My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 386 Farewell to Lei Meow

In fact.

Shijana was in Green Town when she received the news. Even if she rushed back as quickly as possible, it was already dusk and sunset when she arrived.

So she really didn't mean to wait for Kashiwagi to solve everything before showing up.

Furthermore, the latter whom she had just met once was not worthy of her trust at all. She had her grandmother, her tribe, and everything familiar in Meteor Village, so how could she pretend to be someone else.

Kashiwagi also understood this, and what he said just now was just a complaint about her and Lei Gong being late.

Lei Gong, who had his back turned to the two of them but was inexplicably stabbed in the spine, rolled his eyes and flicked his lightning-like tail in annoyance.

Sometimes I really wish I couldn't understand people.

This kid is quite annoying.

I just love stabbing myself.

"Anyway, thank you for saving everyone in Meteor Village."

Shijana was still smiling.

She was not angry at being teased, not to mention that she already knew what happened after Team Rocket invaded Meteor Village from others, and she was only grateful at this time.

When she first met Kashiwagi, Shijana would never have thought that the other person would one day save her grandmother.

Looking back now, do you think you were too condescending at that time? After all, I stood in the position of the inheritor at that time.

I hope it is a more friendly image in his eyes.

Shijana thought to herself.

"It's just a matter of duty."

Kashiwagi was not arrogant, and coughed again after replying, "I'm sorry, do you have anything else to do? I want to change my clothes before going to the Dragon Temple."

"Ah, no, I just came to thank you."

Shijana raised her hands as if innocent, and then quickly walked into the house and opened the door on the back under his blank gaze, "...I have to change clothes too, how about we meet later?"


"Give me five minutes."

After getting a positive response, Shijana gently closed the door.

correct! This is her home!

After reacting, Kashiwagi looked away and walked to Lei Gong while taking off his clothes, "Are you going?"


The lightning blue tail swung flexibly.

"If you don't go, you won't go. Why are you beating me?"

He touched his calf rather resentfully, and the big cat responded with a "I didn't mean to do it" look.

The tails of these big guys are all painful when flicked. Among other things, the tails of the three evil dragons sometimes flick to his face unintentionally, preventing him from seeing the sun that day.

After quickly changing clothes, Shijana also ran over and knocked on the door at the right time.


"Come here."

Kashiwagi comforted many Pokémon, and when he opened the door, he immediately saw Shijana who had put on a traditional women's dress of the Meteor People, and a pretty girl's temperament came to her face.

It is very different from the previous T-shirt and denim shorts version.

"How's it going? Does it look good?"

Shijana held up her skirt and twirled it around with a smile.

"It's OK."

Kashiwagi nodded casually, "Don't keep the elders waiting, let's go quickly."

He closed the door and headed straight to the Dragon Temple.

Shijana looked at his back with a somewhat strange expression, but she didn't say anything and quickly followed him, "To be honest, grandma's decision kind of messed up my plan.

"I originally wanted to conduct your super evolution test and the inheritance test together, but now it is inevitable that they will be separated."

"The inheritance test..."

"Yes, every Meteor citizen must undergo a test. This is our birthright obligation." Shijana thought he didn't want to participate, so she explained, "Of course your situation is special, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to." , everyone can understand.”

"No, I'm quite happy with it."

Kashiwagi shook his head, "But I hope the test will be conducted when I am free. I have quite a lot to do."

The two walked while chatting, and soon arrived at the Dragon Temple.

at this time.

In the tatami hall that we had visited before, many Meteor people knelt down in four rows and communicated softly. The Dragon Elder at the front was holding a wooden box and lowered his head thoughtfully.

Seeing his arrival, everyone immediately sat upright, and the Dragon Elder slowly stood up.

A rather serious atmosphere fell instantly.

Kashiwagi was slightly startled, and was suddenly pushed gently by Shijana from behind.

"Go ahead, the elder is waiting for you."

The latter changed his title and smiled at him who turned around, "This is the ceremony to grant you the key stone and super stone. Thank you for your contribution to the people of Meteor."

Kashiwagi suddenly understood. As he stepped forward, his eyes swept across all the Meteor people sitting on both sides. Everyone nodded to him with a smiling face.

Silent gratitude was conveyed through those eyes.

No matter what happened in the past, after this unexpected incident, all the people of the Meteor recognized Kashiwagi's identity. The latter's title was no longer "descendant of the exiled dragon tamer", but a serious "people of the meteor".

Overflowing with blessings and gratitude, Kashiwagi came to the front of the Dragon Elder.

"Child, kneel down on one foot."

The elder put his arm around his shoulders and spoke softly.

The latter knelt down on one knee, and then heard the Dragon Elder speak a string of difficult words that he could not understand, and his hands kept tapping his head and shoulders.

Lean less.

With a burst of applause from behind, he was motioned to stand up.

The elder whispered: "Your achievements have exceeded the test you deserve. In the name of the elder of the Meteor People, I will give you the inheritance of the Meteor People. I hope you will make the best use of it and always be sincere and kind. May the Dragon God be fierce Kongza protects you."

"May the Dragon God Rayquaza protect you."

The people of Meteor responded in unison.

Immediately, the elder opened the wooden box, revealing two areas separated from each other. On the left was a keystone slightly larger than a finger, set on a bronze spiral bracelet, and on the right were numerous super stones.

"Come on, kid, take your Keystone and pick out the Super Stone you want."

"The super stone I you have the super stone for Big Mouth Baby?"

"In terms of 'rust inscription', this is it." The elder pointed to a super stone that was completely pink with lead gray and bright yellow floc inside.

Rusty Ming?

He even gave the super stone a name.

Kashiwagi suppressed his excitement and pocketed the key stone and the Big Mouth Baby evolution stone.

I thought it would take some time to get the keystone from Shijana, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen midway... Thinking of this, maybe we should be grateful for the arrival of the Rockets?

No no no.

This is too sinful.

His rather complicated emotions were seen by the elder, who said softly: "Go back and rest, kid. You have worked hard today."


Kashiwagi took a deep breath. Although the meeting did not seem to be over yet, he seemed to be allowed to leave early.

Feeling tired, he did not refuse, bowed and turned to leave.

Sijana, who was sitting in the crowd, stared at his back and did not look back until he disappeared.


The next day.

Kashiwagi opened his eyes, and yesterday's fatigue disappeared.

Youth represents strong resilience, both physical and mental.

He turned around and looked at the hill-like Thunder God beside the bed, "Now that Team Rocket from Meteor Falls has been captured, where are you going next?"

Since the latter leaves early and comes home late these days, he has little chance to take the cat-loving plan to the next step.

Now that Team Rocket has been captured and Big Cat no longer has to go out, it’s time to plan a restart!

Kashiwagi chuckled and stretched out his hand to touch the iron plate on Lei Gong's forehead.

I thought I would be warned by static electricity, and I was ready to quickly retract my hand, but I didn't expect that the latter seemed to have no reaction and allowed him to touch my head.

Thunder Lord is still asleep?


It had woken up and turned its head to look at Kashiwagi.

The meaning in his eyes and his unresisting attitude made the smile on his face slowly stiffen.

"——Are you going back to the capital?"


Lei Gong lowered his eyes and nodded gently.

The Ho-Oh Guards are legendary Pokémon with important responsibilities. They follow Ho-oh and are responsible for protecting weak Pokémon and observing humans.

So the time to say goodbye will come sooner or later.

But Kashiwagi didn't expect it to be so soon. Maybe he shouldn't have gone to bed so early last night, maybe he should have given some advice, maybe...

"Is there no Team Rocket in the Hoenn area for the time being?" he asked in a low voice.


Lei Gong nodded again.

"Then when are you going to leave?"


It slowly stood up.

"Today? It's too urgent! It's not a bad idea to stay for two more days." Kashiwagi stood up and a group of Pokémon woke up from their sleep, looking at the two in confusion or surprise.

Raikou's eyes swept over all the Pokémon, and finally landed on the human kid who he clearly disliked but also found a little cute.

It was silent, staring into the other person's eyes, then lowered its head and slowly approached, gently rubbed the other person's disbelieving face with its own cheek, and then rubbed the somewhat reluctant happy egg next to it.


It also revealed a small gesture of extreme regret and love.

This is the first time that Lei Gong has been so affectionate. He is completely unlike the big cat who resisted touch, ignored any words, and would only roll his eyes at you to express disdain.

But if it was to say goodbye, Kashiwagi would rather receive a shock or a blank stare.

He held out his hand.

"At least after breakfast..."


Thunder God shook his head and retreated lightly, until he retreated to the courtyard outside the edge. He squatted down like a big obedient cat and looked at the Pokémon in the room who were looking over. A slight smile suddenly appeared in his eyes. Meaning, he closed his eyes and bowed his head very solemnly.


Thank you for your continued care, and goodbye.


After doing all this, it rushed resolutely towards the forest outside Meteor Village.

Kashiwagi quickly rolled off the bed and quickly chased him outside, but all that was left for him was a deft figure that gradually disappeared. He opened his mouth and found that he had no idea what to say.

Say goodbye? He didn't want to say goodbye like this at all.

To retain? Lei Gong's mind has been decided.


He covered his face and rubbed his sore eyes. The Pokémon behind him rushed up and leaned against him to give him comfort.

Everything happened so suddenly, there was no psychological preparation at all.

But maybe.

Did Mr. Lei choose to leave this morning because he was caught off guard? If you set a date to leave with him, you will most likely be subtly persuaded by him with various reasons and forced to stay longer.

He will definitely work hard for it anyway.

The reality is just as Kashiwagi imagined.

Lei Gong walked through the forest without looking back, nor did he dare to look back, as if he was afraid of hearing the boy's voice, and wanted to run as far as possible.


It knows that it really can't take this step.

Various scenes of getting along with Kashiwagi flashed through Lei Gong's mind. Even though he warned himself that he should move faster, his pace involuntarily slowed down.

Finally, it stopped on a hillside, staring blankly at the direction in which it was running, as if its sight was passing through a dense jungle.

Breakfast, what will it be?

It must be delicious, right?

The three evil dragons are probably acting coquettishly again, but they will definitely be dragged away by Happy Egg to brush their teeth, right? Sun Coral is probably still so lazy, flying on the back of Porygon to beg for mercy, Big Mouth Baby is definitely still curled up on the sofa holding its baby, and Boss Coral is changing the water for Ugly Fish...

Just like it happens every day.

very nice.

But this warmth should not belong to it. It still has unfinished missions and cannot enjoy them for shameful selfish desires.

You must achieve your goals!



Thunder God raised his head and roared, and the sound waves spread throughout the mountain forest, frightening the blue cotton birds and proud swallows on the treetops, and they all flew away and fled into the distance.

Kashiwagi, who was about to return to his room in Meteor Village, moved his ears and looked in the direction Lei Gong left.


As if he sensed something, a smile gradually appeared on his face, feeling lost.

Shijana stuck her head out from the window sill on the second floor.

"It's so early in the morning, what happened?"

"No, I just sent a friend out, and I was a little reluctant to leave."

"Thunder Lord?"


"We should still be able to meet, right?"

"Of course, we will meet again sooner or later, and this will definitely not be the last time." Kashiwagi responded with a smile.

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