My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 508 Xiaoguang...Xiaogang!

Pokémon Center.

In the plain booth by the window, siblings Kashiwagi and Xiaoyao were chatting while waiting with cups of drinks.

The topic mainly revolves around the giant steel snake.

There may not be many Pokémon in the world that are far larger than the same kind and can even be called heterogeneous. However, Xiaosheng briefly investigated Shiba's big steel snake through the Internet and found that the length was compared to that of Cypress. Home still pales in comparison.

"How did it get so big?"

He was very curious, "Relying on age?"

Except for some special individuals in the Pokémon world, generally the closer the body composition is to inorganic matter, the longer it can exist.

A Pokémon like Big Steel Snake that lives deep underground all year round has no problem living to be thousands of years old.

Kashiwagi shook his head, "How is that possible?"

The big steel snake is not a dragon in the Western fantasy world. The older it gets, the bigger it gets.

Furthermore, judging from the pair of fang-like chisels on its lower jaw, this guy didn't even meet the [100 years] requirement described in the illustrated book for the natural evolution of a large rock snake into a large steel snake.


Regardless of the fact that this guy is probably older than his two lifetimes combined, he lives in the mountains with other Pokémon all year round and acts on instinct, with very little contact with other beings. As a result, the experience of Big Steel Snake may not be as good as that of an elementary school student.

Otherwise, they would be caught by Pokémon hunters.

"It's so tall, I might not even know how to take care of it." Xiaoyao imagined that the giant steel snake was her Pokémon, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

Kashiwagi smiled and said: "You can take care of it as you should, it's just a little bigger. Besides, your Bulbasaur is not that small. How can you take care of it differently?"

"Obviously much smaller..."

Xiaoyao murmured in a low voice. She always felt that her Bulbasaur was still the cute Bulbasaur that she could hold in her arms.

As the saying goes.

Battle is the most effective communication language between trainers.

Although the process and result of the battle with the giant steel snake were not very pleasant, the relationship between Xiaoyao and Kashiwagi became quite familiar.

Especially after she discovered that the latter had no airs and would not show off his strength like some of the peers she had met before, and was particularly modest.

"Calculating the time, it should be almost done."

Kashiwagi looked down at his phone.

Xiaosheng held the straw in his mouth boredly and asked curiously: "What's wrong, Brother Kashiwagi? Are there other things to be busy with?"

"No, I suddenly contacted an acquaintance just now."

He looked at Xiaoyao, who was also curious, and said with a smile, "You know him."

The curiosity on Xiaoyao's face quickly turned into confusion, "I know..."

Before she could say anything, she guessed who it was.

Kashiwagi had already turned his head and said:

"People are coming."

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng heard the sound and looked over, and suddenly they saw a black-haired girl wearing a nurse's hat shouting "No problem, no problem" and rushing over pushing a stretcher specially designed for Happy Egg nurses.

In addition to several Poké Balls on the stretcher, there was also a proud little blue-haired round-headed penguin.


"Xiaoguang! Bogaman!"

Both of them looked at the visitor in surprise, and then their eyes fell further back, on the helpless-looking man in a white coat with dark skin and squinting eyes, who was accompanied by a happy egg nurse.

Now their mouths were full of surprise, and they shouted in unison: "Xiao Gang!"

"Arrived successfully~"

Xiaoguang, who was wearing a simple nurse uniform, stopped the stretcher in front of the three of them, showed a standard smile, and said: "Three trainers, your Pokémon has completely recovered!"

"Boom!" Bogaman responded.

Xiaoyao suddenly stood up and approached Xiaoguang with shining eyes. He looked at her outfit and said with admiration and envy: "Xiaoguang, your outfit is so cute!"

"Really? I just said it would be fine for the nurse to dress me up." Xiaoguang smiled and pinched the corners of his clothes, spinning around like a nimble bird.


Xiaoyao nodded quickly, with an expression of couldn't agree more.


Xiaosheng flew directly towards Xiaogang, his eyes were filled with tears due to emotion, "Xiaogang!!"

Only when he truly started traveling alone did he finally understand how happy it was to have Xiaogang take care of their and Pokémon's lives in the past.

"Long time no see! Kacchan! Kashiwagi!"

Xiaogang, who was wearing a white coat, caught him with open arms. Chong Kashiwagi said hello.

He and Xiao Sheng have always had a good relationship. Whenever he flirts with mature women such as Joey regardless of the occasion, the latter will pinch his ears and pull him away to avoid hindering the other party from doing business.

"I didn't expect you to follow Xiaoguang to Liuli City."

Kashiwagi put away the Poke Ball on the stretcher, "And these clothes of yours...are helping Miss Joy here relieve the medical pressure?"

"As expected of you, you can understand it at a glance."

Xiaogang shook his white coat confidently. Although he was only a trainee, his professional skills were not bad at all, and he was more than enough to help Miss Joy.

And the happy egg nurse next to him is undoubtedly the little lucky egg in the plot with unparalleled strange power. This guy once moved a glacier about the size of a small lake, which is even more outrageous than the big-mouthed baby.

What’s interesting is that its main output method is also physical attack moves. A megaton punch can fight back and forth with the Pokémon of Team Galaxy leaders.

A physical attack with a racial value of less than ten can possess such great power that the giant steel snake is simply not enough to look at in front of it.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Kashiwagi shook his head. He didn't understand why Miss Joy agreed to let Xiaoguang help...

But when I thought about how Xiaozhi and his team were doing very well in a certain hospital in Muji, I thought that maybe these were outstanding young people from mainstream areas, with standard versatility.


He felt something touch his leg, and when he looked down, it turned out to be Bogaman with a look of shyness and anticipation on his round face.


He smiled and said, "You want to see Big Mouth Baby?"


Bogaman's eyes lit up and his little head nodded rapidly.

Since parting, it has met the big-mouthed baby in dreams countless times. After waking up during the day, it felt as if it was missing. It only felt that it and itself were like sweet fireflies and electric fireflies who were forced to separate two places.

"Then as you wish, come out and meet your old friends."

Kashiwagi took off the elf ball inhabited by Big Mouth Baby and opened it.

He had no intention of making a mess of the relationship between Dazuiwa and Bogaman. He just left the decision-making power to the former and let it think about how to deal with Bogaman's love.

If you can't handle it, let him help.


There was a flash of white light.

Big Mouth Baby landed on the booth, looked around and took out his cell phone from the trainer's pocket.

"What are you doing?"

Kashiwagi quickly covered his pocket, stared at it and said, "What did you say before you came out? Don't look at it!"

Smartphones are undoubtedly addictive to a certain extent, especially after Big Mouth Baby gradually masters human writing and enables more functions of the phone independently.


Big Mouth Boy was a little angry because he couldn't get what he wanted.

It looked away pretending to be disdainful, with an expression that said it wouldn't do anything if it wasn't given, and its eyes fell on Bogaman beside him, whose face was squirming and his eyes were about to turn into love.


The big-mouthed boy looked at this familiar guy, then at the trainer who was whispering to a black human, and suddenly understood why he came out of the ball.

Old friend?

It looked at Pogaman with something evil in its eyes, and its mind gradually recalled the memory of the latter.

Having mastered thirty-six romantic dramas, it is no longer the ignorant Pokémon it once was. The "declaration of love" it once had has become its dark history.

The kind that the trainer dares to get mad at if he dares to mention it.

like it?

so what! Do you have to respond to being liked? He only likes to watch romantic dramas and has a little idea of ​​starring in them.

Really let it fall in love with other Pokémon——

It will never dry!

Just respond with your fists and tell this guy your will!

Big Mouth's eyes looked at Bogaman with the fire of struggle, but the latter was a fool in love. After falling in love with a Pokémon and then looking at the other Pokémon, it was as if the other Pokémon had put a filter on it.

So those eyes filled with rage were considered by it to be the spark of love.

Running in both directions! This is it!

"Boh, boh..."

The little penguin felt that he could hardly breathe. He covered his chest with his little wings and gasped hard. Even the air he exhaled seemed to form the shape of a heart.

"Pogaman? What are you doing?"

Xiaoguang, who was discussing with Xiaoyao to go shopping for clothes tomorrow, was finally willing to turn some of his attention to his Pokémon, but when he saw this scene, a teasing expression appeared on his face, "Aha... That’s how it is…”

Xiaoyao looked back and forth at the two Pokémon, and his expression quickly became ambiguous, "Is there such a story? It looks very beautiful!"

Gossip is human nature, especially for adolescent boys and girls. It is normal for them to be attracted by love. Even if they do not have this idea themselves, they will feel excited when they see a Pokémon falling in love.

"Your Bogaman's condition has worsened again."

Kashiwagi shook his head and sighed.

Xiaoguang, who has no experience in love, said plausibly, "What is a disease? Even if it is a disease, it is lovesickness!"

Xiaosheng nodded as if he understood, "Yeah."

Xiaogang, who is obsessed with mature women, commented seriously: "Bogaman still has a long way to go, and the feedback from the big-mouthed boy doesn't seem to be that strong..."

Not strong?

The whole Pokémon is almost on fire, isn't it so intense? Well, the feedback on love is indeed not strong.

Feedback about wanting to beat up Pokémon is increasing!

As the trainer of Big Mouth Baby and the person who completed the super evolution with it, Kashiwagi didn't know what the unfortunate girl was thinking at the moment. He sighed and stretched out his hand to hold down its head.

"Don't be so irritable and be calm. I will allow you to watch the evening drama on the TV later."


The big-mouthed boy turned his head quickly when he heard the words, and the anger in his eyes turned into bright little stars, as if asking him if it was true.

Ordinary methods no longer work to deal with this kind of TV drama addict.

"Are you insulting your trainer?"

Kashiwagi pretended to be angry, and glanced at Bogaman, who was still stunned, his eyes filled with pink hearts, and thought to himself: "Young man, I can only help you so far." 』

Judging from the current situation, rejection is certain.

But even rejection can be divided into several situations. He just hopes that it will not cause too much harm to Bogaman's heart.

Otherwise, this little penguin will become disheartened, completely give up his obsession with love, and may never be attracted to any female again. Then he and Big Mouth Baby will be guilty of a big crime.


After a while.

Everyone watched as Big Mouth, Bogaman and several other Pokémon went away to play together, each showing a different smile.

Then they sat down and got ready to talk about old times.

Miss Joy really didn't need Xiaoguang and Xiaogang's help. Only then did the former have the opportunity to see the message from Kashiwagi and then take the opportunity to join them.

"You all live in the Pokémon Center, and you haven't met each other during this time?"

Kashiwagi had a strange expression.

After all, the Pokémon Center is only so big. Xiaoguang and Xiaogang have been helping Miss Joy, and it is outrageous that they have not met them.

Xiao Guang replied: "Because we have been in the treatment room and rarely come out, so we haven't met... Huh? So you don't live in the Pokémon Center?"

"The rooms had already been allocated when I came." Kashiwagi spread his hands helplessly.

Xiaogang held his shoulders, showed his smooth white teeth, and said: "I also have a top bunk in my room. If you don't mind, you can live with me. We can also discuss with each other our experiences in raising Pokémon. , especially the big steel snake.”

"It's tempting, but I already have other places to live."

Kashiwagi decisively refused.

The main problem is Adam's. The other party promised him that he would teach him for a month. Anyway, Xiaogang will definitely not leave Liuli City so soon. He will probably have to pester Miss Joy here for a while. It will not be too late to come over for consultation and discussion in his free time.

When they heard that he happened to live in the Liuli Gym and was very familiar with Lucia, the contestant in the gorgeous contest, the four of them were surprised, but they didn't have much reaction.

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng have long been accustomed to Kashiwagi's extraordinaryness. Xiaoguang thinks that he met Rukia when participating in a town's gorgeous competition. This situation is very common.

Xiaogang has no doubt that he is not interested in girls or young girls. He has only heard of Lucia's name and has no desire to understand it.

"Miss Rukia is also participating..."

Xiaoguang pinched his fingers one by one, glanced at Xiaoyao and Kashiwagi, and quickly counted them all with both hands. He couldn't help but lie down on the table, "There are so many strong enemies! The Mikoli Cup is still so powerful!"

In the plot of Diamond, Xiao Guang won the Mi Keli Cup ribbon by defeating the returning Xiao Yao in the final. Looking back now, he was really lucky at that time.

Not only was the strongest enemy Xiaowang defeated by Xiaoyao in advance, but some of the other powerful opponents did not even pass the first review.

The right time, the right place, and everyone was on her side——


That's the past tense.

If she wants to win this time, she will undoubtedly need stronger strength and more exaggerated luck. The combination of the two can defeat the opponents she must be wary of no matter how she looks at them.

Especially this guy!

Xiaoguang stared at the surprised Kashiwagi opposite her. She had not forgotten the moment when Bogaman was defeated by Big Mouth Kid at the Kai Na Conference. She would definitely avenge her shame this time.

It is our duty to rebuild our glory as a coordination trainer!

No problem for sure!

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