My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 361 The Stinky Dragon


With his head free again, Kashiwagi sat on the edge of the bed and inhaled. He didn't even have time to wipe the saliva from his face, and his chest rose and fell slightly.

Although the three evil dragons bit their heads with as little force as biting their hands, this guy's saliva was really smelly and abundant. One lick of his big tongue directly stoked his breath, and he almost reincarnated for the second time.

There is quite a feeling that a revolving door is spinning back and forth in front of my eyes, and I am only one step away from shouting that I have no regrets in this life.

Fortunately, Big Mouth Baby and Boss Kodora rescued them in time. One of the two main forces broke off their mouths and the other pulled out their heads, while the remaining ones pulled their tails.

Finally, he forced the three-headed evil dragon to open its bloody mouth.

Talk about it.

What would happen if you were really dead?

It is estimated that there is a high probability that it will become a lonely ghost in the animation, and then be taken to the mysterious spirit world by ghost-type Pokémon such as Night Patrol.

How do you say something?

The probability of being murdered by your own Pokémon is small, but never zero.

After taking a short breath, his mood and body had completely calmed down. He touched the happy egg next to him and said, "Don't be nervous. I haven't died that easily."


Happy Egg put down the water glass in his hand worriedly and wiped the saliva from his face with a towel.

not far away.

The three evil dragons are being criticized by a group of Pokémon. The former's various naughty behaviors have not happened every day or two, but this is definitely the first time that he has done this.

The trainer was so bitten that he twitched!

How dangerous!

Boscodora and other Pokémon all acted extremely serious, and their aggressive gazes made the three cowering dragons almost lower their heads to the ground.

The Galar Sun Coral was floating in mid-air, and the corners of its usually droopy mouth were now slightly raised, and its red eyes were full of schadenfreude.

Although I was really worried about whether I would be "unemployed" at the beginning, fortunately my boss was still lucky, so I was relieved and prepared to laugh at this husky who usually made two mistakes.

Porygon, who is usually reserved, also made a ruthless protest, mainly to take revenge for the fact that it was clearly a part of the team today, but was ultimately unable to play against Asha.

It would be nice to evolve if you win one, but you still have to fight two.

So unhappy.

Porygon kept fanning the flames on the sidelines, feeling somewhat guilty. Fortunately, no one was exploring the current situation and using it as an excuse.

The three evil dragons surrounded in the middle also knew that they almost made a big mistake this time. The whole dragon became depressed, a little guilty in the grievances, and made a low whine in its hoarse throat.


"Goo ho!"

Boscodora was scolded. If it hadn't been for growing up watching the three evil dragons and knowing that this guy didn't do it on purpose, it would have had to tell this guy today why the flowers were so red.

But compared to the magnanimous former, Big Mouth Boy's emotional expression was extremely straightforward. He gritted his teeth and slapped the guy on the head three times in a row.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

"Doru..." The three evil dragons just whined and shrank their heads, and the hair on their necks, which bloomed like petals, drooped.

"Okay, okay, why are you surrounding it like this to scare it? It didn't mean it. Just pay attention to its oral hygiene."

Kashiwagi, who had regained his strength, stepped forward and comforted the angry Pokémon.

Seeing Boscodora and the others caring so much about him, he was particularly moved even though they were "extremely close to death". He just felt that his usual love for these guys was not in vain.

Paying attention to Pokémon really pays off.

"Goooo!" "Goooo!"

When Boscodora and Big Mouth Baby heard this, they both expressed their opinions with expressions of "Just pet it."

"Hey, it's okay! It's almost done! Really, I know you feel sorry for me..."

Kashiwagi patted the heads of each one and rewarded them, even the Galar Sun Coral. Finally, he looked at the pitiful three evil dragons and saw that they didn't dare to come near, so he pinched its cheeks.

"I'm not angry with you. Don't look down on such a happy day. Next time, remember to leave some room for me to breathe. Leave at least one of the three holes on your face for me."


The aggrieved three-headed evil dragon couldn't bear it any longer, put its head on the trainer's shoulder and whimpered, as if crying.

It knew that it was a little carried away, but how could it, which liked the trainer the most, deliberately hurt Cypress.

Seeing that the trainer was on his side, he apologized and explained.

"I know, I know you're very well-behaved." Kashiwagi hugged its big head and patted it, forcing the matter to end and telling other idle Pokémon to do their own things.

If you have nothing to do, go to the hot springs.

Galar Sun Coral, who was still ready to watch the show, turned down the corners of her mouth again and went to sleep speechless.

I've been looking forward to it for a long time but I haven't seen the scene I want to see. How much does the trainer love this guy?

Porygon, who failed to stir up trouble, was also disappointed. He turned around with regret and was about to fly away, but found that the trainer stopped him and apologized for not letting him play today.

"I'll definitely let you appear next time, I've made an appointment."

Kashiwagi patted its head.


The comforted Porygon immediately smiled, and the disappointment in his heart was wiped away. He happily swung his legs with blocks and ran to learn the shadow ball.

With one more attribute move, it can have one more change in texture and become stronger.

Your chances of playing will also increase accordingly.

Turn around.

Kashiwagi comforted the other Pokémon individually in order to prevent them from thinking that he was particularly partial to the three evil dragons and having a bad feeling or grudge against the latter.

Fortunately, Boscodora has already passed the period of illness. He has a strong desire for territory and has always been generous in temperament and does not hold grudges very much.

Big Mouth Baby behaved much more seriously.

It strongly requested Kashiwagi to discipline this guy well to prevent the three evil dragons from being spoiled and taking advantage of him in the future.


"I understand, don't worry. If others can't trust you, why can't you trust me?" Kashiwagi comforted him.


"of course it's true."

Faced with the trainer's rhetoric, Big Mouth Baby temporarily believed it.

And Happy Egg is more worried about the trainer's condition than those meaningless things, worried about whether he was injured just now and needs to go to the hospital for a checkup.

"I'm not made of paper, so I'm making a fuss~"

Kashiwagi smiled to reassure him and went to the bedside to look for the Galar Sun Coral.

This guy didn't react at all.

It didn't see the three evil dragons being unlucky, and it just wanted to bury itself in sleep. Of course, there must be a little resentment, but not much. It mainly just wanted to watch the fun.

Eating melons can be regarded as a small pleasure in life.


After several times of talking and no response, Kashiwagi stopped disturbing this guy and finally glanced at the ugly fish in the tank.

Perhaps due to his slow personality, this person acted relatively confused and did not react until the end. He chose to respond to the exchange with the trainer by blowing bubbles.


He nodded.

In order to let the Ugly Fish evolve based on its beauty, he specifically checked the information on the Internet and found that most trainers with Menas emphasized the need to cultivate the Ugly Fish's self-confidence.

This does not mean the kind of self-confidence that insists that ugliness is beautiful, but the self-confidence of correctly recognizing one's own shortcomings and shortcomings and striving to transform into a better self.

Supplemented with blue or rainbow-colored Poké cubes, the growth of the Ugly Fish can be accelerated.

It has been almost half a month since Kashiwagi fed the fish rainbow-colored Poké Cubes, but the Ugly Fish's confidence has not yet been successfully cultivated, so it is necessary to let it practice more battles.

As for the gorgeous contest.

It would also be nice to have it played if possible.

"Looking forward to your future." Kashiwagi reached into the water and stroked the smooth and cold fins of the ugly fish.

Feeling the gentleness in the trainer's tone and the undisguised favor in his eyes, the ugly fish flicked its tail and blew bubbles at him happily.

The more I feel the warmth now, the more I feel worthless and afraid of my lonely self in the past.

It would have been nice if it could have met its trainer earlier, Ugly Fish thought this more than once. As for its former trainer, that little boy, it had only been less than a month, and it had completely forgotten what the other person looked like.

The breeder who had fed it was pretty much the same, and the only one he remembered was a woman.

Successfully communicated with other Pokémon.

Kashiwagi rubbed his shoulders.

"Then... there's only one thing to do next." He took out a rather strange-looking toothbrush from the bathroom.

The three evil dragons that were originally following him like followers twitched their wings behind them when they saw it.


"Don't run. If you run, press and beat."

Kashiwagi looked at the three evil dragons with a smile.


When do the three evil dragons hate their trainers the most?


Never hate it! The only thing I hate is the toothbrush!

Good cedar wood, bad toothbrush!

"Ouch..." The three evil dragons floated in place, and the head in the center kept tilting back, making them disgusted as much as they wanted.

It's a pity that the cypress wood with its foul mouth must be brushed.

Originally, holding his breath just now was just a small problem, but this guy's tone made him lose his breath.

"Open your mouth!"




The three evil dragons reluctantly bit the toothbrush, and went to the shower room next to the hot spring pool with Kashiwagi to brush their teeth.

"How come your mouth is so smelly? I don't usually feed you anything with strong taste. Is it possible that dragon-type ingredients are more likely to stink?"

He broke the teeth of three evil dragons.

There are many reasons for bad breath. At least the latter is not a health problem. It can only be a food problem.

The food of each Pokémon is based on the glowing food, with a lot of supplementary food suitable for their attributes added, such as the steel ingots that Boss Cordora often eats, etc.


"Not even close."


"Didn't I say it's still a little short of the mark?" Kashiwagi brushed it back and forth on its sharp teeth, and the latter would ask if it was finished every two seconds, which was annoying.

Finally ended.

He smelled it and was reluctantly satisfied, "But I still have to think of other ways. The smell won't continue like this."

The three evil dragons who had regained their freedom flew into the hot spring, keeping themselves as far away from the toothbrush as possible.

Kashiwagi briefly freshened up, then got into the hot spring pool and took out the mobile phone book to check out the newly learned moves of the three evil dragons. Most Pokémon will master one or two new moves when they evolve.

This guy is no exception. When he evolved into a two-headed tyrannosaurus, he automatically understood [Big Sound] and [Crush].

But compared to last time.

The new moves this time are a lot more exaggerated.

"Trick...Reverse Scale...His! Won the jackpot!"

He sucked in a breath of white mist. He didn't expect that the three evil dragons would bring him such a big surprise. Let alone Ni Lin - [Trick], which was a powerful amplification move comparable to Sword Dance.

It is very suitable for the three evil dragons that he positions as a special attack turret. If he knew this move during the two-headed tyrannosaurus period, he would not have to rely on roaring to force the lava snail to be used, and then use the dragon's dive to face off against the overheating of the lava worm.

Able to adopt a more prudent approach to combat.

Turn around.

He suppressed his restless heart again. Although the three evil dragons now have evolved to the final stage, they are still some distance away from the ultimate form. They still need to learn more moves that can be used to fill blindness, such as fire and water attributes. , fighting attributes, etc.

And I can finally give it a certain move that I have been saving for so long.

Kashiwagi patted the belly of the three evil dragons with purple checkered stripes beside him, and gave the [Feather Qi] at the bottom of the box to this guy.


The three evil dragons, who were taught moves by the simulator for the first time, were startled for a moment. Their body surface lit up with white light unconsciously, and feathers formed by countless energy emerged from the void and fell, releasing a brilliant halo when they were submerged in their bodies.

It was as if he automatically used it on the spot when he learned it.

"Yeah, not bad."

He looked at the confused expressions of the three evil dragons and nodded slightly.

to be honest.

The appearance of the three evil dragons is actually quite fierce, the kind that makes most wild Pokémon's hearts skip a beat when they see them. But because his only one is relatively naive and doesn't look very smart most of the time, it can quickly transform its fierceness into cuteness.

Together with its other two heads, it has a fierce and cute feeling.

Should we be more serious when fighting?




Kashiwagi and Happy Egg had just finished cooking dinner when Lei Gong jumped in from the stone wall surrounding the hot spring pool.

I happened to meet the former who was carrying two rice bowls.

Lei Gong: "..."

There's nothing more embarrassing than sneaking out and coming back only to be caught red-handed.

Fortunately, it was thick-skinned enough, so it just pretended that nothing happened and started searching to see if its meal was ready. After so many days, eating has become a habit.

Even if you don't eat or drink essentially, absorbing natural lightning is enough.

"You still know how to come back."

Kashiwagi put the rice bowl on the ground and looked at it with disdain, "I know why you came to the Hoenn area to target Team Rocket."

Tell the information about the super crystal mine.

"Am i right?"


Lei Gong didn't answer, and silently came to the rice bowl and started eating dinner. He was a little surprised how this kid could be so well-informed and could figure out so many things in one afternoon.

But it was impossible to admit, so keep silent and let him guess.

Kashiwagi looked at the tail swishing behind Lei Gong and knew that he was right. This guy would only swipe his lightning-like tail when he was upset.

Then the question comes——

How did Raikou know that Team Rocket intended to master the power of Mega Evolution? Where is its intelligence source?

This really made Kashiwagi curious.

Turn around.

He added: "Actually, you don't need to be too nervous, because their plan is destined to fail. Listen to me and tell you the reason..."

Lei Gong ate the food silently on the surface, but secretly he was paying attention.

After hearing the whole thing, it was still noncommittal.

Not only did he come to trouble Team Rocket to prevent them from mastering the power of super evolution, no matter what the reason was, as long as it was related to bad things, he would definitely stop it.

Then again.

It had clearly sensed the aura of the escaping Rocket before, so why did it spend the entire afternoon searching for it but not find it?


Is it because the smell of human towns is too mixed...

Lei Gong, who suddenly caught sight of a strange figure next to him from the corner of his eye, raised his head and looked at the three evil dragons briefly stunned. After a few seconds, he compared them with the two-headed tyrannosaurus in his memory.

It has evolved! Why do you have more heads? And he can fly?


The three evil dragons noticed that Thunder Lord was paying attention to them and greeted him very friendly.


Lei Gong swallowed the last piece of food, responded with a voice, and glanced at the hot spring without soaking in it anymore. It had already soaked enough.

It looked around, then lay down next to the bed with the widest space, and put its head on its paws to take a nap.

Seeing this, Kashiwagi quickly finished the food in his bowl, washed his hands and prepared to pet the cat.

The period after a meal is the period when Lei Gong is at his weakest vigilance, so there is no big problem if he is a little a little more arrogant.

So he decided to take this opportunity to break through the shackles of not letting his head be touched——

At least you have to touch your chin.

With some expectation, he sat cross-legged in front of Lei Gong, rubbed his hands and stretched them out.


The sudden static electricity stimulated him to shrink his hands subconsciously. After Raikou used an electric-type move, its hair would be covered with static electricity, so it was natural for him to be electrocuted.

Cypress had long been used to it and slowly placed his hand on its warm back.

Lei Gong, who had his eyes closed, raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at the former without any resistance. It is also used to this happening after meals every day.

It has very little contact with humans. These days, it has really experienced all the tenderness from human breeders from Kashiwagi. That silent and delicate feeling is an experience it has never experienced before.

After failing to find the escaping Rockets, it returned to the hotel involuntarily.

It was obvious that he was almost healed from his injuries, so he could just leave like this.

This has always been done in the past.

But something special drove it back here, drove it to jump over the stone wall, and chose to acquiesce in the face of Kashiwagi's eyes that were filled with resentment and surprise.

Why would I lie here and let a human imp touch me?

Lei Gong couldn't say either.

Perhaps this is why the Phoenix King is always looking forward to human beings. They can always bring all kinds of unexpected things.

As he was thinking about it, a sour feeling suddenly surged from his chin to his brain. Lei Gong's eyes widened, lightning flashed subconsciously on his body, and his tail stretched straight.

It suddenly came back to its senses and found that Kashiwagi's hand had touched his chin at some point and was scratching it gently.

But in the face of the thunder and lightning it released unconsciously, the latter showed no reaction.

"Insulated gloves, boy!"

Kashiwagi raised his left hand triumphantly.

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