My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 525 The Finale Begins

The gorgeous battle between Rukia and Xiaoguang lasted until the last moment.

Not only did the scores of both sides almost bottom out, but the countdown also completely reached zero.

The intensity is evident.

And even though Xiaoguang's Pogaman was under the heavy pressure of a powerful enemy like the Super Tanabata Blue Bird, he successfully triggered the torrent characteristic, which greatly increased the power of water-type moves. It was like turning on the stereo to play the exclusive BGM and scored a lot of points, surpassing him in a short time. Success Lucia...

Still slightly defeated.

The reason is that at the end, the injured Super Tanabata Blue Bird affects the meteor swarm released in advance, which creates a special resonance with the magic sparkle.

The conflicting energies briefly combine to form a meteor shower of glowing fireworks.

Then the meteor shower fell into the tidal vortex supported by Bogaman, and instantly detonated into a huge firework, completely shattering it.

The scene is spectacular and shocking.

Countless viewers cheered and the four judges praised the performance.

"This is called the semifinals!"

Xiao Sheng looked at the TV screen approvingly.

It's not that he had any objections to the gorgeous battle just now, it was just that seeing his sister Xiaoyao being suppressed by Kashiwagi and his Pokémon throughout the whole process, it was inevitable that things would hurt others.

After all, he also had the experience of being "beaten" twice.

I hope it won’t leave a shadow on my sister’s heart...

However, Xiaoyao is much more mature than Xiaosheng imagined. At this time, he is resuming the battle between Rukia and Xiaoguang with Kashiwagi, Xiaoguang and Xiaoshun.

Although she still felt unwilling to lose, she never persisted in it. Through the battle with Kashiwagi, she understood her own shortcomings on the one hand, and also understood the fact that she had never been a genius on the other hand. .

The fact that he has not become a top coordination trainer after so many years is proof of this.

Xiao Wang, who had met and competed with her in previous Miccoli Cups, but later lost to her in the semi-finals, only traveled for one year and successfully won the championship at a gorgeous large-scale celebration.

"Is it true that both strength and skill are important?"

Xiaoyao was lost in thought. Previously, she had always been a coordination trainer who focused on skills. The successful development of water and fire fusion skills also made her more determined to walk on this broad road.

Strong enemies encountered in the past also often relied on skills to turn defeat into victory.

I didn't expect that one day I would be defeated so miserably in front of "absolute strength". The key point is that Kashiwagi has only debuted for a year... half a year?

Through Xiao Sheng's words, it is not difficult to tell that his fighting strength was already very strong before he officially participated in the gorgeous competition, and it has improved by leaps and bounds in the past few months.

"It seems you discovered it too?"

Xiao Shun's voice rang in his ears, causing Xiao Yao to turn his head and look around.

As always, he put his hands in his pockets and looked like a cool guy, and said: "There is no other reason for the defeat of the two of us. Pure skills are not enough to make up for the gap caused by strength.

"If the skill and strength of the gorgeous battle are calculated separately, even if we say it with a gloating face, let the skill be counted as ten points based on us, Kashiwagi may be eight or nine. But the strength is counted as ten points based on Kashiwagi, how many points can we get? ?”

"...Four to five?"


Xiao Shun snapped his fingers, but there was no smile on his face, and he murmured in a low voice: "This feeling of difference is so irritating, it reminds me of Miss Saori."

Yarn weaving.

The top coordination trainer, after defeating Xiaoyao, won the grand grand celebration in Kanto, and once made the fledgling Shun cry.

Although the two parties later became very good friends, this incident still left Xiao Shun's psychological shadow.

"After this time is over, I plan to spend time training Pokémon's fighting abilities. I hope to see a brand new you by then."

After saying that, he left the preparation room, seemingly not intending to watch the afternoon game.

Exercise your fighting skills...

Xiaoyao had a complex look on his face. He originally participated in the Gorgeous Contest because he was not very interested in Pokémon trainers and battles. Becoming a skill-based coordination trainer also had some personal preferences in it.

I never thought that I would not be able to escape in the end.


She is not a pretentious person. When she and Xiaozhi travel together, they often fight. Besides, being able to see the road ahead is more important to her than getting a ribbon. To practice her fighting ability, she should practice her fighting ability.

As the daughter of a gym leader, how could she lag behind in this regard?

Xiaoyao was so excited that he was gearing up, which attracted the curious gazes of Bomu and Xiaogang next door.

"What's up with her?"

"Hmm... I don't understand, but there should be no problem. Xiaoyao has had his own opinions since before."

Isn’t it true that you have such a high emotional intelligence?

Kashiwagi glanced at Xiaogang. He could disguise "immersing himself in his own world" like this. No wonder the chatting behavior was so obscene, but he still gained the love of many people.



A simple meal.

The communication between Kashiwagi and Rukia was almost non-existent. It was obvious that the two of them seemed to have endless things to say, but when they saw the duel coming, they were speechless.

It's not that the relationship between the two has worsened with the competition, it's just that they are prepared to save everything they want to say for the gorgeous battle.

As everyone knows.

Battles are not only a shortcut for trainers and Pokémon to get in touch, but are also the best way to communicate between trainers. Personality, habits, and style will be best interpreted in battles.

The fork in the player channel.

Lucia stopped, slowly raised her left hand that was clenched into a fist, and glanced at Kashiwagi slightly, "Huh?"




"You did it on purpose! How could you not see what I meant!"

Ai's closed-mouthed chant was instantly broken, and he opened his teeth and claws like a cat with explosive fur.

Kashiwagi couldn't hide the smile on his face, stretched out his right fist and touched it lightly, "Teacher Liu, there are times when he is not frank."

"Hmph! Traitor! You have to be careful! Being a master is very difficult. Don't think that just by defeating a few people smoothly, you will win!"

Rukia uttered a harsh word and strode forward.

"You said this, but I never said it."

Kashiwagi shouted at her back, then walked to the other side.

In his opinion, Lucia is a more powerful coordination trainer than Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao. She has inherited the style of his uncle Mikoli and his master Adam. Not only is he complete in various skills, but his strength is also quite outstanding.

At a young age, she has mastered the secret of power - super evolution, which is enough to make her stand out from the crowd.

In fact, to be on the safe side, you can play more megas with Big Mouth Baby or Boss, and it is definitely safest to fight with mega Tanabata Bluebird.


There is no doubt that the Miccoli Cup is the stage for Heterose Menas to perform. He has repeatedly and solemnly reminded him of this from the preparation stage, and Heterose Menas has been working hard for this reason until today.

Therefore, whether it is because of keeping his word or trusting Heisemenas, Kashiwagi's choice will not be changed temporarily.

Furthermore, not to mention whether Tanabata Bluebird could fully recover from the injuries and exhaustion caused by the last round of fighting with Bogaman in just one noon, his Pokémon is not only powerful.

There is also no shortage of gorgeous move combinations!


Kashiwagi exhaled and walked toward the exit filled with white light.

All of a sudden.

Countless noisy shouts flooded into my ears, and the grand scene of the Michelin Cup flashed before my eyes. An aerial shot of Rotom flying around the venue in mid-air. When I saw him, I immediately separated a small part and turned the camera towards him. come over.

The other half was placed on Lucia on the opposite side.

A professional Ai Doulu will always show her own business characteristics in the eyes of fans, and this girl's characteristics are liveliness and cuteness.

"Good afternoon everyone~ This is Glam Contest idol Rukia~! I will soon start a battle with the powerful Glam Contest rising star Kashiwagi~ Please support me!"


"Ruki! My Ruki! I love you so much!"

"Come on! Ryuuki! Knock that rising star down for me!"

The enthusiastic attitude of the fans is like a pyramid scheme den.

Vivian held the microphone, and her sweet voice echoed throughout the venue.

"The long wait! Ladies and gentlemen! After three days of fierce competition and the selection of hundreds of outstanding coordination trainers, the Miccoli Cup finally ushered in the ending song! Let us watch together with expectation and cherishment by The final brought to us by Mr. Kashiwagi and Ryuuki!”

same moment.

The two people's heads appeared on the big screen, and the five-minute countdown in the middle was clearly visible.

Vivian: "Then I declare——"

Everyone subconsciously slowed down their breathing.

"Game start!"


With a crisp sound, the countdown begins!

Kashiwagi and Rukia threw Poke Balls at the same time.

Bang bang!

In the misty white smoke, the cry of Xilulu sounded, and the unicorn with a mane like a colorful cloud slowly walked out, carrying a sacred meaning.

The temperament that this guy brought to the stage was as eye-catching as the heterochromatic Menas. The latter's beauty could not suppress it at all, and the two sides' appearances were evenly matched.

As a result, he failed to take the lead like he had done previously.

"Ha, I didn't expect..."

Kashiwagi looked at the heterochromatic Galar Flame Horse and thought that Lucia had really given him a big surprise.


Lucia has never only had the Super Tanabata Blue Bird in her hands, and this strange-colored Galar Flame Horse is not an easy one to deal with either.

Even compared to him who has developed on multiple fronts, all the Pokémon under Lucia who specialize in the Gorgeous Competition are even more powerful and pure!

"Spiritual Blade!"


They both ordered in unison.

But the difference is that when Lucia activates the command, a series of dancing elements will be added.

Just like now, while shouting "Psychic Blade", she gestured like a pistol with her fingers, causing a crowd of people to scream.

This teacher Liu is very naughty!

Kashiwagi only glanced and looked away.

In the previous rounds, Lucia relied on this move to divert the attention of many contestants, including Xiaoguang, causing them to fail to issue further instructions to their Pokémon in time.

This little gesture can't affect him, not to mention there is something more worthy of attention——

A galarian flaming horse of different colors that walks on water!

Its four hooves are surrounded by a layer of strange pink light, which seems to be the spiritual power contained in it, so that it will not sink to the bottom even if it steps on the water.

As a flaming horse in the Galar region, its azure and white hair transformed from flames can store a certain amount of spiritual power.

And for Pokémon with super powers, as long as it can be manipulated to a certain extent, let alone stepping on the water, how difficult would it be to directly lift off into the air?

During the previous performance, Kashiwagi thought that Galar's flaming horse was able to walk on the water because of strong mental thoughts. Now it is clear that it is a special ability brought by this guy's body.


The heterochromatic Menas raised its tail high and slammed into the water. With a loud bang, a huge blue wave rolled up and pressed forward like a giant wall!

“Hissing, squeaking—”

A sharp scream exploded in the ears, and a pink-purple light was unsheathed like a sword, tearing apart the huge wave in an instant.

The Galarian Flame Horse, waving its horn, strolled out. Its elegant and proud posture stunned many viewers, and also caused Kashiwagi's score to be lowered.

Fortunately, the initiative is still in our own hands.

The moment the wave was torn into pieces, the heterochromatic Menas raised his upper body, condescendingly spraying countless white snow powder towards the Galar Flame Horse!

Kashiwagi: "Snowstorm."

The strong wind caused a cold current mixed with snow particles, instantly freezing the water at the feet of the Galar Flame Horse, and also controlled its movements.


Faced with such a predicament, Lucia seemed to have expected it. The smile on her face remained unchanged, and the pistol in her right hand suddenly fired!

"Punch through your heart~Bang~"

The Galar Flame Horse's horn flashed and suddenly fired a cannonball-like beam forward!


no doubt.

This is the correct way to use [Psychic Blade] as a non-contact move!

There was an exclamation from the audience.

"Get away!"

Kashiwagi suddenly waved his hand.

Facing the beam of light, the heterochromatic Menas flexibly twisted his body and narrowly avoided it.

"Panhuan! Sink into the water!"


The heterochromatic Menas quickly curled up into a ball and disappeared into the water.

After the Galar Flame Horse pulled out its hoof amid a crackling sound of ice, the opponent had disappeared from its and Lucia's sight.

What a quick response!

Lucia secretly smacked her tongue. Sure enough, just by watching, you can't accurately feel the reaction speed of Pokémon like Kashiwagi. Only by personal experience can you know how outrageous it is.

There is no room for Pokémon and trainers to breathe at all.

"Show your heroism by running! Crazy Volt!" She started dancing again.


The Galar flame horse raised its front hooves and neighed loudly. A jade-white electric current jumped on its surface, and its soft hair exploded into lightning at this moment.

All of a sudden.

It flew around the pool at high speed, and its violent posture, completely covered in blue lightning, was like the thunder beast Kirin!


A large amount of electric current jumped into the water as the Galar Flame Horse continued to trample the water surface. The originally dark underwater environment immediately became brighter, and the heterochromatic Menas dormant inside was also revealed.


The lightning submerged in the water did not seem to be able to attack its body. Instead, it was strangely absorbed by the bright yellow light group flying at high speed around it.

By the time the lightning on the surface of Galar's flaming horse was exhausted, the electro-optical mass around the heterochromatic Menas had grown to several times its original size!


The heterochromatic Menas breaks through the water!

Jumping into the air, it once again looked down at the Galar Flame Horse, and released all the accumulated thunder and lightning towards the latter at once!


The ball of light instantly turned into a thick pillar of lightning, roaring and rushing forward!

"Horn Diamond!!"

Lucia's shouts were drowned out by the explosion of electricity, but that didn't stop the Galar Flame Horse from hearing the trainer's instructions and using it at the fastest speed at the same time!

The high-speed rotating horn stabbed the oncoming lightning!

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