My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 387 Noble Soul

a new day.

Meteor Village gradually became lively.

Because the news that the village was attacked reached the ears of almost all the people of Meteor outside that day, they rushed back to the village quickly or slowly, worried about the condition of their loved ones.

After finding out that their loved ones were safe and sound, they were relieved.

Things didn't end that simply.

I heard from Shijana that after discussion, the returning dragon trainers unanimously agreed to unite the dragon people in other areas to launch a revenge operation against Team Rocket.

In the past, most dragon tamers kept aloof from the world and would not take the initiative to get involved in disputes between the alliance and evil forces. At most, they would help when they encountered one.

However, today the elderly at home were bullied, which really hit the bottom line.

Let alone a dragon tamer, even a normal adult would not be able to tolerate it.

It's unclear when it will stop.

I guess I have to wait for everyone to calm down.

Thinking of the undisguised excitement on Shijana's face when she said this, Kashiwagi was curious about whether this person turned out to be a person with such a strong sense of justice. She has been targeting Team Rocket before.

Having lost his mission to save the world, this inheritor seems to have let himself go a little bit.

Anyway, on the afternoon of that day, Shijana announced her departure.

She felt like she had a flaming horse in her heart and didn't stay in Meteor Village much longer. She came back just to see if anything happened to her grandma.

When I found out that Elder Dragon was still eating well, he naturally lost his reason to stay.

As she said.

"If I don't wait for grandma to go out and practice more while she is still alive, I may not have this opportunity in the future."

It was as if she had been appointed as the next elder.

Seeing Shijana's confident expression, Kashiwagi wanted to declare on the spot that he would compete with her for the position of the next or next elder of the Meteor People——

Just thinking about it.

His base is in the Ourei region, and moving towards Elder Dragon would have too much of an impact on his future.

However, before leaving, Shijana told Kashiwagi that it would be best to contact her for the inheritance test when she has six badges. If everything goes well, it won't take too long.

The latter agreed wholeheartedly and bid farewell to the other party quietly.

In the following period, Kashiwagi did not only accept the thanks from various returning dragon tamers and was forced to collect their gifts, but also mourned for the poor boss Sakaki.

I believe that this wave, even if it doesn't hurt his muscles and bones, will definitely make the Rockets suffer such a loss that Sakaki can't sleep at night, and may even secretly wipe his tears.

The poor middle-aged man finally managed to build such a big industry, but he is about to suffer from high blood pressure...

I really want to laugh.

Although there is no deep hatred between Kashiwagi and Sakaki, it is more morally satisfying to see the villain suffer for his own reasons. I hope the boss can be stronger.

As a result, the little settlement caused by the Rockets was solved.

His gradually positive attitude was successfully passed on to all the Pokémon, making new progress in the rhythm coordination between Happy Egg and Big Mouth.

"Very good! Very good!"

After the song was played, Kashiwagi clapped his hands happily, "Take a rest! Everyone, take a rest!"

Happy Egg and Big Mouth Baby gasped violently and looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

It was the first time in a long time that they had completed the entire performance smoothly. The breakthrough progress was undoubtedly very exciting. They all understood the most difficult truth of going from zero to one.

I believe there will be more and more successes.



The two Pokémon chirped softly.

Kashiwagi looked at the big-mouthed baby and thought that it was indeed the right choice not to rush into the super evolution element.

Although he has three Pokémon that can Mega Evolve and has three Mega Stones, not all of them have the ability to successfully evolve.

The big reason why Boscodora can successfully super evolve is that he and this big guy have entered the stage of spiritual communication.

The big-mouthed baby is slightly worse.

The day after Kashiwagi obtained the Key Stone, he tested it with Big Mouth Baby. He found that although the two of them would glow when they held the Key Stone and the Super Stone together, the process of enhancing mutual empathy and releasing the spiritual chain was far from smooth.

It's obviously because the ties aren't in place enough.

Old Man Qingliu said that trainers and Pokémon have affinities, and the source of affinities is common characteristics.

Personality, appearance, habits, etc.

Perhaps he himself did not realize that he and Boscodora had something in common, and this common ground was constantly amplified unconsciously, causing the two to feel the same way.

In other words.

If he wants to achieve empathy with Big Mouth Baby, and to achieve super evolution, he needs to find the common characteristics between himself and Big Mouth Baby, and continuously amplify it——

Whatever it is.

Neither is something that can be accomplished overnight.

So faced with the temptation to add super evolutionary elements to his performance, Kashiwagi chose to stick to the original performance content.

Let’s finish the Akiye Town Gorgeous Contest first, and then consider the issue of super evolution.

It's just that the super evolution with Boss Cordora will definitely not require less practice. After succeeding once, it will succeed more times. What Boss Cordora has to do is to grasp the burden of huge energy on the mind and body.

When it doesn't feel pain due to a bunch of energy stuffed in its body, the super evolution will be completely successful.

The steel behemoth is now fully formed.

Big steel snake...

The empathy between Big Steel Snake and Kashiwagi is not as good as that of Big Mouth Baby. It is almost a little far away and we need to continue to work hard.

Of course it was exciting to get the Keystone, but Kashiwagi didn't forget about the other Pokémon.

Three of the evil dragons were still driven to the dragon's nest by him. Even if this guy was ten thousand unwilling, he could only obey the forced request, but he made a request before leaving.

——A dignified battle with Boss Cordora with ace status as the bet.

Unexpected and reasonable.

Kashiwagi was surprised that the three evil dragons would covet the "ace" position. To be honest, he claimed that Boscodora was the ace, but in fact he had been consciously treating every Pokémon equally.

Therefore, trump card can only be regarded as a title.

It doesn't represent anything special.

But everyone seemed to care... He found that not only the three evil dragons were obsessed with the ace, but also the happy egg and the big-mouthed baby were a little bit that way.

Out of considerations of conscience competition, Kashiwagi agreed, and Boscodora also agreed.

A great war begins.

In the early stage, the three evil dragons relied on their high output to continuously suppress Boscodora, and the damage they did was crazy to establish more advantages. It was once possible to defeat the latter.

Unfortunately, it was too impatient and forgot a very important move - [Reckless].

In the end, Boss Cordora relied on stronger perseverance to defeat the young three-headed evil dragon, and warned the young man not to be arrogant just because of evolution. It still has plenty of training!

As the referee, Kashiwagi held a moment of silence for the three evil dragons.

There is no way to defeat Boscodora at this stage, and it will be even harder to win after it successfully masters the super evolution.

The defeated three evil dragons went to the dragon's nest obediently.

Later, I heard from Zhenya that the three evil dragons had gone crazy for no apparent reason and had been provoking various powerful older dragons and trying to learn their fighting experience.

Are you trying to get stronger?

Kashiwagi was somewhat relieved.

In addition to the three evil dragons, the one that must be paid more attention to is the heterochromatic ugly fish.

It practiced climbing waterfalls day after day, and finally, witnessed by him and Dazuiwa, it successfully crossed the most difficult and most fulfilling "hump" in its life.

A "hill" called Longmen Falls.

The wild carp kings who are watching will not know how much effort and hardship the heterochromatic ugly carp has put into this waterfall. If you persist, it can be regarded as a talent.

The heterochromatic ugly fish is undoubtedly the best among them.

At first, it was tempted by the condition that "you have a high probability of evolving if you cross the waterfall." After realizing this, it never said anything about not wanting to evolve, and even evolution was abandoned.

It just wants to climb over Longmen Waterfall and leave a lasting mark in its insignificant life.

In order to not regret one day in the future, in order to respond to the expectations of trainers and companions, in order to repay my own efforts, and in order to bid farewell to the past where nothing has been accomplished.

the climb!

The moment the heterochromatic ugly fish broke through the water, it glowed.

Kashiwagi couldn't tell whether it was the light of the move or the light emitted by itself. He just felt that it was so dazzling that he couldn't look directly but he didn't want to leave for a moment. The astonishing beauty was revealed as the figure that split the waterfall and went upstream.

There are many kinds of beauty.

What the heterochromatic ugly fish shows is the soul-stirring beauty of life that refuses to succumb to nature and moves forward bravely!

The artistic conception it represents and the power contained in it far outweigh the shortcomings of the fish's appearance.


It's just something insignificant in comparison.

Perhaps people's first evaluation of whether something is beautiful or ugly comes from appearance, but with a deeper understanding, the judgment of beauty or ugliness will depend on other things.

for example--

A noble soul!

A soul that never gives in to fate and screams loudly despite perseverance!

Longmen Falls.

The visual height is more than thirty-five meters, which is equivalent to a "sky chasm" for most fish Pokémon. It is an absolutely impossible height to cross, and it is the wall of the world that they look up to.

This side and that side are completely two realms.

But it’s Pokémon that make everything impossible possible!

As long as you have unreserved trust, this Pokémon will show you miracles!

if you can.

Kashiwagi hopes that time can be temporarily frozen at the moment when the fish crosses the last centimeter, because he wants to fully appreciate this scene that makes him extremely proud.

Countless words of gentle comfort are not as glorious as the feeling of success.

What does the scenery at the top of Longmen Falls look like?

The proud Cypress and the extremely moved Dazuiwa walked along the nearby rock wall to the top of Longmen Waterfall, enjoying the same scenery with the different-colored ugly fish looking back.

From a high position, he looked down at the countless Magikarp who were looking up at him.

At this moment, the ugly fish that had been bullied and disliked became a thing of the past.

Its mind has completely completed the transformation, and it only needs a small opportunity to usher in its new self.

The heterochromatic ugly fish had a premonition.

At the same time, it also realized that the trainer had not deceived itself. As long as it climbed the Longmen Waterfall, it really meant that it had the qualifications to evolve. It had already completed half of its life transition.


It's already close at hand!

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