the latter jumped to the highest point and was forced to turn over, and the Galar Flame Horse was already chasing after him, he shouted: "Frozen Wind!"

Give an order.

The eyes of the heterochromatic Menas were bright, and the icy cold wind was unconsciously sprayed out from the mouth. The water and water rings around it that had been exhausted but had not dispersed were suddenly frozen and solidified, turning it into a crystal clear ice dragon. .

【Ice Climbing Waterfall】!

The splendid heterochromatic Menas, like an ice sculpture, showed unparalleled beauty in the sunlight. Amid the wows of many spectators, it crashed into the Galarian flame horse that was charging forward!

The latter, with its long mane and tail accompanied by colorful stars, lowered its head, and its pitch-black spiral horn collided with the top of the ice dragon!


The ice cracked.

The horn of the Galar Flame Horse has a hardness that is unmatched by ice, not to mention the fact that the fairy attribute energy is locked in a simple bonus.


"Caught you."

The corners of Kashiwagi's mouth were slightly raised, and the inexplicable smile made the originally confident Lucia tremble slightly.


He pointed at the inevitable Galar Flame Horse.

Walking on water? Walking on air?

It's indeed a handsome gesture.

But as a horse, even a super horse, as long as it rushes up quickly, it's not that simple to dodge around the corner, right?


The heterochromatic Menas, whose head was exposed in the broken ice, took a deep breath and said, "Lu!!"

Endless flowers of ice blew out of its mouth, forming a small-expanding blizzard of cold current that rushed directly to the face and even body of the Galar Flame Horse.

"Shine with magic!" Lucia's voice reached the ears of the Galar Flame Horse.

Unfortunately, it only flashed briefly, and then it was completely frozen by the ice, turning into a horse of ice and snow and falling heavily.

Then there was a loud splash and countless water splashes sank to the bottom of the water.

The state of reversal was so extreme that Vivian was stunned. After several seconds, she hurriedly shouted:

"Ice, it's frozen! The blizzard of the heterochromatic Menas froze the flame horse and made it fall under the water! Is this some kind of omen!?"

The excited voices prompted countless people to look at the big screen, and they saw that Lucia's score had reached less than half, and was still being deducted!


The heterochromatic Menas also fell into the water, but did not dare to relax at all and quickly dived into the water.

"Xiao Lielie!"

Lucia kept shouting, trying to wake up the Galarian Flame Horse under the water. As a Pokémon with super power and fairy attributes, the latter can certainly hear it as long as it is intentional.

So she has no intention of giving up.

Kashiwagi also didn't think he had won. He had to ensure that Teacher Liu didn't have any chance of comeback, "Pull him up with a tight tie!"

The words fell.

There was an explosion on the water's surface, and the Galar Flame Horse, which looked like an ice sculpture, was entangled by the heterochromatic Menas and brought to the shore. The former had not yet thawed, and its expression was unclear on its face covered with white ice and snow.


The heterochromatic Menas wrapped around its body like a snake and found where its head was.

Kashiwagi said: "Come and give this naughty pony some hot water!"


The heterochromatic Menas's cheeks turned red, and the steaming water immediately spurted out, frantically watering the head and neck of the Galar Flame Horse.

[Hot water]: Pokémon in a frozen state can be unfrozen as long as it is successfully released.

At the same time, being hit by this move can also be unfrozen.

The white mist rose, and the hissing sound made people's faces burn. The white skin of the Galar Flame Horse was indeed burned like a ripe apple, and it was frighteningly red.


The Galar Flame Horse came back to his senses and began to struggle, but Kashiwagi had already taught the heterochromatic Menas the snake tight binding technique he had learned from Xiaogang and Adam.

Therefore, no matter how it moves, it cannot escape and can only passively accept the baptism of "holy water".


After being frozen, the Galarian Flame Horse burned very smoothly.

The red areas on his face and neck showed unbearable pain. His powerful hind hooves were still unable to break free, so he could only endure it passively.

Lucia stopped dancing, but her shouting did not stop, and she kept shouting cheers for her Pokémon.

Even in vain.

"Cool it down and end its pain completely, water cannon."

Kashiwagi's instructions completely took away the last hope of the Galar Flame Horse.


The heterochromatic Menas' upper body leaned back slightly, keeping a small distance away from the angry Galarian Flame Horse to ensure that the moves would not hurt him.

Immediately, countless bright blue light spots continued to gather in front of the mouth.

It erupted violently again!


The jet of blue water crashed into the face of the Galar Flame Horse, completely dispelling its little will.

Rukia's cheering stopped.

Beep——! !

The shrill whistle sounded.

"time up!"

Vivian waved her right hand excitedly and shouted to the enthusiastic audience: "The game is over! The winner of this year's Miccoli Cup final is Mr. Kashiwagi and his Menas partner! Let us congratulate This rising star won the Water Column Medal of the Glam Contest’s Miccoli Cup!!”


Applause soared into the sky, and waves of screams and shouts continued to deafen the ears, declaring Kashiwagi's victory.


The heterochromatic Menas who let go of the Galar Flame Horse immediately jumped into the water and quickly swam to his trainer. Regardless of his wet body, he entangled himself closely with him.

"Mirr~ Mirr~!"

Won! No loss! we won!

"Yes, we won again!" Kashiwagi smiled and held the face of the heterochromatic Minas, and rubbed it affectionately, not caring about the wet fluff at all.

The heterochromatic Menas was startled for a moment, then became even more excited, "Milo!"

So far.

With his five ribbons collected, he can reach the official highest stage of the Grand Contest - the Grand Celebration without having to participate in any more events.

Even if it is only a regional level event, it still has a gold content that does not belong to the league conference.

As for the Champions League... it's hard to say. Mikri's master title comes from his own contribution to the gorgeous competition. There is no new competition with the title of master as the final winner.

the other side.

Lucia lifted up the exhausted Galar Flame Horse and gently stroked its injured area, "Thank you for your hard work, little Lielie~"


The Galar Flame Horse snorted apologetically. It really wanted to win this game for its trainer, so as to prove to the world that the superior is better than the inferior.

...I thought I won half the battle if I wasn't interested in the heterochromatic Menas, but I didn't expect that the other party would still be so powerful after losing its charm!

"It's not unfair to lose, and we still have a chance to win back!" Lucia giggled.


There are also gorgeous large-scale celebrations!

She looked at Kashiwagi opposite, her eyes extremely firm.

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