My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 509 Gentleman’s Favor

early morning.

Kashiwagi woke up naturally and turned to look at the big-mouthed baby who was sleeping peacefully with a puppet in his arms.

"Sleep so soundly..."

Last night, several people chatted until after ten o'clock before ending the meeting. During this period, they even borrowed the restaurant of the Pokémon Center to make a late-night snack. Big Mouth also got what he wanted and watched the evening TV program with Xiaoyao.

The two formed a wonderful friendship.

As for Bogaman's show of admiration, Dazuiwa did what Kashiwagi secretly ordered, and even though he often received overtures, he still clearly expressed his resistance.

The matter should have come to an end——

But according to the clichés of the frontline undercover reporter Porygon II, the innocent little penguin has not given up at all, but has just changed from "bright love" to secret love.

It seems that if a big-mouthed lover suddenly appeared like in the animation, Pogaman would probably not give up so easily.

But now that the matter is here, Kashiwagi doesn't intend to pay any more attention to it.

After all, he actually didn't have much interaction with Xiaoguang. After the Mi Keli Cup and the gorgeous grand celebration of Hoenn, there would undoubtedly be fewer opportunities to meet again.

Bogaman's love is destined to end in vain just like Juan Juan's love for Pikachu.


Baimu stretched himself, and after a brief wash, he planned to go out and borrow the kitchen. He never thought that the old butler Sebastian had already arranged everything.

"Good morning, Mr. Kashiwagi, I have been waiting for you in the restaurant for a long time."

It was this man who opened the door when he came back last night. It was a bit embarrassing to have an old man stay up late at night and watch him come back.

The old butler was considerate and said that the Michaeli Cup was a rare event in Liuli City, and it was normal for young people like him to come back late.

Under the leadership of the old butler, he came to a long table filled with sumptuous food and exquisite tableware. At the head table, Adam enjoyed the meal elegantly and calmly.

"Good morning, Mr. Adam."

Kashiwagi was the first to say hello. From today on, he will learn from Adam the methods of cultivating Menas and the skills of the gorgeous competition. He hopes to make a good impression on the latter, so as to ensure that he can learn more useful things.

"Good morning."

Adam nodded and stretched out his hand to motion for him to sit on his right, "Please sit down and enjoy as you like without being formal. The breakfast at the gym is quite rich. I hope it will suit your taste."

Kashiwagi sat down obediently and said, "Then I won't be polite."

He must have never learned the Western dining etiquette advocated by middle-aged gentlemen, but the former obviously does not insist on that much. When he found that he was very satisfied with the breakfast, he naturally smiled.

Be strict with yourself, be lenient with others, and take care of others' feelings.

From these points alone, Kashiwagi knew that he had found the right teacher, and Adam was worthy of being a master coordination trainer who taught a genius like Mikri.

"Did Lucia come back last night?"

He suddenly asked the old housekeeper waiting next to him.

The latter bowed slightly and replied: "Miss Lucia never wakes up until nine o'clock."

nine o'clock...

Kashiwagi glanced at the time on the wall clock. It was only early six o'clock, not long after dawn.

Children in the Pokémon world are too happy.

I remember that in his previous life, at this age, he had been woken up long ago to take the bus to school, and sometimes he would be so sleepy that he could stop at the bus stop. After being reincarnated for so long, I have only slept in very few times.

no way.

The environment in Huangtie Town was so bad that I didn't dare to sleep too much. After traveling, there were more Pokémon, and in order to keep them healthy, I had to feed so many mouths at regular times, so I couldn't even get up late.

In fact, this was his own fault. If he really wanted to sleep in, could he just prepare it the night before?

If nothing else works, leave it all to Happy Egg.

Some in the team are indeed not very intelligent, and their ability to take care of themselves is so low that they almost have to hang cakes around their necks before they bite, but there are also many who are reliable.

"Take your time, I'll wait for you at the venue."

Adam quickly stood up and left, his iconic purple pants quite eye-catching.

Kashiwagi quickly looked away from his impolite eyes and concentrated on eating.

Talk about it.

Both Adam and Michaeli have vaguely shown some androgynous characteristics in some aspects, especially Michaeli's clothes in the gem replica, even if they reveal the waist, they also have side openings that reach the crotch. It’s really a bit overwhelming.

Of course, sexual orientation is definitely normal.

Adam's head in the Pokémon Navigator is - [Charming Playboy], and his self-introduction - [Beautiful ladies' compliments fill me with strength].

Mi Keli was also paired with La Lang in the special episode, and had a cp with Naqi, the leader of the Yinyu Gym.

There's nothing to worry about.

"Thank you so much."

Kashiwagi finished the last bite of bread, wiped his mouth and went to pick up his Pokémon. They were in the room of the Glass Gym specially used for feeding Pokémon.

In the absence of others, it would be difficult for the three evil dragons and brother Duolong to eat quietly, but Happy Egg, sister Duolong and the noisy Big Mouth boy would definitely take action to suppress them.


When Kashiwagi arrived in the small room, his three evil dragons were eating with two heads and watching with one head - mainly watching the big-mouthed baby, but as soon as the big-mouthed baby looked over, it moved away like a normal dragon.

Brother Duolong... This little guy is already lying in his rice bowl with his stomach in his hands. Judging from his slightly raised forehead, he must have been hit by [Sister Love Strike].


Sensing the trainer's approach, the three evil dragons immediately raised their heads, abandoned their breakfast and ran over happily.


Kashiwagi stared, and the octave tone of his hand instantly made the latter freeze in place, "Don't waste food!"

When the three evil dragons heard this, they lowered their heads in frustration and flew back.


He looked away, and Baluto the Dragon disappeared as expected, because they were all Pokémon from the gym, and Dinosaurs were not only afraid of humans, but also more afraid of Pokémon.

Even though most of the gym Pokémon looked at the heterochromatic Menas with admiration on their faces, they didn't even notice that it was so transparent.

"Mi, mi..."

The heterochromatic Menas was a little troubled by being surrounded by people. It could no longer eat, but these enthusiastic Pokémon kept offering food to it.

Kashiwagi was slightly surprised by this.

You must know that the Pokémon in the Glazed Gym usually live with Adam and Mikoli's two Menas, so why can't they resist the temptation of the different-colored Menas?

Is it possible that Menus is actually a dual-type Pokémon? Is there another hidden characteristic [charming body]?

Or do heterosexuals have special bonuses like beautiful girls of other races?


Kashiwagi looked at Menas thoughtfully.

Waited for a while.

It wasn't until the slowest-eating Happy Eggs finished eating that he took them back and headed to the venue.

During this period, I did ask other Pokémon that were not included in the teaching scope if they wanted to play alone, just like other gym Pokémon.

Only the most lively and adventurous brother Duolong responded positively at first, but when he found that other Pokémon were not going, he gave up.

Its adventure is not a single-dragon pass mode.


in the venue.

Adam was standing in front of the pool, watching his Pokémon swimming and playing in it.

"Mr. Adam."

Kashiwagi approached slowly, still remaining respectful.

"Since I choose to teach you about Pokémon, in this place right now, there is only the relationship between teacher and student."

The middle-aged gentleman turned around and said: "My teachings may be strict, and I need you to obey my guidance unconditionally as much as possible. Even if you occasionally think it is too much, I will not stop. Can you accept it?"

"I understand...teacher!"

Kashiwagi nodded heavily without hesitation and changed the title.

Adam showed approval and spoke again: "Very good, first thing, let me see all your Pokémon."


He wanted to say that not all of his Pokémon participated in the Glam Contest, but a second ago Adam had said to obey the instructions unconditionally, so he had no choice but to do so.

Numerous Poké Balls are thrown.

Bang bang bang——

After the intense white light, a total of eleven Pokémon, including the Big Steel Snake that routinely came to play with him, were neatly arranged in a pile, each showing a different look.


Adam put his hands behind his back and glanced at all the Pokémon, with some unspeakable meaning in his eyes.

Kashiwagi glared at a few restless guys and asked them to stand still, and then looked directly at the invisible Doron Baruto for a long time, forcing the latter to lower his head reluctantly and reveal himself.

An atmosphere like a military parade arose spontaneously.

Affected by the giant steel snake, the Pokémon playing in the pool also came closer, curiously watching Boscodor pull them.

Doronbaruto, whose head was buried deeply, was undoubtedly even more uncomfortable. His body was trembling slightly, and he could not sit still but still insisted that he was not invisible.

Boss Cordora next to him saw it and moved his tail calmly to cover his body as much as possible.

Although it doesn't seem to make much sense.

But with his tail in front of him, Doronbaruto inexplicably felt the psychological comfort of hiding behind his shield.


The familiar sound of snapping fingers made him raise his head, and the relief and love on Kashiwagi's face not far away came into view. The other party's slight nod also made him understand that he could become invisible.

But Doronbaruto thought carefully for a few seconds and chose to persist.


Maybe a little.

What's more, it thinks it has already appeared. Wouldn't it be more conspicuous if it suddenly disappeared? At that time, it will attract too much attention, causing all those Pokémon to look at it, and it will be too much for it.

Not even the slightest possibility!

And after seeing all the expressions of Pokémon in his eyes.

Adam smiled and said, "What a group of Pokémon with their own characteristics. Very interesting, not bad."

That's not the case.

My place is famous as a shelter for troubled children, and there are Pokémon with all kinds of personalities.

Kashiwagi secretly cursed and heard Adam speak again.

"So far, it seems that you have only allowed Happy Egg and Big Mouth to perform gorgeous performances. Since Menas is the theme of this Mickey Cup, what about other Pokémon? Do you have plans to develop performances based on them? What?"


He shook his head and faced the other party's gaze and said: "Boscodoras are not very interested in the gorgeous competition, so I didn't add them to the performance system."

"I see. We value Pokémon's own demands."

Adam nodded slightly, with some appreciation in his eyes.

The relationship between trainers and Pokémon is complex and varies from person to person.

Some regard it as a partner, some as their own child, some consider themselves as masters and Pokémon as servants, and there are even a few who use Pokémon as a fighting tool.

He has seen many trainers who claim that Pokémon are partners and long live friendship, but in reality they do not respect Pokémon at all.

The Pokémon of those people always look at the trainer with numbness, avoidance and cowardice. I believe that as long as their Pokémon balls are broken, they will run away without hesitation.

Is this what a partner is like?

Adam, who has been a gym leader for more than 20 years, has already developed a sharp eye. The relationship between a trainer and a Pokémon can be clearly seen by looking at the Pokémon's expression.

no doubt.

The looks in Boscodora's and other Pokémon's eyes made him very satisfied.

Adam could tell that Kashiwagi devoted all his love and care to every Pokémon, so his Pokémon always looked at him with attachment, trust, and enthusiasm.

Even the unhappy-looking Galar Sun Coral kept his eyes fixed on Kashiwagi, showing no fear or cowardice. This behavior seemed to be a silent protest, and there was no relationship between the trainer and the Pokémon who had a bad relationship. It cannot be reflected.

Yesterday I saw the heterochromatic Menas.

Adam had a rough hunch in his mind, and now that he had met all the members, he confirmed that Kashiwagi was not treating his Pokémon differently, and he was even more satisfied with this cheap student.

No wonder Big Mouth Baby and Happy Egg performed so amazingly in the glamor contest.

Then there is only one problem left now——

How to fool... No, how to convince Kashiwagi to start cultivating with Menas as the core in the future?

Although Mikri is still young.

But who doesn’t want their lintel to be carried forward? Furthermore, a champion like Mikri can change his position at a moment's notice, running around the world like a wild child like Dawu.

It’s too unreliable to leave the Liuli Gym to him!

How nice the cypress wood is!

He's handsome, has a good figure, is very good with his Pokémon, and has also raised a heterochromatic Minas... He has both talents and talents, so he is a perfect fit to be a gym leader.

Adam looked at Kashiwagi who was being stared at a little nervously, thinking that he didn't have much time.

One month.

We must find a way to let this child know the beauty of Liuli Gym!

He was annoyed that he didn't say more time, out of caution? It's true that caution is important...but such a talent was almost let go!


This kid seems to be familiar with Daiwu? Are you still challenging the Hoenn Alliance?

Maybe Daigo has already thought about letting Kashiwagi take over from him! Hi! This guy is young and cunning! First, he lost the title of champion to his apprentice Mi Keli. After making Mi Keli ambitious, now he wants to attack his scheduled next apprentice!

How unreasonable! !

Adam's breathing was a little rapid for a moment, but he quickly suppressed it again.

Stay classy, ​​stay classy.

He was thinking that half of Mikoli's account had been lost through training. He had done his best as the gym leader for the past two years, but he still didn't know if there was a chance to train the remaining half... Kashiwagi's brand-new account was worth tens of millions. It cannot be stolen again.



Adam frowned with a serious expression, and Kashiwagi began to tremble after being stared at for a long time.

miles away.

Miccoli, who was arranging the details of the Miccoli Cup, suddenly sneezed.

"Ah! Who is thinking about me? Dawu?"

He muttered in a low voice, and the people next to him were frightened.

The Miccoli Cup is about to start, and I don’t know how much money has been spent on publicity. If this ancestor catches a cold, it will be all over.

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